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kevin annett will not answer questions that wuld prove fraud

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Jul 26th, 2012
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  1. Ryan Elson
  3. Jul 23 (3 days ago)
  5. to hiddenfromhist.
  6. Good afternoon, I am an investigative reporter and I am wanting the brussels mailing address and phone number contact information for this "ITCCS council of elders". I think since they are issuing public press statements the public ought to know, who they are, and what sort of "elders" they are as well. Can you please provide me with that information?
  7. Kevin Annett
  9. Jul 23 (3 days ago)
  11. to me
  12. Yes we can provide that. I'll forward you to them. One question first: who do you write for, where are you based, and do you intend to write a piece about our work with some degree of interest and objectivity? Your tone seems slightly antagonistic, so I'd appreciate knowing some more about you first.
  13. thanks,
  14. Kevin
  16. On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 3:46 PM, Ryan Elson <> wrote:
  18. Good afternoon, I am an investigative reporter and I am wanting the brussels mailing address and phone number contact information for this "ITCCS council of elders". I think since they are issuing public press statements the public ought to know, who they are, and what sort of "elders" they are as well. Can you please provide me with that information?
  23. --
  27. See the evidence of Genocide in Canada and other crimes against the innocent at and at the website of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State at .
  30. Messages for Kevin Annett can be left at 250-591-4573 (Canada).
  32. Watch Kevin's award-winning documentary film UNREPENTANT on his website
  34. "I gave Kevin Annett his Indian name, Eagle Strong Voice, in 2004 when I adopted him into our Anishinabe Nation. He carries that name proudly because he is doing the job he was sent to do, to tell his people of their wrongs. He speaks strongly and with truth. He speaks for our stolen and murdered children. I ask everyone to listen to him and welcome him."
  35. Chief Louis Daniels - Whispers Wind
  36. Elder, Turtle Clan, Anishinabe Nation, Winnipeg, Manitoba
  37. Ryan Elson
  39. Jul 23 (3 days ago)
  41. to Kevin
  42. I intend on uncovering the truth about what greg renouf has been writing about regardless of whatever that may be. He's stirred the pot now it is time for answers all around. So yes, indeed antagonistic in so far that I have my eye on doing the legwork to find out the truth.
  44. Clarification would be good for us all I think, I am not out to step on other "truthers" toes, I am out to resolve the debate quickly and move on.
  46. cheers.
  47. Kevin Annett
  49. Jul 23 (3 days ago)
  51. to me
  52. Well, you have every right of course to probe into all of this irrelevant crap, but don't expect to find "the truth", since the issue and concern has largely been fabricated by the agencies renouf works for. He operates from the same script concocted about me by CSIS plants as far back as 1998. Wake up.
  53. Here's a thought: maybe you could apply the same interest and outrage you're suddenly showing about me to the men who murdered and buried all those little native kids. Will you confront those church and government criminals with the same passsion? If not, then go away, son.
  54. Ryan Elson
  56. Jul 24 (2 days ago)
  58. to Kevin
  59. Absolutely I will, I abhor corruption of any sort.
  61. I am sure you of all people understand how big of a fish to fry the church or government are... Those sort of things take time. To unravel a tapestry one has to find the loose threads, and start tugging on as many as they can. I just go where there is controversy, because that is where I can dive right in and find more of those loose threads.
  63. I am just asking those questions because they beg to be asked you ought to know that....I wouldn't have even gotten onto this issue had it not been for greg talking so much about it, now I intend to find out for myself what the deal is with him and with the people (all of them) whom he talks about. The way I see it, something is going on, and there are ways to find out.
  65. Anyways I believe that the first step to any research like this is to try to migrate it to actual paper trails, paper trails tend to be supportive of the truth. I am sure you know that as well.
  67. cheers,
  68. Ryan
  69. Kevin Annett
  71. Jul 24 (2 days ago)
  73. to me
  74. Personally, I feel our research efforts need to go towards such issues as: how have church and state concealed the deaths of tens of thousands of children so effectively - where are the records from generations of medical experimentation at places like the Lakehead Psychiatric hospital and Allan Insitute in Montreal, that utilized live test subjects, many of them native kids - and how is that research into mind control being used today to control and dumb down the population?
  76. If you'd like to explore some of these real issues and life and death matetrs, I'd appreciate your comments about my on line evidence and research posted at .
  78. thanks,
  79. Kevin
  80. Ryan Elson
  82. Jul 24 (2 days ago)
  84. to Kevin
  85. Greg Renouf has generated the question: Are you for real, is there legitimacy to your involvement in this or are you milking it for donations and free trips and an expanded ego?
  86. Let me keep this brief, I agree the evidence paints a picture that the state and church and other organizations have been involved and/or complicit even with more modern examples, however, let me explain what I know about scammers and conmen:
  87. A scammer will do something fast to make a quick buck or get something for free or cheap.
  88. A conman doesn't have to they can pick up a cause (like the malthusian tyranny called the UN does to use as a cloak to hide their more nefarious goals and agenda) and use the cause to keep the game going and establish an aura of un-questionability.
  90. The fact that my government is a fraud doesn't mean that there aren't other frauds out there. Corruption tends to breed it's own.
  92. This is why I am asking the questions and expecting answers, because I am quite capable of following the trail of the ITCCS and it's affiliates and heck if I find it to be a valid organization that doesn't have the hallmarks/fingerprints of a scam then no problems I call it a day and move on. The only reason why I push is when I find during this investigating a clear resistance towards the concrete answers and hints leaning towards that fingerprint I've come to notice everywhere, that gets me a trail to follow.
  94. So how about those questions I asked now?
  96. Which page is the actual DNA laboratory analysis of even 1 bone from the brantford dig? And what is the dates on those bones? I only had time to dig through about half of the document so far, plenty of evidence checks out... but none of it answers my directly asked questions.
  98. Real cases have paper trails that can be easily followed, now I've been maintaining all along that I am aware about there being all sorts of atrocities and many of which were organized and orchestrated by the government, I personally hate the government. All of it, especially the united nations. I am more of an individualist, a sovereign. I have no interest in gifting the present day monster we call government with even greater, global scope in terms of power, in fact I feel that is just the sort of dangerous and toxic reality that was used to manipulate many groups of people into losing absolutely everything. Government eats people (for lack of better words).
  100. I think you will find that I am highly methodical and I will zero in on points were I see issues that will help cut to the chase.
  102. I think my questions are highly relevant considering their answers can send greg away fairly quickly, I keep wondering, what is the problem with answering them? I am trying to stay neutral (but sure as heck haven't recently, you can thank Alex for that I expected he would have helped me answer those questions quietly so I could write up my research and move on; instead he flew off the handle in a forum, alienated himself from WAC VIC, and seriously damaged your reputation, and ended a friendship because of this), but it is extremely difficult when it is impossible to get out what people would need to see in order to make a determination of any sort, why is it better for YOU to leave things up in the air as opposed to resolve them?
  104. When I get attacked, I say bring it on and I directly confront my attackers. Funny how unfortunately our leaders are caught all the time running away whenever they get asked something direct, relevant and pertinent to answer the question.
  106. That question is, are you sir, for real, is this evidence that is mentioned but never provided for real, and if so, why have we been left in the dark waiting for the plain hard facts.
  108. If you have nothing really to hide and in fact are legitimate enough, then perhaps you can help me to put this issue to rest, because I'd much rather get this crap done and over with and get on to fighting the real problem, regarding the local agenda 21 take over that is happening right here right now in Victoria. I personally have found other examples, I believe WAC toronto and WAC london are two good examples of "we are change" organizations that are not really the organizations that they seem, so I happen to know how close to home this sort of stuff can hit, and how our good intentions can be completely hijacked and twisted to suit just about anyone's agenda. This is what I am out there to find out and report on. Transition towns are yet another good example, if they are not Agenda 21, then why are they implementing local Agenda 21 initiatives such as "dorset agenda 21"? This link establishes that is what they are all about. Agenda 21 is bad news, anybody pushing it is a snake oil salesman in my books, made so with crony environmentalism as an instrument of indoctrination, a hagelian dialectic of establishment usurpation of control. Money isn't worth anything, they made that up, I happen to know without a doubt that there is a bigger prize they are vying for (individual liberty and freedom, property ownership, the death of nationalism, consolidation of their fraud grid, and closure to the struggle to control the masses throughout the centuries). Many events nowadays are not by accident they are completely by design and these people are armed with centuries of scientific process that has been devoted to uncovering the science behind the mechanisms of control their uplifted status helped them to discover as well as to uncover new instruments with which to expand their multi-spectral attack.
  110. And no, there are no secret agents out to get me, no death rays being aimed at me, no weird illness to speak of, no brain fog, none of it. In fact if anything I've been uncovering how stupid and powerless the system presently is so that people know that they are not the new god(s).
  112. cheers,
  113. Ryan
  114. Kevin Annett
  116. Jul 24 (2 days ago)
  118. to me
  119. Well, most of those questions have already been addressed, if you read the back issues of our ITCCS site and my online research at and the years of records at .
  121. Everyone is free to conjecture and wonder ad nauseum about peoples' "true motives", but obviously any intelligent estimation of me and my work/motives should follow from an actual awareness of them - what I've done, who I am, and so on. Greg has no such knowledge or approach.
  123. As others have observed, after sacrificing everything in my life for years for this work after losing my job, employability and public name, and undergoing continual blacklisting, a) how exactly am I going about financially "profting" off working with all those poor native people, and b) why would I do so, judging my history, character and proven actions? Why would I jeopardize the only support I have - my credibility with victims and the trust I've earned from them over years - by ripping them off, abusing them, etc. as renouf and co. claim, without any evidence?
  125. Logically, I would not have been able to involve the hundreds of natives in my work and be supported by them if I was engaged in such stuff. Word travels fast and people vote with their feet.
  127. None of these criticisms are new. They were generated years ago by the united church legal dept. and E division of the RCMP. That will all be coming out in our court action. Documents. Everything.
  129. I suggest you wait a couple of months until those documents are out publicly, then judge me. Or not.
  131. After all, I am not the issue. There's the little matter of genocide and child murder, past and present.
  133. Remember?
  134. Kevin Annett
  136. Jul 24 (2 days ago)
  138. to me
  139. Oh, and just one final but significant point, something renouf and co. have never been able to answer: if I;m so intent on profiting off my work and "ripping people off", then why do I do it all for free, on an unpaid basis? My film and book - the main research - are all online, downloadable for nothing, without copyright restrictions. They always have been. I never charge a fee when I speak at forums or events, and hand away my films and research to natives all the time for nothing.
  141. So, I am sorry to trouble you and greg with the facts, but those aren;t the actions of someone "exploiting Indians".
  143. Why not try tackling somebody who really is guilty of a crime, Ryan? I know that requires a risk, and it's safer whacking at me, but really ...
  144. Ryan Elson
  146. 12:49 PM (11 hours ago)
  148. to Kevin
  149. I am not going to fall for this trick kevin, the last document was 400 pages. I want direct answers, if I do not get them, I will have no other choice to report back that you avoided the answers by tossing hundreds of pages of irrelevant crap to obfuscate the truth.
  151. What is the mailing address of the brussels ITCCS contact, what is the name of the person that wrote that document, what are the names and positions of various ITCCS staff.
  153. And what lab did the DNA analyses? Where is the report from even 1 of these labs. I have recordings of alex saying that you got 4 of them.
  155. If these criticisms are not new, then address them directly and stop playing the game of sidestepping with volumes of irrelevant information that if I spent the time sifting through, it is doubtful I'd find anything.
  157. You do have to understand, this is a trick used by a con artist. If the legitimacy were there, I'd have a mailing address by now and not have to ask 3 times to get tossed information that does not contain the answers to the questions.
  159. Sure you have suffered, and sure there are genuine victims. Moving past that, I have questions that have nothing to do with either of those issues which you consistently refuse to provide direct answers for.
  161. If the ITCCS in brussels exists, then you will provide me with that contact information; simple as that. Your avoidance is suggestive of some guilt here and the smoke screen of victims and suffering is not going to steer me off my present course of demanding answers to some simple questions which you are the possessor of.
  163. Not that I have a closed mind but the lack of answers tries my patience in this ordeal. I have bigger fish to fry and will be wrapping all of this up with a video soon, so shall I report back that you declined to answer any of those questions with direct and relevant answers? Or shall I report back and say that you've been helpful, provided a brussel's address, provided names and contact information and everything checks out?
  165. It's up to you.
  167. Cheers,
  168. Ryan
  169. Ryan Elson
  171. 12:52 PM (11 hours ago)
  173. to Kevin
  174. do you not get money for the sales?
  175. Do you not get trips paid for and have plans for many trips coming up in the future (when you speak do you pay your own airfare, hotel and food)?
  176. Alex jones does the same sort of stuff with his documentaries, but thanks to that, his net worth $5 million dollars.
  179. I'll take a wack at both you and greg and see which one stands the scrutiny. So far greg is more helpful in the "direct answers" department, and I haven't had to read thousands of pages to not find the answers.
  180. Kevin Annett
  182. 2:28 PM (10 hours ago)
  184. to me
  185. Look in your heart and ask yourself who and what you are serving.
  187. Goodbye, and good luck. You'll need it.
  188. Ryan Elson
  190. 2:34 PM (10 hours ago)
  192. to Kevin
  193. then I take it that is there is no information for ITCCS in brussels?
  195. I've caught you fool. Post it now or forever be exposed.
  196. Ryan Elson
  198. 2:37 PM (10 hours ago)
  200. to Grenouf
  201. Ryan Elson
  203. 2:39 PM (9 hours ago)
  205. to Kevin
  206. if you cannot post a brussels address for me to inquire, then you definitely are a fraud.
  207. Ryan Elson
  209. 12:18 AM (20 minutes ago)
  211. to info, Kevin
  212. have a look at whom I forwarded that to kevin annett, I am sure these people at will have some questions for you AND will get those answers that I seek.
  214. Anyways, dear antifraudcenter, this man has been soliciting donations on his website:
  217. quoted: "6. Send us a donation, which will be used to produce our books and film and fund our research and travel costs:
  219. To send donations, contact the ITCCS at: genocidetribunal at for information."
  221. And does not have a charity nor registered business, found here:
  225. Apparently he uses activist groups such as occupy, and he also "bluffs" alot:
  230. There was a fake lawsuit with his friend jason bowman who was peddling unstamped court documents as real, there was also no docket number on these documents.
  233. This man has a history of side stepping pertinent questions because the answers will expose him. I want the authorities to now ask him the questions and so do alot of other people. Please ask his man his ITCCS council of elders in brussels mailing address and phone number.
  235. He has been asked to produce the 4 dna results he claims to have, please note alex hunter mentions this during a radio broadcast:
  240. This man has not produced even one of these results, that's because, they do not exist, just like this brussels ITCCS does not exist either.
  242. You may also wish to look on this page:
  246. I have been working with greg renouf for a while now, working hard to expose this parasite.
  248. Please inform the RCMP to look into this man, and please have him arrested for perpetrating fraud on these victims he pretends to represent. His organization since it is not official, probably doesn't even have any books, but this man needs an audit as I am sure he receives plenty of donations and plenty of funds from a book listed on which contains made up quotes from some people whom have now contacted greg renouf and are complaining about it.
  250. Ask him the pertinent questions and watch this man crack when he has no other choice but to provide information which he does not have.
  252. Cheers,
  254. Ryan Elson
  257. 12:18 AM (20 minutes ago)
  259. to me
  261. Translate message
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  267. If you are a victim of identity fraud, have lost money, not received goods or services, are in the process of sending money or have a question or concern, please contact our toll free number 1-888-495-8501 and speak to a representative. Due to high call volume, you may experience an excessive wait time.
  269. Please be aware that the CAFC is a central repository for fraud data. Our Criminal Intelligence Analysis Unit provides support to law enforcement agencies by analyzing fraud data submitted to the CAFC. We strongly recommend that consumers also report all fraud related matters to their local police agency.
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  281. SVP veuillez prendre note que le CAFC est le dépôt central de données sur les fraudes. Notre unité d’analyse de renseignement criminel fournit un soutient aux agences responsables de l’application de la loi en analysant les données sur les fraudes soumises au CAFC. Nous recommandons fortement aux consommateurs de communiquer au préalable avec leur service de police local afin de signaler une fraude.
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