
Text Adventure Chapter 6 Log

May 10th, 2014
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  1. >As you arrive at the station you decide to empty your inventory of all medical material except your trusty procreation pamphlet.
  2. >Then you scoop it back up when you realize what a grave mistake you made tossing it all.
  3. >You would staple it to your body, if you had one.
  5. >You think about practicing your hand to hand skills on the train.
  6. >However, with ponies around you in such close quarters, that might be a poor idea.
  7. >Well, the word is built out of poor ideas, so you just say “fuck it”, and go for it anyway.
  8. >You end up gaining a basic understanding of the skill, but fall on your face.
  9. >This prompts you to stop.
  11. [Basic hand to hand aquired! -3 HP]
  13. >Once everybody has finished their preparations you all board the train.
  14. >The view is nice, and you were seated with all your friends as well.
  15. >As you ponder the shape of a passing cloud while Pinkie rambles on, you hear the door to your cabin open.
  16. >Pinkie rambles on insistently until Berry placed a hoof over her mouth, silencing the mare.
  17. >You turn your head to see Applejack standing in the doorway, looking towards you.
  18. >"Uh. Heya' Anon. Mind if ah have a word... In private?"
  21. >Inventory:
  22. >Anon: Medical Pamphlet (First Aid), Medical. Pamphlet (Procreation), Medical Book (Diseases), Phone, Wallet.
  23. >Red: Pocket Knife, First Aid Kit.
  24. >Berry: Flask, Matches (4).
  25. >Pinkie: Various Sweets, Party Canon.
  28. >
  29. "Sure. Let's talk."
  30. >You walk out of the cabin, turning and giving everybody a smile.
  31. >Berry gave a worried look, but your smile seemed to reassure her.
  32. >You follow AJ to an empty cabin, sitting across from her as you wait for her to speak.
  33. >Silence invades your eardrums as you both fidget in your seats.
  34. >You really don’t want to be the one to have to apologize; it would be a dent to your pride.
  35. >However, the more allies you have here, the better.
  36. >The fact that this is just means to an end helps you begin your apology.
  37. "Look, I'm sorry fo-"
  38. >"Look, ah'm sorry fo-"
  39. >You both halt your speech, and this time she speaks up.
  40. >"Ah'm sorry for how I acted. I should have let ya' say your peace. Just...ah'm just upset. Ya' know? I shouldn't have taken it out on ya'."
  41. "It's okay Applejack, I'm sorry about your brother. I swear, I had nothing to do with this. I even tried to help."
  42. >She seems a bit flustered at the mention of her brother, but she holds her tongue.
  43. >"Ah...yeah. Thanks."
  44. >She extends out a hoof, a symbol of peace between you two.
  45. >She gives a light smile as you take it, giving her a strong shake.
  46. >With that settled, you both depart back to your cabins.
  47. >As you settle down Pinkie and Red look at you curiously.
  48. >"What was that about, Nonny?"
  50. >How do you respond?
  52. >You contemplate reading the medical material again, but decide that you already know enough.
  54. >The only other thing you can think of to do is unleash your alpha, and do some more flirting with Redheart.
  55. >After some back and forth conversation with the nurse, you feel the train hit the breaks.
  56. >Damn, and you were thinking of finding something to spar with, too.
  58. >The various passengers file off of the train. You follow behind Redheart.
  59. >Just as you reach the front of the vehicle, an urge hits you.
  60. >You quickly swat the white mare across her ass.
  61. >A high pitch squeak of surprise escapes her mouth, and a tint of pink enters her face.
  62. >She turns her head and smirks at you, which you return.
  63. >You get off the train into the city of Canterlot.
  68. >You and your group follow in two with Twilight and her friends.
  69. >Making a beeline straight for the castle, you marvel at it's size.
  70. >Once you approach you see Twilight speaking with a guard who in turn moves into the castle.
  71. >Twilight trots back to the group.
  72. >"It'll only be a moment."
  73. >Well, you might as well make conversation.
  74. >Your party was here, as well as the rest of Twilight's friends.
  75. >Plus Twilight herself of course.
  77. >Who would you like to speak to?
  85. "Oh nothing, just making friends."
  86. >Berry gives you a smirk while Red while Pinkie simply give you a few bright smiles.
  87. >You lean towards Red, ready to ask a few questions and maybe practice what you've read about.
  88. "So, nurse, could you teach me a few things about the profession?"
  89. >"Well, we don't have anything to really practice on, but I'll tell you a bit more you might not know!"
  90. "Okay sure. Lay it on me!"
  91. >You two discuss a bit about burns, and how to treat them.
  92. [Additional knowledge (Burns) acquired!]
  94. >"I hope that answered a few of your questions Anon. You know I am always happy to help.
  95. >Oh, I know from last night you big booty bitch.
  96. >"What was that Anon?"
  97. >She is blushing madly, eyes darting across from her and back to you.
  98. >Oh shit, did you say that out loud?
  99. >You look towards Berry and Pinkie, thankfully they are lost in conversation and didn't hear you.
  100. >You clear your throat, making eye contact with Red.
  101. "I think you heard me, babe."
  102. >You chuckle a little.
  103. >Red simply leans back in her seat, though you do see a slight smirk out of your peripheral vision.
  110. >You lean over and kiss Red, taking her by surprise.
  111. >"Nonny! Get a room!"
  112. >You break the kiss, causing Pinkie to giggle at your quick response to her statement.
  113. >As soon as your lips parted you hear an 'mmmmm' come from Berry's direction.
  115. >You all chat, making small talk as you near Canterlot.
  116. >Red stands suddenly, catching your attention.
  117. >"Excuse me, I need to use the little fillies room."
  118. >As she walks out, Pinkie bounces after her.
  119. >"Me too!"
  120. >All you hear is a trail of Pinkie's blabber as they make their way to the bathroom.
  121. >With you and Berry alone, you decide to prod on her seduction skills.
  122. >"So, Berry, I want to seduce Redheart. A lot. Any pointers you can give a fella'?"
  123. >She takes a swig of her flask, leaning in towards you.
  124. >"I could. Would you like tips, or a more on hands approach?"
  125. >She runs a hoof lightly against your crotch, giggling at her own teasing ways.
  126. >"Well Anon. There isn't much to it. Be charming, but assertive. Don't be afraid to get rough either. Oh! And spank, a lot, A LOT. Oh and another thing..."
  127. >Berry might talk even more than Pinkie when sex is involved.
  128. >You wonder what would happen if you talked about alcohol?
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