

Mar 31st, 2015
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  1. 01:20 Sylum An old, nearly bald man opened the bar door, wearing square glasses, and caring a cane, along with something on his shoulder, looking like a monkey, but something was off...
  2. 01:24 Sylum He sat down on a table not ordering anything and seems to be waiting
  3. 01:38 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne glances backwards. Why the hell did she come back here? Who the fuck knows, but there she is, metal skin glinting in the dim bar light. Sipping her drink, she eyes him warily.
  4. 01:40 Sylum He turns to her slowly. "Hello there"
  5. 01:42 McGoFuckYourself "Hi." Idly scratches at the bar counter, scoring a small groove into the wood with her clawed hand.
  6. 01:43 Bud stood at his own little stretch of bar counter, idly sipping a drink and staring off into a wall. He looked almost timid without the usual arsenal coat at his shoulders.
  7. 01:43 Sylum "Tell me, this is the right bar correctly, where the 'heroes' are?
  8. 01:43 Sylum correct*
  9. 01:46 McGoFuckYourself She looks around. "I guess so? From what I hear, it's the meta hangout. Don't fucking know about 'heroes', though." She's never really met Buddy before, so she can't exactly speak for him in that regard.
  10. 01:47 Sylum "Well, it should do enough"
  11. 01:47 *** Sylum is now known as Franklin-Herns
  12. 01:47 Franklin-Herns "I am looking for help"
  13. 01:49 McGoFuckYourself "Lot of people looking for help." She returns to her drink.
  14. 01:49 Bud continued sipping his drink, although his eyes wandered upon the old man.
  15. 01:50 *** F021 joined #neonlights_bar
  16. 01:50 Eridana enters the bar through the door. Like a normal gal.
  17. 01:51 Franklin-Herns "unlike some, I am willing to pay any price"
  18. 01:52 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne gulps her drink. Bosses wife just enters the bar you're in, and you damn well sit up straight. Especially if she's a scary alien lady.
  19. 01:53 *** Buddy joined #neonlights_bar
  20. 01:55 *** Bud quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  21. 01:55 Franklin-Herns "Please, let me introduce myself. I am Franklin Herns, a leading mind in animal genetic studies, some will argue against it, but others thrive to learn more"
  22. 01:56 *** F021 is now known as Cadence
  23. 01:56 Eridana scoffs at the titles being thrown around as she sits upon the bar and looks for a jug of water.
  24. 01:58 McGoFuckYourself "Glad to hear it. I'm the merry princess of England and the Baroness of Romania."
  25. 01:59 Buddy rolls his eyes at the old man's talkup
  26. 01:59 Cadence walks in, wearing a long-sleeved shirt and a pair of jeans. Nothing suspicious.
  27. 02:00 Franklin-Herns the small monkey on his back awoke, crawling off him on to the table, stretching its bat wings, sniffing the air with its strange nose, tail flopping around, white milky eyes, and very sharp looking teeth
  28. 02:01 Eridana looks down at the monkey with a quizzical, void-eyed stare.
  29. 02:02 Franklin-Herns "This poor little thing was blinded, but now not only has echolocation, but flight"
  30. 02:02 Cadence sits down and orders a glass of... Something that's red and seemingly nonalcoholic. While she drinks she looks at the monkey-bat hybrid, curious and scared at the same time.
  31. 02:04 Eridana shook her head and threw the monkey a peanut. "A fine attempt. But if you've access to the tools necessary to splice genetic information and as a result, cause significant physiological mutation... why not just restore the beast's sight?"
  32. 02:04 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne would make some kind of commentary about this place being fucking weird. But considering that her skin's made of metal, she has no place to talk. Though she does chuckle at that comment.
  33. 02:06 Cadence "... It's.. Weird. Uh.. Is that hybrid safe, anyway?"
  34. 02:06 Franklin-Herns "where is the fun in that? Why shouldn't I allow this creature the ability of flight, and new ways to defend itself? And do not worry, he was feed just an hour ago"
  35. 02:07 Franklin-Herns "A new animal stronger then both alone"
  36. 02:07 Eridana nods in between sips of water. "Ahhh, I see. God complex. Very cute."
  37. 02:08 Cadence nods a little. "Alright, then.. What's its name, if it even have one?" Once again she sips her drink.
  38. 02:08 Franklin-Herns "Stuart"
  39. 02:08 Buddy gulps the remainder of his drink at the crazed old geezer.
  40. 02:09 McGoFuckYourself "Stu. It's a Stu. You invent a goddamn monkey bat monster. And you name it Stu."
  41. 02:10 Franklin-Herns "That was his name before he changed"
  42. 02:10 Cadence "Ah, okay."
  43. 02:11 Eridana "I was hoping it had named itself. Shame." She takes another slow sip to empty the glass, crushing some ice between her razor sharp fangs.
  44. 02:12 Franklin-Herns "Hehe" he stopped laughing, a somber look washed over him"As I said, some didn't agree with my field of science, one was angered to the point, of not only taking my daughter, but change her, to prove a point, or to mock me I do not know"
  45. 02:14 Cadence "... Your daughter? Oh my.. I'm so sorry for that. And, I can see why. Making hybrids are a relatively taboo thing."
  46. 02:14 Franklin-Herns "Many of the police and the few heroes we had gave up on finding her and the kidnapper, But I believe I found evidence she is here in this city"
  47. 02:18 *** Buddy quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  48. 02:18 Franklin-Herns He pulls out his phone "I was here to collect new DNA, much like my other visits to other cities, but everyplace I go I check if theres any evidence the kidnapper is there. So far it was nothing but disappointment"
  49. 02:21 *** Bud joined #neonlights_bar
  50. 02:22 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne takes a sip of her drink. "So you've been bar-hopping just to find a group of heroes who would help you out here....?"
  51. 02:22 Franklin-Herns "A hero named The..." He pauses trying to remember. "The Sightseer, who can see through...webcams, security cams, found this" He showed the picture on his phone, a familiar looking man [to some] covered head to toe
  52. 02:25 Cadence looks at the phone, but not recognizing the man. She sighs and sips another drink from her glass.
  53. 02:29 Franklin-Herns "Similar build, jacket, and during the fight to save her, he was...changed as well. Giving merit to being in disguise"
  54. 02:35 McGoFuckYourself "And you think this guy's the one who kidnapped her?"
  55. 02:35 Franklin-Herns "truly hope he is, so I can finally get her back"
  56. 02:37 Eridana "Why not go to CPS. Or another organisation dedicated to this sort of thing?"
  57. 02:37 *** F021_ joined #neonlights_bar
  58. 02:38 McGoFuckYourself "Hell, there's an entire building filled with dedicated superheroes. Corner of First and Main, it's the giant marble place that looks like a fancy museum. Can't miss it."
  59. 02:41 Franklin-Herns He grabbed the cane standing up, Stu climbing back on his back "I thank you for your help, here," He places a 4 cards down on the table. "If you do see him, or learn something about him. please tell me"
  60. 02:41 *** Cadence quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  61. 02:42 *** F021_ is now known as Cadence
  62. 02:43 Cadence picks up the card. "... Okay.. I'll do that."
  63. 02:44 Franklin-Herns "Thank you all again, and please, keep an eye out"
  64. 02:44 McGoFuckYourself "Yeah......sure." She sighed.
  65. 02:44 Franklin-Herns He leaves the bar, Stu 'staring' at them
  66. 02:45 Bud pockets one of the cards before returning to his drink.
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