

Feb 14th, 2017
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  1. [quantity] [item] [buy] - [sell]
  2. 32pc cobblestone [200] - [60]
  3. 32pc wood [300] - [100]
  4. 32pc andesite [350] - [120]
  5. 32pc diorite [350] - [120]
  6. 32pc dirt [150] - [50]
  7. 32pc sand [170] - [55]
  8. 32pc glass [180] - [60]
  9. 32pc woool(all colors) [450] - [100]
  10. 16pc obsidian [3000] - [600]
  11. 32pc flowers [1500] - [not sellable]
  12. 32pc glowstone [3500] - [not sellable]
  13. 32pc brick [1000] - [300]
  15. Carrot [4pc 200] [32pc 400]
  16. Potato [4pc 200] [32pc 400]
  17. Netherwart [4pc 400] [16pc 500]
  18. Wheat [16pc 400] [32pc 400]
  19. Gunpowder [16pc 600] [32pc 300]
  20. Sugarcane [4pc 150] [32pc 300]
  21. Cocoa [4pc 400] [32pc 800]
  22. Melon seeds [4pc 400]
  23. Melon block [not buyable] [32pc 800]
  24. Blaze rod [8pc 600] [32pc 600]
  27. 32pc coal [600] - [200]
  28. 16pc lapiz lazuli [700] - [250]
  29. 1pc diamond [2000] - [600]
  30. 8pc iron ingot [800] - [160]
  31. 32pc redstone [1000] - [350]
  32. 8pc emerald [1200] - [200]
  33. 1pc anvil [2500] - [not sellable]
  34. 1pc enchantment table [3500] - [not sellable]
  35. 1pc diamond helmet [7000] - [not sellable]
  36. 1pc diamond chesplate [13000] - [not sellable]
  37. 1pc diamond leggings [11000] - [not sellable]
  38. 1pc diamond boots [6000] - [not sellable]
  39. 4pc bookshelf [1000] - [not sellable]
  40. 1pc nametag [2000] - [not sellable]
  41. 1pc beacon [50000] - [not sellable]
  42. 1pc hopper [400] - [not sellable]
  44. PlayerHeads
  45. CombatLog
  46. RandomTP
  47. KitPackages
  48. KitPreview
  49. WarpGui
  50. Openinv
  51. LibsDisguises
  52. EchoPet
  53. EasyItemRename
  54. CompatNocheatPlus
  55. NoCheatPlus
  56. Stattrack (this is custom plugin i had requested before, useful for donor items)
  57. InfoCMD (this is for /help, just to make it look neat and nice)
  58. RedeemMCMMO (get the version on the one we had on rebirthcraft, i had it fixed by someone)
  59. bounty (get the version on the one we had on rebirthcraft, i had it fixed by someone)
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