

Sep 9th, 2013
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  1. Name: Mitzi the Dragon
  2. Gender: Female
  3. Race: Baby Dragon
  4. Hits: 5/5
  5. Class: Rouge
  6. Talent: Devious (+2 Backstab)
  8. Skills:
  9. -Fireproof Scales(racial): instant automatic; 3 times per combat ; At character creation choose an element type, such as fire, ice or lightning; when you use this ability the negative effects of the chosen element do not affect you. Successful attacks still deal damage as normal but the elemental effect you choose has no effect on you (i.e not helpless for a turn when hit by lightning) This also allows you attempt feats most other races can’t. (i.e swimming in lava with fireproof scales)
  10. -Backstab: weapon. recharge 1; strikes the enemy from behind. No counterattack damage except on critfail if used from Stealth. Crits on a 9+. Kills helpless targets.
  11. -Vanish: automatic instant, recharge 2; Treat as Stealth while out of combat. You become hidden as though you used Stealth and move behind a target. When you use a second action, treat it as though using it while hidden.
  12. -Rupture: weapon, recharge 1; on crit, deals a wound of damage to the target instead of removing hits. Targets that would have been rendered helpless by the blow are still rendered helpless as well.
  14. Weapons:
  15. -Dual Claws Gauntlets
  16. Twin Strike: weapon; Make two attacks, rolling separately for each.
  17. Flurry: Passive; Whenever you crit on a normal attack or Twin Strike, you can make an extra attack for free. If both attacks from Twin Strikes crit, you get two extra attacks
  20. Inventory:
  21. -Huntress Outfit
  22. -Backpack
  23. -Survival Rations
  24. -Flint and Steel
  25. -50 Foot rope
  26. -Iron Pot
  27. -JoyBoy Portable Gaming System
  28. -"Megamare Collection Gold"
  29. -"Hyperspace Hyperwars: Age of Conflict"
  30. -"Daring Do Adventures 2"
  31. -"Solid Metal Doom: Super Sneaking Action"
  32. -"BlockWork Portable Edition"
  33. -"Super Mareio Bros 1-2"
  34. -"Super Pony Fighter II Turbo"
  35. -"Dark Hooves"
  36. -"Colt of Duty"
  37. -"Grand Theft Saddle: Manehatten Stories"
  38. -"Maretroid"
  39. -"Battlecolts"
  40. -"Destroy all Ponies"
  41. -"Hoof-Life 2 Orange Box"
  42. -"Max Mane 2, The Fall of Max Mane"
  43. -"Canterlot Noire"
  44. -Bag of AA batteries
  47. Traits:
  48. A female baby dragon with pink scales, green eyes, and purple head spines. Wears a tiny huntress outfit with weapon holsters and survival essentials.
  50. Antisocial, vindictive, and violent Mitzi couldn't even fit in with her own dragon flight. Determined to make her own way in the world she set out in search of a place where she can play her vidya games in peace.
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