
Anon In Fallout Equestria

Jun 21st, 2012
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  1. Anon in Fallout Equestria
  3. >Fucking magic
  4. >That’s the only explanation I can think of for this bullshit
  5. >One day, I was just minding my own, playing fucking Fallout like a boss.
  6. >I’ve got the best pony walking around my screen. She just spoke to me, shit was SO cash!
  7. >Suddenly, a blue flash erupts from my vidya screen and next thing I know, I’m spat out on a cold concrete floor in a pitch black room.
  8. >Now, I’m sitting on my ass in the dark, trying not to puke. I breathe in trying to calm myself. Smells like rust and some pretty gnarly mold.
  9. >Puke anyway. Why can’t I hold all this vomit?
  10. >When I’m done, I wipe my mouth clean and try to crawl away from my mess. My hand steps right into the middle of it.
  11. >Fuck my gay life.
  12. >With grunt of disgust I stand, nausea be damned, and stumble forward with my arms outstretched until I press against a cold wall.
  13. >It’s rough and pretty damn dirty. Where the hell am I? A horrible revelation dawns upon me.
  14. “I didn’t get to save! Fuck! 12 hours down the shitter…”
  15. >I hear a loud moan, a voice that sounds like it had been grinded against sandpaper.
  16. >What the fuck!?
  17. >I freeze, searching desperately around the room. It’s still pitch black.
  18. >A flicker of light illuminates the room for a split-second. I didn’t see much but what I did catch was quite a mess. In that flash, I saw an upturned desk, scattered papers, broken glass, and the walls were covered in rust and mold.
  19. >Another sickly growl shoots about the room.
  20. >Don’t fucking move. I wait quietly; maybe the light will flicker again.
  21. >Indeed it does. I catch a glimpse of the source.
  22. >A green bar about a foot long shimmers above a doorway.
  23. >“MANAGEMENT” It reads.
  24. >Am I in some ruined office building? I sniff quietly and slowly step towards the doorway, keeping my hand on the rusty wall.
  25. >My foot hits something, it makes a metallic clang. There is a harsh hiss from that same voice in the distance.
  26. >I reach for the noise, it’s some metal bar. Could be handy, so I grip it tightly in my free hand and continue onwards.
  27. >Another flicker of light. I’m just at the door, I see it’s closed. How the do I open it?
  28. >I get close and it automatically opens on it’s on its own. How convenient.
  29. >The room now before me has many interesting things in it. It has working lights, so I can actually see that it is just as ruined as the room as I was just in apparently was. There were some empty bottle slaying around, some destroyed terminals, and a lot of rubble. Most importantly however, was the zombified pony staring right at me from the center of the room.
  30. “What the actual fuck!?”
  31. >This zombie-horse screeches an unnatural noise as it stares at me hungrily. Before I can think, it gallops at me in an unsettling stumble with a broken leg.
  32. “What the fuck…”
  33. >This thing was obviously fucking dangerous. As it quickly approached I tensed and readied myself.
  34. >With the pony zombie within reach, I swing the metal pipe at it. The pipe smashes against the side of the undead equine’s head; blood splatters on my face and chips of it’s skull fling about in random directions; even it’s left eye shoots out of its socket and smacks me in the face.
  35. >After the impact, the zombie pony stumbles harshly and falls to its side in a crumpled heap. I had managed to smash its skull open. I watched its brains slowly leak out from the exploded side.
  36. >I puke again. God, I’m such a fucking casual
  37. “Dammit…Why couldn’t that portal take me someplace cool, like Equestria or something?”
  38. >Then I look at the dead pony on the floor. Despite its decayed appearance, I notice it had a green coat and its mane was light-green with a white stripe running through it.
  39. “Never seen a horse like that before... Wait…”
  40. >A cold chill runs though my gut. Am I in the Equestrian Zombie apocalypse?
  41. >Fuck my gay life.
  42. >I wipe my mouth clean and try to ignore the corpse. I just need to keep going through this destroyed office building; I have to get outside, if only for some fresh air.
  43. >Through the trashed office, I reach a wooden door, its window is broken halfway and it looks like it is barely hanging onto its hinges. I press against it.
  44. >It falls down with a sharp crack.
  45. >I am now in a lobby of some sort. I’m lucky enough to find a horde of Zombie ponies awaiting me beside a ruined fountain.
  46. > Of course, by ‘lucky’ I mean ‘fucking shit’. If only I had been in sneak mode, I probably could have snuck past them.
  47. >They snarl and screech as soon as they notice me.
  48. >Well, fuck… I was playing my vidya and now I’m going to get eaten by zombie horses.
  49. >Figures…
  50. >I prepare myself to have an epic last stand, when suddenly, a blast rings at what I think is the front door of this building.
  51. >I immediately duck behind closest chest-high wall I can find, which just happens to be another upturned desk. I peek out the corner of it and I see another pony rush in, guns a-blazin’.
  52. >The zombies are all mostly gibbed. One reaches me; it apparently didn’t care about our immediate visitor. I learned it was there because it sunk its teeth into my left shoulder.
  53. >With a harsh grunt, I jerk forward and twist around, managing to shake it off. I spin to face it and I bring my pipe against the side of its mottled, rotting head. I strike its jaw line and it stumbles to its side awkwardly, turning away from me.
  54. >Not wasting a moment, I rush at it and bring my pipe to the back of its head. There is a wet-sounding crack immediately drowned out by the sounds of gunfire in the room.
  55. >Its skull folds in like paper, bits of blood brains spray out against the rusted walls. It slumps lazily to the ground, grey ooze leaking from its new mouth.
  56. >My fucking shoulder is throbbing! I grip it and I drop to a knee.
  57. >Oh shit, what if these are like the contagious kind of zombies? How fucked am I?
  58. >Before I can think of an answer to that question, I am roughly tackled to the ground onto my back.
  59. >A white pony with red and black hair stood above me, holding me at the shoulders with heavy hooves. More importantly, a fucking shotgun was being levitated before my face!
  60. >She growls at me.
  61. “Who are you? What are you? Are you with The Harbingers?”
  62. >My mind is full of fuck.
  63. “I have no idea what is going on right now!”
  64. >The pony’s face melts into a frown. She has striking red eyes, in fact, I think they’re glowing. Red eyes, take warning.
  65. “Whoa, you can talk!”
  66. >I could say the same, but I don’t because I’m feeling like a little bitch at the moment.
  67. “You’re not trying to attack me either. Are you gonna try if I let you up?
  68. >I just shake my head.
  69. “Alright then, let’s go before they find us!”
  70. >She slips off of me and grabs the collar of my shirt in her metallic fingers.
  71. >Wait, fingers? What?
  72. >Being yanked to my feet, I get a quick look at her and I see that she is decked out in some interesting combat armor, plated black leather with what looks like a little foal painted on her sides. She lets go of me and the ‘fingers’ slip back into little slots on her metal hoof. All of her hooves-her legs-appear to be cybernetic. I wonder if her glowing eyes were as well?
  73. >Didn’t she just mention that someone is going to find us?
  74. “What’s going on? Who’s coming?”
  75. >The sound of a commotion comes in from the front door. I hear heavy footsteps, lots of shouting.
  76. “She ran in here, I heard gunshots! Fucking get her already!”
  77. >The white pony was grinding her teeth and staring intently at the door.
  78. “Dammit, they’ll search this whole building for me. I might not have a choice…”
  79. >She turns to me. She suddenly looks really tired and she looks at my left shoulder. It’s still bleeding and throbbing...
  80. “That ghoul got you good. Your shoulder looks pretty bad. Drink this, it’s a little drained but it should fix you up.”
  81. >My hearts skips a beat when I notice that she is a unicorn. A white aura forms around her, surprisingly small, horn and a red bottle from her saddlebag floats to me. I grab it out of the air. It’s some kind of health potion? I yank off the lid in my teeth and chug the fluid inside.
  82. >Taste like crap. However, my shoulder feels better almost instantly. Holy shit…
  83. “That’s good. Can you use a gun? If not, you better hide; they’re only coming for me. You can still get away.”
  84. >My mind is running in a thousand directions. The guns, that potion, those ghouls…Interesting name for those zombies…
  85. “Sh-Yeah, I’ll fight. Give me something.”
  86. >She tilts her head and looks at me inquisitively. She floats to me some kind of small firearm.
  87. “Wut?”
  88. >It seems to be a 9mm pistol but it’s shaped really fucking weird, like the handle is also the trigger, as if it were meant to be held sideway. I look at her.
  89. “Do as I tell you and you won’t die. Do not fire, until I tell you to fire. I don’t want anypony to die…”
  90. >She says that like death was guaranteed. What the hell is going is going on? Is this Equestria? Why are there guns, death, zombies- or rather- ghouls?
  91. “Hey, you look really confused; I’ll explain when we’re safe.”
  92. >Despite her tired eyes, she smiles reassuringly at me. There’s a loud crash at the front door. We both dart behind the desk.
  93. “Security! W-We know you’re in here! C-Come out!”
  94. >Srsly guis, you don’t stutter when you’re trying to order someone you’re planning to kill.
  95. >Security. Are they referring to this white pony? She shouts besides me.
  96. “You know you can’t kill me! I’ve got weapons, allies, and plenty of ammunition in here! I don’t want to have to kill you!”
  97. >Damn. She sounded pretty convincing to me. Why is she even running away from these ‘Harbingers’?
  98. “W-We don’t have a choice…”
  99. >I lean to my side to peek a glance at the frail voices by the entrance.
  100. >Fuck, a single orange foal and two thin ponies, a yellow mare and a red stallion, stood shaking. They were dressed in amazingly shoddy green and black armor that looked more like peasant clothes but they all held rifles in their mouths. They were scared shitless.
  101. “Then throw down your weapons and hide, I’ll take care of you, just stand down!”
  102. >At Security’s request, they all seemed to become even more frightened. Shit, the little foal wielding what seemed more like a BB gun just urinated on herself. She drops the gun and starts to cry.
  103. ”Mommy, I w-want to go home, Please I-I don’t want to do this anymore!”
  104. >She runs out the entrance.
  105. “No sweetie, no!”
  106. >The yellow mare chases after her, screaming in desperation.
  107. > The red stallion looks pale before he chases after them.
  108. >It’s silent for a second.
  109. >Then, I hear the grinding noise of large gun and shrill screams of the ponies and the foal.
  110. >It’s deathly silent again.
  111. “Dammit…”
  112. >Security choked out the word and I turned to see a pained expression on her face as she grits her teeth.
  113. >My heart is pounding against my chest. I hear stomping at the entrance.
  114. >Holy fucking shitballs, that’s a big pony with a big-ass gun! He is well armored and is wielding a motherfucking minigun. He also has an appropriately booming voice.
  115. “Fucking wastes…Come out, Security. I’ll make this quick…”
  116. >Security turns to me. She is shaking but I can see by her hateful expression that it’s not because of fear. She hisses at me.
  117. “Stay down…”
  118. >She cocks her shot gun and crouches.
  119. >I’m still hoping he’ll go away.
  120. >lolnope. The grinding of the machine starts. up and a stream of bullets start sweeping the room from our side.
  121. >Fuck.
  122. >Security jumps out from behind the desk and starts firing her shells at the big fucker while she darts past the railings.
  123. >I bite my lip and hold myself as close to the ground as I can get as the stream of bullets quickly powders the top of the desk, peppering me with burning wood slivers and violently shaking my entire body.
  124. >The bullets follow Security across the room while she cracks off shots at Minigun Pony. I hear a sharp clank and grunt from Minigun.
  125. >I try to peek out from the corner, it’s hard to see with wood chips in my eyes but she’s somehow managed to bust off the helmet of the looming stallion. He bellows out...
  126. “Die, die, just fucking die already!!”
  127. >Security slides behind a thick statue tipped over at the side of the room, the bullets are grinding away at it, fuck she’s pinned and that rock won’t last long.
  128. >My hands fumble around for that odd gun she gave me. I find it and awkwardly aim it at the big fucker. Shit, my eyes burn. I squint, attempt to aim. Shit, can I really do this?
  129. >DO IT FAGGOT!
  130. >I squeeze that trigger. It doesn’t even come close to hitting him. In fact, I missed so critically that the recoil causes me to drop the gun.
  131. >Well…fuck. At least I got his attention. His gaze darts to me for a second.
  132. >Before he could look back, a barrage of lead tears into the side of his face, blasting his brains out of a new hole on the side of his head. He slumps backwards, dropping the minigun.
  133. >Security climbs over the nearly crumbled statue and examines the dead stallion. I can’t tell if she said anything or not.
  134. >She steps over him and approaches the front door. She peers out, then calms down but continues to stand at the door.
  135. >Shaking, I stand up and approach her, trying to brush the wood chips off of me. I step to the other side of the front door and peer over her.
  136. >It’s pitch black outside. Was that it? Are we safe?
  137. >It may be the middle of the night out but in the dim glow from the building, we can see the remains of the two ponies and the foal.
  138. >I look at her. She’s just quietly staring at the bodies. Her face looks like she’s dead on her hooves. It even hurts to look at. She silently returns inside the building.
  139. “Help me search the place; might find something useful and we should rest here until morning.”
  140. >She steps past the corpses like she either doesn’t notice them or is ignoring them and heads into the room where I met my first ghoul.
  141. >I feel like I should say something but the words don’t really come. I do as she says and when I enter the room, she’s already searching around the desks and file cabinets.
  142. >She’s found a safe and now she’s using her magic to pick the lock open with bobby pins and a screwdriver. I watch her fumble with it for a bit. There is a click and with a satisfied smirk, she opens it.
  143. >Looking inside, she makes a loud sqee and pulls out two bottles of what appears to be alcohol.
  144. >So ponies DO have alcohol.
  145. >There’s also a magnum-looking gun with a couple rounds of ammunition.
  146. >This gun looks different, like it was normal, or rather, like one from my world.
  147. >It occurs to me that I lost the 9mm-looking gun when I dropped it and I haven’t bothered to look for it. Oh well, better gun here.
  148. “Can, I have that gun?”
  149. >She’s holding those bottles like she’s found gold. She perks her ears at me and nods happily.
  150. “I’ve got plenty of guns, that one I gave was even a throw-away I just happened to have.”
  151. >I pocket the gun and check its ammunition. Yup, it almost like any other gun back home, I wonder why it’s different than the other gun.
  152. “So, stranger, what’s your name?”
  153. >The security mare is sitting beside me as I fiddle with the gun. I look at her and shrug.
  154. “Well, Security, you can uh…. Anon. Yeah, call me Anon.”
  155. >She smirks at me with a mocking grin.
  156. “You don’t need to call me that. My name is Blackjack. All my friends call me that.
  157. >Blackjack huh? The colors of her mane and coat do remind me those of typical playing cards
  158. “Well then, Anon, I hope you like to drink because we’ll be able to enjoy this Wild Pegasus while we explain ourselves to each other; I can fill you in since you seem so clueless and you can explain to me what the hell you are.”
  159. >I snicker and nod. She’s honest and straight to the point, my kind of girl.
  160. “Sounds like a plan.”
  162. “So…This is Equestria after all.”
  163. >Blackjack nodded after my statement, quickly drinking another swig of her whiskey
  164. >We’ve set up a campsite of sorts. We pulled together some rags, dragged over a few cabinets and she lit a fire in an empty trashcan.
  165. >It’s almost comfortable.
  166. >She had removed her combat barding and I now saw her completely white coat, damn, she’s pretty scarred up. I also noticed her cutie mark. It’s an Ace and Queen playing card; a Blackjack.
  167. >Moreover, I her legs are completely cybernetic up to her torso; I figure her eyes are also cybernetic due to their glowing red irises, they didn’t quite look organic.
  168. >I figure I can ask her about her limbs later.
  169. “Yeah, the Equestrian Wasteland. You’re even in the worst part of it all: Hoofington.”
  170. >I find it hard to picture that land of candy colored ponies lying in ruins in the apocalypse. Hell, the thought of seeing what looked like characters of a little girl’s cartoon shooting and killing each other still seemed surreal to me. This certainly not the Equestria I knew of.
  171. “..What happened?”
  172. >She scrunched up her nose and shook her head. Why is that always so adorable to me?
  173. “Good question.”
  174. >Another pull of the wild Pegasus.
  175. “War. War never changes. But our home has become something unrecognizable. It’s all I’ve ever known, ever since I left my stable. That wasn’t such a good place either.”
  176. >She wears a wry grin and shrugs
  177. “What happened was…”
  178. >She then proceeded to give me quite the exposition dump that I can sum up in a single sentence: 200 years ago, war came and ate everything up, Ponies and Zebras killed each other over resources, everyone blew themselves up, and now everything is shit. Also, the best pony is long dead.
  179. >Feels bad man
  180. “…That’s about it. Here I am, wandering around The Hoof, trying to find my own answers. For today, I got separated from my friends. I was on my way to meet them when that small group of Harbingers found me. Why do they want me dead? Yet another question on my list.”
  181. >By the time she was finished, we had both gone through half of our bottles.
  182. >I was feeling pretty floaty
  183. “Well, I got warped here while I was playing my vidya and I figure I gotta find my way home. My computer is probably still on and I haven’t saved yet.”
  184. >She tilted her head and smirked.
  185. “What? Vidya?”
  186. “Yeah, you know…its electronic entertainment. You can go on the internet (Which is basically a lot of computers all hooked together) and kill faggots or just play with yourself, like I was.”
  187. >I’m too drunk to notice what I just said or why she’s suddenly snickering.
  188. “In fact, what I was playing when I got warped seems like it was oddly relevant to my current situation…. I can’t remember exactly what I was playing though.
  189. >I’m apparently too drunk to make the connection.
  190. >She’s still snickering.
  191. ”What?”
  192. >She gives me a big smile
  193. “You’re kind of weird. But all my friends are weird, hell, I’m really weird, so it works for everyone! Are all humans like you?”
  194. >I immediately recognize an opportunity to abuse this moment and proclaim myself as some kind of royalty. I could tell her how amazing my life is and that everyone should be like me
  195. >But I’m also not a tremendous faggot, as far as I’m aware anyway.
  196. “If there were more humans like me, the world would be screwed. I’m just some idiot who got unlucky.”
  197. >She looked at me in the eyes and smiled. I got the feeling she was sizing me up. She nodded and took another swill of her booze.
  198. >Damn, she’s one hell of a drinker; I’m not sure how much more I can take.
  199. >I take a sip of mine so I don’t feel like such a pussy
  200. >She’s staring into the fire-in-a-barrel, no longer smiling. She levitates another piece of wood from a broken desk and tosses it in. It makes a sharp cackle as it burns. She gives a weary sigh and frowns.
  201. >I know that sigh. I have a good feeling for what it’s about. I still remember her expression when she was looking at the corpses of those ponies.
  202. >I unsteadily stand (dat booze) and I take wobbly steps while she watches me with a surprised expression. I clumsily sit beside her and pat her shoulder.
  203. “Hey, it’s not your fault, Blackjack. They made their choice and ran, you tried to help them.”
  204. >I hope that’s what she was thinking about because if not, I’m going to look like a total ass.
  205. >She blinks a wide-eyed expression and turns away.
  206. “I could have done something…I could have said something else, they didn’t need to die.”
  207. >After a second of relief at my correct guess, I continue, trying to pick my next words carefully
  208. “You avenged their deaths, killed their killer so he won’t kill again. Also, Blackjack, not everyone died.”
  209. >She turned looking rather sorrowful but with a glint of hope in her eyes
  210. “You saved my life. You risked your neck for some strange creature you’ve never seen before and knew nothing about him. In my eyes, you’re pretty damn heroic, Blackjack.”
  211. >Oh shit, is she blushing?
  212. >Dat swag
  213. >She really seems brighter somehow; at least she’s smiling again
  214. “You’re really sweet, Anon.”
  215. >Nice
  216. >She staring in my eyes again, I keep contact as well
  217. >Then she smoothly leans close to me, close her eyes, and kisses my lips
  218. >Double nice
  219. >She smells like the whisky but surprisingly sweet otherwise. Her lips gently tug on my lower lip and she nibbles softly on it. Her breath is hot and haggard she trembles slightly, but she remains firm and confident. She drags the kiss on for a few seconds before quickly pulling away.
  220. >She wipes her lips with a furious blush on her cheeks
  221. “W-Well, now I’m kissing that strange I know nothing about and risked my neck for. I think that’s where I draw the line for today.”
  222. >She takes a long sill of her whiskey before tossing the empty bottle away.
  223. >My face is quite flustered while she walks always and rests on some rags beside the fire.
  224. “…But thanks for the kind words, Anon. I still wish things could have gone differently but now it doesn’t hurt as much.”
  225. “No problem, thanks for the kiss, I feel like a real man now.”
  226. “By the way, that’s our little secret. If Glory finds out I kissed yet another person…”
  227. >I scratched my chin
  228. “Glory?”
  229. >She shrugs and leans her head back gaily
  230. “She’s my lover; you’ll meet her soon, if you come with me anyway.”
  231. “She?”
  232. >Why can’t I hold all these nice?
  233. “Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me. And, I think I’ll be better off if I go with you.”
  234. >I can’t shoot for shit and this metal pipe is only getting me so far. I don’t even know how fucked up the apocalypse is.
  235. “When we find my friends, I’ll introduce you to Lacunae. She can warp and she knows a lot of stuff since she’s connected to the Goddess. Maybe she might know something.
  236. >What the fuck? Goddess? Sounds like she’s referring to some kind network
  237. “So is this ‘connection’ like the internet then, lots of information lying around?”
  238. >Blackjack’s face twists up
  239. “I…guess. I’m really not a smart pony so I wouldn’t really know. You can ask her about it.”
  240. >Alright then. After that, the evening gets pretty quiet after that. I decide to just sleep on the cabinet where I sat. I thought about asking Blackjack if I could but that seemed like it wouldn’t fly. Oh well, maybe sometime in the future.
  241. >Hey, I’m in the apocalypse, in which I could probably get killed. Anything that moves!
  242. >I finish off my whiskey and just watch the fire. I don’t see if Blackjack falls asleep or not.
  243. >Damn it, I hope my computer doesn’t melt while I’m gone, maybe I can still get home in time to save my progress.
  244. >I don’t worry about it as I drift off into darkness.
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