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Jun 17th, 2012
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  1. <isaac> hmm, my application is locking up when I change node properties. Before I dig deeper, is there anything special I should know about changing node properties in a gegl graph? It only seems to happen after I have blitted the graphs at least once
  2. <isaac> it's not even a segfault. It just freezes, like an infinite loop
  3. <isaac> it looks like gegl_node_get_context is the last gegl function on the stack before the freeze
  4. <isaac> hmm
  5. <isaac> all I see is mutex_lock on the stack, but no call to g_hash_table_lookup
  6. <isaac> here's the stack starting at my call to g_object_set_property()
  7. <isaac>
  8. <isaac> my call to gegl_node_set_property, rather. Interestingly, the hang only occurs if I call it *after* calling a function called refresh_images:
  9. <isaac> I can call gegl_node_set_property as much as I want, but once I call refresh_images at least once, the next call to gegl_node_set_property causes a hang
  10. <isaac> am I doing something unsafe in refresh_images?
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