
Tender Moments (ch6)

Nov 26th, 2018
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  3. Yes finally, it's about time I did my trademark favorite trope for these two: the sick fic!
  5. Disclaimer: I do not own Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight.
  7. --------------
  9. Chapter 6.
  11. After the date to the aquarium, Claudine had been exhausted enough to fall asleep nearly right away. But hardly two hours have passed when she's woken by a discomfort in her throat, tickling and itching at the same time.
  13. She turns her face to cough into her shoulder rather than onto Maya's nightgown, but what she'd hoped to be a single cough ends up turning into a small bout. She does her best to stifle them, which only makes them all the more aggressive.
  15. As for Maya, she wakes at the sound of the first cough, hoping it's just one of those midnight scratches that can be cleared away quickly. But when Claudine continues to jolt against her, Maya squeezes her shoulders softly and opens her eyes to the darkness.
  17. "Claudine?" she rasps. "What's wrong?"
  19. Claudine shakes her head, miffed that she'd woken her.
  21. "It's nothing. Just an itch in my throat."
  23. But somehow Maya doesn't believe her. Letting the moonlight guide her, she brushes Claudine's bangs aside and presses their foreheads together. Claudine does everything within her power to hold back another cough so she won't wheeze it right into her face.
  25. Maya sits herself up as she eases away from her. The frown remains.
  27. "You feel a little warm."
  29. "I'd rather feel warm than cold after all that rain."
  31. "Even so..." Maya rubs her palm up and down Claudine's back as the girl coughs a few more times. There are a few bottles of water on the floor next to the bedside table, and Maya reaches down to grab and open one. "Here. Drink slowly."
  33. Claudine does as she's told and manages a few sips, and all the while Maya rubs her back soothingly. When she's finished drinking the coughing seems to have stopped.
  35. "Merci." With a sigh Claudine hands Maya the bottle.
  37. Maya puts it back where it belongs, then right away turns her full attention back to her partner. She's obviously tired, which is to be expected, but Maya can't help but feel she seems a bit off.
  39. She hugs Claudine, kissing her forehead gently, feeling the warmth of her skin. Claudine sighs against her, closing her eyes again.
  41. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. We have classes tomorrow..."
  43. "Don't worry about it. I wish you'd wake me if something's not right."
  45. "It was just a cough. But I'm a little glad it woke us up. I forgot to say it back." She lifts her head until she's face-level with Maya, then leaves a gentle kiss on her cheek. "Je t'aime, Ma Maya."
  47. Maya offers a matching smile and reflects the kiss.
  49. "Je t'aime, Ma Claudine. Are you sure you're all right?"
  51. "I'm fine. Now, we'd better get some rest, or else we'll sleep in and be late for class. And then who knows what kind of rumors everyone will start about us?"
  53. "Nothing worse than what they've already started, I'm sure."
  55. "Ugh, don't remind me..."
  57. Claudine flops down onto the mattress while Maya lies down more slowly. She can't help but feel that Claudine is being extra expressive in order to hide something.
  59. She inches close to her back and wraps both arms around her stomach, pulling her in and kissing the back of her neck at the chain of the necklace. She feels her exhale, and another small cough interrupts her breath. But Claudine grunts and huffs the rest of them away to quiet herself.
  61. "Get some rest," she murmurs. "Bonne nuit."
  63. Maya gives her another tentative little squeeze.
  65. "Bonne nuit, Ma Claudine."
  67. They drift off again before very long, and the rest of the night is quiet.
  69. ------------
  71. Maya wakes early, even before the alarm on her phone goes off. She can sense right away something isn't right.
  73. When she opens her eyes, she finds herself separated from Claudine, just by a few inches, but it's still too much for her liking. Claudine's back is to her, and the blankets have all been messed up and ruffled halfway down to her hip.
  75. Maya feels the first drop of concern at seeing that; Claudine is a very calm sleeper, and she never tosses or turns or makes a mess out of her bed.
  77. But Maya doesn't want to get ahead of herself and start worrying unnecessarily.
  79. She's still for a moment, watching the rise and fall of Claudine's side as she sleeps. She can't be certain, but in her opinion Claudine's breathing is a little quicker than normal, and from what her ears can determine she's breathing through her mouth – something else she almost never does.
  81. Maya reaches forward slowly to curl a lock of her hair through her fingers and cards through it for a moment, petting from the back of Claudine's neck to halfway down her back. She definitely feels a bit warmer than usual; Maya can tell just from this minuscule amount of contact.
  83. Carefully, Maya brushes Claudine's hair away from the nape of her neck and rests her palm at the center of her back. And she's startled to feel Claudine's pulse jumping beneath her hand, pounding with unnatural fierceness for a sleeping girl. Maya sits herself up instantly.
  85. "Claudine?" She rests a hand on her shoulder and turns her onto her back so she may see her face.
  87. Claudine's skin is tinged red with fever and coated in a thin veil of sweat. Her breathing is shallow on the way in and harsh on the way out, making for a very conflicted result.
  89. Maya caresses her cheek, letting her fingers glide down over the side of Claudine's neck to settle over her collar. The little seashell trinket is cold in contrast to her skin. Her heart is pounding hard enough for Maya to be able to feel it. She gives her a gentle but desperate shake.
  91. "Claudine-"
  93. Claudine makes a small sound in the back of her throat, but of course it ends up as a cough. Her brow furrows as another little bout attacks her chest even before she's opened her eyes.
  95. Maya slips an arm beneath her shoulders and helps her sit up, wincing at the thundering beat of her pulse.
  97. "Easy," she whispers, kissing her forehead. "Breathe, Claudine."
  99. A shudder runs through her in contrast to the heat coming off her skin. Claudine moans, turning her head toward Maya before slowly blinking her eyes open. They're glazed and blurry, nothing at all like the bright shining eyes she'd blessed the world with yesterday. Her voice is a strangled rasp too.
  101. "Maya... ah-"
  103. And more coughing. Maya rubs her chest for her slowly.
  105. "You've got a fever."
  107. "No kidding..."
  109. In spite of the situation, Maya cracks a smile, glad she's feeling well enough to joke around a little.
  111. "You'll have to stay in bed."
  113. "On a Monday? How tragic."
  115. "I'm serious. That means no dance practice either."
  117. Claudine stiffens at that.
  119. "It's not that bad. I need to practice."
  121. "What you need is rest," Maya corrects her, planting another kiss on her forehead. "If you push yourself today it will only get worse. Wouldn't you rather take one full day off and be back on your feet sooner?"
  123. Claudine wants to argue. But with how Maya is holding her in her arms, staring down into her eyes with that compelling sternness, she falters.
  125. "I suppose..."
  127. "Good. Then considering it was my responsibility you fell sick, I'll be staying with you."
  129. "That won't be necessary," Claudine huffs. "You've paid your dues. Go to class, Maya. I'll be fine."
  131. While it catches her off guard that Claudine uses her name like that, Maya doesn't relent.
  133. "I wouldn't be able to focus at all in knowing you were here all alone like this. I'm staying and that's final. Besides..." She leans down over her and kisses the bridge of her nose, locking gazes with her at this intimate proximity. "While your words told me to go, your eyes begged me not to."
  135. Claudine's pulse spikes up as she snaps her head to the other side.
  137. "You're imagining things."
  139. Maya chuckles and nuzzles her nose.
  141. "I'm staying until you feel better. You can't make me do otherwise."
  143. "You're so-"
  145. "Kind? Considerate?"
  147. "Infuriating."
  149. "Of course." Maya kisses her forehead again before lying her back down. "Just relax and take it easy. I'll only be a moment."
  151. Claudine pouts slightly,but closes her eyes nonetheless.
  153. Maya slips off the bed, crosses the room to the door, and slowly pokes her head outside. The sounds of early-morning chatter drift down the hallway as Maya searches for one of her friends. Luckily, she spots Nana waiting outside hers and Junna's door, already dressed and teasing her roommate from this side.
  155. "Junna-chan~ If you don't hurry I'll leave you behind!"
  157. "You wouldn't!" comes the response. Nana giggles, smiling at Maya as she notices her approaching.
  159. "Ah, good morning Tendo-san! You haven't gotten dressed yet?"
  161. "Good morning," Maya dips her head. "I'm afraid I won't be going to class today. Claudine has a cough so I'm going to keep an eye on her."
  163. "Oh no, that's terrible! Is she all right?"
  165. "She just needs some rest. I wanted to let someone know. Do you think you could tell the teachers for us?"
  167. "Of course! Don't worry about it. Has she eaten yet?"
  169. "Not yet. I was just about to-"
  171. "I'll do it!" Nana offers. "I doubt you want to leave her alone as it is, right? So you stay with her. I'll go grab you some breakfast."
  173. Maya dips her head. "Thank you very much."
  175. "Don't mention it. Oh, and whose room are you in?" She smiles with a slight hint of mischief.
  177. Maya shuffles her feet.
  179. "Mine."
  181. "Understood." Nana turns to knock on her own door. "Junna-chan! I really am leaving you behind! Sorry! I'll be back!"
  183. "H-Hey, Nana!"
  185. Nana turns back to Maya and turns her around, giving her back a light push.
  187. "Go back to Saijou-san and take care of her! I'll take care of everything else!" And with that she hurries down the hallway.
  189. Maya feels a bit of the weight come off her shoulders as she returns to her room and steps back inside.
  191. But she doesn't find Claudine resting as she'd hoped. Instead she finds her sitting up in the midst of another coughing fit. Maya hurries over and runs a hand down her back.
  193. "Easy," she murmurs. "Try to take a deep breath."
  195. Claudine tries multiple times, but it takes a few attempts before she can inhale without a cough interrupting her. Maya kisses the side of her head and hushes her until she's calmed down.
  197. "Would you like some water?"
  199. Claudine sighs and nods a little.
  201. "Please..."
  203. Maya kisses her again. "Of course." She reaches down next to the bed where there are a few more unopened bottles of water sitting by the bedside table. Maya opens one and helps Claudine hold it to her lips. Thankfully she doesn't choke and it goes down smoothly. When she's finished Claudine breathes a sigh of relief.
  205. "Merci."
  207. Maya puts the water aside and draws her into a soft embrace.
  209. "It's my pleasure. Anything you need today, just let me know." She strokes her hands over her shoulders, threading silver curls through her fingers. "I know you're strong Claudine, but it's okay to be weak, too. Don't try to bear it all on your own. You have me."
  211. Claudine nuzzles a little closer and wraps her arms around her.
  213. "Merci..."
  215. It's a little less embarrassing for her to say it in her native tongue, and Maya thinks it's much more endearing as well. She holds her for a moment, until a knock comes at the door.
  217. "Tendo-san?" Nana calls out.
  219. Maya eases back from Claudine and crosses the room to answer the door. Nana is standing on the other side holding a tray of food.
  221. "Breakfast is served! I also picked up a bottle of cough medicine from the nurse," she says, nodding to the little pink bottle. Maya gratefully accepts the tray from her.
  223. "Thank you so much."
  225. "Don't mind~!" She peers into the room to find Claudine sitting up in bed. "Feel better, Saijou-san. Tendo-san will take good care of you."
  227. Due to her fever, no one can really be certain if Claudine blushes or not, but she just nods. Nana turns back to Maya and murmurs one last comment.
  229. "Huh. So they match."
  231. "Eh?" Maya follows her gaze down to the necklace at her chest. She must've seen Claudine's too.
  233. Nana grins.
  235. "Nothing! I'm glad you two had fun yesterday, so take it easy and feel better, Saijou-san!"
  237. "Yes. Thank you, Nana-san."
  239. "Bye bye!" With this Nana turns around and starts calling for Junna again.
  241. Maya pushes the door closed behind her and brings the tray of fresh fruits, salad, mashed potatoes, and warm pancakes back to the bed.
  243. "I hope you're hungry."
  245. "Perhaps a bit..."
  247. Maya sits down beside her again as they pull in their legs to rest the tray on their laps. Claudine begins eating first as Maya reads the instructions on the cough medicine, then starts on her salad.
  249. Now that the day has officially started, it finally settles in that they can enjoy it here instead of in classes. Not that Claudine can enjoy too much of it being sick, but there's still something to be said for being able to stay in bed all day with your girlfriend on a Monday.
  251. Maya is glad to see Claudine eating a decent amount, as she hadn't eaten much for supper last night. They share the pancakes and fruit, though Maya leaves the mashed potatoes entirely for Claudine, who's trying not to seem too excited about them.
  253. When they've finished, Maya puts everything on the floor near the door so she can take it out later. She keeps a clean spoon from the tray, then picks up the cough medicine bottle and retreats to the bed.
  255. "It says you should have it with food, so now's a good time." She pours a spoonful out and holds it for Claudine. "Say 'ah'."
  257. And Claudine very nearly sputters even before it's touched her lips.
  259. "I really hate you sometimes."
  261. "Love you, too." Despite the teasing, Maya feeds her the medicine seriously, glad to see it go down without a hitch. "That should help. I'll give you some more at supper. How's your fever?"
  263. "It's fine."
  265. Maya doesn't believe her. She leans in closer and presses the back of her hand to her forehead. She's still very warm.
  267. "You don't feel fine. I'm glad you had an appetite, but you need to rest now."
  269. "Honestly! Can't I at least use the restroom?" Claudine huffs.
  271. "Right. But no shower. I can't have you getting dizzy."
  273. "So demanding! Fine, fine, no shower."
  275. With Claudine in agreement, Maya helps her out of bed.
  277. And even if Maya hadn't already set the conditions of 'no shower allowed', Claudine sees for herself she probably wouldn't have been able to manage it anyway. Upon standing, she sways almost instantly from a dizzy spell. Maya steadies her with a tight hug.
  279. "Are you all right?" She feels a slight shiver run through her partner in spite of the fever.
  281. "Yes..."
  283. "Just take it slow. There's no rush at all."
  285. Maya soothes her with a couple of kisses, holding her up with care.
  287. After a moment, Claudine feels she can handle walking. So they cross the room to Maya's personal bathroom, but Claudine insists she'll be fine on her own.
  289. "I'll call if I need anything," she assures her.
  291. It's not easy, but Maya lets her go.
  293. At least they've stayed over at each other's rooms enough to have brought spare tooth brushes in the past. Claudine is able to freshen herself up, brush her teeth, and clean some of the sweat off her skin with a wash cloth. Maya stays close on the other side of the door, listening for any signs of distress.
  295. And Claudine knows she must be anxiously waiting, so she doesn't take any more time than is absolutely necessary. She grabs a hair brush and brings it back to the door with her. Maya is right there waiting.
  297. "Are you all right?"
  299. "I'm just fine, you idiot."
  301. Maya escorts her back to bed and sits with her again, taking the liberty upon herself to brush through Claudine's hair for her. Claudine doesn't seem to mind one bit.
  303. As she brushes, Maya can feel the excessive heat coming off Claudine's neck and shoulders. She moves her hair aside to let some cooler air touch her skin. She feels Claudine inadvertently shudder several times throughout the process, clear indication the fever still has a firm hold on her.
  305. When Maya is finished, she puts the brush aside and gently wraps her arms around Claudine from behind, leaning back against the headboard with the sick girl in between her legs.
  307. Claudine doesn't protest. Though the fever makes her hot, it also makes her shiver, and Maya is a comfortable warmth against her.
  309. Maya loops both arms around Claudine's collar and stomach, letting her palms rub in soothing little circles. When they're sitting still together like this, she can feel Claudine's pulse shaking through her whole body, far too harsh and fast for comfort.
  311. Maya kisses her cheek and lets Claudine slump back against her chest for a while, pulling the blankets up over them both as she massages Claudine's chest for her. She feels her shiver again and again, and each time she only holds her more tightly.
  313. It makes her feel so useless. This is a fight in which she can't protect Claudine by using swords.
  315. Maya gingerly wipes the sleeve of her nightgown over Claudine's forehead before resting her hand over her heart once more. She watches the clock for a full minute to measure her pulse. It's so quick that she loses count and has to start over. The eventual end result is nearly 90 beats per minute.
  317. Maya hugs her tighter.
  319. "Ma Claudine, le plus beau, my beautiful princess..." She kisses her a few more times wherever she can manage. Claudine's only response is a weak little moan.
  321. Maya continues tracing soft circles over her stomach. "My poor Claudine. I won't leave your side until you're better. I promise." She seals the promise with a kiss to the girl's warm cheek.
  323. Claudine doesn't open her eyes, but she turns herself slowly, meekly, and hugs Maya around her sides. She rests her chin on her shoulder and presses close to her, heaving a tired sigh.
  325. "Merci... Ma Maya..."
  327. And hearing her so exhausted, feeling her so weak and quivering...
  329. A spark ignites in Maya's heart; the desire to protect her no matter what. She loves this girl with all her soul, and seeing her so vulnerable and sick with fever is somehow both terrifying and motivating. She wants to be her protector, but she never wants to see her in a situation that would warrant her being protected. It's complicated, really.
  331. Maya can only respond by kissing her more, trailing her lips through Claudine's bangs, along her hairline warm with sweat, all the while using her hands to map patterns down her back and across her sides.
  333. Maya holds her for a long time like this, letting her cuddle close, supporting her body with her own. Claudine rests, and Maya isn't sure if she loses consciousness or not, but at the very least she is calm for a while. Her heart rate slows just a little and doesn't feel quite as intense as before. She's still breathing a bit wildly, but as Maya continues to sooth her by the moment, her breath gradually eases as well.
  335. Maya doesn't stop kissing her for a second. It's now when Claudine is small and feeble in her arms when she loves her more than ever before. The desire to keep her safe and do whatever she possibly can to help her feel better burns red-hot in her soul.
  337. Claudine is so precious to her. She won't ever let go.
  339. Maya holds her as such for at least an hour, and she would've been more than fine with doing so for the rest of the day.
  341. But she can feel it for herself when Claudine suddenly jolts, and a tiny cough escapes her throat. Maya rubs her back a little more firmly, and for a moment Claudine is quiet again.
  343. But inevitably the coughing fit returns, building up gradually a few at a time before it's shaking her full-force. Claudine grips her with trembling fingers, burying her face into Maya's shoulder helplessly as the bout tears through her with unstoppable force. She loses her breath from the onslaught, and wheezes through the rest of it.
  345. And Maya can only hold her through it all, murmuring encouragement and sweet nothings to her as she kisses her over and over, just wishing it would stop.
  347. Claudine is so fragile right now, so to feel her body jolting so violently and repeatedly is painful. Maya just holds her tightly to keep her as still as possible, cradling the back of her head against her shoulder.
  349. "C'est bon..." she murmurs. "It's all right... breathe, Claudine. I've got you."
  351. The coughing fit seems to drag on cruelly, and the only reason it ends is because Claudine is physically unable to continue.
  353. Maya hugs her close and doesn't let go, petting up and down her back as the sounds of Claudine's panting fan out against her neck. Her heart is jumping again right after it had managed to calm down.
  355. Maya grits her teeth, but does her best to keep her voice steady. With patient, soothing words, she prompts Claudine to breathe with her.
  357. "Respire avec moi. Dans..."
  359. Maya draws in a slow, deep breath-
  361. "-en dehors..."
  363. -and lets it out.
  365. She repeats the process again and again, and it's a while before Claudine can even make sense of it. But eventually her mind is clear enough to understand.
  367. She feels Maya's body working with hers, rising in with each inhale and pressing out with each exhale. All the while Maya's hands never stop their cajoling touches down her back and shoulders, over her sides and through her hair.
  369. Eventually Claudine's breathing eases once again as she slips right into unconsciousness.
  371. Maya's a little worried since the poor girl hadn't even managed to get a single word out, but for now she's more than willing to let her rest as much as she can.
  373. So Maya slides herself away carefully and lies Claudine onto her back, pulling the blankets up to her stomach so as not to make her too hot. She leaves her with a soft kiss on the lips before retreating to the bathroom for a wash cloth. She wets it, wrings it out, and brings it back.
  375. She pads the cloth across Claudine's forehead to absorb some of the heat, gingerly tracing over her cheeks and jawline down either side of her neck. She carefully ventures to the nape of her neck as well before bringing it back around to the front. Finally, she lets it linger on top of Claudine's necklace at the hollow of her throat.
  377. It's been a long time since Maya had last seen her like this. In fact, this might be the worst she's ever seen her. And of course it isn't anything dire, but even the slightest amount of discomfort for her Claudine is still far too unacceptable.
  379. Maya drapes the cloth across the girl's forehead and kisses her again.
  381. "Rest, Ma Claudine, my angel. I'll be here when you wake up."
  383. Maya pets through her hair for a moment, checking to ensure Claudine's breathing is unobstructed and as even as it can get. It's awful to know she's suffering, and yet she's still so irresistibly cute in her sleep.
  385. Maya shakes her head before opening the drawer at the nightstand to extract a book she'd been reading. She gets herself into a comfortable position, leaning back against the headboard as she settles in. She keeps the book open in her lap with one hand and drapes her other arm over Claudine.
  387. The afternoon approaches and arrives quietly, without incident. Claudine is still and peaceful in her sleep. The only time she moves is to shift herself onto her side facing Maya as she hugs her waist, unconsciously nuzzling into her hip. Maya gladly accepts the new position and rubs her back softly, but ensures Claudine has space enough to breathe properly.
  389. The peace and quiet last a little longer. Maya has nearly finished her book by the time she feels Claudine shift at her side, and hears the cute rasp of her sleepy voice.
  391. "Mn..."
  393. Maya closes her book and puts it aside to direct her focus onto more important things.
  395. "Bonjour, princesse."
  397. Claudine's eyes are dazed and hazy from sleep, but once they focus on Maya a tiny smile spreads across her lips.
  399. "You stayed..."
  401. Maya leans over her to kiss her head.
  403. "Of course I did. How are you feeling?"
  405. "Tired..."
  407. "I can imagine. Would you like some water?"
  409. "Just a bit."
  411. Maya dutifully leans over the to grab another bottle, then helps Claudine sit upright. She watches a little anxiously as Claudine drinks, but it goes smoothly and entirely without coughing this time. When she's finished, Maya puts the water aside. She curls her fingers beneath Claudine's bangs and brushes them aside to press their foreheads together. Claudine stiffens, but stays put as Maya diagnoses her.
  413. "The fever seems to have gone down a bit," she reports, then offers her hand. "May I?"
  415. Claudine turns her face away but slips her hand into Maya's nonetheless. Maya positions her fingers over her wrist and holds them in place for a moment. Claudine doesn't look at her directly all the while, because if she does she fears it might increase her heart rate.
  417. When the minute is up, Maya dips forward to leave a kiss on her wrist.
  419. "You're down to 75 beats per minute," she says. "It's much better than before. How's your throat?"
  421. "Dry," she replies. "But bearable."
  423. "That's good." Maya can only think to express her relief in the form of a kiss. But as she nears Claudine's lips, she feels a slight push against her chest.
  425. "Don't," Claudine murmurs. "We can't have you catching this too."
  427. Maya smiles and doesn't budge.
  429. "Ma Claudine, if I'm going to catch your cold it's already been decided at this point."
  431. She isn't trying to make her blush more to add to the fever, but Claudine's cheeks heat up anyway. She recoils her hand and turns to face her.
  433. "Then do what you like. I won't be blamed if you get sick."
  435. And though she says as much, if that were to happen, they both know Claudine would dote on Maya just as much.
  437. "I accept the terms," Maya says. She moves closer until their lips touch, keeping it brief and soft so as not to overwhelm her. But Claudine actually pushes a little, needy for the contact. Maya indulges her only for a moment before easing back. "Do you feel dizzy?" She keeps a hand on Claudine's shoulder just for good measure. Claudine shakes her head.
  439. "No. In fact I'd like to shower properly now, if you wouldn't mind."
  441. "I do mind." Maya lays her hand over Claudine's in her lap. "If you slip and get hurt-"
  443. "Listen you fool." Claudine gets close up into her face, locking eyes with her seriously. "I wouldn't do something as stupid as taking a shower if I was sick enough I could fall. I'd never jeopardize my career like that. And besides..." She sits back again and looks down at the hand on hers. "I've made you worry enough already."
  445. Touched by her honesty, Maya eases Claudine into an embrace.
  447. "I'm fine worrying about you so long as you're all right in the end."
  449. "Idiot. If you worry so much you'll give yourself gray hairs. And they won't look as good as mine." Her comment earns a chuckle from Maya, who plays through that aforementioned silver strands for a moment.
  451. "You're sure you'll be all right?"
  453. "If I'm not, you can give me a punishment."
  455. "Somehow that doesn't seem fair in this context."
  457. Claudine moves back enough to kiss her lips, and this time her usual spirit is back in it.
  459. "I'll be fine. Especially with you there."
  461. Maya can read the signs; the spark of determination in Claudine's eyes, the confidence in her voice, the vigor in her kiss. She seems to be getting back to her old self.
  463. Maya lets out a long breath. A shower would be the quickest and easiest way for Claudine to cool off, after all.
  465. "All right. But let's take it slowly."
  467. "There's really no need to. But if it makes you feel better, then very well."
  469. Maya gets out of bed first and offers assistance. But Claudine proudly declines and stands on her own without swaying to prove her point. Maya goes to her drawers and pulls out a clean nightgown for herself. She glances at the empty food tray from earlier and figures now would be a good time to return it. Claudine reads her mind.
  471. "You can take care of that. I'd like to get a change of clothes from my room."
  473. Maya already doesn't like the idea of leaving her alone.
  475. "But-"
  477. "I'll meet you in the bathrooms in five minutes. If I'm a second later you can contact the authorities."
  479. "I really will, you know."
  481. "I'm aware. Now let's be off."
  483. So they part ways for five minutes as Claudine gathers fresh laundry and Maya returns the tray to the dining hall. There's no one there at this time of day, as the final class is still in session. That also means there's no one in the showers, so they will be able to enjoy a bit of peace.
  485. Maya hurries there to find Claudine already sitting patiently in the changing room.
  487. "You certainly took your time," she teases.
  489. Relieved, Maya simply goes to her and kisses her again.
  491. They remove each other's necklaces before undressing, grabbing towels, and heading for the showers. They choose stalls right next to each other so Maya can be there if anything happens. Claudine doesn't intend to let it though.
  493. Once the water starts hissing and the mist and walls block their view of one another, Maya begins to fret right away. But before long, Claudine eases her worries with a song.
  495. She sings the entire time, and though her voice is a little raspy from the cough, it provides a profound comfort. Not just because her singing is angelic, but also too because it proves she is all right. Her voice never falters or cuts off or erupts into coughing, but is consistent and beautiful through and through. Maya feels she could listen all night even at the expense of her skin getting wrinkled by the water.
  497. The showers go without a hitch, and before they know it they're fastening each other's necklaces again and drying each other's hair as per their usual routine. Once they're ready to head back, Claudine holds Maya's hand like a mother holding a child's, just to provide that extra bit of reassurance. Maya accepts it for all it's worth.
  499. They go to the dining hall early, eat a quick supper before the crowds come, and retire before the final bell has rung.
  501. By the time they get back to Maya's room, the last class has just been let out. Claudine heaves a sigh as they reach the bed and sit down.
  503. "What a waste of a day."
  505. "I disagree. You needed to rest. Besides, you got to practice your singing, didn't you?"
  507. "That doesn't count. It's still so early. I'd like to dance."
  509. "I regret to inform you I do not dance with sick girls, no matter how pretty they may be."
  511. "Fine. But we're practicing extra tomorrow."
  513. "So long as you're well enough."
  515. "Oh, I will be."
  517. Maya glances to the bottle of medicine on the bedside table and picks it up.
  519. "You should have another dose since you just ate."
  521. "Do we have a spoon?"
  523. "No. What a travesty. I suppose I'll have to transfer it by mouth."
  525. "I'll just use the cap, you idiot!"
  527. Claudine swipes the bottle from her as Maya chuckles behind her hand. She stays at the ready as Claudine pours out the medicine and sips from the cap, and is glad to see it goes down easily.
  529. Claudine puts the bottle aside again and clears her throat in satisfaction.
  531. "Better?" Maya prompts.
  533. "Much."
  535. Just then a flurry of soft knocks comes on the door.
  537. "Tendo-san? Kuro-chan?" Karen calls out nervously. "Are you guys there...?"
  539. Claudine and Maya share a bemused look.
  541. "Yes," Maya calls. "One moment." She gets up and opens the door to reveal all of their friends huddled on the other side, looking anxious and concerned.
  543. "Claudine!"
  545. "Saijou-san!"
  547. "How are you feeling?"
  549. Claudine gets up to join Maya at the door.
  551. "Ladies, I'm doing just fine. I appreciate the concern and the visit."
  553. "Tendo's been takin' good care of you, huh?" Futaba grins.
  555. "I'll say," Kaoruko adds. "She looks fine to me."
  557. "She wasn't this morning!" Nana says. "Kuro-chan couldn't even get out of bed! I'm glad she's better now!"
  559. They all spend a moment offering words of relief and hugging her.
  561. "Tendo-san, you're doing a great job!" Mahiru says.
  563. "She's in good hands," Hikari agrees.
  565. "Guess we'll leave her to you," Junna decides.
  567. After a moment the others say their goodbyes and disperse together, chatting about what to do for dinner. Claudine and Maya retreat into the bedroom again.
  569. "Well that was sweet of them," Claudine murmurs.
  571. "They were worrying all day, I'd imagine." Maya joins her on the bed and starts stroking through her hair. "I was, too."
  573. "Yes, yes I know." Claudine sighs, cheeks slightly flushed as she gives her a bashful look. "Thank you for worrying about me." She leaves a soft, appreciative kiss on Maya's cheek to show her gratitude. Maya rests their foreheads together, letting their noses brush.
  575. "It was my responsibility, after all." She takes one of Claudine's hands and lifts it to her mouth, pressing her lips into the creases of her palm.
  577. Claudine feels as though the fever is going to return with how warm her face is getting. She waits for Maya to finish, but the brunette takes her sweet time, kissing Claudine's hand again and again, gliding over her fingertips, her palm, then down to her wrist.
  579. It isn't long before Claudine feels like her heart is going to burst.
  581. "A-All right! Let's just go to bed!" Claudine throws both arms around her and pulls her down into the mattress, vigorously nuzzling into her and burying her face. Maya laughs, adjusting the blankets around them both.
  583. "Sorry. I couldn't help myself."
  585. "No restraint, as usual."
  587. They settle into the soft blankets and each other's warmth, leaving the day of sickness behind them. Within moments Maya is peppering more and more kisses through Claudine's hair.
  589. "I'm glad you're feeling better."
  591. "An entire day of classes and practicing wasted. We're staying later than usual tomorrow afternoon to catch up, do you hear me?"
  593. "Oui, mademoiselle."
  595. "Good."
  597. With a sigh Claudine falls silent for a few minutes. Maya had expected a bit more conversation from her, but she supposes the cough and fever had exhausted her. She rolls slowly onto her back, pulling Claudine on top of her.
  599. Claudine lifts her face to gaze quietly down into her eyes. There's the usual bit of irritation that's always present when she looks at Maya, but it's dwarfed by a much warmer look of affection. Maya holds her gaze seriously, petting through her bangs and down to her shoulders.
  601. "Are you sure you're all right now?"
  603. Claudine responds by rolling her eyes, cupping Maya's cheeks, and softly smothering her lips.
  605. Maya drinks her in like her own kind of medicine, appreciating the natural warmth of her lips. Her body isn't hot with fever any longer, and she hasn't coughed in hours. Therefore, Maya doesn't feel guilty about stealing some air from her lungs.
  607. But Claudine maintains control for the most part, and Maya can tell she's back to her usual self. She lets her take the lead, just this once.
  609. When they finally pause for breath, Claudine is satisfied to find she's left Maya panting equally as hard. She smirks ever so slightly down at her.
  611. "Does that answer your question?"
  613. Maya grins back.
  615. "I might need a bit more clarification."
  617. "How greedy. If you wake up sick tomorrow you can't blame me."
  619. But nonetheless Claudine indulges her and kisses her again. Maya would gladly accept a sickness or any other punishment if it means she can enjoy this moment right now.
  621. They lose track of time, and only stop when Claudine fails to stifle a tiny yawn. Maya can't resist.
  623. "Tired from sleeping all day, are we?"
  625. "Shut up." Claudine pouts and flops herself onto Maya, but it only makes her laugh.
  627. "We'll sleep early tonight," she says. "Then we can catch up on everything we missed tomorrow."
  629. "You're absolutely right we will. We can't let ourselves fall behind."
  631. "We won't. Not when we have each other."
  633. Claudine mumbles something in French Maya can't quite make out, but judging by her blush it's one of the usual comments. It's promptly followed by another yawn.
  635. Maya lets her hands roam over Claudine's back. Her body is only as warm as it should be, and her pulse is steady and comfortable. Maya breathes a sigh of relief.
  637. "As you said, rest now. We have a lot to do tomorrow."
  639. "I know that..."
  641. A beat of silence, and then.
  643. "Ma Claudine-"
  645. "Ma Maya-"
  647. And they speak together.
  649. "Je t'aime."
  651. As they fall asleep tonight, the little silver shells glint once again in the moonlight.
  653. ----------
  655. A/N: Yay sick fic! Fair warning for the next chapter though; I wrote it sporadically and it's a stupid idea haha.
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