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Did Leo Lie about Sarah Leaving?

a guest
Mar 30th, 2015
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  1. 19:40 <~Leo> we absolutely did NOT let search go
  2. 19:40 <~Leo> she quit
  3. 19:40 <~Leo> Sarah -
  4. 19:40 <~Leo> sarah couldn't do the show on any sensible schedule
  5. 19:41 <~Leo> this was her decision
  6. 19:41 <~Leo> believe me
  7. 19:41 <~Leo> I did not want to lose her AT ALL
  8. 19:41 <~Leo> she took another job and it was very impractical for her to keep doing IPT
  9. 19:42 <~Leo> talk to her
  10. 19:44 <~Leo> thank god Megan was available
  11. 19:45 <~Leo> Anytime anyone leaves twit I seem to get blamed
  12. 19:45 <~Leo> it's very frustrating
  13. 19:46 <~Leo> I didn't have any choice
  14. 19:46 <~Leo> Techcrunch hired Sarah to compete with TWiT
  15. 19:47 <~Leo> she's already launched a show directly opposite her old show, TN2
  16. 19:47 <~Leo> I don't see how any of this is my fault
  17. 19:47 <~Leo> all you have to so is take a look at how many times we have had to fill in for her in the last month
  18. 19:48 <~Leo> I can't do a show where the "host" only shows up once in a while
  19. 20:06 <~Leo> Sarah is not an original
  20. 20:06 <~Leo> she was at twit for about 5 years
  21. 20:06 <~Leo> Megan started long before Sarah actually
  22. 20:06 <~Leo> yeah you too Marc!
  23. 20:06 <~Leo> Marc is an original
  24. 20:07 <~Leo> you too Marc!
  25. 20:07 <~Leo> Megan also goes back to TSS
  26. 20:08 <~Leo> Sarah just really hated the commute
  27. 20:08 <~Leo> she walks to work now
  28. 20:10 <~Leo> Megan hosted Jumping Monkeys:
  29. 20:10 <~Leo> that was in 2007-2008
  30. 20:11 <~Leo> Sarah started in 2009 with This Week in Fun
  31. 20:12 <~Leo> and became an employee in 2010
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