

Apr 29th, 2018
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  1. **Full Name** : Bethany Gabbiani
  3. **Age** : 16
  5. **Appearance** : Beth is a girl of average height and slender build with short feathered pale hair, blue eyes, and a cute pair of black glasses. She tends to wear whites and blues, in cute but somewhat conservative clothes. She also wears a faintly glowing rainbow colored length of ribbon in her hair, which tends to be long enough to hang down the top of her back. Compared to her sister, she's actually built curvier, though she's modest enough that you wouldn't know unless you were looking closely.
  7. When transformed, her outfit changes to a white and blue shorts-and-flowy-top combo, with white thigh high boots, elbow length gloves, a long jacket buttoned at the top, and holding an intricate tome of mystical design. Her jacket tends to flow behind her and flap dramatically at all times, in defiance of any actual nearby wind, and though she could put her arms through the jacket's arms, it wouldn't matter much as it has no buttons or zipper to actually close it up the front.
  9. **Personality** : A quiet, thoughtful girl, Beth prefers to think her way through situations, and would always rather have a plan even if it takes a little longer. A smart and studious girl, she'll none-the-less step up when she sees unjust actions going on. She finds her sister Bella impulsive and reckless to the point of distress, at times.
  11. **Backstory** : Growing up without a mother and with a busy, distant father, Beth was left to sorta raise her sister Bella on her own, and worries after her often. Their father, Luciano, was always off on some scheme or business deal growing up, and spent what little time he had directing the girls into greater levels of schooling and physical training, leadership and self defense classes always to the fore. What he actually *does* in his business is unknown to the girls, but Beth is starting to suspect that he might be into much shadier jobs then he lets on, and wants his little girls to be ready to step into his shoes when the time is right...
  13. **Equipment** : A mystical book, the Tome of Infinite Horizons, a momento of their late mother. A blue and golden book, the pages inside are covered in very dense, spidersilk thin, golden inked letters written in a language none can properly understand.
  15. **Born** : Though they were actually born in Geo City, their father clawed his way out of the commoner lifestyle he started in and moved the family to Silver City after their mother died, taking any questionable job that came his way...
  17. **Philosophy Followed** : Lawful
  19. **Main Power** : *Daybreak's Bell* : When in her magical girl form, Beth can harness and control the forces of elemental Light, absorbing it from her surroundings and spreading her palms wide to creating increasingly complex runic sigil glyphs to drown her targets in torrents of light. Can be used blind or shock opponents who are staring directly into the small sun that is Beth, along with plenty of actual damage. She can also remove light from an area, effectively creating non-elemental darkness, which can be useful for sneaking around or catching an opponent off guard. Even in her normal form she can create little balls of light the size of candle flame, letting her see a little without a flashlight or making dancing will-o-the-wisps, but that's about the extent of it.
  21. **Minor Power** : *Dawnstar* : When in her magical girl form, she gains wings of light that let her float and dance around in the air, and with more concentration, even fly. Even in her normal form, she has a little wisp of this, manifesting as the rainbow colored ribbon in her hair, which grants her a natural light step and prevents her from tripping easily on rough terrain or steps (her magic slows her fall to the point where she usually has time to get her feet back under her. If someone pushes her or something, then she's fair game, though.)
  23. **Weakness/drawback** : Her biggest weakness is that Beth is, at the end of the day, a magical girl. She's got a transformation sequence and everything, can only stay in her form as long as she's concentrating on it (ie if she gets knocked unconscious she loses her flight and immediately falls like a stone), and only has a fraction of her powers in her natural, untransformed form.
  25. **Resistances** : When in her magical girl form, Beth has a boost to her general speed, strength, and toughness, and is resistant to most truly violent damage, toning it down to non-lethal levels, though she can still break bones and what not. She also has accelerated healing, though it mostly keeps her unbruised after combat when she transforms back, or to quickly clear up minor damage even afterwards. However, if she takes enough damage at once, especially through psychic or mental attacks, it can break her concentration and cause her transformation to fail, in which she becomes a normal unpowered civilian once again.
  27. **Other Character** : Beth's twin sister Bella. They share a dorm building but not a room; Beth's room is near the top floor, where she has a pair of big windows facing the sunrise every morning she can bask in.
  29. **Discord** : Artemi ☆#2040
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