
A little Greecey

Oct 15th, 2016
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  1. Da Vinci- Simba would get a beeping on his bracelet. A hologram of Da Vinci popping up and speaking. "There is something going on in Greece and anyone that gets this message please hurry there right away. A small face plate will show itself after this message, press it and a portal will open to where you need to go. Once again hurry and good luck!" The hologram disappearing soon after and on the bracelet a small window slid open to reveal the button.
  3. Simba- ...Greece? The hell was going on in Greece? Rather, what the hell was in Ancient Greece...? Simba partially wished that he could have brought another Servant along as he was in the midst of munching on a cookie that he had purchased within Fuyuki City. "Ey--Hold up. Are you expecting me to go there by myself?" Simba was all for having his moment, but this...? "Can't even enjoy a damn cookie.." He wasn't complaining. "Can you at least tell us what's going on? If I remember correctly, the last time you told me something like this, a Wendigo attacked with a horde of skeletons." Not that he was BLAMING Da Vinci.. but..
  5. King of Combat- Heeding the call of battle, the King of Combat and Warfare manifested right beside Simba. "You wish to fight. I felt like stretching my feet." Woah, that was quite too sudden, way too much, in fact. "How about it? Allow me, for the time being, to be your sword. I do not expect to fight to my fullest power, this being a temporary contract, however... I will surely destroy anything and everything you point me at." Short, concise and to the point. Then, simply, she awaited for further instructions.
  7. Caster Lily- Having only recently arrived in Chaldea, a call to go back to Greece was something most assuredly welcomed to Caster. When Simba had asked if he would be travelling alone would the young mage hover around his shoulder. "Oooh! I can show you around! It'll be fun! Plus, I like to meet new people..." Her eyes turn to the Saber that also suddenly appeared caused her jovial demeanor to diminish slightly, "Uuuhm, there shouldn't be TOO many things to destroy, hahaha! We Grecians are tough people!" She beat a dainty hand against her chest, "Ooh, but uhm - my Master's pretty tired from the journey, and I don't really want to drag her along if she's not all there. You wouldn't mind forming a temporary contract with me, right?"
  9. Simba- To say that the Magus Knight jumped would have been incorrect, but he definitely didn't expect to have a Servant creep up alongside him. Not that said Servant held any form of Presence Concealment... but it still made his eyes widen for a brief moment until he realized whom it was. Rather, how they looked, and yes. It was a little too sudden. "...I've been approached at sheer random before, but I think you just took the icing off of the cake. Stalking me?--" That wasn't enough, as it seemed that he was immediately accompanied by a somewhat familiar face. Lord. Was today follow the Lion Day?! "U....h... you two are lucky that I have Avalon somewhere in this damn body..." At least his request of not going alone didn't fall upon deaf ears. So, he pushed the little smiley face within the center of his wrist-watch in order to cause a spiraling vortex of magical energy to spew out from the constructed item. Not too far from them, a brief storm of static ☬[delete]
  10. Simba ☬ --electricity would take place, causing the portal to be opened up. With that being said, his hands would extend outward to the two Servants that stood at each side of him. "Ladies, I'm gonna need your class names. Share your true name if you want. Me? Simba. If you guys promise to keep my ass from going ten feet under, then I'll be the mana pool for any skills and Noble Phantasms that might need to be used. Sound fair?" The palm of his hand burned with a bright electric blue glow, one that would allow the flow of his magic circuits to fuel the duo that would soon be accompanying him in Ancient Greece. [Done.]
  12. King of Combat- Altera was definitely not stalking. It was all a coincidence- having something to do while waiting and contemplating things was a pleasant and welcome distraction, even if it would probably devolve into a simple slaughter, most likely. "Once, the land of Greece was home to the Eastern Roman Empire- which I destroyed. Say what you will Caster. To this day, I have yet to find an interesting rival, save for that one Roman general." Returning briefly back to the other, to address Simba. "I will admit, I have no clue how this particular system works. I do not know its rules. But, as long as we don't face anything far too powerful, my reserves should suffice. If I have to invoke my Noble Phantasm, expect a lot of drain." As a seasoned strategist, she had the capability to analyze, break down and understand how things worked- but this was just beyond her. She only knew that the burden was shared by the Master and the ritual's system, somehow. "Enough with the banter. Let's go."[delete]
  13. King of Combat She was one who would reply to any inquiries directed at her, but she wasn't one to make small talk. Straight to the point, as always.
  15. Caster Lily- Caster watched with mild curiosity as Simba moved and spoke, like there was something on his face that she couldn't quite place. He mentioned 'Avalon', the Holy Scabbard of Excalibur. Did he really have that? If she were possessing of Rule Breaker in this form, the things she could do with it would be immense. Regardless, one he extended his hand towards her, she smiled. "Wellllll, I don't think my Master will be to happy about it, but we're about to be adventuring together! I'm Medea of Colchis, but most people call me Caster! I specialize in healing and supportive magic! Buuuut you probably already knew that. Anyway, sorry if I drain a lot of your mana, it kinda comes with the class but don't worry! You can take a break while Saber and I make an unstoppable team!" Turning her gaze to Saber, she frowned, "That happened /before/ myself or Papa had a say in it! Just you wait and see." She pressed her hand into Simba's, "...Anyway, let's do our best! I shouldn't have to use my Noble -c-[delete]
  16. Caster Lily Phantasm, but if that's what it comes to, then I can help to ease the drain afterwards." -e-
  18. Lugaid mac Con Roi- Heroes are those who get remembered. Those who are honored above all others for their deeds that exemplify. Hoisted beyond the means of mortal men for their acts. So why was it that monsters stood so high in ranks? People who took everything from others, leaving them bent and broken. Those very tyrants stood revered in the annals of history. It was sickening. It was grotesque that such a thing could pass. And he -hated- it. And what hurt most of all was that his one act, his one deed of slaying the Irish hero, the Child of Light, made him a hero of legend as well. Summoned into the war and finding himself without true hold to the world. A slap in the face. Once more alone and venturing forward to achieve his goal. To stand on soap box and preach about the injustice of 'heroes'. And to preach against those who stood even worse than heroes...Kings. Kings who ruled and ushered in these monsters. And those who were so strong in their craft that they became royalty in their own --[delete]
  19. Lugaid mac Con Roi legends. Kings of destruction, kings of conquering, king of hounds! He'd see them all to their ends! But for now the man stood before the gate to the establishment. Dark fur rested on shoulders as blue hair shifted in the wind. Young. Sitting in his early twenties at best the red eyed Lancer stared at the home of the portal. Why was he being drawn there? Why was his every instinct calling for him to approach? And even worse. Why was one of his three enchanted spears shaking in hand. "Aye...Guess destinies are gettin' ready to be fulfilled. 'Bout time. Kings, tyrants, heroes? I'll see ya all 'tah justice."
  21. Simba- Well. That was one Servant that paid attention. She would be the first to feel the Lion's mana, one that was still somehow bountiful even with the strain of a muddied Servant in check. Whether it was thanks to Avalon or how much he naturally had was up for debate, but the Lion definitely seemed more than capable of doing what he initially joked about being unable to do. With that temporary contract being aligned with Caster Lily, rather, Medea of Colchis, a toothy grin would be given. "Awesome. Maybe now I can fight Servants with those that I'm travelin' with." Even though Simba was all too eager to walk into the portal, he would keep his attention glued to the woman. Not before he started walking towards it, however. "You must really want to stay here by yourself with what little mana you have.." A shrug was given, along with the familiar burning sensation across the back of his hand that bled out the temporary command seal for this contract that had been☬
  22. Simba ☬ --made. "Anyone else for Ancient Greece? Going once!--" Simba turned to Medea with a grin, then back to Atilla with a furrowed brow and that same hand to still be extended. "Twice...?" Because the next stop was heading through that portal and to a time that was lost to the ages! [Done. ☬]
  24. Caster Lily- Medea clearly made an understatement about her mana consumption. Even with her Master relatively nearby, the alignment of Simba's circuits to her own was one of high cost - given that Medea's magical usage went far beyond simple circuits. Once she was satisfied in a strong bond forming between she and Simba, she gave a nod, "Hai! Looks like we're ready to go then!" Once the Saber accepted and disappeared, Caster leaned over to whisper at Simba, "She's weiiird." Floating back to a few paces away from his left shoulder, she prepared herself to enter. "I wonder if anyone will recognize me there! Ooh! Maybe we can ask Auntie Circe for a pair of matching grimoires!" At least she was excited.
  26. Hakuno Kishinami- Hakuno had been out cold from exhorting herself even with Medea's spell and the extra physical activity. She was certainly better now. She hadn't been gifted with a lot of stamina so she was a bit lacking. Even with extra help. But she got stuff done! Stretched a bit and placed a hand on Lily's head. Looking to Simba with a quirked brow. "I'm coming too. Hope you don't mind." She cracked a smile and wasn't leaving much room for objection. She already saw Medea made a pact with Simba, a temporary one, and either way it would give the caster a juice boost if she tagged along. Extra power for the battery. And even then. She wasn't going to sit out of this. Not with her past track record. And she might have been excited to travel maybe. Okay just don't hold it againt her. The poor girl only ever saw the moon... Don't ask... And Fuyuki. So... She had goals! She placed her hands behind ehr back and entered after the caster did as well.
  28. Henry Rodier- -Henry and Alice followed aside from see where this went he was hoping to pick up some supplies for later usage he'd have to figure out illusory disguises for at least the two of them as he was looking forward through the trips in time as they would be informative to say the least as he was already contemplating ways to disguise what he was wielding-
  30. Simba- The contract was completed in its entirety now that both were underneath his belt. Had this been the pre-first war Simba of the past, he probably would have collapsed. Now? The strain was still evident, but he was no where near reaching the state of passing out. "Sabers are strange.. but still my favorite class of all times. I'll become a Rune Knight or a Magic Knight one day. Anyways--" Huh..? Another presence revealed-- "Hey! You're coming along, too? Looks like we're gonna be having a party in Greece!" He flashed a two-fingered salute before jogging off and leaping through the portal. "I WANT--" Those were the last words that came out from the Lion Knight before his body sunk into the endless vast of time and space that they were soon sent through. Next stop? Ancient Greece!
  32. Medusa the Gorgon- Medusa was standing in the middle of Athans staring up at the Cyclops. When the hell did he get loose? A large fist suddenly swinging down to the Gorgon who quickly dove out of the way to avoid the blow. Why isn't anything every normal anymore? Rolling across the ground and quickly coming up to her feet running trying to draw the thing out of town. She got sent back due to not having a Master and she was way too drained to actually go back to Fuyuki City. As the lumbering oaf finally took notice of the violet colored haired Rider he would kick over a building to give chase. She had found herself in a strange woman's workshop telling her that she needed help fixing things in Greece, her home. And since the Servant was from there why not send a local right? Wrong! Damn it! Another dodge as the giant kicked out with his foot. Slowly leading him out of the city and into the surrounding country side, the swirling portal suddenly popped up in front of her and without much time to stop, +[delete]
  33. Medusa the Gorgon Medusa plowed right into the emerging Simba.
  35. Samantha Rhys- Something felt unsettling. It had been bothering the little magus for a while now, but she never chose to address it. Even as she tried to ignore it she found herself, unknowingly, wandering closer and closer with each passing day to the portal. It was certainly a weird feeling she had, being drawn somewhere she never knew of. Hopefully, she would get some answers soon. Her mind had been filled to the brim with questions. With no one around to ask though she could get no answers. After what felt like hours of walking but had only been minutes, she found herself at the origin of this feeling. Her instincts telling her to get closer to the portal ahead of her but her body resisted if only for a moment. Unnatural violet eyes staring at someone standing at the gates. Curious orbs gazing over the males frame for a brief moment before focusing on the weapon he had in hand. She was a newer mage, but she felt like she knew plenty about servants.[C][delete]
  36. Samantha Rhys The moment her eyes landed on him her mind drew a blank. Light brown locks lightly swaying about from the small breeze. Her lips parted to speak but no words could have forced their way out before her gaze moved from the male to the establishment. Sam had arrived just as the unknown male was speaking that last little sentence. What exactly did he mean, exactly? Seeing how she missed what he was talking about she'd just ignore it for now. She wasn't sure what she was to do, exactly. But slowly, her feet carried her closer. "What are you doing here?" Did that seem a bit too hostile? Whoops. Well! Too late to take it back now. She had questions to ask, and she wanted them answered. And seeing how he was the only one really around, he had to suffer through it.[E]
  38. Caster Lily- Feeling the pat on her head, Lily had looked over, "Oh! I didn't know you'd be awake! I wanted to let you rest but..." It was too late. Hakuno made up her mind, and Caster was in no place to really say 'no'. "Aah! It really will be a fun party with everyone together!" With both Simba and Hakuno active, the respective strain she put on each of them reduced dramatically, no doubt the girl only using what she really needed from each of them - deciding that with two primary sources of mana, her spells could have several times the effect they usually would, but it would be irresponsible to do that unless the situation really warranted it. Once they had passed through the portal, Caster looked around, "Athens! I can't remember the last time I was here -- but I don't think that's normal." She pointed out the Cyclops with a bit of a frown, "I guess trying to send word to Papa now wouldn't help much." That's when Rider rammed into her other Master, "Gods! You should watch where you're going -c-[delete]
  39. Caster Lily lady!" She gave a pouty face while whisking regenerative magics over Simba in case Rider's Agility actually caused damaged to him. "Moreover...what's going on? Why is there a cyclops in the middle of the Capital?" -e-
  41. Hakuno Kishinami- She wasn't leaving them a choice but she was glad to hear no objections either way. She followed behind and dusted herself off. Inspecting her new surroundings. The hilly and plain like terain was certainly interesting. Her honey colored orbs looked to the Caster and gave ann awkward look. "Do you think it's a good idea to consider contacting your father? What if you.. You know ran into yourself or something... Or... how does this work? Do you take your own place in time or..." She was honestly getting a head ache thinking about the possibility of the paradoxes that might occur. And no sooner had she stepped forward to allow Simba a chance to come out through the portal was he rammed into the ground by a purple blur. She looked over to the other purple haired Greek trying to make sure she was still there. Okay so... Lily didn't tackle him? Wait.. Oh.. It was another woman? And... "What is god's name is that?" She wanted to ask... But... Then again It seemed Medea knew and answered. [c][delete]
  42. Hakuno Kishinami She looked back at Simba and the woman and thanked her stars she stepped forward before she ended up in his place. She would have ended up eating the dirt path before them... She would have asked if either of them was okay had there not been an awkward looking one-eyed giant humanoid going after the other woman. She was a servant.[e]
  44. Simba- Out into the new world they appeared! and just like his first time stepping into the Heian Era of Japan, he felt the change in magical energy that the planet radiated just from how healthy it was alone. So untouched and unhindered by man's touch... the knowledge of not being a homunculus was still present, but it was the main reason as to why he seemed so much more full of energy and life than the excitable Lion all he was. A deep breathe wasn't even allowed when she suddenly crashed into him. All of which caused the Lion Knight to topple over and groan. He felt like he had been smacked by an oncoming freight train.. it didn't cause too much harm, but the soreness and pain was only temporary. Coupled with Lily's healing magic and Avalon that was within his vessel of a body, Simba would turn his head down to Rider with a confused look. "..Medusa..? What are you doing--" Just as he heard what Lily said, his eyes would widen, head tilting backwards to stare at the massive ☬[delete]
  45. Lord Gilgamesh Sees Mongrels. Mongrels everywhere.[delete]
  46. Simba- ☬ --freak of nature while Medusa remained on top of him. "THAT, IS A CYCLOPS. What the HELL is it doing here?!" This was probably a clear sign that they needed to get the hell out of here. "What's the plan, Medusa?! Run?!" [Done. ☬]
  48. Medusa the Gorgon- Rolled across the ground and bouncing from the sudden stop of impact. Looking up and shaking her head and trying to rub it. What the name of the gods did she run into? Looking back and spying the gathering she quickly took hold of the downed Simba and almost hurled him in front of her. "Yes run! let's go!" She maneuvered around and taking hold of the Caster and the female mage she took off again. "Nice to see you too Madea... for now. I don't know what the hell is going on but we all know this isn't supposed to be here!" Rolling her eyes behind her visor she finally let go hoping the momentum and urgency would make the other two move quicker. "We need to get it as far away from Athens as possible!"
  50. Caster Lily- Medusa. Caster's expression twisted as she heard the name. Deciding to keep her opinions to herself, she kept focus on the cyclops up until Rider grabbed her. "W-wait!" It was too late, she wouldn't be able to do a whole lot without drawing a ton of Mana to contest Rider's movement. "I have so many questions! Aaah, we can fight it...but..." The speed was starting to make her dizzy, so she closed her eyes. "...Oh! I have an idea! There should be some fields around the city. If you bring me there, I can set up a zone! I'll just need some time to get it right, so hold it off while you can!" She referred to her Territory Creation skill, awaiting the moment when Medusa would let her go.
  52. Lugaid mac Con Roi- shifted on foot towards the girl who approached. Metal tipped boot digging into the ground below as he turned his frame to catch gaze on her. Red eyes, burning hot and full of unbridled rage. Not to her. Not to even the area. No. The passion burning behind his gaze was to the very concept he spoke of moments before. A burning gaze threatening to engulf everything before it as he stepped to the girl. Spear spinning in hand. Each end was bladed. A two pronged pike at the butt end and the ornate top along the other. The blessed spear meant for melee. One of the set. The trio that joined his very name. Chead Gae Riogárs. The First Spear of Kingly Slaughter. "Bein' trapped. Tha' what'um doin' out here." The brogue was thick. He didn't bother to hide his heritage. He wore it like a badge of honor. "Somethin' tellin' me there is somethin' grand goin' on beyond this here gate. But without pact, I'm trapped like rabbit in a snap. Can't venture forward. But me heart won't let me turn back.--[delete]
  53. Lugaid mac Con Roi- The man used for a few seconds. "Ya don't seem 'fraid of the spear in hand. Ye a warrior? Or what do they call them in this war. Ah yes, magus. Magus who battle on the front lines or hide in te' shadows. Guidin'. Strikin'. Kings in and queens of their own right."
  55. Henry Rodier- -Henry asked caster to disguise them for the times given it was the age of myth his rifle appearing a Javelin with with a bundle of them tied together for more to grab a once he saw the cyclops Carefully placing the shots for his knees to try to drop him the spears shooting off in red streaks as he kept himself mobile and behind cover already surprised what he walked himself into-
  57. Hakuno Kishinami- Hakuno was practically grabbed and thrown with Medea by Medusa. Running as quick as she could to keep up, she stumbled a bit as they continued ot run away from the large one eyed thing. All it was missing was a horn and wings and yo had the on eyed one horned flying purple people eater... Flying just being another term for the running. But jokes aside! It was NOT the time! And it was far from The brunette managed to keep pace and remain on her feet in the process. She ran along side Caster only trailing behind a small bit. It wasn't like she was at risk though. Right? She didn't know! But nor did she want to think about it! She was keeping up and ahead of that thing. That was all that mattered right now. "W-whats the plan?" She she managed to get out with the running. "We... can always keep running or..."She looked back to view the thing on their tail in the distance and lost some of her momentum, stumbling over the horrible rocky path Ancient Greece was known for that spoiled all [c][delete]
  58. Hakuno Kishinami good trading and positive ties between the city states. In the wake of her balance being close she managed to regain her balance and follow behind them, catching up. She looked to Medusa and continued. "or it is safe to assume you have a plan?" She asked. Not trying to be annoying or pushy. She just assumed she had a plan .And Medea even had one. Okay well she would like to maybe know! Or maybe she was getting ahead of herself. For now... just focus on running. And she needed to not trip agian! [e]
  60. Simba- Well then. It was nice to see Medusa again! But given the situation, he wasn't one to be a smart-ass. Sure, he felt like Indiana Jones and began bolting off at the moment that Medusa began speaking of how quickly they needed to move. He was still no where on the feat of catching up with the Gorgon, but he definitely made sure to keep up with that familiar use of magical energy to create a sheet of ice that allowed him to properly towards whatever direction he was facing. As long as one hand remained down to his scabbard, he would be able to focus enough to keep up and launch himself wherever when it was required. "Now that, sounds like a plan! By the knights, is this how it feels to actually have teammates that think?" A bit of a jab, but honest all the same. There was something else that he had to admit as well. As life-threatening as this was, with the constant pounding against the earth and the near impending doom of what might possibly happen, even as ☬[delete]
  61. Simba- ☬ --the Earth around them shook from the massive creature's very foot-step. Being able to run for his life and to a place of safety... fit the life-style that Simba saw himself living and what he dreamed of experiencing. "Medusa! Start leading us towards the fields! I can help Lily with setting up the parameter with how fast I can dart around!" The endless trail of frost that was left behind his sliding form grew nonexistent as the Cyclops trampled over all that it could to reach the small group. As long as it wasn't trying to chuck anything at them, they should be alright... [Done. ☬]
  63. Medusa the Gorgon- Nodding... she would have taken the thing on her own... maybe lost but hey at least it would be away from everyone. "Right!" Veering off to the side and darting toward the fields making sure to look over her shoulder and hope that the Caster and the master were keeping up. She wouldn't need help with mana thankfully due to her independent action, even at it's low rank it would suffice for long enough. "There!" Hand coming up to point in the open area. "You three go there I will hold this thing off." Stopping her movement and turning facing this large ass ugly thing, the kunai and chains appearing in her hands. Her speed had not faltered nor had she even stopped running as with a quick push off sent her in the direction of the Cyclops. The Cyclopes himself wasn't expecting the sudden turn of events. His steps halting just a moment before a large hand swiped at her. Kicking off the ground and with a flip she landed on the forearm of the giant creature. Running up along the+
  64. Medusa the Gorgon- muscle heading toward the shoulder of the being. As she gets closer another kickoff, her foot coming out to slam as hard as she could into the thing's jaw. The Cyclop's head snapped to the side with the sudden hit and she bounced off tumbling to the ground. The creature was rather confused on how something so tiny was able to hit so hard. As she got to the ground she slid across the dirt, using hands and heels to slow herself. On feet and hands head looking up as if taunting him to only look at her. (e)
  66. Samantha Rhys- His response made her hold back a huff of laughter before she would shake her head. "That must suck." Was all that was mumbled in reply before she'd moved a bit closer, completely unfazed of the spinning spear in his hand. If it ever came for her, she would have confidently stared death in the face and laughed. It wasn't something she was afraid of unlike most people. She believed in "fate," if it was her time to die then that was it. Violet orbs drifted to the weapon in his hand, some could have said that it intrigued her. But she wouldn't say anything about it. And judging by the way he spoke he was... Irish? When he spoke about "something grand going on" she couldn't help but tilt her head ever so slightly. So he was drawn by it too then... and since he couldn't get past it without a pact did that mean the same for her? Again, all sorts of questions filled her head before she was dragged back into reality by his question.[C][delete]
  67. Samantha Rhys- That violet gaze snapping back up at him since it had drifted away to look elsewhere before she would feel the left corner of her lips curl into a smirk. "In a sense, I suppose you could call me a warrior." was all she would reply before she would simply nod her head to his talk of her being a magus and what they would have usually done in the war. In all honesty, she didn't want to be stuck here doing idle chit chat. She wanted to keep going, just standing here and talking was making things much more impatient by the minute. But no feature of her face or actions would give that away. And if she really wanted to get entry past the gate, did she really want to form a pact? She hadn't done anything like that, so she wasn't so sure of how it worked. But that wouldn't stop her. The inside of her right cheek was chewed upon lightly for a moment while she thought things out.[C][delete]
  68. Samantha Rhys- She didn't even know this man, and yet since she was so desperate to get into the establishment she was willing to form a temporary pact. "How much do you want to get past the gate?" she'd shoot out her question. If he didn't want to get into the establishment as bad as she did she didn't want to waste her time. "If you really want to get past the gate.." for a moment she paused. Reluctant to continue her words but she'd push through it, taking a deep breath before letting it out in a sigh. "If you want to get past the gate then form a temporary pact with me." Would he actually agree to such a thing? And if he did she guessed she should reassure him in some sort of way. "If you and I form a pact then both of our curiosity will be better than right now. I don't know about you, but I want to keep moving forward. If we do get this pact, I won't tell you how to do things. You're your own person so do what you wish."[E][delete]
  70. Caster Lily- While everyone was debating on what to do, Caster began to concentrate on how she would manage this. The Territory of her choice had to be large enough to completely envelope the Cyclops and her various allies - meaning that Simba's assistance would be almost required to set up such a massive field in any decent amount of time. The magic she was taught by Hecate would need to be particularly powerful - and she hoped that her being in her own timeline would allow the Grail to bend the rules of her abilities. She'd heard that some Servants become increasingly powerful based on how close they are to their homeland and if that was the case for Medea, having dual Masters as mana-batteries effectively made her power stretch far beyond her imagination. Once the party arrived, she nodded and made her way towards the fields - deciding to fly into the center of what she deemed suitable. Four portals of her 'Rain of Light' spell appeared in a square around her. She looked to Simba first, -c- [delete]
  71. Caster Lily- Please draw a circle that connects to these four points. If you're able to, try and draw lines from those points to me...and that should be enough. I'll be drawing mana from you while this happens to try and speed up the process so don't overwork yourself!" After speaking, she set the base of her staff into the ground and closed her eyes. As before - her High Speed Divine Words began to chant words that were actually audible, but hardly understandable due to the speed at which she spoke. Grecian symbols began to glow over the ground, burning into the fields like a manufactured Ley Line. Streams of magical energy would surge about the Circle - even if not all of it was completed by Simba due to the strain of her ability usage. When it was finished - the circle rotated slowly before sinking into the ground. Everyone within the area might find themselves rejuvinated somewhat, as though their adrenaline had just received a small boost to its reactions. "N-now...lead the creature into -c-[delete]
  72. Caster Lily- this, and we should be able to take it down!" The true magic of Medea's territory was not the benefit it gave to her allies, but the severe ramifications it imposed onto its enemies. The circle described magic akin to Necromancy, intent on siphoning the very soul of her quarry and giving it to allies within. The more powerful the creature, the greater benefit each ally received. -e-
  74. Lugaid mac Con Roi- turned to watch the woman approach all the more. There was something oddly amiss about the fact that she approached so quickly despite the danger the spear offered. He did admit to being masterless. But a rogue servant was still a deadly thing to behold. The fur of his collar tugging in a bit more by his fingertips as she approached. Curiosity had him fidgeting on foot. "Somethin' tells me I gotta see what is on tha' other side. If there is a battle a brewin' I should witness." He did not say fight. No. Witness. To judge. To weigh the worth of heroes in their own right. To pay homage to those who stood for something greater than themselves. And to pay vengeance upon those who used the hero title for personal glory. The hypocritical nature of the man who lived for revenge and preached it as righteousness. "Y'er offerin' a pact, are ya? A bond between warrior and liege. Piety to those who stand above, huh?" The man questioned the act before extending his hand outwards. "If it's--[delete]
  75. Lugaid mac Con Roi- only temporary, I'll be withholdin' ma' name. Hope that works fer ya. I'll need a mana conduit. Somethin' to syphon from if need be to be usin' my strongest noble phantasm. But if we are just explorin'. Well. Won't be much need for that, will there? Doubt we will be walkin' into a royal banquette or a warrior of kings, would we?" He spoke in rhymes to anyone who did not know what his spears did. The man was bred to be a front line fighter. But his mentality was that of an assassin. To kill from a far with a single throw of his spear. But with only three to use he had to be careful with every throw. "Do not stand a poor queen, 'lright?" His hand extended towards the magus. Eyes focused on Sam for but a moment. "I heed the call of the Holy Grail. By burnin' blood and will of iron. I swear my servitude to thee until bond is broken. If you heed the roar of the righteous, seek to take my hand." An issue of the bond. Reaching out for the woman who was almost his own age.
  77. Hakuno Kishinami- The brunette turned her gaze to the direction she was gestured to go in. It seemed the others had, been quick to their actions. A quick wave of doubt washed over her as she stumbled. She hadn't done a single thing. She reared off with Lily and Simba, peering over she shoulder to watch Medusa go toe to toe with the monster. Her attention was then drawn to Medea who only asked Simba to help draw out a circle and. She wasn't goign to feel sorry for herself. She wasn't going to sit back and do nothing. Well if she stepped in how as she not going to get in the way? She was... She stood for a few moments watching the two get to work then looking back at Medusa. "Screw it..." She thought outloud to herself. Rolling up the sleeves of her blouse, she wasn't on par with Simba, or Medusa or even Medea! But she sure as heck wasn't going to sit back and not do something. Think Hakuno think.[C][delete]
  78. Hakuno Kishinami- She eyed around and then felt the invigerating energery of Caster's support magic start to bubble and well up and spread throug her. Feeling a bit stronger than last time. Was it due to having two wells of Mana right now? Maybe. Just the same. She jumped a bit hearing her name. She was startled. Wait this guy she met him once before. Well a few times maybe but... Wiat he was? Here and... Oh.. Questions later! "I... Don't know honestly! Um... I think you could find out in the city." She then turned in the direction. But they were a bit away from there. "I... Hold that thought." She sighed a bit. "If this goes remotely well..." She spoke in a rather unsure tone. She looked back at Medea and Simba. Crouching down she put a hand on each of her ankles and traced her fingers upward. The circuits starting to show and crackle. She rose up and started to the cyclops and Medusa. She used her electricity to recharge her muscles.[C][delete]
  80. Hakuno Kishinami- Even if she had not been in pain, she was giving herself more of achance. The volts were minor and that with the boost from Caster helped greatly. Running over, she reached into her small messanger bag she had on her shoulder. She grabbed what appearted to be a small electronic device from ehr hand. Sure it wouldn't do any damage! But it would actleast get the big oafs atention. She ran her hand over the device as she ran trying to not trip again and her fingertips becmae traced in the process. The tablet looking device was all she had aside from her phone and it would pack more of a punch. It started to hiss and spark in the process and she stopped and it crackled and sparked violently now. As she managed to get clsoer being mindful of the distance she chucked it full force at hard as she could at the back of the cyclops head .[C][delete]
  81. Hakuno Kishinami- It would turn itno a bright red in mid air from the heat and overloading the sparks flying still and then the lithum fueled fire before impacting if it did. It would do something >Even if it was to catchi his attention. "Hey Ugly! Over here!" She called out. Waving her arms above her head. She started waved her arms and reached for her phone. Using it as well if she eneded to. She pivoted and would start running towards Medea and hte terroroty as soon at hte cyclops gave chase. If it did. If it didn't she'd probably repeat the process and throw her phone this time.[E]
  83. Samantha Rhys- Allowed her lips to curl into a soft smile as he spoke. A chuckle slipping past her lips as she nodded her head at his words. "You don't need to worry about me being a poor queen." she'd muse quietly before her gaze locked with his. Unwavering as he spoke out. By the time he had finished she rose her hand and reached out for his own. For a brief moment allowing her digits to hover above his own before she'd lightly grab his hand to finish that temporary pact, giving it a firm shake before releasing it as the command seals on the back of her hand began to show themselves. This was much better. Her gaze dropped down to her hand, gazing at the command seals before looking back up and again offering her hand. This time in a proper greeting, seeing how she completely forgot until now. "Well then, it looks like you and I will be together for a while." She hummed before offering him a tiny smile. "I forgot to tell you, but I'm Samantha Rhys."[C][delete]
  84. Samantha Rhys- Introductions were important, weren't they? Whether he chose to shake her hand a second time or not was up to him, but she wouldn't be upset if he didn't. If the motion wasn't returned she'd let her hand simply fall back to her side and if not then she'd simply shake his hand twice before letting go. A few moments of silence passing between the two of them as they would have finished up introductions before she would pipe up again. "Well then, since we have a pact now, let's continue forward." She'd murmur.[E]
  86. Lugaid mac Con Roi- felt his hand become taken by the young magus. Eyes flaring once more as the connection was established. A flow of mana flowing through his frame and causing his grip on spear to tighten. The man could feel the burning blood in his veins ignite, almost literally. Born the tri-hound with cursed blood of fire. Blood that was filled with such rage that it turned vicious and searing if ever spilled. Rock, steel, all melted before the torrent when released. But that was not something he cared to share or show anytime soon. Quickly though he gave a second shake of his hand. "Lancer." He introduced himself back. As if it was not obvious enough what he was. Before another word could be uttered out about moving forward he had shot forward. Pushing past the gate with the new found mana and sprinting towards the portal that called to him. The very gate that ushered in his need. All the agility that came with the Rank A showing as he pushed forward. "Let's not be late then. Getta move on!"
  88. Samantha Rhys- With his introduction, she'd playfully roll her eyes. Yes, he was indeed a lancer. Suppose she'd just call him that for now.. it wouldn't bother her at all. When he suddenly pushed forward before she even spoke she blinked. Simply watching him for a moment before laughing out at his words. A soft click of her tongue following before she'd dash forward after him. "Geez!" Seemed he was more desperate to get past those gates than she originally thought. It was kinda funny though, seeing him so quickly move to the portal. Only a few steps behind him she followed, when they'd finished their little sprint she wouldn't be winded. As soon as she was past those gates the questions began to take over again. Where would this portal take them, and why was it created in the first place? It all seemed so weird. Though it also seemed really exciting at the same time. [delete]
  90. Simba- It was time! They had arrived at the fields and managed to get a good bit of distance off from the Cyclops. It wasn't enough for it to lose interest. Just enough to keep it dragging along to where it mattered. Oh boy. This was going to take awhile to have it surround the Cyclops... unless it was being lured here? His eyes darted off to each section that would be needed. That was quite the distance to close in a short amount of time... "Four points.. towards you.. got it!" He was about to bolt off when his pupils began to dilate. There... was nothing wrong. It was the exact opposite. His body felt like it just took a jumpstart the way Frankenstein did. Actually, it was exactly like that. Simba's family magecraft already involved kicking magic circuits into their breaking point in order to maximize every inkling of magical energy that was called forth. Upon recollecting himself and feeling a literal eruption of the Caster's energy course through his body, those once ☬[delete]
  91. Simba- ☬ icy blue eyes now bled into a glowing orange as an electric, yet tinted white glow exploded outward from his body. His Cold Origin was now in full effect. Hell, the man felt like a Saiyan. "Medea, you're AWESOME!" The Magus Knight finally shouted out to the heavens with both hands clenched into a fist. Bolting to each spot took no more than a few brief seconds with the near sonic booms of crystallized air that was left in his movement. Upon reaching each point, his blade Nameless would be stabbed into the ground, his fingers gripped firmly around the hilt to enchant the forged steel with his own Origin before darting back to the Caster. The very lines that the enchanted blade made radiated with a pulse of magical energy that held just what was required of this ancient magic Medea was using. Perhaps a minute or two was all that had when the signs would finally be fulfilled. The 'aura' that was flowing from Simba died down after he swung his ☬[delete]
  92. Simba- ☬ --blade to remove any dirt that might have clung to it. "Sorry, Nameless. It wasn't for gardening purpo--You are ONE BIG son of a bitch! Lily! LET HER RIP!" Sure, he might have freaked out just a tad, but he soon thrust that blade into the air as if he was calling in an artillery fire. In a way, he was about to do just that, wasn't he? [Done. ☬]
  94. Medusa the Gorgon- Medusa was weaving in and out of the thrown fists. It was not that hard and difficult to dodge. He was so slow and it was like he was moving through water. Making sure to stay between the mages and the thing, if he seemed to be veering off course, as she was leading him slowly over to the spot that Lily was creating her little bubble. If he swung to go for Hakuno, Medusa would let him get a little ways before using his head like a trampoline and pissing it off enough to get his attention once more. Once again dodging when a meaty hand came up to hit her off the top of his noggin, and with a quick jump to the side the thing would end up hitting himself and seeing stars for a moment. All this taunting and teasing and with the help of the male mage and female it was confusing the fuck out of the thing. As she heard the cry from Lilly and Simba, it was about time to run again.[C][delete]
  95. Medusa the Gorgon- Raising her hands above her head and with a shrill whistle, there would be a bright light and the sudden flapping of wings. A large white stallion descended from the sky. Whooshing overhead of the Cyclops and her hand taking hold of its hoof. Swinging herself, twisting her form to settle on the broad back, Medusa looked over her shoulder and from her lofty position saw two tiny figures stepping through the still open gate. Will have to deal with that in a moment, right now... "SHIT!" Back to reality, the pegasus flipping to avoid the grab the thing made for them. The massive head turning when it heard the insult. Not really understanding the words but it knew that being yelled at in such a manner was enough to make it mad. Thunderous steps heading toward the group, and a loud bellowing cry of rage at them. Medusa now out of the way seeing as he had found a new target.[C][delete]
  96. Medusa the Gorgon- "Alright, Pegasus!" The flying horse flew into the air and after twirling in the sky, it did a summersault in mid-air almost a loop-de-loop. A bright light-emitting as it galloped on air, becoming faster and faster, Medusa herself leaning down along the flanks of the animal urging it on. "INCOMING!" Pegasus's head bowed and it's thick skull it the being square into the shoulders as hard as he could. The shockwave of the attack had the Cyclops stumbling forward and practically crashing into Lily's bounded field. With the impact the horse vanished, Rider's mana was almost depleted for now till the particles in the air could charge her back up again. But it was done. Now it was in their hands. Tumbling to the ground, the kunai and chain lashing out to take hold of a nearby tree and she stopped her fall... just barly before hitting the ground with a thunk. Groaning slightly and sitting up rubbing her side. Damn not having a Master sucked sometimes.[C]
  97. Medusa the Gorgon- Thank god she could take a beating it seemed. Head turning to gaze at the two in the distance and pushing herself up... waited for them to follow the big boom of the body as it tumbled through.[E]
  99. Caster Lily- With the circle complete, Caster could move onto her next plan. Two masters gave her two wellsprings of mana to delve into - which was already a terrifying thought in the hands of any mana hungry Servant. That, plus the unfettered air of natural magic in addition to her home turf likely made her a Servant well beyond the limits of her normal power. She could use any spell she knew without too much of a worry, but her one offensive spell couldn't possibly be enough to help with the creature. Unlike modern magic, Medea's spellcasting had set limits, and couldn't be easily upgraded without casting a different spell entirely - thus why many Sorcerers and Sorceresses had a vast repertoire of spells to fit any given situation. She thought about enhancing the various abilities of the Masters and Servants around her - but that /still/ wouldn't efficiently use all the Mana she had on her. Simba told her to 'let it rip', which didn't quite make sense to her until she thought about it. It -c- [delete]
  100. Caster Lily- might be that 'Rain of Light' was a very novice magic that did moderate damage even to a normal human, but it's primary use came in the fact that it was a fairly cheap spell and easy to cast. Its incantations were short, which meant that with her High Speed Divine Words skill, she could create several copies in a matter of seconds. Death by 1000 cuts was her plan, even if the 'cuts' were more like concentrated beams of magical energy. Both Hakuno and Simba were fighting the monster, meaning that to draw from their reserves too much might hinder them. Fortunately, Medea had her own resivoir of mana and her own personal Ley Line having been drawn out below her. With another strike of her staff, Caster summoned not four, not eight, not twelve - but twenty copies of the spell. Twenty purple portals opened around the Caster like a budget Gate of Babylon. For a moment, it might have looked like the Cyclops was going to crush Medea as his torso fell over where she was once floating.-c-[delete]
  101. Caster Lily- A brief look around the area would show that she had teleported into the sky with her portals. After a quick flourish of her staff, Caster fired the spell, bringing a literal rain of light onto the creature's ankles, wrists, and neck. The goal of the spell wasn't to deal damage, but to be amplified by the Bounded Field and hold it inside the circle. Once the magical shackles were in place, every one of Medea's allies would recieve a portion of the Cyclops' natural strength added to their own. A small portion given how large the distribution was, but a bolster nonetheless. The giant itself might be able to easily break Medea's chains, but as long as it remained in the Circle, its attacks would be comically slow and easy to dodge. -e-[delete]
  103. Hakuno Kishinami- She had gotten lucky Medusa was on their side. If she hadn't been there Hakuno would have probably been smeared along the ground by the one-eyed giant. Watching at Medusa took off on that brilliant majestic creature that was her pegasus to also. However, that looked like it hurt. The landing. If it had been a normal person she would have called out and gone to them. She turned her attention to the Rider and called out. "You're going to be okay?" She didn't stop, though. Not until the creature was lured into the circle. And there was some restraint to it. Upon coming to an abrupt stop she gazed at the success and watched the lights rain down on the monster. Wow... Caster was far stronger then she had seen her do before. She knew she was strong but then again Hakuno was also easily amazed at such feats! This was still amazing just the same. "Great Job Caster! " She called out with a thumbs up. At least it was a start off! She didn't know what else to think.[C][delete]
  104. Hakuno Kishinami- She'd have to take her out for ice cream or something if they all made it out okay. Fuck it! She was taking them all out. But... Sweets later! Fight now! But she reached into her bag attempting to fish around for something else to throw. Damn it nothing. She used both her tablet and her phone. She really needed to get some kind of thing to use a bomb... even batteries would work. Note to self-start carrying tons of batteries in her bag. Might seem weird but it would do something over nothing. She felt her own physical strength increase quite a bit. Being the weakest of the group with fewer hands on combat was going to make this touch. She also was unarmed now. Note to self when she got home... Invest in some form of weapon or something... For melee. Maybe. She started to mumble as she would run into the circle towards the creature. The surge of energy helping her not feel tired or weakened at this point she was becoming more ballsy in her actions.[C][delete]
  105. Hakuno Kishinami- She brought her arms up and they gripped the opposite. It looked almost like she was cradling herself. Slowly she started to pull her hands away allowing the top of her fingers to run over the skin of her arms, small glimpses of her circuits started to glow dimly again, She pulled them away and static started to discharge from her fingertips. She'd only been setting herself up for support at this point. She was not good but it was better to be 'charged up' no pun intended... Then ill prepared. She went at the beast and from a close distance starting to mumble again, her right arm started to glow and fizzle and hiss in the process. She reached her arm back and opened her palm. Sparks of light and plasma would shoot in its direction. Her origin wasn't well used in her hands but she was still learning. Discharging raw electricity was at step! And it would have been strong enough to at least daze the Cyclops for a brief bit.[E]
  107. Henry Rodier- Henry was certainly impressed by the series of events but made it a point to remain on focus as he continued advancing towards the intended location they were looking for giving a thankful nod letting Hakuno go ahead of him as he manually ejected the spam can clip and pocketing it pulling out a single black case 30-06 cartridges covered in magic incantations in cajun, the bullet itself a Deer horn polisto hed an almost ivory shade holding it in the palm of his hand reciting it in Cajun- “Bring death to my prey in this Hunt, may they're death be swift, clean and painless if my Aim is True.” -he encanted manually chambering it watching as the uncountable Mass of lower powered spells rained down onto the cyclops shredding through and along the massive monster with sheer volume, once in the safe haven and with enough distance taking aim where it's heart should be the end of the barrel flashing for just a brief second before the report of the cartridge sounded and in the blink of (C)[delete]
  108. Henry Rodier- an eye the specially crafted bullet appeared at beginning exit velocity right in front of it's heart the curse erupting on contact entering it's intended target and exploding outward from both sides- hoping the combined damage of all of their efforts dropped the Giant mythical monster even if it cost him a hand loaded round that took months to craft- (E)
  110. Samantha Rhys- The moment they entered that portal her temporary servant went into his spirit form. Causing her to softly click her tongue and shake her head before she'd hear a loud boom in the background. Not even a minute passed since they entered and there was already something happening? Damn. Seems some fun had begun without them, shame. Well! Seeing how Lugaid wouldn't stop her no matter what she did, she'd venture forth. Quietly walking further into the portal and towards the origin of the noise. Seemed like some others were drawn towards it too. "Goodie, socializing." she'd sarcastically retort in her head while she walked. Of course, it didn't take too long before she'd see what the hell all that sound was about. Seeing the massive monster she couldn't help but blink those unusual violet eyes a few times. Was this real? A moment passed before she'd shift that gaze and see a few more people and some servants. Maybe she shouldn't be asking that sort of question.[C][delete]
  111. Samantha Rhys- Her gaze drifted between the Cyclops and then the others. Deciding it was best to hurry over to the other magus' and servants just so that she could get caught up in the whole situation. Approaching the nearest person only to ask the question of what the hell was going on. Sam coulda chipped in her little bit with the Cyclops but the light haired femme wasn't too sure just yet.[E]
  113. Simba- Even with everything happening at once, Simba was able to follow it. The first to catch his eye was a sound that was unknown to his memory. What... was that--A winged horse? A Pegasus? An actual one?! and it belonged to Rider?! His eyes widened while he caught his breath. That majestic beast was something of beauty in Mother Earth's image. Were... more of these divine beasts present..?-- "Focus!" That's right, Simba had to yell at himself to take in what else happened. That was when it all took place at once. A crash against the beast's shoulder, his precious little sister blasting the big bastard in the face with a Railgun Blast, and then Henry finally having that "Magus" moment as he released the 'chopper' on the One-Eyed Menace. This was what he was talking about! Not standing around and waiting for action, but to be the CAUSE OF IT! "THAT'S IT! LET'S THROW THIS BASTARD IN A COFFIN!" But.. how could they do that? He didn't mean to forget about the☬[delete]
  114. Master of Grand Order ...Phone no...stooop...[delete]
  115. Simba- ☬ precious little Caster that he brought along. So, seeing those chains of light that held down the beast was enough to give him a plan. He had far too much energy to be standing around. What could he do..? Medusa had taken a moment to gather back her strength. If Medea could juggle two things at once-- "Where are they.." His hands fumbled against his body in a patting frenzy. Where were the-- The feeling of a smooth, yet rough surface came to mind when his fingers ran across a certain item. Here it is, his gems! "Medea!" The Lion turned to his companion with a hand extended. Within his palm would lay several gems, all of which gave a misty glow. If a child were to look at it, they would call it 'moon stones' with how they looked. In reality? They were-- "These gems hold my magical energy. See how they create their own frost? Do you think you can charge any kind of beam or.. I don't know! Don't you have some kind of magical blast that you can use? If we ☬[delete]
  116. Simba- ☬ can get a nice rain of bullets on it with these... we might be able to freeze the big bastard and make a proper escape or trap it here until Medusa can think of how to get rid of it. I don't really want to kill it.." This coming from the guy that just screamed 'Put it in a COFFIN!' "Well? Just set it up and I'll throw them. It's the only chance at attempting anything, right?" Hell. It was the only thing he could think of. Whenever Casters rose up in his mind, all that he could ever picture was a literal light show of miracles and creation all in the form of raw destruction. [Done. ☬]
  118. Medusa the Gorgon- That big bastard was being bombarded on all sides by the blasts. Feeling like his whole body was torn in two and pulverized by the puny humans. Medusa pulling herself up to her feet as she gazed about the area. What to do... what to do.... Quickly thinking... The giant was struggling against the barrage that was set against it. The lone eye training down on them with malice and contempt. A bellow of pain and rage shaking the very earth under their feet and cracks forming in the ground around them. Bringing up a foot and stomping it, the cracks growing wider. Damn it. Sprinting toward them, flying past Sam as she did so. Long purple locks flowing out behind her. One shot... she had to give them one shot. Simba might not want to kill it but they would have to figure out something because if they didn't this thing would go back to Athans. And she couldn't allow that. Something had let it loose meaning there might be more on the way. The kunai and chains suddenly flying out of her +[delete]
  119. Medusa the Gorgon- hands as she ran around the giant. Climbing up his body slowly and continuing to wrap the thick chains around the body. Helping to keep the bastard still. Thankfully these humans were not useless like that asshole Shinji. If she ever got her hands on him again... back to the task at hand. Wrapping the chain continues, it becoming longer, impossibly long. as she neared the top the damn thing not able to move at all now was stuck and couldn't even fathom of standing upright. Driving the kunai into the ground she quickly jumped out of the way. "Whatever you are going to do... do it now. That isn't going to hold him!" She will figure out what to do with him later, but for now this will have to do.
  121. Caster Lily- Caster frowned as she realized just how much of her own power she was using - if only to keep the other Masters in good health. Her personal reserves were high as any Caster - but her spells were expensive, especially at this caliber. She was given Simba's gemstones, and the Cyclops still hadn't fallen. He mentioned not wanting to kill it - but he also recently yelled to have it thrown into a coffin. Medea wasn't terribly keen on killing things, but she knew full well that if this thing were allowed to roam free - then it would continue to cause terror. "...I've got another idea." She grasped the stones and teleported on top of the creature's head - floating above its eye. Rather than try to make energy come from these crystals, it would be far easier to use the energy they naturally had. So it was that Medea began to formally drain from Simba and Hakuno both, focused entirely on enhancing the power of the stones. The natural frost that they radiated became much more potent, -c-[delete]
  122. Caster Lily- allowing her to spin them around the Cyclops until a small glacier came to envelope him. "Just a little longer!"
  124. Hakuno Kishinami- She had managed to shoot a few more rounds at the cyclops. However the cool down time between was a bit logner than it should of been for her. The magus stood back now, her chest heaving up and down. Her physical limit starting to fight against her. Even with buffs she was starting to feel the after effect. She managed to step back a bit stumbling over int the process onto her bottom. Her breathing heavy as she closed her eyes. She was out of the way of the Cyclops but right now... She felt her whole body burn and hurt. IT wasn't from caster using her mana with Simba's now. It was just being what she was... She was weaker, and this was pushing her to an extremely. Times like this she wondered why she evne was fighting. But right now she didn't have the time or focus to question such a thing. Instead she attempted to stand on, her breathing heavy now, and her posture rather wobbly. After a few moments she managed to stand up. Running her fingers over her shoulders now [c][delete]
  125. Hakuno Kishinami- and in a much slower and drawn out manner, the circuits on her arms started to glow. This time reaching up from he shoulders to her dinger times. She then knelt down and did the same with her legs one more time. This time trying to reenforce her muscles one more time with the small elxtrical pulse. She started to stand up now, not removing her hadns though either. She fworked her way up her forse and the glow from her hands and the minor sparks helps rejuvinate her. Sure this would probably put her out of comission a bit later.. but it just meant she could stand for a bit longer and numbed her muscles in the process. She would then take a deep breath and stand her ground awaiting further action as the other's debating on killing the thing or letting it live. She wasn't a fan of death.. But no hesitation right? No... but.. still... She'd voice her thoughts if she felt input was needed.[e]
  127. Henry Rodier- -Henry quickly slung his rifle after having caught the casing and and pocketing it with ease, as long as he had that the time to make another the diguise on his making the entire thing look like a Lucky spear throw to anyone not magically skilled. He looked over to Simba he was waiting to see how you imprisoned something like this till her got his answer from the chains and glacier forming- “Whether we kill it or keep it alive make up your minds quick, most things would be dead with this much abuse!” -he called out noticing Hakuno getting tired wondering is she had the same issues as others like him if she was a Homunculi, lucky enough to have been “Designed” essentially as a homunculi designed to hunt other magi should the need arise, He offered her his hand to help her up before she got a second wind still offering regardless- “And here I am without my Rocket launcher.” -he joked to try to lighten the mood some what, he didn't have a rocket launcher more because he preferred (C)[delete]
  128. Henry Rodier- subtlety. And it was conspicuous enough for him when he had to bring the rifle on a job it was looking like he'd have to start considering bringing in somethings from his “For fun” selection if the war meant fighting things like this and that would required making use of some contacts but those were things to consider later after his time traveling trip- (E)
  130. Lugaid mac Con Roi- watched the entire debacle happen before him while in spirit form. It was obvious he was there. He made no attempts to hide it. Even as the girl who formed the pact with him sprinted off to join the other Magus in their antics. A monstrosity lay chained before his very vision. A one eyed monster that demanded the attention of so many heroic spirits. Ones he quickly eyed. Shifting his view about before coming to corpeal form once more atop a near by rock. The tip of his spear pointing between each and every individual heroic spirit. Why was the noble phantasm not reacting? Why was he not getting the joyous rush of a kingly spirit before him? Not yet at least. Moving his crimson gaze from Caster Lily to her master, back to the Gorgon who constrained the beast of burden with heavenly chains that seemed impossible in length. Finally though the metallic pole in his hand began to hum lightly as the edge of the spear came across Simba. The spear was not calling out to fulfill its destiny.-[delete]
  131. Lugaid mac Con Roi- No. Not yet at least. But there was the potential. The ideals perhaps? Or the blood. He wasn't sure at the moment. But it brought a grin to the Irish spirit's face before he watched the ice appear along the monstrosity. "Capturin' the thin' are ya? Well aint that a noble goal." A second spear came to the Lancer's opposing hand. Ire filled crimson orbs closing as the single sided weapon took to his grip while the first spear vanished into nothing but prana. -Dara Gae Riogár- The Second Spear of Kingly Slaughter. The ornate head long and jagged. Pointed edges coming along the underside to stop it once it had impaled. This was a spear primarily designed to be thrown. "Oi. Master. We be tryin' tah keep this thin' alive? Or we bringin' it down?"
  133. Samantha Rhys- Just hearing Lugaid call out made the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. That was weird. "Take it down." Came her answer, and if that was wrong? Oh well. By the way things looked though they didn't want to kill it yet. Sigh.. what a letdown. And here she thought that they were going to get to kill something right off the bat. "Just.. don't kill it... for now." Her tone of voice was obviously coated in disappointment before a sigh would escape her. Would he get the picture? Violet orbs observed what was going on around her, how everyone just went off and did what they could to take the creature down."Don't get fucked up too bad." She'd tease the lancer before she'd join in with her own attacks soon, after all, she did jump in the portal for the fun that was to follow. She hadn't fought in a while, but that wouldn't stop her anytime soon. With those magical circuits in her body sparking to life she'd get her own little party started.[C][delete]
  134. Samantha Rhys- With a few mumbled little words a pair of familiars spawned, using little bits of her mana to get and maintain their form before they began their fight. Targeting the Cyclops and nothing else but, before they began to shoot kinetic blasts which looked small but of course held one hell of a punch like many other things.[E][delete]
  136. Simba- Simba knew that he was a confusing bastard, but his heart was in the right place. It became painfully obvious that none of these other Masters or Servants understood the rush of battle, the adrenaline that came in fighting for your life. For someone that was more street smart than books, just the thought of battle would be enough for him to start grinning like a drunkard. Perhaps this Lancer was the only one that knew of what he felt. His accent was a bit thick, and although no other Lancer had a familiar accent, just the way that he held himself and sized up the Magus would bring one man to mind. "That was Caster's idea. I just gave her what was needed to get the job done. I'm not from this time, but, its better to let the residents take it back to where its come from than have it sit here lookin' like a knot of a log with a thick gobbie hanging from his.. or her mouth." The Lion rubbed along his back. His body tensing up for the brief moment that it took Lily to start ☬[delete]
  137. Simba- ☬ draining the magical energy from both Hakuno and himself. It wasn't that bad, as his eyes still held and abnormal sharp orange glow to them while he watched the Cyclops freeze up. "You guys came just as we're reaching the end. Unless Medusa is gonna need some help moving this thing..." He finally sheathed his blade within the scabbard that rested on the back of his waist. He wasn't throwing in the towel just yet.. but everyone seemed spent enough for what was going on. "Names', Simba. Nice to meet you, Lancer, Master I don't know." He had to give it to everyone as well. Compared to their first 'grand battle' with Minamoto, they had definitely kicked up a gear or two to show their worth. Still, the Lancer beside him feel... uneasy. "I'm guessing you two got the call from Caster as well?--Actually--" He pointed to the Rider that was attempting to hold the titan. "She said that it needs to be moved away from the Athens. If anyone has Mounts,--" ☬
  138. Simba- ☬ --riding companions, and so on, then try to get em' out. I'd offer.. but.. the only thing I've rode on is a horse when I was a kid." Minus the lions that he used to see at the zoo when he was younger, but, that didn't need to be known. "Still, if I can help any way, let me know. Yeah?" [Done. ☬]
  140. Medusa the Gorgon- Looking over them all and the thing that was soon to be in cased in ice, the Rider got an idea. "Simba, can you make a path of ice? Be easier to move this thing that way once Caster has it encased." Her eyes never moving from the large creature in front of her, just in case it decided to break free from the bonds of the many. She was feeling a bit more invigorated, not one hundred percent but still enough to be able to move the thing before them. Raising her hand and giving another shrill whistle that Pegasus from before descended from the sky. Large white wings giving a downbeat before landing next to her. Nickering and snorting, being this close to that monster put the beast at an unease state. Medusa moving her hand out to run along it's flanks lightly and in a soothing manner. "Easy... need you to do something for me." The white head turned and cocked to the side as the horse looked at her waiting. Producing another kunai and chain, she wrapped the middle around with a cloth +[delete]
  141. Medusa the Gorgon- before holding it up for the horse to take within it's mouth like a bit. Once taken she wrapped it around the broad shoulder's and secured it like a horse's bridle and behind the back legs. Once done she waited till caster was done before she even thought about sticking in the tips of the kunai into the ice for a nice hold. If this thing did make it's way back to Athens then she would have to kill it. As much as she didn't want to. But she couldn't allow the city to be destroyed. They still needed to figure out how and why it appeared here to begin with.
  143. Caster Lily- With the Moonstones completely encasing the cyclops in ice - the massive circle below Medea disappeared, along with the massive bolster to her power. She began to float down to the ground, taking a kneel before the Cyclops while the others began to debate what to do about it. "Aaah...we did it!" She raised her left hand in the air, hoisting herself up with the help of her staff in order to hobble over towards Hakuno, "Hey, I-I'm tired...Mind if we take a break? I'd love to show" Medea's violet hues gave several lofty blinks before she ultimately collapsed onto her Master's leg.
  145. Hakuno Kishinami Hakuno was trying really hard to keep herself up. Gazing up at Henry she offered him a panting smile. Unaware the other also shared her 'origins'. Well as not being human. She wasn't designed for the reasons he was. Nor for the reasons another had been. But had a rather... poor level of energy despite her daily workouts. She could not help but offer a laugh at hos comment. "You'd kill us all then." She retorted joking. "Henry right?" She then asked trying to reconfirm his name. "Didn't... Know you...were also a magus.." She finally got out. Between almost each word was a heavy breath. She would try and reach up to take his hands however Caster approached them and fell onto her lap. She looked up in the other's directions. "I think she's out cold..." She spoke up to the others as Rider had set up a rig to guide the encased cyclopes She reached a handout and stroked the caster's hair. Poor thing she was more tired than she had been. Then again... She had every reason to be.[C][delete]
  146. Hakuno Kishinami "You guys... I'll stay here with Caster till she can get up okay?" She asked. It was also because she pushed herself past her limits... Firing that many lightening rounds... Took it's toll. Even if they weren't that powerful.[E]
  148. Henry Rodier- -Henry gave an amused lughat her quip back- “If I can't avoind it but for now lets not be negative I'm sure we'll have few chances to actually help people.” -he stated politely giving a polite smile to her- “I'm used to hiding it when nessecary but if it's any consolation I didn't suspect you either.” -he added politely already trying to figure out how to win this war without killing some decent people if at all possible which would be hard to say the least nodding understandinglyas she sked to stay with her caster- “Understood ma'am” -he stated politely while they were on good terms he might as well keep up his manners as he went with everyone else to escort the beast out of the area figuring he'd atleast get to know the way potential allies or enemies minds work with some small talk catching up with everyone else- “Caster needs her rest regretfully, so my resources are limited on mounts....” -he stated to the persone he could swear he'd occasionally passed back in fuyuki-
  150. Lugaid mac Con Roi- "Bringin' it down it is the-' Before he could finish the sentence the beast was sealed within the shell of ice. His stare shifting between his Master, to Simba, to the Caster who did so. "Called by a witch, huh? Aint the first time. 'Least that is what some people called 'er." The man mused about his own personal history before looking back to the trapped cyclops. Eyes narrowing in as he growled. His bloodlust had not yet been sated. But there was little he could do outside hold the spear in tight grip. Eyes peering back to the woman who tied the chains about the icebound behemoth. "So t'ats t'at, hm?" Moreso he focused on the legendary flying creature beside her. Trying once more to discern what legends he was dealing with. As no one here struck him as the type that would truly call to his spear. Or was this something far greater? Being called by the very concept of a breach in time that needed attention to fix? For now though his attention was focused entirely on the surrounding--[delete]
  151. Lugaid mac Con Roi- heroes and magus.
  153. Medusa the Gorgon- Medusa watched as Simba made her the platform. Then with a swift smack to the horse's bottom, Pegasus began to move. Straining against the weight, and hooves digging in as best it could. Walking around to the other side of the Cyclops, she placed her hands on the feet of it and with a loud cry, used that unnatural strength of hers. Putting her 'back into it' so to speak. Between her and the mount it would take a moment but a tiny scrap could be heard when it finally gave way and started to move. Slowly but surely it was slipping over the sheet made by Simba. Once it was apparent that Pegasus was able to do it on his own, the Rider moved up and around to walk beside it calling over her shoulder to the other two, "You coming or you just going to stand there with a dumb look on your face?" Smirking her attention back in front of them. One hand kept on the back of the horse to keep it calm. "We don't have to go much further just far enough away so the thing won't find his way back."
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