
Roleplay #3 - Cosmic Adventure

Sep 10th, 2017
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  1. [8:55 AM] Anna Claskovic: Space. Time. Two concepts that us humans conjured up that supposedly intertwine to make our feeble reality; the universe. But what if there were more universes? What if those universes, those worlds held different situations that bridge off from our own? Almost as if some cosmic beings far beyond our comprehension began to exchange ideas. Stories. In each of these universes, there are earths. These earths, for some reason, are the primary focus of each of all the universe's alternate situations. What if the Soviets won the Cold War? What if World War II never ended? What if we all had stands? What if we were all the opposite sex? These are observable differences. Differences that the Observers have taken note of. Existing in small fields of interdimensional space that float between the void of worlds, These careful watchers record and document every event in every universe. They answer to no one but the Ether; The Source. The Alpha. A construct that is made of a innumerable number of dimensions, each one Temporal, Spatial, and even a form of dimension we could never hope to understand. It exists on such a level of total magintude that it's image is but an avatar, a White, translucent sphere that sits in what is supposedly the middle of the entire Multiverse.
  2. [8:56 AM] Anna Claskovic: From what the Observers have been able to gather from the Ether, it is where the Highest Ones are. From this, the wide belief of the Observers is that the Highest Ones created the multiverse from mere thought and word, and have dedicated their entire civilization to document the multiverse, coming to this Ether for clairvoyance. A clear path to walk upon. But this event is ceremonial. Abuse of the Highest One's information would be considered a great sin, as their information is delicate. The only one who can make contact with the Highest Ones, The Grand Observer, will be awakening from his last slumber, which started billions of years ago. The Observers are preparing for his wake. A humble being, Stargazer of the Ether Hierarch Associates, the soon-to-be Grand Observer, is getting ready for the arrival of The Grand Observer.(edited)
  3. [9:01 AM] Anna Claskovic: Meanwhile, back on Earth of the Universe Number 24.0.255, Neon City has been normal as ever. Crime is happening, heroes are being heroes, this universe is following it's normal course of situations. A villain starts to antagonize society in some shape or form, one hero, or a number of heroes collaborated whether by randomness or by association, fight the villain and beat them and foil their plan. But this universe is no longer going to follow it's considered normal course of actions. The laws of cause and effect will see differently of this universe, in a form that may or may not doom the multiverse as a result. Only time will tell.
  4. [9:10 AM] Sylo: "Ok, ok. Carefully, carefuullly" Frostbyte, a Hero not from this world, was slowly working on his Gauntlets. He feels like its been months since he started to rework them. Months without action, or perhaps even since he last saw someone...Nah, there was no way he was working on his project for that long. But the thought stayed in his mind. Pounding away. "You should go out, see a movie, so something!" rang in his mind. Maybe he should go out. Later of course, for now he kept at it.
  5. [11:24 AM] Bud: The old Wizard Drathagan, a rather reclusive magi sat in his study reading whatever tomes he had regarding ancient dragons. They were an interesting subject for his new research field and he wanted to know even the most niche and exotic ways of cooking them. them. Not too long ago he came into ownership of a dragon's egg and desired only to create a perfect omelette from it as it wasn't just everyday you had access to an extinct race's delicious unborn. Aside from the reading, absolutely nothing else was happening of interest.
  6. February 6, 2017
  7. [12:01 PM] The Lantern: "Alright, if a Mach 3 speedster leaves New York, chasing a Mach 2 villian, who had a 9000 mile head start, how long will it take the hero to catch up with the villian?" Lantern pondered this question, trying hard to show his work, to no avail. Rapping the pen again his head, it echoes quietly among the scratches of pens of other students daring to attempt Mr. Fueller's math quiz.
  8. [12:53 PM] The Haze: Haze peeked around a dark corner, this was the place, this was where he had been told to go if he wanted to find that sleazeball he had been sent after. Still, there was no sign of the guy to be found, it was as if had either been given a faulty lead - or the guy hadn't arrived yet. He braced himself up against a wall, blending in as best he could, if he was going to be taking this guy by surprise he would have to have a little more finesse than he usually does.
  9. "He should be here any minute now..." Haze muttered to himself, double-checking to make sure some unsuspecting chump hadn't followed him on his way here.(edited)
  10. February 7, 2017
  11. [9:19 AM] Anna Claskovic: While the earthbound heroes of Universe 24.0.255 attend their usual duties, The ceremony in interdimensional space was about to begin. The Grand Observer is presumed to be awake in around this time for the Observers, so they prepared heavily for his arrival. All of the Observers were called off duty for this. Each and every of them were confined to what we would normally described as a theater. They sat in seats that circled the Ether's avatar which floated peacefully above what seemed to be unidentified sets of superstring. Stargazer waited eagerly outside The Grand Observer's place of rest. He was assigned to be the first to meet him, as he was his student in preparation for his role. He fidgeted around with his shoulder pads, which were made of a material which by no means could be found in any of the regular universes. Fancy. While trying to fix himself, An lanky looking Observer in long white robes and a elegant walk paced up to him. "I see you are ready," the Observer said, roguishly. "I presume you know what to do. But, knowing the Observers from your sector..." He judged. "That will be all, Overseer. I didn't ask to be lectured, we are all of equal footing here. I am simply waiting for his greatness to rise from sleep. I wish to not cause a scene before his wake." Stargazer patiently replied to him. The Overseer's smug face morphed into spitefulness. "Very well, then." He scoffed, walking down the white reflective hallway, which had lights dancing through it intricately.(edited)
  12. [9:34 AM] Wishing very little Well: The Grand Observer's eyes slowly opened as he awoke from his comatose state, his pupils twinkling with the reflection of the entire vast multiversal cosmos itself. He was in no groggy stupor as most would be after such an immense rest. In fact his mind was far clearer than any void in any space and his movements were unfettered by any form of tire as he rose from his place of rest. He smiled and gave his chambers a lookaround, taking in its image after so long, before heading toward the exit to address his fellow people and pushing the door open.
  13. [9:55 AM] Anna Claskovic: Stargazer turned his head and directed his attention to the entity emerging from the room behind him. He smiled, stood straight and bowed. "Ah, sir. It's an honor. If you may, the Observance is this way." His demeanor was elegant, kind and careful. He stood by The Grand Observer, who towered over him by 2 feet. "It's just about to begin. I have a generous feeling about the path of the multiverse." As he was saying this, the white walls lifted, revealing the stadium that surrounded the Ether Avatar. The crowd cheered furiously and passionately. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"
  14. [10:40 AM] Wishing very little Well: The Grand Observer happily followed along without question. "It has indeed been quite some time. May I ask? Are you the next in line? You have a peculiar air about you."
  15. February 12, 2017
  16. [8:11 AM] Anna Claskovic: Stargazer chuckled. "It has. And, yes, I am. I've read under your various studies of the Multiverse. Might I say, I'm... honored, to be in such a position. Especially since I get to met you, in person. May this prediction be as glorious as our previous." While the two engaged in conversation, suddenly, the walls shut around them again. A monotone, calming voice played. Please standby. Quantum Surge detected, It said. While this was happening, back in the Covengers Universe, inconveniently, particular heroes swore they could've seen the air around them distort. Lanny during his test, Drathagan while reading his tomes, Frostbyte working on his gauntlets, Haze hunting for baddies. But it got worse. This was no sudden heatwave. It was almost as if space and time itself began to twist and dance around them! Buildings standing up straight twisted and bend in unpeculiar ways to them, light travelled rather slowly sometimes, too. It was almost like they were being scooped up from their own universe. Things might take a turn for the worse!(edited)
  17. [9:27 AM] The Haze: He staggered to his feet, he had been told that this guy he was being sent after might be a bit difficult to deal with. When he had been told that he didn't quite expect for him to be able to warp the world as he saw fit, was he hallucinating or was that actually this guy's power? He steadied himself, using the wall to hold himself up as he advanced forwards, staring at the world shifting and changing around him as he did so.
  19. "This is some real bullshit..." Haze muttered to himself as he struggled to keep his balance, after this day he would make sure never to go after a guy without learning if he has powers first. If he were a wimpier guy, he'd probably be puking all over the ground by now.
  20. [9:44 AM] Bud: Drathagan was still buried in his book as the world shifted, busy reading into the best way to fry eggs over easy with the bones of an old king as the stove's fuel source. What pulled him out of his research was the fact that the book itself was now stretching, spinning and warping with the rest of the room in a chaotic fashion. He couldn't detect any spells or trickery so what gives? Was time finally ending itself? The old man surely didn't know so he just wrapped his robe tight around himself and hoped for the best.
  21. February 13, 2017
  22. [2:33 AM] The Lantern: Scribbling down the scant ron swcond, Lantern only lifted his head when he noticed his standard #2 pencil was beginning to bubble and melt. He scans the room frantically, as the surroundings became more and more Escher-esque by the second. "Okay, Sheldon, keep calm," Lantern thought to himself, "One of the basic rules of hero-ing, make sure this isn't an illusion." No sooner did he say that, when the chair he was on exploded in a cloud of what felt like dust, as he landed hard on the floor. Getting up, and dusting the chair particles off himself, he begins to call out to see if anyone is there.
  23. [5:59 AM] Sylo: Frostbyte didn't notice the strange effects around him. Mostly because he was wiping the frozen sweat from his head. He threw the towel down as he grabbed his drink. It was only now that he noticed how everything around him was slowly melting and swirling "...This is the last time I steal Well's imported Ramen..."
  24. He kept still, thinking it would be best just to let it pass. He tried to put his soda back onto his desk. Sadly the part of the desk was no longer with him as he unknowingly ventured beyond his bounds of reality. He wasted no time to grab his Gauntlets before they too were left behind. he carefully placed them on his hands "Hopefully these are field ready"
  25. [7:16 AM] Anna Claskovic: As the strings of reality looped into eachother and time itself seemed to stop, All four heroes witnessed infront of them, a visual odyssey of the Observance. The image was framed by a swirling vortex of energy, which was visibly pushing the space infront of them like a weight being placed on a blanket. As the space infront of them was being tugged into the portal, so were they. Eventually their own universe was behind them, in the shape of an infinitesmally small ball, which seemed to disappear from view. It took time, as a white ball of an unknown energy swirled around them and faded. But soon the four would find themselves sitting in the middle of a room, not knowing that in a few minutes, they would find themselves being looked down upon by 16 Million Observers. A voice boomed from an unknown source, Quantum Surge dispersed. Initializing routine systems, it said. The roof over them opened up, and there they were. In the sight of what seemed to be an advanced alien race, all clothed in vibrantly different colors. There was silence.
  26. "Halt!" A voice called out, and soon, a rather large number of heavily armored alien looking men jumped on top of the platform in which they were standing on. "Either return to your designated universe, state your presence here, or prepare for lethal use of force!"
  27. February 14, 2017
  28. [7:28 AM] The Lantern: Lantern raises his hands, completely confused at to what the heck is going on. "Don't shoot, I mean no harm!" He yells, as he scares the area for any familiarity, the only things he could figure out were some of the non-alien heroes that stand beside him.
  29. [11:31 AM] The Haze: Haze muttered several complaints to himself under his breath, first he was on a important mission and now he had just been teleported to some place with a bunch of jackass aliens. "Look, if I could just leave I would. It's not like I chose to end up here." He explained the situation in the best way he could, a sinking feeling in his gut making him doubt they'd even believe that.
  30. February 18, 2017
  31. [9:40 AM] Sylo: Frostbyte wasn't sure what to be more confused about, The Fact he seemingly teleported to some weird room being looked down upon by alot of Weird four Eyed Aliens, or the fact he was teleported along with someone with a Pumpkin Head, a Wizard, and a super shady looking fellow "Uuuh...Are we interrupting something?"
  32. March 9, 2017
  33. [8:41 AM] Bud: Drathagan was confused by this new happening. Suddenly surrounded by alien architecture, actual aliens and a group of individuals that were unknown to him aside from one that seemed darkly familiar. Did time itself shift and bend or did the fabrics of reality unwind somewhere? The old mage wasn't sure exactly what was happening but accepted the fact he was now stuck in whatever it was no matter how much he'd like to go back to studying egg recipes. "Appears we've entered unannounced, gentlemen. Perhaps we should de-escalate?"
  34. April 11, 2017
  35. [12:50 AM] Anna Claskovic: The central figure creating the demands struck a look at the heroes with intense ferocity and vigor, but understood they didn't come here in premeditation of the situation. He held down what seemed to be a lance, but his soldiers were still holding their positions, maintaining weapons that are completely foreign in design to the group and ready to attack at any moment if so needed. "If you didn't come here in intent to do something, then escape from the stage immediately. You are violating and interrupting an important task." He quietly growled out. He pointed his thumb back into one of the hallways leading out of the Grand Observance. "Your universe co-ordinates will be researched and you'll be sent back to your appropriate places--"
  36. As soon as he was about to finish off his sentence, he soon realized from the opening tunnels leading out of the Grand Observance, were both high figures of the Observer society standing vacantly under the opening walls. Without hesitation or slop, each soldier lined up to the border of the tunnel standing in near-perfect symmetry. Each one of them clenched their fist and rested against their shoulder opposite of their nieves. Looking at them closely you could see the buds of sweat trickling down their reddened skin. "All must hail The Grand Observer, watcher of all fates!" The soldiers bellowed out, even the commanding figure gave out a shout, following soon after were the rising legs of 16 million Observers mimicking the same salute as the guards. "Hail!" They all boomed out in unison. All importance centered around that one tunnel. But it seemed as though everyone forgot about the four who originally interrupted the ceremony.
  37. [2:14 AM] Wishing very little Well: The Grand Observer quietly looked about the room, registering the new myriad of faces and reaching for his beard for a thoughtful stroke, appreciating the discipline of the soldiers announcing his presence. "Haha, how ceremonious." He continued taking in the view of the Observance until eyes met with the group of lesser worldly beings. He curiously leaned to his successor. "My my, this is quite a unique ceremony. Is this a new practice young one? It's far from standard practice to invite Third Worlders. Not that they are unwelcome..."(edited)
  38. May 25, 2017
  39. [9:02 AM] The Haze: Haze looked around the room, soon noticing that the guards had completely forgotten that he was in the room to begin with. He made his way down the hallway, keeping out of sight for the most part. As he emerged from the other end of the hall he found himself able to get a better view of the pair, watching them for just a few seconds before he found himself approaching them. A sinking feeling in his chest told him this might be an awful idea, but he couldn’t see himself managing to get anything done if he just stuck back with the group like he had originally intended to.
  40. “Did you just call me a third worlder?” Haze rapidly shifted his gaze between the two of them, having managed to overhear the last comment made by the Grand Observer himself. He shifted his weight to one foot, clasping his hand around the jaw of his helmet. He paused for a few seconds, waiting for the Grand Observer to fully process what he had just said. “Look, just direct me to the nearest shadow and I’m gone. I wouldn’t want to interrupt… whatever this is supposed to be.” He crossed his arms over his chest, glancing back to the crowd as he waited for either one of the two to answer him.
  41. June 8, 2017
  42. [10:49 AM] Sylo: Frostbyte had many thoughts going through his mind at that moment. Where was he? Who are these people? How come the Aliens are speaking English? But all those thoughts vanished once he heard Universes and 'Appropriate Places.' He was not native to his new home. If these strange creatures were telling the truth, he could be sent back to that Hell that was Xenon taking over. But he couldn't just run away, He wouldn't be able to get to any Universe doing that.
  44. Then he noticed the Shadowy guy was not only gone from the room, but talking to some Big Alien guy. A big Alien guy that all the other Aliens seem to worship. Maybe he was the man to talk to? Either way Frostbyte made his way to him slowly "U-Uh, if I may say about going back to our appropriate places. Can you guys...not do that with me?" His sweat-drops froze on his face before they could fall to the ground
  45. [12:06 PM] Bud: Drathagan took another curious look around the chamber, noticing one of the other familiar strangers now not among the group and indeed in a more direct path. Probably for the best in this odd and interesting situation. Best that someone else have the alien weapons tested on them, that is. Drathagan wasn't sure if his protective charms would work wherever this arena may be situated within the world and wasn't keen to test them at the moment. To further on that thought, Drathagan began to mimic the salute everybody else in the alien's ranks seemed to be doing, but gave a kick to Frostbyte's leg as calmly as possible during it. "Here boy, follow this example and perhaps we'll go unnnoticed as the darkie draws the attention of the big one over yonder."
  46. [12:17 PM] The Lantern: Taking his gaze away from the heroes, he now gazes at the alien beings standing before him, which normally would have been incredibly frightening, if he had not heard words of universal coordinates and third worlders. "Oh my god..." Lantern muttered to himself, "We must be an some kind of alternate reality, or another planet or something. Do you know what this means?" Lantern quickly kept looking between the aliens, and the group of heroes gathered here, as a grin creeped across his face, and his eyes literally grew brighter with excitement. "This is it! Dimensional adventures with other heroes! This kinda stuff is for big heroes, man! If you just keep your cool, and don't look like a dork, you'll be fine." Sheldon thinks, as he looks quite dorkish, almost shaking with excitement now.(edited)
  47. June 9, 2017
  48. [7:37 AM] Sylo: "Ow, Hey!" Frost was mad at the Wizard. But he soon realized the Wizard was right. Just going up to the big Alien they all worship might be a bad idea without a little respect. He tried his best to mimic the salute around him. But it didn't stop his worrying. But at least he wasn't shacking in his boots like the pumpkin fellow seems to be.
  49. June 10, 2017
  50. [1:45 AM] Wishing very little Well: The Grand Observer chuckled lightly to himself. "My apologies stranger. I meant no offense. I believe your presence here is a curious affair to all of us." He looked to his successor. "Perhaps we should help these fellows back to where they came? Come to think of it. What sent them here...?"
  51. June 14, 2017
  52. [1:40 PM] Anna Claskovic: "Shadows?" He looked to The Grand Observer, confused by his request. "My apologies, but I'm afraid while under the light of the almighty ether, there are no shadows. Simply, there is certainty. That's why we are here."
  54. Stargazer gestured proudly towards the starlike object in the center of the stadium, it appears to be giving off a heavy amount of light, but for some reason it does not blind. Stargazer's comment was right. There are no shadows around. Everything is bright and saturated, and seems to have what one would intepret as a 3D filter slightly opacitized over it. This was no ordinary realm.
  56. Frostbyte and the Wizard Drathagan took his attention. Overhearing their words, he turned to the saluting pair with much regret, as he admired their respectful form.
  57. "I'm afraid yes, you will be assigned back to your appropriate universes. This is simply law. I do not mean anything by it... But, feel free to stay for the ceremony!" The Observer walked over and embraced the blue cloaked man with an hand on his shoulder and showed him to what were just now materialized seat which was seemingly solid light. Stargazer waited as the Grand Observer was to make his way to the middle of the stage, and stood beside the seats.(edited)
  58. July 11, 2017
  59. [6:54 AM] Sylo: "Great, I get to go back home. If Xenon hasn't destroyed the planet by now" The icey Hero said under his breath. At the very least this alien was kind and not pointing a weapon at him. "Think you can tell us where we are at least? And why this place seems Like, what is that giant light over there?" He pointed towards the Ether. An amazing spectacle, but confusing all the same time.
  60. The time for questions seemed to have past however as the Big Alien made his way to do whatever he was original meant to do. 'Hopefully we aren't sacrifices or something' Frost thought as he took a seat. "Huh, Surprisingly comfy."
  61. July 17, 2017
  62. [1:31 PM] The Haze: Haze’s eyes followed Stargazer’s gesture until they came to rest on the glowing object resting in the center of the stage, an odd sight, given what you would usually expect to see on a stage of that size. As though he were completely unaffected by the light, Haze appeared to be lit as he would be on every other day. This wasn’t particularly noticeable, unless you just so happened to be looking for this very thing.
  64. “… I think I would prefer to stand, if you don’t mind. I’d rather not risk it when it comes to something made solely out of light, surely you can understand.” Giving a few seconds for him to respond, Haze turned and made his way to the row of sets, opting to stand in front of them rather than sitting down. Keeping his gaze locked firmly on the two on stage, he watched, making certain that he wouldn’t lose track of where they were on the stage at any moment.
  66. He clasped his hands over the thick faceplate of his helmet, preparing himself to take in what would very likely begin very soon. Something about this place had felt off to him since he had arrived, starting from the fact that he had appeared without any apparent reason. It appeared that Nephthys had felt the very same way, her unheard voice wafting through his ears as she questioned the whole ordeal. “Not now, Neph.” Haze shushed the “young” girl, speaking under his breath so that he wouldn’t be heard by the others in the audience.
  67. July 25, 2017
  68. [12:32 AM] Bud: Drathagan spoke a whispered "Shal" and instantly materialized in one of the chairs in a small, but obnoxious cloud of smoke that drifted dangerously close to Frostbyte, as well as leaving a similar cloud where he was previously. This was likely entirely unneeded as he wasn't very far from the chairs to begin with. "Haha what fun this is, a pristine opportunity to watch an alien ritual!" he said aloud but to nobody inparticular, and mumbled something else about shady darkies.
  69. July 27, 2017
  70. [9:58 AM] Wishing very little Well: The Grand Observer gave his successor a pat on the back. "Well I suppose we should give them the show they're waiting for, hrmm?" He chuckled to himself as he readied to resume the ceremony. "Our own people have been waiting long enough as well I presume."
  71. July 28, 2017
  72. [6:54 AM] Anna Claskovic: Stargazer looked to his master steadily, nodded and without delay walked in a ready pace towards the center stage of the stadium. Now in the middle of the entire stadium, He stretched out his palm towards the pseudo-star object that was indefinite in size as it's full radius was obscured by the limited frame of the colosseum, it suddenly shrinks, occupying less and less space as instants count to seconds and seconds count to minutes. What was a giant burning sphere of light was now a simple flicker; what could be described as nearly a mere spec giving off light. But as it hovered above Stargazer's grasp, it shined a bright light of certainty across the room. Shapes were clearly being defined; there was no shadow, no doubt. What seemed to be just an ornament to the architects of the supremely advanced Observers was actually a device capable of creating reality around it as objective as it possibly could be. Those who bathed in its light were given knowledge of themselves temporarily that provided them the exact position and spin of every proton, electron, upper quark and lower quark in their body. Even the heroes were given awareness of this; despite their comprehension being very limited compared to the likes of those that surrounded them. They knew for the brief moments they were being given, of every exact quantum, atomic, molecular and celluar reaction that was happening within themselves.(edited)
  73. [6:54 AM] Anna Claskovic: "Amazing!" A feminine voice cried out from the crowd, as an observer woman was almost sobbing with joy, followed by the endless others rejoicing and crying over such an event. The 16 million Observers credited this moment as a state of Nirvana for them, being able to precisely know and comprehend one's future down to the most minimal but vital sizes. They were very visibly in awe, wonder and praise of this single fraction of light within the apprentice's hands. Stargazer himself was slightly trembling from this sudden surge of awareness, his arms shaking as if as though this weightless mass of light was bearing the weight of the world on his shoulders. But he held his place. He turned to the Grand Observer and held out the Iota of the Ether, which would soon become the messenger for the multiverse and its future.
  74. August 1, 2017
  75. [5:56 PM] The Haze: Visions of the inner workings of his own body flashed through Haze’s mind, sights that he would never believe, some of which that he would actively refuse to believe. Shifting, stirring, the visions couldn’t seem to keep track of themselves, fading to black or simply changing to another sight entirely. Things that he knew he wasn’t meant to see were all bouncing around within his head, like he knew absolutely everything about himself, yet still couldn’t place a finger on many of the details. He couldn’t quite say why, but the idea that this wasn’t the way it was supposed to happen came to mind more than a few times during the entire ordeal.
  76. “My head…” Haze grumbled, rubbing the back of his helmet. He wasn’t sure he would ever be able to say what had happened, but it was something he was sure he would never experience again. Just as he was certain about the observers, he had a hunch that this could very well be the last time that he would encounter this race. The experience had been something to say the least, but it was obvious that something about it had been lost on him for more than a few different reasons. Thinking to himself, explanations of all sorts popped into his mind, none of them ever quite explaining what had just happened within his mind. Looking back up to the stage, he stood motionless, waiting to see just what would happen next.
  77. August 3, 2017
  78. [8:02 AM] Bud: Drathagan was glad he was already seated, for he had no confidence he would have been able to remain standing with the grand realization now dawning within himself. It was like an awakening he had been waiting for his very long life. Deep within himself he realized just how much he truly did know about himself and the connections he had with his own inner power. The realization was shocking at first but soon Drathagan grew to understand it, to appreciate and welcome it as thoughts and answers ran through his mind. With his already expanded third-eye from decades of magical experience this all may not have hit the old wizard as hard as it hit the others, but it was still quite the trip. The end of this trip had Drathagan laughing out loud, secure now in beliefs he had held to for ages being confirmed at last.
  79. August 4, 2017
  80. [12:10 AM] The Lantern: Lantern sits silently, his head filled with visions, split between two beings. One was a feeling most familiar, his own body reverberating throughout itself. The other, far off, but still terrifyingly present. Feelings of pent up, unholy anger, visions of a realm alien to anything he has seen, and a knowledge of what truly does reside in his head. Lantern sits silently, a bit shaken from his feelings
  81. [1:29 AM] Sylo: Frostbyte fanned his hand in the old Wizards direction, trying to blow some of the smoke away, and unintentionally sending a nice cool breeze towards Drathagan. This didn't last long however as the strange ritual started. At first Frostbyte was confused, but then it hit him. His body tensed up as he started to learn everything there was about himself. At first it was simple things, How many cells he has, how many seconds hes been alive, the amount of hair on his head. But slowly it started going deeper, Atoms, neutrons, Quarks. Everything.
  82. He looked down at his armored hands, seeing every detail they had to offer, and more. For a brief moment He knew exactly how his powers worked, he knew why his hands could still move despite being frozen to the point of being dark blue. And it didn't take long before he was shown things beyond his comprehension. Stuff he couldn't begin to understand. The Minute differences between his shirt, which came from his original Universe, and his pants from his new home. Both are made from the same material and both have the same color, but Frost knew how they were different. he could see the very protons that made his pants somehow more blue then his shirt. Another factor beyond his ability to fully understand
  83. After it was over, he remained still, almost frozen. Slowly he brought up his hand to check if his nose was bleeding after that...experience "S-Sweet Jesus..."
  84. [11:27 AM] Wishing very little Well: In the midst of the ocean of revelations and enlightenments overcoming the massive audience, the Grand Observer maintained a stoic, cheerful peace about him. He had silently prepared for this moment in deep slumper for countless epochs and was more ready than any other being to embrace the near unfathomable gift of omniscience, reaching out to claim the light from his stalwart successor.(edited)
  85. August 5, 2017
  86. [5:56 AM] Anna Claskovic: Stargazer struggled carrying the burden of endless knowledge of himself and the very future spins, twirls, oscillations, vibrations and eventual half lifes of all particles in his body. With a shaken palm, The condensed avatar of the ether instantly warped into position between the Grand Observer's hands, perfectly symmetrical to the both of them. The instant later, The Grand Observer's eyes turned completely white, and focused on the piece of ether floating in his grasp. To the view of an outsider, it almost seemed as though he had turned completely comatose. But he wasn't. The Grand Observer stood completely still, but his conscience was not one with his body any more. It had melded into the Ether, the very fabric, fluid and everchanging prospects of existence, almost written together by a higher sentient force that no one could comprehend, where he would make a revelation of the entire multiverse's future fate. All probabilities were equally as comprehensable as the infinite others to him, now. They were merely selections of information. But that did not bother him. What was his, and everyone elses concern, was the most probable future of that existing Omnicosmos. What bothered him, was that the fate of the multiverse was in extreme peril. Entire worlds eaten, engulfed and forgotten to by the timeless black void of uncertainty. Destruction of billions upon billions of years due progress. Countless lives lost. This was a crisis. An endless crisis among many worlds. This information was shocking. But what was more shocking was the culprit, the initiator of the events that will soon take fold in the tens of millions of worlds. It upset his conscience to the very foundation until he could not stand it anymore. Emotional, his conscience fled the Ether. Now back in his physical state, The Highest Observer was shaken.
  87. August 12, 2017
  88. [6:14 PM] Wishing very little Well: The Grand Observer's eyes were still aglow, as he trembled back, away from the divine glow of the perfectly illuminant sphere, his senses slowly returning to his body. His trancelike expression slowly fell to a state of fear and sorrow, his mouth agape. He directed his gaze towards his young successor wielding the Ether in his hands. With a single blink the light instantly escaped his eyes. He slowly approached Stargazer, still beyond mortified as he words finally managed to escape him, "My boy. W-What have you done!"(edited)
  89. [6:33 PM] The Haze: Haze watched the scene unfold before him, a singular thought growing more and more prominent within his mind as he listened to the Grand Observer speak. Something had to have been going on, he wasn’t certain what it could be, but it was obvious enough to him that things were beginning to go very wrong. He stayed back, turning around to look at the others that had come with him before turning back to the stage, wondering if they found the situation as odd as he did.
  90. “What the fuck is happening? Does anyone have any idea?” He whispered back to the others, so as to not interrupt either of the two up on the stage. At this point it could just be an act between the two of them, something to amuse the audience. But, if it was, then it had to be one of the most convincing acts he had ever seen in his life. He glanced back at the seats, if something was happening, then he would need to be prepared for the worst case scenario to unfold very soon. He shifted his stance very slightly, preparing himself on the off chance that the group would have to end up running to the stage.
  91. “Get out of your seats.” Haze demanded, glancing back at the row of seats behind him again.
  92. August 13, 2017
  93. [9:04 AM] Sylo: Frostbyte was still shaken up from the experience the Ether gave him. But it wasn't long before he snapped out of it, looking at the shadowy man "What? We can't just leave. They might be our only way back to whatever Universe we each came from" Then Frostbyte remembered that he would go back to his original home and not Neon. "...Ok, nevermind." He didn't stand, but instead he began to look around for any type of Exit. Specifically for one with the least amount of guards "Hopefully those weapons are just on stun." A very thin mist began to leak from his hand, the air around them cooling ever so slightly. He was ready to freeze whatever would get in their way.
  94. August 16, 2017
  95. [10:53 AM] The Lantern: Lantern snaps put of his train of thought, now focusing on the scene unfolding on the stage. He knew that a being such as the Grand Observer, who seems so calm a second ago, could through him into a fit like that. Following Haze's lead, Lantern slowly rises, tensing his legs for if and when he needs to jump into action.
  96. "I don't know what's happening, Sir," Lantern whispers to Haze, "but I have a gut feeling we are about to find out."(edited)
  97. August 23, 2017
  98. [9:37 AM] Bud: Drathagan had still been recovering from his fit of laughter after being revealed divine knowledge of himself. The spectacle now happening before his aging eyes wasn't fully comprehended for more than a few fair seconds, leading him to just be confused by Haze's sudden demand. "I'm quite comfortable where I am, boy. This is simply part of the act I'm sure, just odd cultural performance." He half-whispered.
  99. August 24, 2017
  100. [4:48 AM] Anna Claskovic: The higher crowd above the heroes were whispering among each other. "What did he mean?" "Is young Stargazer destined to ruin?" "Did he make a mistake?"
  101. The youthful future predecessor's face dropped. He was genuinely confused, and even so scared. "Wh-- Master, did-did I do something wrong? What can I do to-"
  102. The whispers growed more louder. From whispers to murmurs to outright audible disapprovals of disgust and audacity carrying out such questions like how on earth the hierarchy would allow him in such a high position.
  104. Everything had went wrong.
  105. [4:48 AM] Anna Claskovic: TELL US!!
  106. One man from the crowd roared, nearly wrestling past the guards in pure anger and frustration. the other 16 million Observers followed the same course of reason, screaming and shouting for what the Grand Observer had saw. More and more guards ran in, circling around the stadium to make a protective barrier. But it wasn't enough to hide the fact that Haze's worry was very misplaced. To the normal 3D entity, this seems ironically barbaric for such an advanced, ascendant alien species of watchers. But to the Observers, the future of the grander structure, all of the known universes, was almost religious in importance. To them, the fate of all that is known is a gift of certainty from higher forces. To know the narrative that builds around them, so that they can properly avoid any future troubles.
  107. "OFF WITH HIM!" They barked loudly from the crowd. "OFF WITH STARGAZER!"
  108. Some tried to reason with the masses of the riot, such as the guards and even more patient Observers. But it was very clear what the larger crowd wanted. The guards that stood by the heroes came over and took hold of Haze's arm. "The lot of you. Follow us, now. It isn't safe here." And as soon as he said that, an opening appeared right beside them into what seemed like an endlessly stretching corridor.
  110. Stargazer looked to the screaming masses of his people and heard their words. He just stood completely still and soaked in all they had shouted, turning to the Grand Observer. He looked like he was just about to cry. "Please. Tell me." He managed to ask, his voice shaking with fear.
  111. August 25, 2017
  112. [8:17 AM] The Lantern: Lantern looks between the guards and the frantic response of the crowd, then finally setting his sights on Stargazer, trembling with fear. "Are you sure, mister? I think that guy down there needs a lot more protection than us right now." Lantern felt uneasy just leaving the guy there, wanting to stay to suss out the situation a bit more, and be there in case any of Haze's concerns turned true.
  113. [5:30 PM] The Haze: Haze looked down at the hand grabbing his arm, taken aback by the guards’ sudden unwanted intrusion. Turning back to face the guard, he yanked his arm from his grasp and motioned towards himself with his thumb. “Look, I’m sure we can handle ourselves just fine.” Haze paused, hoping that the guards wouldn’t understand what he had meant by we. “We can’t just go back and pretend nothing ever happened here, we’re called heroes for a reason.” He complained, his voice doubling up with Nephthys’ own in this moment of strong irritation.
  114. “Go on, we-… I’ll follow, you just have to go in first.” He suggested, waiting for any sort of reaction to his suggestion. “It’s not like we’ll have any idea where to go if you don’t lead us, will we? Go on, lead the way.” He continued, every word he uttered dripping with the thickest layer of sarcasm. Pointing towards the newly made passage, he stood still, choosing to wait for the guards to move before he would make any real movement of his own. Maybe if he was lucky, he would manage to trick the guards this way, but he was having trouble believing that they would let any of them pull a fast one on them like that.
  115. September 8, 2017
  116. [11:04 AM] Sylo: "I have to agree with the uh...Pumpkin guy. We don't seem the main focus of anger right now. The Big Alien down there seems like he'd be in a lot more trouble without you." While Frost did agree with Lantern, he also agreed with Haze...or at least the voice that came out of him. He did find it rather odd how the fellow's voice changed slightly, but he didn't put much thought into it. After all, he was in surrounded by Aliens who went from Advance Beings to a riot. Haze could be an Alien himself for all Frostbyte knew. There was no say if each of the them even came from the same Universe."If things get too hectic we could always help. Human or not he deserves to be protected like anyone else"
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