
R*Novice Review: Snicker4

May 31st, 2015
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  1. Novice Review:
  3. Super creative plot :) but theres a few things i think you should work on before you can rank up!
  4. The idea of the mesa is super cool and actually sorta unique since most people do desert instead. But the terrain might look a bit too bust with all those different stripes and layers x3 Try to make it less layers by giving each color 2 or 3 blocks instead 1. It'll mix up the patterns and look nicer :)
  5. The structures on the plot are surely interesting x3 I see a lot of people doing broken structure but it doesnt show much talent or skill to go a broken house. Try and do full houses and structures, weather they be towers or houses or whatever you want that will fit the theme you have goin on there! The structure you do have though (the greenish house) is a little too flat and plain x3 Try to add different layers to the walls (depth) and detail it with stairs, slabs, fences etc...
  6. The organics on the plot could use some work. The trees need to be a bit bigger and the one with the nest in it needs bigger branches to match the size of the trunk!Also normally if theres water, that means the tree can live :p so maybe a few leaves are in order!
  7. Good luck!
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