
@_Hng Burning Noh Chat-Log

Apr 14th, 2013
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  1. Links to pictures of the actual chat (@_Hng asked me to censor his email and name however):
  14. 8:32 PM - @_Hng: yo
  15. 8:32 PM - Jewlander: Heya!
  16. 8:32 PM - @_Hng: I've thought about selling the noh mercy. I think I have a B/O i'm comfortable with now, but I can't promise it's within reasonable...
  17. 8:32 PM - @_Hng: I've decided money > pixels
  18. 8:32 PM - @_Hng: haha.
  19. 8:32 PM - Jewlander: x3 really? Awesome :3
  20. 8:33 PM - Jewlander: what's the b/o?
  21. 8:33 PM - @_Hng: 110 buds >_>'
  22. 8:33 PM - @_Hng: call me crazy
  23. 8:33 PM - Jewlander: Dude that's crazy! haha I don't think I could really ever go that high
  24. 8:33 PM - Jewlander: haha
  25. 8:33 PM - Jewlander: x3
  26. 8:34 PM - @_Hng: but that's what I'm comfortable with. due to it's rarity etc
  27. 8:34 PM - @_Hng: and how it's high in demand
  28. 8:34 PM - Jewlander: I mean yes it is the only one on the market
  29. 8:34 PM - @_Hng: it might never fetch what I want, but hey. that's the same thing they said about my burning K.E.
  30. 8:34 PM - @_Hng: then i sold it for more than 3K.
  31. 8:34 PM - @_Hng: and changed the price from 45 buds ---> 100
  32. 8:35 PM - Jewlander: haha well, I'm pretty sure I'll stand by my current offer for right now man
  33. 8:35 PM - @_Hng: aight, that's fine ;p
  34. 8:37 PM - Jewlander: haha thanks, if you ever decide you like it or what not feel free to message me!
  35. 8:38 PM - @_Hng: yeah
  37. 8:38 PM - @_Hng: !
  38. 8:38 PM - Jewlander: haha I am thinking about it right now actually
  39. 8:39 PM - Jewlander: I don't think I'll go to your b/o but I'd be willing to raise my offer to $2720 (80 buds at $34 each) in the hopes you might take it haha
  40. 8:41 PM - @_Hng: I will think about it!
  41. 8:42 PM - @_Hng: cause now I actually have a paypal acc thats not limited...
  42. 8:42 PM - @_Hng: aka my dads lol
  43. 8:42 PM - Jewlander: sounds good! Let me know whatever you decide whenever! No rush haha
  44. 8:42 PM - Jewlander: lol nice
  45. 8:43 PM - @_Hng: is your paypal verified?
  46. 8:43 PM - @_Hng: just curious in case of future transactions
  47. 8:43 PM - @_Hng: and are you buying buds?
  48. 8:44 PM - Jewlander: Yeah to both haha
  49. 8:44 PM - Jewlander: Have I shown you my rep and what not yet?
  50. 8:44 PM - @_Hng: i had someone ask me some stuff about you
  51. 8:44 PM - @_Hng: they were suspicious
  52. 8:44 PM - @_Hng: cause you've bought so much over the past 5 months.
  53. 8:44 PM - @_Hng: also how much are you purchasing buds for?
  54. 8:45 PM - Jewlander: :/ haha I really just started buying stuff through my paypal about a half a year ago since I wanted to start my moon collection and I had a lot of cash saved up really
  55. 8:45 PM - Jewlander: some people have asked me that already, I can understand why they'd be suspicious though I guess!
  56. 8:45 PM - @_Hng: yeah.. I got chargebacked a while ago
  57. 8:45 PM - Jewlander: I'm buying them for $34 each! I prefer to buy in larger bundles
  58. 8:46 PM - Jewlander: D:
  59. 8:46 PM - Jewlander: Chargebacks are really shitty
  60. 8:46 PM - Jewlander: None have ever happened to me
  61. 8:46 PM - Jewlander: and of course I've never done it to someone else, but I've heard from others how annoying it is to deal with!
  62. 8:46 PM - @_Hng: yeah
  63. 8:46 PM - @_Hng: I only got a portion back
  64. 8:46 PM - @_Hng: lost about $200
  65. 8:46 PM - @_Hng: maybe more
  66. 8:47 PM - @_Hng: oh well.
  67. 8:47 PM - Jewlander: Damn! I've been scammed before (awhile back) so I feel your pain man
  68. 8:47 PM - Jewlander: losing money or unusuals really sucks
  69. 8:48 PM - @_Hng: yeah
  70. 8:48 PM - @_Hng: I haven't spent any money on this game though
  71. 8:48 PM - @_Hng: at least not the money I put into the game, but the money I spent from buying and selling stuff.
  72. 8:48 PM - @_Hng: so I didn't really dwell on it
  73. 8:49 PM - Jewlander: Yeah, that's the big thing is to move on. Losing anything can make life feel pretty shitty too
  74. 8:49 PM - Jewlander: I had to deal with that a while back haha, but I got over it and everything is super great now :3
  75. 8:49 PM - @_Hng: ;p
  76. 8:50 PM - @_Hng: btw
  77. 8:50 PM - Jewlander: yeah?
  78. 8:50 PM - @_Hng: I hope you realized that my noh mercy is gifted
  79. 8:50 PM - @_Hng: the burning one
  80. 8:50 PM - @_Hng: I didn't get it gifted >_>'
  81. 8:51 PM - @_Hng: but I didn't really mind because it's so rare
  82. 8:51 PM - Jewlander: Yeah I do :C
  83. 8:51 PM - Jewlander: Exactly
  84. 8:51 PM - Jewlander: it takes very little of the price at this point
  85. 8:51 PM - Jewlander: since it's unlikely I could get my hands on another for a while
  86. 8:51 PM - @_Hng: I don't think any will be unboxed in the future soon (if ever) + collectors won't sell
  87. 8:51 PM - @_Hng: yeah heh
  88. 9:04 PM - @_Hng: tell you what. think about this, but this is my final offer for now. 90 buds, but they have to be in buds, not cash. sorta between what you're offering and what I'd like to have, but I probably won't get that.
  89. 9:04 PM - @_Hng: also I'm sorta sketchy on cash with you (no offence)
  90. 9:04 PM - @_Hng: cause it's better to be safe than sorry
  91. 9:04 PM - @_Hng: esp for such a large transaction
  92. 9:06 PM - Jewlander: That's fine! I mean I did just purchase a Moon KE earlier today though and I can provide screenie's if you'd like
  93. 9:06 PM - Jewlander: I bought it for $3120
  94. 9:06 PM - Jewlander: I went first as well
  95. 9:06 PM - @_Hng: yeah but I can't stop you from chargebacks..
  96. 9:06 PM - Jewlander: and I guess I don't blame you for the cash sketchiness
  97. 9:07 PM - @_Hng: and it's crazy how you have so much cash
  98. 9:07 PM - @_Hng: unless you have some explanation as to how you get this's hard
  99. 9:07 PM - @_Hng: I'd prefer cash for sure no doubt over buds tho
  100. 9:07 PM - Jewlander: haha well I kind of do, I mean satan (another big name trader just asked me about how I got into this)
  101. 9:07 PM - Jewlander: I'll copy paste what I told him
  102. 9:09 PM - @_Hng: aight.
  103. 9:09 PM - @_Hng: I mean I really wanna do cash
  104. 9:09 PM - @_Hng: but I'm so dgasfahjff
  105. 9:09 PM - Jewlander: 9:02 PM - Satan [PPM-Λ]: What inspired you to pure so much in so fast?
  106. 9:03 PM - Jewlander: haha well it was actually getting my hands on my dream unusual (of waay back then about 7ish months or so ago)
  107. 9:03 PM - Jewlander: I had gotten a moon Counterfeit Billycock
  108. 9:04 PM - Jewlander: and basically had been saving up a lot of money from my job and whatnot for awhile, I had been tf2 trading for a long time and was doing pretty well. I wanted to get into cash trading so I started buying pure to maybe buy some more awesome spy hats with moon
  109. 9:04 PM - Jewlander: one thing mostly led to another and I ended up starting to collect moon since I liked it so much :3
  110. 9:05 PM - Jewlander: I also somewhat wanted to see how well I could do in investing my money into the game and how much profit I would be making? But really profit has never been my focus, just collecting something that I really enjoy
  111. 9:05 PM - Jewlander: I think mattie puts it best in the sense that some people like collecting art, I like collecting virtual hats haha
  112. 9:06 PM - Satan [PPM-Λ]: xD
  113. 9:06 PM - Jewlander: so yeah, that's pretty much my story all shortened up
  114. 9:06 PM - Satan [PPM-Λ]: lol
  115. 9:06 PM - Satan [PPM-Λ]: I feel ya
  116. 9:06 PM - Satan [PPM-Λ]: but $15000? Thats alot (correct me if that number is off)
  117. 9:08 PM - Jewlander: That's about right! I had actually a lot of money saved up from my barmitzvah and working the past 5ish-6ish years of my life at my synagouge and at various summer jobs
  118. 9:09 PM - Jewlander: I got like 11,000 dollars in gifts for my bar-mitzvah way back when I was 13 haha
  119. 9:09 PM - Jewlander: no joke really
  120. 9:09 PM - Satan [PPM-Λ]: HOLY SHIT COCK
  121. 9:09 PM - Satan [PPM-Λ]: IM TURNING JEWISH
  122. 9:09 PM - Jewlander: some people I know got like 15,000+
  123. 9:09 PM - Satan [PPM-Λ]: lol
  124. 9:09 PM - Jewlander: haha
  125. 9:09 PM - Satan [PPM-Λ]: damn
  126. 9:09 PM - Jewlander: No worries! If you really don't want to do cash, I could spend my time saving up buds to match my offer
  127. 9:09 PM - Jewlander: but it'll take a lot longer
  128. 9:12 PM - @_Hng: just a sec.
  129. 9:13 PM - Jewlander: sure thing!
  130. 9:37 PM - @_Hng: so would you be able to pay 90 worth with buds counting @ 34 each?
  131. 9:38 PM - Jewlander: Hrmmm
  132. 9:38 PM - Jewlander: I might be willing to go to like 85 maybeee
  133. 9:38 PM - Jewlander: let me think on it?
  134. 9:38 PM - @_Hng: adafasfgg
  135. 9:38 PM - @_Hng: yeah sure
  136. 9:38 PM - @_Hng: that's pretty much the only thing I want
  137. 9:39 PM - Jewlander: Hahaha yeah I figured, I'll let you know after I play awhile if I'd do it
  138. 9:39 PM - @_Hng: sure thing
  139. 9:39 PM - @_Hng: that'd be $3060 USD if you agree
  140. 9:44 PM - Jewlander: haha yeah, still thinking on it while I play randomizer on my server haha
  141. 9:45 PM - @_Hng: sure thing
  142. 9:45 PM - @_Hng: i'll join you in a bit if you dont mind
  143. 9:45 PM - @_Hng: sorta bored
  144. 9:45 PM - @_Hng: doign a LOT of cash trades
  145. 9:45 PM - Jewlander: haha sure!
  146. 9:45 PM - @_Hng: i finally got paypal back lol
  147. 9:45 PM - @_Hng: and I'm just looking to buy some moniter
  148. 9:46 PM - Jewlander: ooh, go after a Asus one
  149. 9:46 PM - Jewlander: they are really nice imo haha
  150. 9:46 PM - @_Hng:
  151. 9:46 PM - @_Hng: YOU KNOW IT
  152. 9:50 PM - @_Hng is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  153. 9:51 PM - @_Hng: wtf
  154. 9:51 PM - @_Hng: random speed?
  155. 9:51 PM - Jewlander: haha kinda
  156. 9:51 PM - Jewlander: everything is random
  157. 9:51 PM - Jewlander: class and weapons
  158. 9:51 PM - Jewlander: it's pretty silly
  159. 9:51 PM - Jewlander: but really fun!
  160. 9:52 PM - @_Hng: haha
  161. 9:52 PM - Jewlander: x3
  162. 9:58 PM - Jewlander: oh my gewdness hahaha
  163. 9:58 PM - @_Hng: rofl
  164. 9:58 PM - Jewlander: that was amazing haha
  165. 9:58 PM - @_Hng: so OP
  166. 9:58 PM - @_Hng: btw
  167. 9:58 PM - Jewlander: 2op
  168. 9:58 PM - Jewlander: lol
  169. 9:58 PM - Jewlander: yeah?
  170. 9:58 PM - @_Hng: you know who stabby stabby is right
  171. 9:58 PM - Jewlander: yep!
  172. 9:58 PM - @_Hng: I can get the noh mercy signed by him if you want
  173. 9:58 PM - @_Hng: i'm not really a fan of him but
  174. 9:58 PM - @_Hng: i know him
  175. 9:58 PM - Jewlander: Ooh wow! Yeah! That'd be pretty awesome haha, Spy is my favorite class so that'd mean quite a bit
  176. 9:59 PM - Jewlander: hmm that is making me really want to take that offer of 3060 haha
  177. 9:59 PM - @_Hng: you'd need two gift wrap though ;p
  178. 9:59 PM - Jewlander: I have like 5 x3
  179. 10:00 PM - @_Hng: well there you go :p
  180. 10:00 PM - @_Hng: or I can get it signed by Hei
  181. 10:00 PM - @_Hng: not sure if you know who that is
  182. 10:00 PM - Jewlander: I think soo, care to elaborate in case?
  183. 10:00 PM - @_Hng: Platinum level spy
  184. 10:01 PM - @_Hng: "retired" from highlander
  185. 10:01 PM - @_Hng: he was considered to be the best spy in UGC
  186. 10:01 PM - @_Hng: stabby = most overrated spy heh
  187. 10:02 PM - @_Hng: he's my fav spy though
  188. 10:03 PM - Jewlander: haha that's awesome, I knew I had heard of him somewhere
  189. 10:03 PM - Jewlander: Hmm
  190. 10:03 PM - @_Hng: i'd prefer it to be signed by Hei
  191. 10:03 PM - @_Hng: but that's just me
  192. 10:03 PM - @_Hng: but first i'd have to sk
  193. 10:03 PM - @_Hng: ask*
  194. 10:03 PM - @_Hng: if hes willing
  195. 10:03 PM - Jewlander: haha yeah :P
  196. 10:03 PM - @_Hng: if you're really wanting the noh
  197. 10:04 PM - Jewlander: I think I really do haha, but I think for now I'd rather have stabby sign it if that's ok!
  198. 10:04 PM - @_Hng: sure
  199. 10:04 PM - Jewlander: after we randomize for a bit we can work out the details on the trade and such
  200. 10:04 PM - @_Hng: sure
  201. 10:05 PM - @_Hng: do you wanna hand over the gift wraps right now?
  202. 10:05 PM - @_Hng: so i can ask stabby
  203. 10:05 PM - @_Hng: wait
  204. 10:05 PM - @_Hng: lemme ask him first
  205. 10:05 PM - Jewlander: yeah sure haha
  206. 10:09 PM - @_Hng: can I get the gift wraps right now? he's pugging atm. if he says yes, I can get it gifted right away
  207. 10:10 PM - Jewlander: sure thing, you need 2 right?
  208. 10:10 PM - @_Hng: yep
  209. 10:10 PM - @_Hng: for signing
  210. 10:10 PM - @_Hng: thanks
  211. 10:10 PM - @_Hng: i'll let you know if he signs it or not
  212. 10:10 PM - Jewlander: awesome sure thing!
  213. 11:01 PM - @_Hng is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  214. 11:02 PM - @_Hng: Never tell your password to anyone.
  215. @_Hng: yoooo.
  216. stabby stabby -ts- is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  217. stabby stabby -ts-: heya
  218. @_Hng: I was wondering if you could sign something for me
  219. @_Hng: or do you not do signings anymore?
  220. stabby stabby -ts-: sure
  221. stabby stabby -ts-: just a sec
  222. @_Hng: aight
  223. @_Hng: trade me whenever you can.
  224. stabby stabby -ts- is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  225. 11:02 PM - @_Hng: still waiting...
  226. 11:02 PM - Jewlander: haha no worries, no rush really
  227. 11:02 PM - @_Hng: ;p
  228. 11:02 PM - @_Hng: so you wouldn't be interested in a moon jefe?
  229. 11:02 PM - Jewlander: Probably not for the moment haha
  230. 11:02 PM - @_Hng: aighhttt.
  231. 11:03 PM - @_Hng: what about any of my other unusuals?
  232. 11:03 PM - @_Hng: / items
  233. 11:04 PM - Jewlander: Hrmm, I havent actually taken a look yet haha
  234. 11:04 PM - @_Hng:
  235. 11:04 PM - @_Hng: ;p
  236. 11:04 PM - @_Hng: ps
  237. 11:04 PM - @_Hng: I've got a vintage pyro token too
  238. 11:04 PM - @_Hng: and a spy one
  239. 11:04 PM - @_Hng: but not too keen on selling that
  240. 11:04 PM - @_Hng: but I don't think you're into collectable vintages huh
  241. 11:05 PM - Jewlander: Yeah, they're interesting but I'd rather go after moon unusuals
  242. 11:05 PM - @_Hng: ye
  243. 11:08 PM - @_Hng: I got it signed ;)
  244. 11:08 PM - @_Hng: stabby stabby -ts-: that's like
  245. stabby stabby -ts-: the ultimate spy hat
  246. 11:08 PM - Jewlander: Yuss haha
  247. 11:08 PM - @_Hng: you heard it here first folks.
  248. 11:08 PM - Jewlander: Most definitely
  249. 11:08 PM - @_Hng: so, about the transaction
  250. 11:08 PM - @_Hng: wanna talk now?
  251. 11:08 PM - Jewlander: Sure! We can voice chat if you'd like or steam chat either way
  252. 11:08 PM - @_Hng: steam chat preferred ;p
  253. 11:08 PM - @_Hng: so
  254. 11:09 PM - @_Hng: are you fine with going first, paying fees, USD, sending as gift, and having the comment as what I desire?
  255. 11:09 PM - Jewlander: Yes, I would agree to all of that
  256. 11:09 PM - Jewlander: sounds reasonable!
  257. 11:09 PM - @_Hng: cool!
  258. 11:09 PM - @_Hng: for the comment, can you put:
  259. 11:10 PM - @_Hng: This is a payment for a Unusual Noh Mercy with the particle effect Burning Flames from the game, 'Team Fortress 2'. This is not a tangible good, and therefore all sales are final due to the nature of the transaction. I, (Insert Name here) agree to these terms.
  260. 11:10 PM - @_Hng: make sure you swap Insert Name here with your name ;p
  261. 11:10 PM - @_Hng is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  262. 11:10 PM - Jewlander: Of course, would you like me to include my steamID64 as well?
  263. 11:10 PM - @_Hng: sure! if that's not too troubling.
  264. 11:11 PM - @_Hng: do you need to see my rep?
  265. 11:11 PM - Jewlander: haha no of course it's not too much trouble! and sure, that'd be good. But I do trust you pretty much at this point :P
  266. 11:11 PM - Jewlander: You've seen mine right?
  267. 11:11 PM - @_Hng: uhhh, nope but you're going first so it's w/e haha
  268. 11:11 PM - @_Hng: also with a backpack worth over 20K
  269. 11:11 PM - Jewlander: haha no worries then
  270. 11:11 PM - @_Hng: i think you're pretty reputable
  271. 11:11 PM - Jewlander: yeahhhhh
  272. 11:12 PM - Jewlander: x3 thanks!
  273. 11:12 PM - @_Hng:!
  274. 11:12 PM - Jewlander: Great, looks good to me
  275. 11:13 PM - @_Hng: cool
  276. 11:13 PM - @_Hng: also email:
  277. 11:13 PM - Jewlander: so the agreed upon amount is 85 buds at $34 each?
  278. 11:13 PM - @_Hng: I thought it was 90 ;w;
  279. 11:13 PM - Jewlander: yeah haha that'd be good
  280. 11:13 PM - Jewlander: ohhh
  281. 11:13 PM - @_Hng: and i'd agree only at 90 :(
  282. 11:13 PM - Jewlander: I thought you liked my upper offer of 85 since thats what I raised it to
  283. 11:13 PM - @_Hng: you said you'd think on it earlier
  284. 11:13 PM - Jewlander: hmm
  285. 11:13 PM - Jewlander: yeah
  286. 11:14 PM - @_Hng: you can keep on thinking if you want
  287. 11:14 PM - Jewlander: howabout 88 then? meet in the middle?
  288. 11:14 PM - @_Hng: 90 only :(
  289. 11:14 PM - Jewlander: thats $2992 but I'll bump it up to 3,000
  290. 11:14 PM - @_Hng: 3060! 90 :c
  291. 11:15 PM - Jewlander: Hrmmmmmmmmm
  292. 11:15 PM - @_Hng: i'm only comfortable with 90 man
  293. 11:15 PM - Jewlander: I guess I can spare the extra 60 for it, I'll have to go work on a price check after this haha
  294. 11:15 PM - @_Hng: haha
  295. 11:15 PM - Jewlander: that's fine, 90 sounds good to me at this point I guess!
  296. 11:15 PM - @_Hng: cool!
  297. 11:16 PM - @_Hng: that extra 60 is the signing fee ;p
  298. 11:16 PM - Jewlander: So then, agreed price is $3060 for the burning noh mercy, delivered after I pay
  299. 11:16 PM - @_Hng: yes!
  300. 11:16 PM - Jewlander: x3 a signing fee well worh it imo!
  301. 11:16 PM - Jewlander: Cool, I'll set up the money really quick
  302. 11:17 PM - Jewlander: oop I still need your email haha
  303. 11:17 PM - @_Hng:
  304. 11:17 PM - Jewlander: gracias!
  305. 11:17 PM - @_Hng: let me know when you've sent it
  306. 11:18 PM - Jewlander: oh gerd dat $90 fee haha
  307. 11:18 PM - @_Hng: ~~
  308. 11:18 PM - @_Hng: for such a large amount I wouldn't be suprised
  309. 11:19 PM - Jewlander: Yeah, that's actually not the worst fee i've seen haha
  310. 11:19 PM - @_Hng: what was the worst?
  311. 11:19 PM - Jewlander: Like $150 one time for when I bought 26 buds from a canadian guy :SSSSSS
  312. 11:19 PM - Jewlander: They were $33 each though so it was ok in the end with me haha
  313. 11:19 PM - @_Hng: dayum
  314. 11:19 PM - @_Hng: where do you live?
  315. 11:20 PM - Jewlander: In WA state haha
  316. 11:20 PM - Jewlander: so there was I think some form of conversion fee was well
  317. 11:20 PM - Jewlander: Damn there isnt enough characters in the note message for my steamID64
  318. 11:20 PM - @_Hng: ah.
  319. 11:20 PM - Jewlander: hrm
  320. 11:20 PM - @_Hng: oh
  321. 11:20 PM - @_Hng: its fine then
  322. 11:20 PM - @_Hng: just copy pasta what I pasted
  323. 11:20 PM - Jewlander: haha ok then
  324. 11:20 PM - Jewlander: Already done!
  325. 11:21 PM - @_Hng: thanks1
  326. 11:21 PM - @_Hng: I'll check in a sec
  327. 11:21 PM - Jewlander: Ok I guess it's ready, let me screenie it first then I'll let you know once it's sent!
  328. 11:21 PM - @_Hng: sure thing
  329. 11:23 PM - Jewlander: Sent on my end! To ------ --, let me know once you've confirmed receiving it
  330. 11:23 PM - @_Hng: i'll check
  331. 11:24 PM - @_Hng: got it :)
  332. 11:24 PM - You have accepted the trade request from @_Hng.
  333. 11:25 PM - Jewlander: Great! Thanks so much again man, I really appreciate it!
  334. 11:25 PM - @_Hng: i thought you needed two
  335. 11:25 PM - @_Hng: but I guess not!
  336. 11:25 PM - Jewlander: haha oh! x3
  337. 11:25 PM - @_Hng: i forgot the noh was tradable ;p
  338. 11:26 PM - Jewlander: hahaha no worries :3
  339. 11:26 PM - @_Hng: congrats
  340. 11:26 PM - @_Hng: and take good care of it
  341. 11:26 PM - Jewlander: Awesome! Thanks again man, I hope you get the most out of all that moolah haha
  342. 11:27 PM - @_Hng: :)
  343. 11:27 PM - Jewlander: get yourself an awesome monitor :3
  344. 11:27 PM - Jewlander: and whatever else x3
  345. 11:27 PM - @_Hng: yeee
  346. 11:27 PM - Jewlander: Ye!
  347. 11:27 PM - @_Hng: mind if i keep you as a friend?
  348. 11:28 PM - Jewlander: haha of course! Feel free :>
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