
Secret Shuku

Aug 17th, 2014
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  1. (Mel's reply begins with a low quality picture of Dickbutt. About fifteen minutes later, a real response follows.)
  3. Hey,, so, let me just start by explaining something. We know there's an evil version of you out there with Aether, or more accurately the correct version of you for this world, and...frankly I hadn't been able to trust you at all since. I mean, I don't know how hard it would be for the evil one to pretend to be you. But, like, I know Swanna probably could tell, and probably hates the evil one now for bringing instability, and I haven't been snuffed or anything like that, so I'm willing to bet it's you and not bad you. And even if I haven't exactly liked you as far as how poorly you've done acting as our boss...I can't say I exactly hate you as a person. ...and I suppose given recent events, I kind of have to give you a second chance.
  5. As far as Missingno's...well for the most's...kind of gone. I mean, yeah, I fused with it, but the resulting not too terribly much like it was. Stuff still fucks up around me, but it's...different? I guess it would make more sense if you saw it in person. Also I imagine there are still scraps of lost in the Dream World. I haven't been there since, but if I can draw out some of those lost souls...pieces of join me...well it should help stabilize the Dream World, right?
  7. I figure it's safe to tell you...I'm...starting to take a hold in the Wakino pantheon. Like, we just spoke with Kanne actually and he's given us his blessing to try to revive the religion, something Lesielie/Mele really wanted. I've apparently been given a divine identity: Ululane, goddess of rebirth I guess? For now at least, it looks like most things have multiple domains, so I still need to grow more. So, you should totally tell your friends about me, that would be great. Not actual me that they could like trace or anything, divine me. Also start editing wiki articles and maybe go to the Conch library a- oh I'm asking too much aren't I. Anyway, long term...I don't know if there will still be sources of lost data after we expunge Aether, and if not, I guess I could eventually maybe even stabilize completely? I'm not sure. But yeah, I don't...think I'd fuck up the Dream World if I visited?
  9. Oh, also a few people mentioned wanting to talk to you about...fuck if I know, I had my own stuff going on, so I guess it would be cool if you stopped by. We're on our way to Hermit.
  11. tl;dr: Fuck, I'm sorry, I've been a mess, I'm trying to get better, come meet us.
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