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Apr 20th, 2012
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  1. >It's a fresh morning in your home when there's a rapid knocking on the door.
  2. >To your surprise it's Mrs. Cake. She explains that Pinkie is feeling under the weather and that, according to her, you were to be her replacement for any festivities hosted today.
  3. >This is news to you, but you go along with it. You didn't have anything planned for today and it might be fun.
  4. >The day proves to be packed with parties. A birthday party for a group of foals, an anniversary for an older couple, a few singing telegrams, the list just goes on.
  5. >It doesn't help that you have to figure out how to work Pinkie's various party contraptions. Aside from their designs, they were made for ponies not humans.
  6. >Being a human is another bump in the road. While the citizens of Ponyville are welcoming, they have a tendency to stare. Especially when you're singing and dancing in a clown suit.
  7. >But the last party on the list gets checked off, the supplies are loaded up and you return the gear to Sugarcube Corner. When you arrived there was a note instructing you to leave it in the back. Strange, you thought they were open at this hour.
  8. >Nevertheless you're too tired to care. So you leave the equipment behind the store and head home for the day.
  9. >You open the door and flip the lights on only to be welcomed by a loud "BANG!" You drop to the floor wonder what the hell is going on when a solitary, high pitched voice rings out "Surprise!"
  10. >It's Pinkie. The inside of your house is covered in streamers and confetti now floats through the air as Pinkie bounces over to you, wearing a party hat.
  11. >"Hey there Anon! I wanted to thank you for covering for me today, so I set up a nice little party just for the two of us!"
  12. >You look around and, sure enough, there's nobody else here. "Well that's great Pinkie but....hey weren't you supposed to be sick today or something?"
  13. >"Pffft, no silly. I was feeling "under the weather", it means there was a nice clouded spot out in the fields that was PERFECT for having a picnic on!"
  14. >You feel like you should be angry, but you're too tired. You just walk over to your streamer covered couch and flop down face first on the cushions with a "whumpf".
  15. >"Oh. Ha, I guess you aren't used to partying like I am. Here, let me help!" She darts over to where you lay and begins trying to massage your back.
  16. >You admire her efforts, but she's not very good at this. After a few minutes of ineffective kneading you tell her to stop, saying that a hot bath and relaxation will be fine.
  17. >She deflates a little, a look of sadness entering her eyes. She just wanted to help and you know it. You look around the room at the effort she put into this little one on one "party" and can't help but smile at her kindness. She even brought a small cake that says "Thank you!" on it. Even if there was a misunderstanding you like this cheerful pink pony.
  18. >You reassure Pinkie that it's alright and motion her over to the table with the cake on it. You plate up a slice for each of you and eagerly take a bite. It's a wonderful dark chocolate cherry cake that practically melts decadently in your mouth.
  19. >Pinkie is scarfing her serving down and you can't help but wonder if she even tastes it. She makes quite a mess all over her face so you use a napkin to gently wipe cake and icing off her nose and cheeks while she giggles.
  20. >When you're both finished, Pinkie restrains herself from eating all of your "Thank You" cake, you put the leftovers in a cabinet and Pinkie bounces out of her chair. You thank her for the cake and streamers while silently wondering how you're going to clean it all up.
  21. >Pinkie bounds lightly over to you saying it's not a problem before jumping onto you to give you a big, affectionate hug.
  22. >You pull her in close and give her an extra little squeeze, glad to have such a happy individual in your life.
  23. >She gives you a small kiss on the cheek before hopping out of your arms and heading for the door. She giggles and tells you good night before letting herself out.
  24. >You smile as you head off to take a hot bath. When you return to the living room to make some tea, all the streamers and confetti that were in your living room have mysteriously vanished.
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