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Jan 3rd, 2017
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  1. Lonely Road Resignation
  2. Cost: —; Mins: Integrity 5, Essence 1; Type: Permanent
  3. Keywords: Dusk, Native, Overdrive
  4. Duration: Permanent
  5. Prerequisite Charms: None
  7. Faith. Love. Loyalty. None of this can reach the blackened hearts of the Neverborn. Theirs is an inflexible mandate: save for brief, temporary associations with their peers, their deathknights can but walk alone.
  9. The Abyssal gains an Overdrive pool of fifteen motes. Though initially empty, it may be filled up by fulfilling any of the following edicts:
  11. -When presented face to face with a person the Abyssal holds an unflinchingly positive intimacy to (such as love, friendship, respect and so on), they may twist that intimacy into one reflecting their fate of loneliness and sorrow (for example, by transforming love to longing, borne from the inability to share a life together due to the demands of the Deathlords and the Neverborn, or twisting respect into regret at the necessity of facing an old friend or superior as an enemy). Doing so grants five overdrive motes.
  12. -When presented with an opportunity to uphold a principle the Abyssal lived by in life, letting it pass them by grants five motes.
  13. -If the abyssal is offered help by someone who is not a servant of the Neverborn or denizen of the Underworld, and opts to refuse it, they gain five motes.
  14. -At any point, the Abyssal may choose to let one of their intimacies go, deleting it from their sheet utterly, along with all memories they have of the Intimacy's target. Doing so immediately grants five motes, the Neverborn pleased by their dedication to the cause of the void. Nothing prevents this Intimacy from being reacquired later on, should the situation justify it, but doing so immediately empties the Abyssal's Overdrive pool (though they may regain motes afterward as normal). Sorcerously implanted intimacies, intimacies with additional deleterious effects, or intimacies acquired against the character's will cannot be deleted in this way.
  16. Motes in this pool do not dissipate at the end of the scene unless the pool is tapped into during it.
  18. ---
  20. Sunlight Bleeding Away
  21. Cost: —; Mins: Integrity 5, Essence 2; Type: Permanent
  22. Keywords: Dusk, Native, Overdrive
  23. Duration: Permanent
  24. Prerequisite Charms: None
  26. Darkness falls. The mighty follow. So comes to pass the end of an age. It is the hand of the Abyssals that will plunge this world into a new age of darkness.
  28. The Abyssal gains an Overdrive pool of ten motes. Though initially empty, it is filled up by destroying the shining icons of the world, literally or figuratively by erasing their capacity to inspire admiration. Great leaders, both spiritual and political, military commanders, inspiring statues: anything that would act as an anchoring rock to a group of people qualifies for this charm. Upon destroying such an icon, the Abyssal adds five motes to their Overdrive pool. Additionally, this charm grants a preternatural sense of where such pillars of Creation may be found - the Abyssal is instinctively aware of which beings, objects or institutions present within the scene may grant motes if shattered.
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