
Cold Bodies, Warm Hearts (ch2)

Aug 12th, 2018
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  3. Didn't expect this one to get a lot of attention, but I'm glad there are a few people who are giving it a shot!
  5. Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY.
  7. ----------
  9. Part 2.
  11. When the world came back to her, the first thing Weiss registered was the warmth that enveloped her. She opened her eyes, and the memories of last night came flooding back - the words they'd said, the confessions, the kisses, the promises…
  13. The light weight atop her stomach proved it had all been real. When she looked down, Penny's ginger hair was glowing faintly in the morning sunlight that slipped past the curtains. A small sound made its way up the heiress' throat and out past her lips.
  15. "Mm… good morning, Penny."
  17. Weiss didn't want to get up just yet, so she stayed just as she was, breathing slowly. Her arms curled around the slim girl beneath the blankets, and her hands rubbed up and down her back.
  19. Like this, Weiss could clearly feel her own aura pooling in the core of her stomach, and Penny's resonated with it. It was proof Penny was alive and had a soul, and that her soul was bound for Weiss' alone.
  21. . . .
  23. Weiss' soft 'good morning' brought her back to the world and the warmth that enveloped her.
  25. "Mmmm it is a… sensational morning." Penny giggled lightly as she snuggled into the girl next to her. When Weiss made no move to get up, Penny simply snuggled closer, content to just while away the morning like this. Weiss' hands rubbed slow circles on her back and she hummed contently. "We'll still have to get up soon though. Can't have you missing breakfast!"
  27. . . .
  29. Weiss enjoyed the stillness for as long as possible before Penny's words made her remember she had duties to attend to.
  31. "Right, right…"
  33. It was almost painful to tear herself away from Penny, the devastating distance between them and loss of her body heat causing Weiss to shiver involuntarily. She pushed herself up, hair frazzled as she rubbed her eyes.
  35. "What's on the agenda for today…?" she muttered to herself. "I've got a new lecturer at noon… Father said he's a prestigious professor. I should make sure I'm awake so I can be attentive…"
  37. She shivered again and pulled Penny into a quick hug to fend it off. "It's going to be torment waiting for tonight to come," she murmured. "If I could, I'd just stay in bed with you like this all day."
  39. . . .
  41. Penny immediately felt emptier as Weiss pulled away, her warmth and heartbeat going with her, but she took solace knowing they would be together again.
  43. Tonight - just make it through the day and they could be together again.
  45. She reciprocated the hug, trying to give Weiss all the warmth she could muster before pulling away again. She smiled softly, placing a chaste kiss on Weiss' cheek.
  47. "I'd stay with you forever, but we have duties to attend. Just remember I'll be right beside you all day; I'm not going anywhere!" She smiled again, getting up. "I have to get dressed, but I'll be back before you know it!"
  49. . . .
  51. Weiss nodded and watched her go, Penny's small stature receding toward the doorway before disappearing out into the hallway.
  53. The heiress took this time to freshen herself up and change. Since she had no combat lessons today, only lectures, she slipped into a casual blue dress and shoes, pulling a small white jacket over her shoulders and tying her hair into a ponytail.
  55. She made her bed, leaving less of a mess for Penny to clean up later. As she was doing so, she found Penny's pink ribbon that Weiss herself had untied last night. She pressed a soft kiss to the material before heading to the hallway to meet the girl once more.
  57. . . .
  59. Penny dressed quickly, cleaning herself up. Partway through she realized she had forgotten her bow.
  61. Hmmm, I wonder if Weiss found it? Penny giggled to herself, wondering what it would look like on Weiss as she grabbed one of her numerous replacements. She walked back out into the hallway, meeting Weiss there, and after a quick glance around, gave her a light kiss on the cheek.
  63. "Ready to start the day?"
  65. . . .
  67. Penny soon met up with her, and when Weiss saw she'd already replaced the missing ribbon with a new one, the heiress took the liberty of tying the one she held into her own hair, just above her ponytail.
  69. "Quite ready," she replied.
  71. They headed to breakfast, and she spoke to her father, sister, and brother as usual as she ate the food Penny had dutifully tested. It felt so normal, and yet it was totally different; she and Penny were so much closer now than they had been at yesterday's breakfast.
  73. Weiss' father spoke to her a bit about her new tutor, mentioning he was from a foreign kingdom. He sounded strange, but interesting, and Weiss was eager for the lesson.
  75. But after the meal, there was still time before noon, and Weiss turned to her companion as she and Penny got up.
  77. "What say you to a walk through the gardens first?"
  79. They could be alone there.
  81. . . .
  83. Penny smiled as Weiss tied the ribbon into her own hair, nodding as it softened her sometimes-hard appearance.
  85. Breakfast went as usual, but Weiss' very presence next to her seemed to be so much… more than it usually was; she felt warmer just by being next to her.
  87. Weiss' new tutor sounded interesting; perhaps she would learn something herself as she accompanied Weiss there. She usually occupied herself with her own thoughts or other small busy work, while remaining close at hand of course.
  89. The garden. Perfect.
  91. "Of course, that sounds lovely!" Penny smiled, the knowing smirk alight in her teal eyes as she walked alongside Weiss into the gardens, gently moving her hand into Weiss' as they got a little ways in.
  93. . . .
  95. The Schnee mansion was enclosed by large fences, so any hopes of infiltration via the gardens were impossible to become reality. The path underfoot was of smooth pebbles, and the bushes that wound around them in mazes of green all sported brilliant flowers. The kinds of blossoms were numerous, and Weiss was well-versed with naming all of them.
  97. She brought Penny to many of the bushes, leaning down to breathe in the petals' scents, keeping hold of the girl's hand all the while. Next to being in her room with Penny, this was Weiss' favorite place in all the world.
  99. And she wanted to make that clear.
  101. She brought Penny to a bench at the heart of the garden and sat beside her, letting the girl lean against her side.
  103. "It's so lovely…" Weiss murmured. The air was still and sweet, the sunlight bright and warm, the only sound was of birdsong.
  105. It was moments like these that made Weiss feel truly alive, and she snuggled Penny closer to her.
  107. . . .
  109. Penny walked alongside Weiss through the gardens. The air was pleasant and the weather was calm.
  111. The garden was always beautiful, but she personally loved it during the winter most, the snow covering everything in its soft white blanket and the fountains frozen in time.
  113. But really anywhere Weiss was, she wanted to be. That was enough for her.
  115. And so she followed Weiss as they slowly toured the gardens, stopping to point out a particular bloom every now and then.
  117. Eventually, they came to a bench at the heart of it all where they sat together, Penny leaning into Weiss and nuzzling into her side, close enough to hear her heartbeat.
  119. . . .
  121. Weiss enjoyed the quiet. Of course, she loved talking to Penny, but she loved the silence with her too. Closing her eyes, she focused more on feeling the girl's warmth, listening to the world around her.
  123. She slipped her arm around Penny's back and waist, making it easier for her to rest her head against Weiss' collar. She could feel her own heart was a little fast, but it was out of joy more so than anything else.
  125. They stayed that way for a while, but when she next reopened her eyes, she could tell by the position of the sun that it was nearly noon. Reluctantly, she nudged Penny and mumbled softly, "We need to get going."
  127. . . .
  129. Penny slowly sat up, blinking away her drowsiness as Weiss' heartbeat faded from her hearing.
  131. "Of course, your lessons," Penny said standing and offering her hand. "It was certainly nice while it lasted!"
  133. They walked off back through the gardens towards the house together, Penny keeping her hand in Weiss' as long as she could, holding onto the warmth and love that she could feel through it.
  135. . . .
  137. She was reluctant to get up, but she knew there would be more time later this evening to spend with Penny. So for now, she walked beside her back toward the mansion.
  139. They headed down the hallways to the usual room where lessons for Weiss were held.
  141. It was a spacious room on the first floor, resembling a classroom with a long table and chairs. At one end of the room was a large chalkboard, and a projector that was hooked up to all the most modern technology could be pulled down from the ceiling.
  143. Weiss entered to find her new professor already present, just setting down his briefcase onto the desk. He was a large man dressed in a grey suit and dark blue tie, strong build and dark hair. He looked more like a wrestler than a professor, but Weiss kept her thoughts to herself.
  145. "Good afternoon, Professor," she said, dipping her head in greeting. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Weiss Schnee."
  147. The man looked up at her as her name was spoken. He went over to her and smiled kindly.
  149. "Miss Schnee, it is an honor to be your professor today." He then looked down at the girl behind her. "And… who is this?"
  151. Weiss took the liberty to introduce her. "This is Penny. She's my personal aide."
  153. "…I see," he said. "And will Miss Penny be present during the lecture?"
  155. "Yes, she will. Father's orders, I'm sure you understand," Weiss said politely. "I hope that won't be an issue?" There was a small challenge in her tone.
  157. But the man merely shrugged.
  159. "Not at all. Please, take your seat."
  161. . . .
  163. Penny examined the new professor closely, something she did with anyone who was to be in close contact with Weiss. He looked strong, well-built, a little odd for a professor but she wouldn't judge, although perhaps that was in some small part to the knowledge that her own mechanical muscles were much stronger.
  165. As Weiss introduced her, she stood straight, arms crossed behind her back and not breaking eye contact with the man. She let off her gaze as the man turned away.
  167. Weiss sat down and Penny took a seat next to her, making herself comfortable as he prepared to begin his lecture.
  169. . . .
  171. Weiss took out her scroll and began typing notes as the lecture started.
  173. The new professor was very knowledgable, he spoke slowly and calmly, and knew his material precisely. He glanced around the room quite often, as though he were looking for something, but never stopped speaking, pacing all the while.
  175. Weiss typed away at her laptop diligently, looking up to show respect for him and then glancing back down to write. He taught of Remnant's history and geography, bringing down the projection screen to point out specific locations.
  177. After about half an hour, he beckoned Weiss forward, asking her to point out a certain place on the map. He went to his briefcase as Weiss stood and walked to the front of the room. The professor looked up from where he rummaged through his case.
  179. "Miss Penny may come up as well," he invited.
  181. Weiss turned back and waved her up eagerly before going to the map.
  183. . . .
  185. Penny listened to the lecture but didn't take notes or such. The man's teaching was at least interesting to her, largely consisting of information she already knew to at least some degree.
  187. Penny noted the man's slight… nervousness, his constant glancing about and pacing, not entirely without reason, teaching to an audience of two - one being Weiss "Dust Company heiress" Schnee - so his nervousness could be forgiven, but then again it was basically her job to be suspicious.
  189. Upon being called up, Penny quickly joined Weiss at the board. She was fairly certain she knew where the area he was asking about was located, but waited for Weiss to make her decision as she stood next to her, hands clasped behind her back as she observed the large map.
  191. . . .
  193. As Weiss searched the map, she was unaware of what was going on behind her. The professor had walked up behind the two girls just as Weiss pointed out the correct area.
  195. "It's here, right?"
  197. He smirked.
  199. "Very good."
  201. The cloths doused in drugs were in both palms as he quickly grabbed both girls around their faces. Weiss yelped, but it was muffled by the force of his hand. She tried to hit and kick, but his grip around her shoulders was strong, almost crushing.
  203. Within seconds, the drug took affect on her, toxins rushing in, and her eyes rolled back, her body going instantly limp as the breath flew from her lungs.
  205. The man grabbed Penny before giving a shake.
  207. "What the hell is this?" he growled. "This is the good stuff! How are you still conscious?" He thrust her back against the wall before taking a step back. Weiss was under his arm as he backed up toward the window.
  209. . . .
  211. The cloth wrapped around her face and Penny immediately identified a heavy sedative that filled her nose, but was completely ineffective against her mechanical construction.
  213. "You've made a terrible mistake, Professor," she growled.
  215. He shoved her against the wall and turned, but Penny was faster. Blades hovering out and around her, she shot two of them forward into the wall, her puppeteer strings pulling her across the room in seconds. She flipped into a crouch just inches in front of him, and the man's eyes widened in shock as she appeared out of thin air.
  217. Crouched low, she uncoiled her body, starting from her legs, pushing hard up from the floor, transferring up into her torso, twisting into her rapidly extending fist, every mechanical muscle in her body uncoiling to deliver an uppercut to the man's jaw.
  219. Her fist smashed into his chin, lifting him off the floor with the force of it. As he went, Penny twisted, wrapping her arms around Weiss as his grip on her faltered from the hit.
  221. Pulling the unconscious girl from him and laying her gently on the floor, she turned her back to the would-be abductor, confident her blow had at the very least knocked him out.
  223. . . .
  225. He'd been given a lot of kidnapping missions before, been paid good money for them, too. And he'd dealt with his fair share of protective siblings, spouses, and bodyguards.
  227. But never before had he ever faced one like this.
  229. He was battered around like a rag doll by a tiny android of a girl, and the force of her punch left him sporting a broken jaw. He was furious, and when he realized he'd lost his target, became even more so. He grabbed a lamp and stalked up behind the android girl, smashing it over the back of her head before she could react.
  231. . . .
  233. At the sound of the crash and litter of glass around her, Weiss jolted awake forcefully and let out a horrified scream.
  235. . . .
  237. Penny felt the heavy lamp smash into the back of her head, the blow and ensuing ringing causing her to lean forward heavily, almost falling on Weiss.
  239. "Ugh…" Her eyes struggled to re-focus as her ears rang - that was a hard hit. "Weiss…" She grunted, head swimming. She stumbled to her feet, facing the man as she rocked unsteadily on her feet.
  241. Not going to be able to fight after that hit, just have to buy Weiss enough time.
  243. . . .
  245. Weiss still couldn't move. Due to the effects of the drug, her body felt limp, and the only part that had any feeling at all was her chest due to the crazed pounding of her heart. She knew Penny was trying to let her escape, but the heiress could do nothing to help either of them.
  247. "P-Penny…" Her voice was a wisp of air, thin and dizzy as she felt the world spinning around her once more.
  249. But just then, before any more fighting could happen - before Penny could get hurt even more - the doors to the room flew open. Countless guards poured in with Winter at the head, and Weiss' father close behind.
  251. They surrounded the so-called professor, and it was easy for them to apprehend him after the blow he'd sustained from Penny.
  253. Winter rushed over to kneel down beside her sister, asking where it hurt and if she was all right. But there was only one word on Weiss' mind as it slipped from her again:
  255. "Penny…"
  257. . . .
  259. The guards rushed in and quickly subdued the 'professor'.
  261. With the situation over and Weiss safe, Penny sunk to one knee next to the heiress, head spinning. She could barely make out Winter's voice.
  263. She just barely heard Weiss whisper her name, and a smile quirked at Penny's lips as she fell sideways, unconscious before she hit the ground. Guards and staff rushed over to them, but no one noticed Penny mumble out:
  265. "Weiss…"
  267. --------
  269. A/N: Wouldn't be a Hana roleplay without crazy drama, right?
  271. I've tried to revise a bit of things, mainly Penny's speech to make her sound more believable. I hate to say I almost forget what she sounded like :'c
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