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a guest
Jul 27th, 2014
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  1. sh-3.2# strings /system/bin/time_daemon
  2. /system/bin/linker
  3. __libc_init
  4. __cxa_atexit
  5. open
  6. __android_log_print
  7. ioctl
  8. mktime
  9. close
  10. __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0
  11. socket
  12. pthread_exit
  13. strlcpy
  14. unlink
  15. bind
  16. listen
  17. accept
  18. pthread_create
  19. pthread_join
  20. __stack_chk_fail
  21. __stack_chk_guard
  22. snprintf
  23. read
  24. __aeabi_idivmod
  25. __aeabi_uldivmod
  26. qmi_client_notifier_init
  27. qmi_client_get_service_list
  28. sleep
  29. gettimeofday
  30. pthread_mutex_lock
  31. pthread_cond_timedwait
  32. pthread_mutex_unlock
  33. qmi_client_init
  34. memset
  35. qmi_client_send_msg_sync
  36. qmi_client_release
  37. qmi_client_message_decode
  38. pthread_cond_signal
  39. write
  40. gmtime
  41. recv
  42. send
  43. __errno
  44. pthread_cond_wait
  45. __aeabi_idiv
  46. setgid
  47. setuid
  48. exit
  49. bsd_signal
  50. pthread_mutex_init
  51. settimeofday
  52. pthread_kill
  53. common_qmi_idl_type_table_object_v01
  54. _edata
  55. __bss_start
  56. _end
  63. ,J-KyDzD{D
  64. 'J(KyDzD{D
  65. !J"K
  66. zD!F{D
  67. !FzD
  68. z|!F
  69. #|D0J
  70. +h!FzD
  71. '8z@
  72. )K!FzD{D
  73. "J!F
  74. K!FzD{D
  75. FJ{D
  76. "+h/F;
  77. @JyDzD
  78. <Il"%
  79. yD0F
  80. " F)F
  81. 2JyDzD
  82. .JyDzD
  83. ,J}D,NzD,O)F~D
  84. )F2F
  85. )F:F
  86. )FzD
  87. zDkF
  88. )FzD
  89. ;K<J{D-
  90. 6J6KyDzD{D
  91. 0Kx!
  92. zD/M{D
  93. }D.J
  94. )FzD;F
  95. )FzD
  96. )F;FzD
  97. KyDzD{D
  98. )FzD#F
  99. 0F1F
  100. )F#FzD
  101. )FJF
  102. kJ)F
  103. #FzD
  104. hIyD
  105. WJXC
  106. PFAF
  107. #F)F
  108. FIyDd
  109. EN9FEJ
  110. DNzD~D
  111. AJ)F
  112. >IyDK
  113. )F#FzD
  114. "J"KyDzD{D
  115. K{D
  116. 3KyDzD{D
  117. .M}D
  118. ,HxD
  119. !"F3F
  120. $J%KyDzD{D0
  121. ! JzD
  122. #xDk`
  123. KyDzD{D
  124. >K?J{D
  125. #6J6K!FzD{D
  126. 4J5Kx!
  127. zD{D
  128. !FzD
  129. /J0K
  130. !FzD{D
  131. !FzD
  132. !FzD
  133. "0F)F
  134. KyDzD{D
  135. KyDzD{D
  136. /J/KyDzD{DL
  137. #IF$JzD
  138. EIFzD
  139. 0F+F"F
  140. h{DS
  141. IFzD
  142. $#"F+F
  143. KyDzD{D
  144. F@OAN
  145. D@h~D
  146. zD9F
  147. 9FzD1
  148. *hhh
  149. #a` F
  150. zD3Fo
  151. # "D
  152. =!F0F
  153. JyDzD
  154. AF{D
  155. # "+F
  156. JAFzD
  157. )FzD
  158. )FzD
  159. "!F;F
  160. nJ)FzD
  161. #0F!F
  162. _J)FzD
  163. "0F!F
  164. YJ)FzD
  165. SK{D
  166. PJzD
  167. DzD9F
  168. LJMK
  169. 9FzD{D
  170. 5Jo
  171. 2HxD
  172. 0JyDzD
  173. .K)FzD{D
  174. (J)KyDzD{D
  175. D}D
  176. PFAF
  177. )FNN
  178. DNJ~DNL
  179. zD3F
  180. #)F3J3F
  181. 0HxD
  182. ~D&I'JthyD&KzD{D
  183. )F3FzD
  184. J)F3F
  185. H~DxDr`
  186. J{D-
  187. X#h5
  188. DzDIF
  189. IFzD
  190. DzDAF
  191. AFzD
  192. "<r<u
  193. #AF<aRF
  194. @KF
  195. H!FxD
  196. KAFzD{D-
  197. KAFzD{D
  198. AFzD
  199. AFzD
  200. AF3FzD
  201. zD{D
  202. KyDzD{D
  203. d!ZF3F
  204. #RF'rKF'a
  205. p&u
  206. pd"
  207. )FBF
  208. tJ)FtK
  209. rJrK
  210. )FzD{D
  211. nJ)FnK
  212. zD{D
  213. lH!FxD
  214. iJyDzD%
  215. )FzD
  216. zr0F9F
  217. #9FO
  218. !-NxDrC
  219. PNPJ)F~DzD3F
  220. 3FzD
  221. 3FCJ
  222. |D?J
  223. zD)F#F
  224. )F#FzD
  225. 1JyDzD
  226. .JyDzD
  227. !,J@FzD
  228. )JyDzD"
  229. !(J
  230. %JyDzD
  231. yDzD
  232. HxDpG
  233. Android
  234. time_persistent_memory_opr
  235. tod_update_ind_cb
  236. genoff_post_init
  237. genoff_modem_qmi_init
  238. genoff_persistent_update
  239. rtc_get
  240. ats_bases_init
  241. genoff_set
  242. ats_rtc_init
  243. genoff_get
  244. genoff_pre_init
  245. genoff_init_config
  246. genoff_boot_tod_init
  247. genoff_opr
  248. read_offset
  249. genoff_send_modem
  250. /dev/rtc0
  251. QC-time-services
  252. Daemon:%s: Unable to open RTC device
  253. Daemon:%s: Unable to read from RTC device
  254. Daemon:%s: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d
  255. Daemon:Invalid RTC seconds = %ld
  256. Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = %lld
  257. Daemon: genoff get for %d
  258. Daemon:%s:Bases not initialized
  259. Daemon:Value read from generif offset = %lld
  260. Daemon:Final Time = %llu
  261. Daemon:%s:Genoff memory not allocated
  262. Daemon: Unable to create socket:time_genoff
  263. #time_genoff
  264. Daemon: Unable to bind socket:time_genoff
  265. Daemon: Unable to listen on socket:time_genoff
  266. Daemon: Time-services: All initializations done
  267. Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection
  268. Daemon: Unable to accept connection:time_genoff
  269. Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff
  270. Daemon: Cannot create pthread:time_genoff
  271. Daemon:%s:Init func failed
  272. %s/%s
  273. /data/system/time
  274. Daemon:Opening File: %s
  275. Daemon:%s:Genoff Read operation
  276. Daemon:Unable to open filefor read
  277. Daemon:%s:Error reading fromfile
  278. Daemon:%s:Error in accessing storage
  279. Daemon:%s: Initiallizing QMI
  280. Daemon:%s: time_get_service_object_v01 failed
  281. Daemon:%s: qmi_client_get_service_list returned %dnum_services %d
  282. Daemon:%s:retry count exceeds limitQMI init failed continuing withoutserver
  283. Daemon:%s: qmi_client_get_service_list returned %dnum_service %d num_entries %d
  284. Daemon:%s: Client init failed %d
  285. Daemon:%s: Initial transaction successfull
  286. Daemon:%s: Initial transaction failed
  287. Daemon:%s: Got Update from modem msg_id %lu
  288. Daemon:%s: TOD update message decode error
  289. Daemon:%s: Ignore time update from MODEM,for base = %d
  290. Daemon:%s: ptime_genoff is NULL
  291. Daemon:%s: Writing genoff = %llu to memory
  292. Daemon:%s:Genoff write operation
  293. Daemon:Unable to open file,creating file
  294. Daemon:Unable to createfile, exiting
  295. Daemon:%s:or in accessing storage
  296. Daemon:%s:Genoff not initialized
  297. Daemon:new time %lld
  298. Daemon: delta %lld genoff %lld
  299. Updating the TOD offset
  300. Daemon:%s: Base = %d, val = %llu, operation = %d
  301. Daemon:%s:Invalid time unit %d
  302. Daemon:Unable to recv data from client
  303. Daemon:%s: Update is not allowed for offset[%d]
  304. Daemon:Send to client failed %d
  305. Daemon:Received base = %d, unit = %d, operation = %d,value = %llu
  306. Daemon: Operation on this base is not supported
  307. Daemon:Update to modem bit set
  308. Daemon:%s: Sending data to MODEM !
  309. Daemon: Base = %d, Value being sent to MODEM = %llu
  310. Daemon: message send failed. Error Code %d
  311. Daemon:Unable to send data to MODEM
  312. Daemon:%s: Invalid option
  313. Daemon:%s: Sending read request for offset %d
  314. Daemon:%s:Time received %llu
  315. Daemon:%s: Error in reading full time ignoring update rc=%d resp=%d
  316. Daemon:%s: Offset update failed
  317. Daemon:%s: offset %d updated
  318. Error changing gid:%d
  319. Time-services exiting
  320. Error changing uid:%d
  321. Daemon:%s::Base = %d
  322. Daemon:%s: Time read from RTC -- year = %d, month = %d,day = %d
  323. Daemon:%s: Genoff post_init operation failed
  324. Daemon:%s: RTC initilization failed
  325. Daemon:%s: ATS_RTC initialized
  326. ats_%d
  327. Daemon: Storage Name: %s
  328. Daemon:%s: Post init failed for base = %d
  329. Daemon:%s: Init failed for base = %d
  330. Daemon:%s: Other bases initilized, exiting genoff_init
  331. Daemon: Unable to initialize bases, exiting
  332. Daemon: Pthread mutex init failed
  333. /dev/alarm
  334. Daemon:%s: Unable to open alarm device
  335. Daemon:%s: Updating system time to sec=%ld, usec=%ld
  336. Daemon:%s: Unable to set clock to sec=%ldusec=%ld
  337. Daemon:%s: Setting system time to sec =%ld, nsec =%ld
  338. Daemon:%s: Unable to set TOD at boot up
  339. Daemon: Unable to set TOD at boot up
  340. Daemon: QMI init failed, QMI calls inactive
  341. Daemon: Cannot create thread: read thread
  342. Daemon: Cannot create thread:connection_mgr
  343. Daemon: Connection thread joined closing QMI connectionand exiting ...
  344. genoff_handler
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