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Big Butt Kunoichi gets stuck in window

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Feb 27th, 2017
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  1. >Kunoichi is on her big mission
  2. >Deftly ascends the side of an enemy fort, her thick, meaty thighs giving her the power to jump great distances upward even if it makes tailoring an outfit for her oversized rump difficult
  3. >Still, she's a well trained assassin, and reaches the window just outside the enemy's bedroom
  4. >deftly flips forward to dive through onto the...
  5. >Wait, no
  6. >She's stuck, her plump yet muscled rump lodged snug into the windowframe
  7. >tries to wriggle and pull herself through but she's utterly wedged, her legs kicking up and down causing creaking noises in the wall to escape
  9. >She nervously fumbles around her toolbelt to pull out some oil, promising herself she is never getting extra dumplings again if she gets out of this one
  10. >Diligently pours it out and starts sliding it all along the top half of her ass, quickly giving it an oily sheen as she starts to try and wobble herself through
  11. >suddenly she hears a voice from outside
  12. >sounds like a man's voice awkwardly asking if she's alright
  13. >She honestly has no idea how to handle the situation, but thats when she feels a firm grip on her rear
  14. >strong hands grip and squeeze her ass, tugging hard at her in waves, trying to pull her back out through the window
  15. >She'd be horrified or angry or peeved if she wasn't so fucking turned on at the first touch of a man she's ever felt, and at the shocking realization that she may, in fact, have a sensitive ass
  16. >the tugging gets more and more intense, now pushing slightly forward before each pull back to give extra momentum, which just drives her even further up the wall, possibly literally
  17. >Finally, perhaps due to some added wetness, she suddenly flies back, falling over ass first onto something hard, coinciding with another burst of wetness and her legs tensing up, causing her to squeeze whatever it is between her cheeks
  18. >Looks down and realizes she's sitting on a human guard of the enemy, his face and neck entirely engulfed by her full moon
  20. >Coming down from her orgasm (just from having her ass played with, no less), she tries to stand up, but finds that the experience has tensed her legs up, and she can barely muster the strength to even roll off of the poor guardsman
  21. >when she finally peels her ass off of his face, he lets out a gasp, his face flushed, quickly scrambling to get to his feet and ready his spear
  22. >when he turns to look though, the deft and magically trained ninja has... ...not moved at all or disappeared or anything, still just panting and tensed up on the ground, having rolled onto her stomach so her prodigious rear is spread out on full display
  23. >Guard hesitates, then pokes the assassin's ass with the butt of his spear, eliciting a slight gasp from the Kunoichi, who finally realizes the severity of the situation and scrambles to the guardrail to pull herself up half standing, turning on a Kuu glare (...mostly)
  24. >Guard asks who she is and what she was doing in that window, to which she glares at him, still breathing a bit heavily from her previous experience
  25. >She's actually quickly scanned him over, noticing he has a ring of keys chained on a belt under his armor... keys that would be of use to the invading army and might help her save face from this blunder of a mission
  26. >Noticing a light coming around the corner of the fort's raiments, she makes the split decision that this assassination mission has turned into a capture mission, and mustering all of her strength, easily swats aside the guard's spear and grabs him, shoving his face between her breasts before jumping off the edge of the fort, her legs doing a split as she slides down a corner with her prey in tow
  27. >But that's when the guard starts struggling at his new predicament, his face rubbing against her tits as he tries to gasp for air, causing a whole new wave of sensations to build up in her
  28. >still, lewd moans and all she makes it without too much fuss to the bottom, then sprints off with her husb-captive in tow towards her camp on the outskirts of the nearby forest
  30. >Having reached the campsite, the Kunoichi finally breaks her sprint, gasping to catch her breath
  31. >The guard she's held tight against her has long since passed out, a fact she realizes when she pulls him away and lets out a quiet 'eep!' when she sees his unconscious face
  32. >She hurriedly sets him down, then draws her tailblade to expertly cut open his armor over his chest exposing his...
  33. >...his masculine, well-trained, human male chest, lightly glistening with sweat, softly rising up and down with his breathing, his musculature noticeable but not overbearing, like an athlete made for long, rigorous physical activity that lasts all night and leaves you feeling-
  34. >She slaps her own face and sucks up the drool leaking from the corner of her mouth before forming her fingers into several non-descript shapes, placing them on his chest and abdomen at different points
  35. >A warmth fills the guard's chest, and soon he opens his eyes, his pain from oppai-no-suffocation-jutsu having completely subsided from the Kunoichi's ministrations
  36. >his eyes drift over her as she continues her finger tricks, which she probably could have stopped by now, but she just wants to make sure, you know, gotta make sure she hits all the pressure points on that chest and abdomen, can't be too careful, gotta rub your fingers all over it
  37. >He coughs awkwardly when he notices how much she's leaned forward, as if she's started to huff him for his scent
  38. >She jolts and falls back, causing her butt to quake when it hits the ground, her legs spread out slightly offering the floored guard a look right up her tabard-style front at all that lies beneath
  39. >They stare awkwardly for a moment when he turns away embarrassed from the sight, before she composes herself and stands, taking up a Menacing pose
  41. >She announces herself as a Kunoichi of the Thi-Cek clan, and that he is he bound prisoner from this point forward
  42. >He just stares back at her, but a noticeable resolve hardens his face when he realizes he's been captured by the agents of the enemy
  43. >The Kunoichi smiles inwardly, knowing she has her prey right where she wants him, congratulating herself for recovering what was clearly a planned attempt at foiling her mission by the enemy via installation of booby trapped window frames, and definitely not an accident caused by her well-fed rear
  44. >She walks over to the guard, knife tail pointed in front of her, surveying her prey as he lies motionless on the ground, his eyes not leaving hers
  45. >She licks her lips under her mask, letting her mind wander as to what fun she can have with her prey, how she'll strip him down and force him to service her, allowing him to be the first to taste of her flesh, then forcing him to take her and make her into a woman, which will of course mean passionate lovemaking that will lead to children, and a happy life, and maybe they'll get a house in that one nice village not too far from where Thi-Cek village is, and go on vacations, and-
  46. >Suddenly, she feels a sharp pain on the side of her calf and feels her balance give out, the guard having taken advantage of her distracted daydreaming to sweep the leg and cause her to fall to the ground, again sending reverberations throughout her rear
  47. >In a flash, the guard is on top of her, rolling her onto her stomach and straddling her from behind, one hand pressing her head into the dirt while the other briskly grasps her tail right before the knife edge to prevent any unwanted stabbings
  48. >The guard is expecting her to fight back from his desperate attempt at pinning this monster assassin, but instead has found that she's gone completely limp, even her tail feeling loose and uncontrolled in his hand
  49. >That's when he realizes his groin is pressed right up against her enormous ass, her tabard having flipped up revealing her most prominent feature, pitifully covered by a white fundoshi-styled undergarment
  51. >The Kunoichi's brain should be reviewing the mistakes she made in that whole exchange
  52. >How she forgot to bind the man before using her jutsu on him, how she let herself daydream when her opponent was clearly wide awake, how her dumb pose probably didn't look as cool as she thought it did in her head, how she really seems to have been screwing up the whole 'stoic ninja' thing
  53. >Instead, its filled with the sensation of knowing that the hot guardsman was now mounted on her exposed ass, his legs firmly squeezed around her hips while she lay face down in the dirt with his hand pushing her down further
  54. >And this unique, never-before-felt sensation awakens something within the Kunoichi, something that isn't taught in ninja-school but which lies in the instinct of all monsters
  55. >Lust
  56. >And so, almost as if she's completely forgotten her pedigree, the Kunoichi starts shaking her rear, pushing it upwards and grinding it against the groin of the bewildered guard, forcefully thrusting it up and backward with all of her monster's might and intuition
  57. >Her wide backside completely fills his lap, engulfing his groin and causing him to rise slightly with each upward grinding motion
  58. >She looks over her shoulder back at him, her eyes hazed over with lust, and watches as his shocked expression slowly turns from bewilderment, to curiosity, to the unavoidable gaze of a man who has been without woman for far too long
  59. >as she begins to wiggle her rear quickly from left to right, the guard moans out a protest, the absurdity and eroticism of the situation far too much for him to fully comprehend
  60. >In his confusion, the guard doesn't realize his hand loosening it's grip on the knife tail, his focus too entranced on the writhing, grinding monstrosity of an ass threatening to devour him from below
  61. >And in that moment of confusion, several things happen at once
  62. >The tail slips free from the guard's grasp, suddenly springing out and lunging at his exposed neck, causing him to shout and fall backwards, while the Kunoichi springs up with renewed vigor to lunge backwards after him, landing with a thud on top of his pelvis, her knifetail still pointed dangerously close to his neck as now he lays on his back in stunned silence
  64. >The Kunoichi looks back over her shoulder to gaze at her captive, now firmly trapped beneath her monumental ass with a knife-like appendage pointed right at his jugular
  65. >She smiles inwardly once more as she begins to slide her rear up and down against the guard's crotch, looping it in as wide an arc as she can muster on top of him, her hands moving to bend his knees up so as to give herself more leverage to move her lower half
  66. >Beneath her backside, she can feel a presence building within the guard's pants, rising up against her gyrations, stiff and hard and prodding against her as she silently brings a hand down to remove her undergarments in one swift motion
  67. >The oil from earlier causes her ass to glisten in the moonlight, mingling with the light sweat she's built up from the night's activities, rolling gently down its sizable curves as she rubs slower and even deeper against the guard's now full erection
  68. >Sensing her target is vulnerable, the thick assassin brings her tail slowly backward towards the hem of the guard's pants, causing him to gasp and panic and try desperately to shake himself free
  69. >She neutralizes him by suddenly raising her rear and slamming it back down against his pelvis, squashing his covered erection against his own abdomen in a mix of pleasure and pain, drawing the beginning of a howl from him that he hurriedly stifles himself when the knife tail momentarily darts back up to the side of his neck and the Kunoichi's eyes scowl at him as if ordering him not to make any more noises
  70. >satisfied that he's learned his lesson, the Kunoichi brings her tail down yet again to the hem of the guard's pants, slowly dragging them downward as she raises her rear up slightly so that they have passage beneath her
  71. >As she peels it back, she looks down and sees her prize slowly revealed in all it's glory, the guard's erection throbbing and full-headed, standing up defiantly into the brisk night air as his pants are completely removed
  72. >The sight of her precious target only serves to spur the Kunoichi on further, slowly pressing her hips back downward over his, her rear once again squashing the now-freed manhood against his abdomen, it's length fitting snug against the split of her ass
  73. >When she raises it back up slightly, her firm rear has grasped the guard's erection between itself, two tight, round orbs of trained yet softened flesh squeezed against the guard's dick, the pressure causing him to fight back a moan as he lays powerless beneath the assassin's assault
  74. >Slowly, the monster begins to push her hips up and down, with a small arch backwards as she comes up to use the firmness of the guard's erection to her advantage, his meaty pole flossing against her wobbling rear, the sensation of tightness against her causing him to curl his toes and bite his lips
  75. >The Kunoichi's sensations from this action are just as pleasure inducing, the feeling of the guard's manhood pressing hard against her ass washing her sensations in a sea of anticipation and desire, moistening her womanhood and egging her on to drive her hips deeper and more sensually
  77. >As she picks up speed, the guard finally caves and lets loose a deep moan, his tortured penis aching for release from the supple assault its receiving
  78. >Taking this as a cue, the grabs a greater hold onto the guard's knees and begins to bounce her ass hard against her prisoner's pelvis, still keeping his erection lodged between but pushing it all the way to smash against his abdomen when she brings herself down forcefully
  79. >Her movements cause her rear to quake lewdly, sexual grunts and moans coming from both parties as she slams herself again and again into the poor guard's groin, bouncing faster and faster as she feels him begin to tense up underneath her, the sensation of forcefully rubbing against him bringing her close to her own release, the tortured man now bellowing moans as her colossal ass works him over the edge
  80. >The Kunoichi gasps in shock and arousal as she looks back and sees the guard cumming against her, not slowing her speed as he shoots rope after rope of hot spunk that flies up to paint the top of her ass and back as well as his abdomen in waves, causing sloppy, wet noises as she continues to bounce with him lodged against her, her speed only subsiding with her own small release that causes her to grit her teeth and moan to herself
  81. >as the last waves of the guard and the assailant's orgasms subside, they both pant heavily, her prodigious ass finally coming to plop down and rest on top of his sticky and softening member, the feeling of his cum-covered manhood pressed beneath her only serving to place more lewd thoughts in her mind for later use
  82. >after a time, the Kunoichi turns back to face the exhausted guard, his face a mix of pain, pleasure and bewilderment in the afterglow of the crushing buttjob, yet he grits his teeth and tries to muster his resolve to look back up at her, unsure of what happens next
  83. >The Kunoichi smiles under her mask, her eyes betraying her intentions as she starts to re position herself on top of her captive and rub his manhood with a delicate hand while speaking
  84. >"Well then, its time for me to help you get stuck in something..."
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