
OC Profile - Hieronymus George Acaster

Jul 28th, 2012
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  1. Name: Hieronymus George Acaster
  3. Age: 273 (looks like he's in his mid-30s)
  5. Gender: M
  7. Height: 5'8"
  9. Weight: 153 lbs.
  11. Birthday: April 23, 1739
  13. Skin: White
  15. Eye color: Brown
  17. Hair color: Brown
  19. Likes: Knowledge, his friends, life
  21. Dislikes: Monsters, bad people
  23. Storyline:
  24. In his day, George was one of the most powerful heros in the world. Living in a distant country, he fought beasts of many varieties, and became a well-known monster hunter and demon slayer. Along the way, he met a man named Xavier, who became his friend, and married a woman by the name of Joan, who also became his partner in battle.
  25. However, his life changed almost entirely when he challenged a monster named Echidna, supposedly the mother of all monsters. During the fight, he was inflicted with a curse that he wasn't aware of. The curse was simple, but powerful - it connected the lives of every person that George had met to that of Echidna, meaning that when she died, then all of them would too. As if predicting the future, George eventually managed to defeat her, and upon dealing the final blow, he heard not just the screams of pain from Echidna, but also from Joan. It was then, with the dying words of Echidna, that he learnt of the curse and it's effects.
  26. With the massacre of every single person who had met George, referred to by historians as the Dark Hour, the last thing to die was George's own will to fight, to live. He didn't want something like that to ever happen again, and so he fled, faking his own death so he could live in hiding, deciding what to do with himself. While in hiding, he met a traveling salesman, who seemed to not only understand his plight, but even sympathized with him. He said that, even though he may have lost the love of the world now, there was always the chance he could get it back some day. To this, George said that the only way that could happen was if he was able to live forever.
  27. "My friend", said the salesman, "That is more easily accomplished than you might think."
  28. He revealed a potion he had, one that would allow one to freeze time's power on one's body for 20 years. Buying the potion and the recipe for it, for when he would need to make more to continue to prolong his life, for all that he had left, George began a life of hiding, of doing minor acts of random goodness for other people. He studied the monsters of the world, and the new techniques and abilities that appeared, using his newfound time, and just stayed low until 240 years passed.
  29. When he came back into the open, he met a man who referred to himself as Z. Perhaps due to George's lack of proper interaction with others for almost two and a half decades, he quickly became friends with Z, and they ended up becoming quite close. Even now, Z helps George with finding the ingredients for the potion, and is perhaps the only person who knows about this aspect of George. George decided to help Z in return by working for free at his business, a coffee store which was apparently designed to attract those involved with the supernatural, like George himself. And so, he began his reentry into the modern world.
  31. Personality:
  32. ~ George is highly knowledgeable on the area of monsters, even somewhat including "good" monsters, like Angels. Due to his huge amount of time living, however, he doesn't always remember things 100 percent.
  33. ~ For the large part, George is a kind man. He cares quite a bit about people, and wishes that people would have good hearts. Moreso, he is also a willing teacher, and will gladly share his knowledge and skills with those he meets.
  34. ~ With that being said, though, George is incredibly unforgiving on himself regarding Echidna and the Dark Hour. If someone brings it up in his presence, he becomes incredibly remorseful, and his voice takes on a certain pitch of self-loathing.
  35. ~ Despite being quite powerful for a human and having spent much of his life fighting, he actively tries to avoid fighting other people. He generally saves his strength for "monsters".
  37. Weapons & Abilities:
  38. * Hoffnungslos
  39. A broadsword that George uses. Infused with the power of light, Hoffnungslos has a unique ability that makes it more powerful against "monsters". This refers to just about anything that isn't human. It is lessened if the opponent is partially human, however, i.e. half-human, half-demon.
  40. It should be noted that he also has a shield, which has enchantments that repels direct spells and will reflect physical force, causing attackers to suffer a good deal of recoil. In both cases, a strong enough attack (for the sake of providing an example, a move with Class 50 striking power) will have enough strength behind it to pierce these defenses.
  42. * Superhuman abilities
  43. Due to the amount of fighting George did in his youth, and somewhat prolonged through his low-key fighting, he has overall superhuman abilities. This includes speed, strength, defense, and intelligence. However, in the last area, much of this was spent on memorization of facts, information, and techniques. He is no inventor.
  45. * Prolonged life
  46. Due to the effects of the potion that George bought, George has had a very prolonged life. The potion pauses the age of his body at the moment he drank the potion and keeps it there for 20 years. After it reaches this limit, the body will begin aging like it normally does again for about a year, after which it will begin accelerated aging, causing one to die of old age much more quickly. The only way to avoid this is to continue drinking it, which means making time to find the ingredients a necessity.
  47. It should be noted that both Z and George have memorized the recipe, and they normally spend a little bit of time off, about five years before the current dose wears off, collecting the ingredients.
  49. Clothing:
  50. * George has a rather rough appearance, angular and well-defined. He has long hair, kept in a ponytail. He also has a goatee, which he puts a good deal of care into keeping.
  51. * For the large part, George actually wears the uniform of the coffee shop that Z owns. In case you forgot what that looked like, it's a green long-sleeved shirt with a pink apron. George's uniform specifically is quite baggy, possibly to conceal his more muscular frame. He also wears similarly baggy leather pants.
  52. * When in battle, George wears a special set of armor. Although it looks like a fairly average suit of armor, it has enchantments similar to his shield, in that it can reflect physical force, and increases his already great strength by a good amount. These have the same limits as the armor (Class 50 striking power).
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