
CapCollegestuck - Part 1

Dec 4th, 2012
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  1. [2:33:24 AM EDT] IBLiS: hey remember the time we were like
  2. [2:33:29 AM EDT] IBLiS: d&v at a party
  3. [2:33:30 AM EDT] IBLiS: what if
  4. [2:33:34 AM EDT] IBLiS: collegebros
  5. [2:33:35 AM EDT] IBLiS: going to a party
  6. [2:33:41 AM EDT] IBLiS: when vergil just wants them to sTUDY BECAUSE SERIOUSLY
  9. [2:34:51 AM EDT] IBLiS: and then dante drags him along to a party 'cause
  10. [2:34:55 AM EDT] IBLiS: seriously
  11. [2:35:01 AM EDT] IBLiS: y'gotta lighten up verge!
  12. [2:35:08 AM EDT] IBLiS: y'don't know what y'missin'!
  13. [2:35:08 AM EDT] IBLiS: i mean
  14. [2:35:20 AM EDT] IBLiS: i know /social/ /interaction/ ain't really y'thing
  15. [2:35:20 AM EDT] IBLiS: like
  16. [2:35:21 AM EDT] IBLiS: ever
  17. [2:35:28 AM EDT] IBLiS: but it ain't ever too late t'start!
  18. [2:36:59 AM EDT] Nitro: I have no desire whatsoever to start. Having to deal with /you/ for our entire life has been more than enough. I don't need /more/ people /like/ you.
  19. [2:42:09 AM EDT] IBLiS: what, y'mean everyone else 'n th'/universe/? 'cause i'm /pretty/ sure there ain't a soul out there that don't like t'/party/ every once in a while. 'cept
  20. [2:42:11 AM EDT] IBLiS: y'know
  21. [2:42:32 AM EDT] Nitro: Me, I know.
  22. [2:43:39 AM EDT] IBLiS: hey, don't be so down on y'self! i'm /sure/ there's tons of lil shut-ins like youse out there.
  23. [2:43:52 AM EDT] IBLiS: don't be expectin' t'see 'em any time soon though.
  24. [2:43:57 AM EDT] IBLiS: they're too busy readin' their precious /books/
  25. [2:43:58 AM EDT] * IBLiS Hahahaha.
  26. [2:44:03 AM EDT] * IBLiS /Pinch/.
  27. [2:44:06 AM EDT] * IBLiS /Cheeks/.
  28. [2:44:06 AM EDT] IBLiS: ('cause)
  29. [2:44:13 AM EDT] IBLiS: (y'just know they live in the same dorm)
  30. [2:44:22 AM EDT] IBLiS: (they wouldn't have it any other waaaaay)
  31. [2:45:43 AM EDT] * Nitro /Eyeroll/.
  32. [2:46:50 AM EDT] Nitro: I'd rather be doing the same. There's no /purpose/ in this exercise.
  33. [2:51:21 AM EDT] IBLiS: awwww, y'only sayin' that 'cause you ain't ever tried it! when's the last time y'ever been t'a party?
  34. [2:51:22 AM EDT] IBLiS: oh, that's right
  35. [2:51:23 AM EDT] IBLiS: /never/!
  36. [2:51:42 AM EDT] IBLiS: c'moooon
  37. [2:51:58 AM EDT] IBLiS: it's just /one/ party
  38. [2:52:04 AM EDT] IBLiS: one lil' itsy bitsy party
  39. [2:52:20 AM EDT] IBLiS: if y'don't like it, y'don't like it.
  40. [2:52:32 AM EDT] IBLiS: that'll be the end of that
  41. [2:52:34 AM EDT] Nitro: I /won't/ like it.
  42. [2:52:50 AM EDT] IBLiS: i promise, dude, i'll /never/ ask ya another favor /again/.
  43. [2:53:02 AM EDT] IBLiS: just let you /dear/ lil' brother do this /one/ favor f'ya, eh?
  44. [2:53:11 AM EDT] * IBLiS Oh god, he's getting dangerously close again.
  45. [2:53:13 AM EDT] * IBLiS PROTECT YOUR HAIR.
  46. [2:53:57 AM EDT] * Nitro He receives a vehement glare.
  47. [2:54:46 AM EDT] Nitro: /Favor/? You're forcing me to attend something I am going to /hate/, and you don't benefit from my agreeing. The word "favor" does not /apply/ here.
  48. [3:04:48 AM EDT] * IBLiS Hahaha, seriously, like he's going to return /that/. He's too high on cloud nine to give /any/ shits about his brother's sour grapes. He'll just ignore all that and /wrap/ an arm around his bro's tight little shoulders. Heh, what a grump. "oh, verge, how /materialistic/ of youse. whos says it ain't a favor just 'cause y'can't see th'benefits right in front of ya?"
  49. [3:04:56 AM EDT] IBLiS: admit it, y'just lettin' y...
  50. [3:04:58 AM EDT] IBLiS: uh
  51. [3:05:11 AM EDT] * IBLiS Hold on, he knows this word. It's right on the tip of his tongue. Pre.../pre/...
  52. [3:05:31 AM EDT] * IBLiS Preeeeee-
  53. [3:06:27 AM EDT] IBLiS: /preconceptions/ get the best of ya
  54. [3:06:37 AM EDT] * IBLiS Hah, see? He knew it. He knew it all along.
  55. [3:06:39 AM EDT] * IBLiS B]
  56. [3:06:50 AM EDT] * Nitro Was it on your calendar this morning.
  57. [3:06:53 AM EDT] * Nitro You're welcome.
  58. [3:07:44 AM EDT] * IBLiS /Excuse/ you.
  59. [3:08:30 AM EDT] * IBLiS The word on his calander today was /transmogrify/.
  60. [3:11:01 AM EDT] * IBLiS Who'da'thunk it was a real word, huh?
  61. [3:17:07 AM EDT] IBLiS: (you know i)
  62. [3:17:14 AM EDT] IBLiS: (i think i may have watched o&c just a few too many times)
  63. [3:17:22 AM EDT] IBLiS: (because now dante's headcanon voice is now forever dodger)
  64. [3:17:34 AM EDT] IBLiS: (can't read /any/ of this without thinking DODGER)
  65. [3:18:27 AM EDT] Nitro: [/Good/]
  66. [3:18:35 AM EDT] Nitro: [I love O&C so I'm ok with this]
  67. [3:18:42 AM EDT] Nitro: [Oliver is actually babby Nero]
  68. [3:18:49 AM EDT] IBLiS: (i bet you already read his lines as dodger tho)
  69. [3:18:53 AM EDT] IBLiS: (don't you 8y)
  70. [3:18:53 AM EDT] Nitro: [I did]
  71. [3:19:04 AM EDT] Nitro: [I really have had that headcanon for a long time,,,]
  72. [3:19:17 AM EDT] Nitro: [Also Vergil is the bulldog]
  73. [3:19:19 AM EDT] Nitro: [Francis]
  74. [3:19:26 AM EDT] IBLiS: (omfg yes)
  75. [3:19:29 AM EDT] IBLiS: (he is francis 4 reel)
  76. [3:22:15 AM EDT] * Nitro Another eyeroll. Why was his brother so /chipper/ today? The arm thing wasn't entirely abnormal -- they'd grown up together, so physical contact was no stranger between them -- but he seemed remarkably...odd. Vergil scowled and lifted a hand to fix the collar of his shirt.
  77. [3:23:49 AM EDT] Nitro: They are /not/ /preconceptions/. I know /you/ well enough to have an /approximation/ of what it would be like.
  78. [3:23:57 AM EDT] * Nitro Approximation. Try that one on for size.
  79. [3:25:53 AM EDT] Nitro: [what if dating comes up and Vergil's like]
  80. [3:26:02 AM EDT] Nitro: [Why would you do that though, I don't understand]
  81. [3:26:12 AM EDT] IBLiS: [ffff]
  82. [3:26:27 AM EDT] IBLiS: [what is the purpose of this]
  83. [3:26:37 AM EDT] * IBLiS Uhhh.
  84. [3:26:48 AM EDT] * IBLiS /Shit/, that one was back in /November/.
  85. [3:26:50 AM EDT] * IBLiS Uh.
  86. [3:26:52 AM EDT] * IBLiS /Uh/.
  87. [3:27:46 AM EDT] * IBLiS Aw hell, who cares. He gets what you mean, anyway. Still doesn't give a shit. Doesn't give any of the shits right now. Everything is just /fan/-/tastic/.
  88. [3:27:51 AM EDT] IBLiS: [hey guess who might legitimately high right now]
  89. [3:27:54 AM EDT] IBLiS: [8y]
  90. [3:27:57 AM EDT] IBLiS: [:y]
  91. [3:28:04 AM EDT] * IBLiS Hahahaha.
  92. [3:28:06 AM EDT] * IBLiS Fantastic.
  93. [3:28:07 AM EDT] * IBLiS What a word.
  94. [3:28:44 AM EDT] Nitro: [Dante,,,,,]
  95. [3:28:58 AM EDT] IBLiS: [LOOK HEY]
  96. [3:28:59 AM EDT] Nitro: [This isn't how you become an FBI agent]
  98. [3:29:15 AM EDT] IBLiS: [sometimes you gotta smoke the green]
  99. [3:29:19 AM EDT] IBLiS: [also fff yes]
  100. [3:29:26 AM EDT] IBLiS: [dante forgot the number one rule of getting into the fbi]
  101. [3:29:34 AM EDT] IBLiS: [make sure to take the don't-ever-smoke-pot degree]
  102. [3:32:15 AM EDT] IBLiS: approximations, shpproximations. seriously, who gives a shit? that ain't th'point n' y'/know/ it.
  103. [3:32:30 AM EDT] IBLiS: [except]
  104. [3:32:31 AM EDT] IBLiS: [you know]
  105. [3:32:37 AM EDT] IBLiS: [the part where it was /entirely/ the point]
  106. [3:33:34 AM EDT] Nitro: Except for the fact that it was /entirely/ my point.
  107. [3:39:40 AM EDT] IBLiS: so? y'still /guessin/'.
  108. [3:39:42 AM EDT] IBLiS: or.
  109. [3:39:45 AM EDT] IBLiS: i dunno, somethin' like that.
  110. [3:40:21 AM EDT] IBLiS: 'sides, don't y'hate my guts? s'not like y'gonna paint the prettiest picture of anythin' /i/ enjoy.
  111. [3:40:29 AM EDT] IBLiS: with.
  112. [3:40:31 AM EDT] IBLiS: rainbows.
  113. [3:40:35 AM EDT] IBLiS: n' ponies.
  114. [3:40:38 AM EDT] IBLiS: lots of ponies.
  115. [3:41:31 AM EDT] * IBLiS You know, he's looking /awfully/ cheery for someone who just declared that you 'hate his guts'. That's, uh, usually not how it goes around here. Or ever.
  116. [3:42:13 AM EDT] * IBLiS Getting awfully close, too. Closer than they'd probably been for /years/, since they were tiny, tiny children.
  117. [3:42:15 AM EDT] * IBLiS It's, uh.
  118. [3:42:18 AM EDT] * IBLiS Quite the experience.
  119. [3:42:23 AM EDT] IBLiS: maybe even a pink one.
  120. [3:42:30 AM EDT] IBLiS: no, purple!
  121. [3:42:49 AM EDT] IBLiS: s'obviously th'/superior/ color, heh.
  122. [3:42:59 AM EDT] IBLiS: (i am doin it rite or)
  123. [3:43:03 AM EDT] IBLiS: (maybe a little too close)
  124. [3:43:27 AM EDT] Nitro: [Which thing right?]
  125. [3:43:29 AM EDT] Nitro: [I]
  126. [3:43:36 AM EDT] Nitro: [I wouldn't know about drugs. <8y]
  127. [3:43:53 AM EDT] IBLiS: [pfff]
  128. [3:43:56 AM EDT] IBLiS: [more like]
  129. [3:43:58 AM EDT] IBLiS: [everything]
  130. [3:44:02 AM EDT] IBLiS: [is everything not shitty]
  131. [3:45:21 AM EDT] Nitro: [fff, it looks good to me uwu]
  132. [3:48:11 AM EDT] IBLiS: [shoot]
  133. [3:48:16 AM EDT] IBLiS: [just shades away from being /fantastic/]
  134. [3:48:21 AM EDT] IBLiS: [mY LIFE IS RUINED,,,]
  135. [3:50:58 AM EDT] IBLiS: [and before you even say anything]
  136. [3:51:00 AM EDT] IBLiS: [joek 8y]
  137. [3:51:34 AM EDT] * Nitro ...Eeeeeyebrows. Sure /smelled/ pretty interesting there, Dante. Vergil sssshifted away casually, grimacing. God, this again. And he still didn't really know what to /do/ with him. "I don't think we'll be going out tonight," he ground out, getting back to the /original/ topic before the conversation got too out of hand.
  138. [3:51:49 AM EDT] Nitro: [I know bab 8y]
  139. [3:52:06 AM EDT] IBLiS: [hahaha]
  140. [3:52:10 AM EDT] IBLiS: ['this again']
  141. [3:52:39 AM EDT] IBLiS: [gamzee is going to rue the day he introduced vergil's brothers to that accursed drug]
  143. [3:55:38 AM EDT] Nitro: [Vergil will tear you apart,,,,]
  144. [3:55:51 AM EDT] IBLiS: [as soon as he figures out where this guy even lives]
  145. [3:55:53 AM EDT] IBLiS: [does he]
  146. [3:55:56 AM EDT] IBLiS: [does he even live anywhere]
  147. [3:56:10 AM EDT] Nitro: [F o i l e d]
  149. [4:02:58 AM EDT] * IBLiS /Flop/. That casual shift is what did you in, Vergil. With a twist and a grunt, Dante /easily/ rolled right into his brother's lap. Don't expect him to be getting off anytime soon either-- he looked as comfortable as could be down there, stretched out like a snoozing cat. He was /so/ comfortable, in fact, that he almost didn't even catch that last line.
  150. [4:04:10 AM EDT] * IBLiS And even when he did, he could care less. So his brother was being a grump. Big deal! It wasn't the end of the world.
  151. [4:04:12 AM EDT] * IBLiS 'Cause.
  152. [4:04:14 AM EDT] * IBLiS Well.
  153. [4:04:19 AM EDT] * IBLiS /Nothing/ was the end of the world, really.
  154. [4:04:27 AM EDT] * IBLiS Seriously dude.
  155. [4:04:29 AM EDT] * IBLiS Seriously.
  156. [4:05:11 AM EDT] * IBLiS ...Wait. Did he just say 'we'?
  157. [4:06:56 AM EDT] * IBLiS "we? whaddya mean we?" he asked, only just /barely/ finding the strength to be accusing. But only just barely. It wasn't like this was a /huge/ deal or anything. Christ. "what are you, my babysitter?"
  158. [4:07:43 AM EDT] IBLiS: "like /you/ could ever stop me fr'm goin' out that door."
  159. [4:09:41 AM EDT] * IBLiS He said, as he zoned out on his brother's lap.
  160. [4:09:46 AM EDT] * IBLiS Yeah, real threat here.
  161. [4:09:50 AM EDT] * IBLiS Threat level bazillion.
  162. [4:12:47 AM EDT] IBLiS: [why do i find this image cute]
  163. [4:12:50 AM EDT] IBLiS: [i am such an enabler]
  164. [4:12:51 AM EDT] * IBLiS weep]
  165. [4:13:13 AM EDT] Nitro: [oh you have nnnoooooo idea]
  166. [4:13:16 AM EDT] Nitro: [;y]
  167. [4:13:28 AM EDT] IBLiS: [ooh nitro ooh]
  168. [4:13:39 AM EDT] IBLiS: [i had no idea you were /that/ kind of fan]
  169. [4:13:43 AM EDT] IBLiS: [;y]
  170. [4:19:11 AM EDT] * Nitro ...Vergil had to all but /snort/ at that, reaching back to yank an afghan from where it was draped over the back of his seat. "I don't think you could make it through the door without getting distracted right now," he remarked mildly, unravelling it and tossing it over his all-too-vulnerable brother. "You're not goin' anywhere any time soon." He'd probably just fall asleep or something. Vergil was glad at least three of his textbooks were within arm's reach.
  171. [4:19:46 AM EDT] * Nitro Granted, he'd have to streeeetch around his brother to reach one of them. Still.
  172. [4:23:55 AM EDT] Nitro: [you're welcome ;y]
  173. [4:24:20 AM EDT] IBLiS: [hAHAHA]
  174. [4:28:50 AM EDT] * IBLiS "i could if i waaaaanted to." said the muffled form underneath the impossibly cozy blanket. He didn't make a move to push or move it off of a face, simply stretching out and letting it cover him like a veil of fuzzy darkness. Mm, sure was warm in here. 'Specially now that the radiator broke down.
  175. [4:29:02 AM EDT] * IBLiS /God/, January could be so cold. Cold and dry and.
  176. [4:29:08 AM EDT] * IBLiS /Frustrating/.
  177. [4:30:45 AM EDT] * IBLiS With its theses and tests and overly demanding fraternities that seemed dead set on hunting him down like the hounds of hell.
  178. [4:30:54 AM EDT] * IBLiS Ugh.
  179. [4:32:24 AM EDT] * IBLiS ...But that was okay. He didn't have to think about that right now. Didn't have to think about /anything/ right now. Because he /could/ go out that door if he wanted to, even if it meant dragging his unwilling brother along for the ride and putting up with his constant bullshit.
  180. [4:32:56 AM EDT] * IBLiS God, wouldn't it be nice for him to just go out and /enjoy/ himself for once. No whining or sulking or complaining, just.
  181. [4:32:58 AM EDT] * IBLiS Fucking.
  182. [4:33:02 AM EDT] * IBLiS Enjoying /life/.
  183. [4:33:12 AM EDT] * IBLiS Meh. He thought too much.
  184. [4:33:49 AM EDT] * IBLiS Anyway, point was that he /could/ do it if he wanted to, but...
  185. [4:33:54 AM EDT] * IBLiS ...Eh, he didn't feel like it.
  186. [4:33:56 AM EDT] * IBLiS Maybe later.
  187. [4:35:49 AM EDT] IBLiS: [dante are you using drugs to dull the pain again]
  188. [4:35:52 AM EDT] IBLiS: [dANTE,,,]
  189. [4:36:01 AM EDT] Nitro: [Dante pls]
  190. [4:36:10 AM EDT] Nitro: [You know your brother's gonna have to ask about it]
  193. [4:46:33 AM EDT] IBLiS: [pssst hey]
  194. [4:46:44 AM EDT] IBLiS: [i just wanna say]
  195. [4:46:56 AM EDT] IBLiS: [that i would pay thousands upon thousands of dollars to see you do rhyming english]
  196. [4:46:59 AM EDT] IBLiS: [i'm]
  197. [4:47:01 AM EDT] IBLiS: [just saying]
  198. [4:47:48 AM EDT] IBLiS: [chop off my left arm]
  199. [4:47:51 AM EDT] IBLiS: [and my right]
  200. [4:47:51 AM EDT] * Nitro "Sure, you could," Vergil mumbled laxly, patting the broad, limp shoulder that wasn't jammed against his stomach gently. "...D'you mind telling me what brought this on?" he prompted, tone still mild, but concerned, vaguely frustrated, nevertheless. It wasn't something of which he made a habit. And he knew Vergil hated it.
  201. [4:47:54 AM EDT] IBLiS: [my legs too]
  203. [4:50:50 AM EDT] IBLiS: [OH SHIT]
  206. [4:51:02 AM EDT] IBLiS: [/THANK/ /YOU/]
  207. [4:55:36 AM EDT] * IBLiS "mmm... brought what on?"
  208. [4:58:54 AM EDT] * IBLiS The question was susprisingly genuine, without a trace of his usual coy attitude. Dante was apparently too focused on stretching his entire body all over the couch to actually to actually think things /through/. After all, what could his brother possibly be talking about?
  209. [4:59:08 AM EDT] * IBLiS The party? Eh, he just wanted to give it a shot.
  210. [4:59:47 AM EDT] * IBLiS The couch? Man, it was a /nice/. Not his fault that he wanted to chill on it.
  211. [4:59:59 AM EDT] * IBLiS The /blanket/?
  212. [5:00:20 AM EDT] * IBLiS Wasn't his blanket, /doofus/.
  213. [5:01:21 AM EDT] * IBLiS His brother just thought too much, clearly. /Clearly/. Always worried about something, that stiff. Someday that frown was just gonna /stick/ on his face.
  214. [5:01:28 AM EDT] * IBLiS ...Hahaha, stick. Just like glue. Heh.
  215. [5:18:57 AM EDT] * Nitro Said blanket was tucked tighter, as though by an affectionate father. "You're high as a kite," he said almost sternly, but rested his hand fondly on the covered shoulder. "Not the most regular of occurances, and you know how much I hate it. What brought /that/ on?" he prompted, not quite tersely, and rubbed his hand on his brother's warm back.
  216. [5:20:31 AM EDT] * Nitro He really wished his brother wouldn't be stupid sometimes. He wasn't sure what exactly the reasoning was behind this, but he was pretty sure he knew well enough the general reason -- stress of the weight of the future, a future he'd so long seemed to feel was impossible. And sometimes still seemed to feel was impossible.
  217. [5:21:16 AM EDT] * Nitro It was more frustrating than he could express. Than he bothered to express, right now.
  218. [5:24:56 AM EDT] IBLiS: [you know]
  219. [5:24:59 AM EDT] IBLiS: [if it's january]
  220. [5:25:03 AM EDT] IBLiS: [then i have to wonder]
  221. [5:25:10 AM EDT] IBLiS: [what do college babbies do for christmas]
  222. [5:25:21 AM EDT] Nitro: [stay in the dorms and]
  223. [5:25:28 AM EDT] Nitro: [pretend it's not empty]
  224. [5:25:44 AM EDT] IBLiS: [what an exciting life they live]
  225. [5:25:50 AM EDT] IBLiS: [too poor to even buy each other a present so]
  226. [5:25:53 AM EDT] IBLiS: [uh]
  227. [5:26:00 AM EDT] IBLiS: [you wanna go out for coffe or]
  228. [5:26:00 AM EDT] Nitro: [they do their best]
  229. [5:26:06 AM EDT] IBLiS: [s-somethin']
  230. [5:27:01 AM EDT] Nitro: [But coffee's expensive 8(]
  231. [5:27:20 AM EDT] IBLiS: [so dante just sort of]
  232. [5:27:23 AM EDT] IBLiS: [lies out in the snow]
  233. [5:27:26 AM EDT] IBLiS: [hell yeah he's having /fun/]
  235. [5:28:08 AM EDT] Nitro: [Vergil tries to scrape together something because he might hate Christmas but this is just depressing]
  236. [5:28:15 AM EDT] Nitro: [(he hates it because it's depressing)]
  237. [5:28:36 AM EDT] IBLiS: [lies out in the fun]
  238. [5:28:39 AM EDT] IBLiS: [i can't]
  239. [5:29:08 AM EDT] * IBLiS "oh." No surpise. No defensiveness. Not even a /hint/ of a reaction. Just.
  240. [5:29:09 AM EDT] * IBLiS Oh.
  241. [5:29:31 AM EDT] Nitro: [so he checks around locally for any sheet music Dante manages to not own so he can play it on the college's piano]
  242. [5:30:10 AM EDT] IBLiS: ['manages to not own']
  243. [5:30:19 AM EDT] IBLiS: [suggesting that his collection is /massive/ or something]
  244. [5:30:22 AM EDT] IBLiS: [hint: it is]
  245. [5:30:26 AM EDT] IBLiS: [jesus christ is it ever]
  246. [5:30:40 AM EDT] Nitro: [Vergil has gotten him a lot and he's gotten a lot and]
  247. [5:30:46 AM EDT] Nitro: [It adds up]
  248. [5:30:57 AM EDT] Nitro: [Vergil claims that 60% of it was originally his]
  249. [5:31:02 AM EDT] IBLiS: [hAH]
  250. [5:31:33 AM EDT] IBLiS: [his guitar music collection is probably even worse]
  251. [5:31:35 AM EDT] IBLiS: [like]
  252. [5:31:44 AM EDT] IBLiS: [who even /writes/ sheet music for this kind of music]
  254. [5:33:00 AM EDT] Nitro: [ ;y]
  255. [5:36:31 AM EDT] * IBLiS So that was what he was talking about. Yeah, that was probably a problem. He knew he wasn't supposed to, /especially/ when he was trying to doll himself up for all those FBI scouts. Plus, it had a tendency to piss his brother off. /Really/ piss him off, too, far beyond his usually grim demeanor. As far as Dante was concerned, that was more than enough of a reason /not/ to do it.
  256. [5:36:40 AM EDT] IBLiS: [hahaha, of /course/ it's real]
  257. [5:37:16 AM EDT] * IBLiS So yeah, he probably needed to explain himself. Or something. Something like that. Yeah.
  258. [5:37:45 AM EDT] Nitro: [Guitar sheet music isn't too hard to make or read -- nothing like piano sheet music. I've never played a guitar, myself, though.]
  259. [5:40:08 AM EDT] * IBLiS still wasn't that big of a deal, right? It's not like his bro was /furious/ or anything. Just listen to that voice! He was as chill as a cucumber. No bad vibes here, dude, not at all.
  260. [5:40:26 AM EDT] * IBLiS The back rub wasn't too bad either. Mm.
  261. [5:40:29 AM EDT] * IBLiS
  262. [5:40:30 AM EDT] * IBLiS
  263. [5:40:31 AM EDT] * IBLiS
  264. [5:40:57 AM EDT] * IBLiS ...Oh, /right/. The, uh, the explanation. Hahaha, christ, he really was high as a kite.
  265. [5:43:25 AM EDT] * IBLiS "hahahaha, yeah, y'got me." he lowly chuckled, fumbling through his words. "i, uh, i might've paid another one of 'em visits to gamz again."
  266. [5:45:13 AM EDT] IBLiS: [should i keep going or]
  267. [5:46:05 AM EDT] IBLiS: [you're always free to react 8y]
  268. [5:48:15 AM EDT] * Nitro "No," Vergil responded, low and flat, "I'd never have guessed." He leaned straightened up, having been half-hunched over his brother's prone form, rested his free hand on the shaggy white-haired head in his lap. "I meant why you visited Gamzee."
  269. [5:50:04 AM EDT] IBLiS: [hey man you never know]
  270. [5:50:10 AM EDT] IBLiS: [they don't call rock 'rock' for nothing]
  271. [5:50:14 AM EDT] IBLiS: [if you catch my drift]
  272. [5:50:15 AM EDT] IBLiS: [:y]
  273. [5:50:18 AM EDT] IBLiS: [;y]
  274. [5:50:53 AM EDT] Nitro: [fff]
  275. [6:00:20 AM EDT] * IBLiS ...Hahaha, yeah, that /was/ pretty obvious wasn't it? S'not like any of his other friends stashed the goods like Gamzee did. Not unless Nixon was packing something /other/ than scarves in that drawer. Heh, that little /scamp/.
  276. [6:00:43 AM EDT] * IBLiS Anyway, why. Gotta explain why. Uhh...
  277. [6:02:52 AM EDT] * IBLiS "i dunno." He mumbled at first, shrugging. Or rather, making an effort to shrug. It really came out more as a half-hearted /slump/ than anything else. " 'cause he's my bro?"
  278. [9:19:41 AM EDT] Nitro: [Hi I'm]
  279. [9:19:43 AM EDT] Nitro: [Here now]
  280. [10:24:54 AM EDT] * Nitro ...Jesus' kitchen cabinets, that just sounded /pitiful/. And /irritating/, but he couldn't just go off at the foggy-minded young man. Not again. That...that hadn't ended all that well, the first time. And he didn't want to be that angry, again. With a heavy, aggravated sigh, he grumbled, "You've visited Gamzee before without coming back like this." He'd never dared question the exact motive for /those/ visits. He did not want to know. "So what's different?"
  281. [10:25:00 AM EDT] Nitro: [I'll just leave this here for you]
  282. [3:16:53 PM EDT] IBLiS: ['eeeey bro]
  283. [3:30:59 PM EDT] Nitro: [yo, 'sup]
  284. [3:33:01 PM EDT] * IBLiS ...What was different, huh? Well, he'd really have to /think/ on that one. Nothing /felt/ different or anything, really. He always visited his favorite vagrant when he was feeling down or, ocassionally, Gamzee always knew when to visit /him/. Always popping outta /nowhere/ to flop down beside him. How he managed to do that was always such a /mystery/. S'was like he was /Batman/ or somethin'.
  285. [3:33:03 PM EDT] * IBLiS
  286. [3:33:18 PM EDT] * IBLiS ...'Cept.
  287. [3:33:20 PM EDT] * IBLiS Y'know.
  288. [3:33:22 PM EDT] * IBLiS Smellier.
  289. [3:34:10 PM EDT] * IBLiS Heheheh.
  290. [3:39:35 PM EDT] * IBLiS /Anyway/, uh, yeah. This question. Thiiiisss question. Had to answer it /somehow/, yeah? He let the thought lazily roll around in his head, shifting a bit in his bro's lap. Man, this was a /nice/ lap. He'd have to tell Verge that sometime. Maybe later. He probably wouldn't /appreciate/ it right now. "well, uh... i dunno."
  291. [3:40:28 PM EDT] * IBLiS "i guess i dropped 'im a visit 'cause i was feelin' pretty shitty 'bout all those papers--" /Three/ papers, to be exact. Naturally, one of them was due in a week. /Naturally/.
  292. [3:40:43 PM EDT] * IBLiS ...Heh, naturally. Rolls right off the tongue.
  293. [3:41:58 PM EDT] * IBLiS "--so i tells 'im, yeah? i tells 'im that this semester is gonna /kill/ me f'sure, come high or hell water."
  294. [3:42:07 PM EDT] * IBLiS "n' he /tells/ me--"
  295. [3:45:15 PM EDT] * IBLiS "ShIiIiIiIiT mY lItTlE bRoThEr, y'AlL tHiNkInG tOo hArD oVeR tHiS sChOoLiO bIz. SoMeTiMeS a MoThErFuCkEr gOtS tO sIt bAcK aNd sMeLl aLl tHe HeLlA sWeEt sMelLs tHeM rOsEs oF LiFe GoT's tO oFfER n'AmEaN?"
  296. [3:45:33 PM EDT] * IBLiS "...then we got baked."
  297. [3:45:37 PM EDT] IBLiS: [THE END]
  298. [3:45:42 PM EDT] Nitro: [fffff]
  299. [3:45:55 PM EDT] IBLiS: [omfg]
  300. [3:45:59 PM EDT] IBLiS: [you were here all along]
  301. [3:46:01 PM EDT] IBLiS: [sURPRISE]
  302. [3:46:03 PM EDT] Nitro: [I will reply when I'm home from going to the store with my dad]
  303. [3:46:07 PM EDT] Nitro: [yES I'VE BEEN HERE]
  304. [3:46:12 PM EDT] Nitro: [I SAID "YO"]
  306. [3:46:25 PM EDT] IBLiS: [did you like my piss poor of impression of gamzee there 8y]
  307. [3:46:36 PM EDT] Nitro: [Dante does a piss poor impression of Gamzee]
  308. [3:46:41 PM EDT] IBLiS: [pFFFF]
  309. [3:46:46 PM EDT] Nitro: [though it wasn't that bad honestly uwu]
  310. [3:46:54 PM EDT] IBLiS: [if anything, that's even worse]
  311. [3:47:14 PM EDT] IBLiS: [that means he's been spending enough time with dear, sweet gamgam enough to pick up on his habits]
  312. [3:47:17 PM EDT] IBLiS: [even when he's higher than a kite]
  313. [3:47:25 PM EDT] Nitro: [Vergil is very, very concerned]
  314. [3:47:50 PM EDT] IBLiS: [vergil does not approve of this relationship >B[ ]
  315. [3:47:56 PM EDT] IBLiS: [...whatever this relationship is]
  316. [3:47:59 PM EDT] IBLiS: [he's not sure he wants to know]
  317. [3:48:04 PM EDT] Nitro: [he /really/ doesn't]
  318. [3:48:30 PM EDT] Nitro: [unless it's directly unhealthy for Dante, which he's beginning to think it is]
  319. [3:48:59 PM EDT] IBLiS: [also imagining gamzee just slinking out from the trees to flop down beside dante in the snow]
  320. [3:49:01 PM EDT] IBLiS: [batgam]
  321. [3:49:04 PM EDT] IBLiS: [batclown, even]
  322. [3:49:32 PM EDT] Nitro: [da na na na na na na na na na]
  323. [3:50:07 PM EDT] Nitro: [anyway, heading out with Pops in a few minutes so I'm not gonna start writing a response 'til I'm home]
  324. [3:50:35 PM EDT] Nitro: [and yes I do really call him Pops or Pop]
  325. [5:34:59 PM EDT] * Nitro Oh, thank God he moved -- his shoulders were still remarkably bony, all things considered, and having one of them digging into his stomach all night wasn't on Vergil's bucket list. Or any list, for that matter, besides possibly the list of things he really didn't want to deal with. Right alongside it on that list was /this/ /situation/, he decided -- in which he felt steadily more frustrated because he couldn't /do/ anything about it.
  326. [5:40:23 PM EDT] * Nitro Dante /felt/ like everything was too much and because of that it was too much. Vergil tucked the blanket tighter around his brother's neck and folded down the loose excess that was bunched up around neck, jaw, nearly over his entire head with careful precision, and then returned to the affectionate back-rubbing. (Felt like he was petting a dog.)
  327. [5:43:06 PM EDT] * Nitro Vergil was going to hope, really and truly, that Dante's current state was making him exaggerate how obnoxious his stoner friend was. In truth, he suspected, said stoner friend was probably /worse/ than how his brother sounded. Regardless, he digressed. The topic he should be focusing on was that his brother was regularly confiding in and accepting the.../help/ of some apparently-homeless stoner.
  328. [5:43:11 PM EDT] * Nitro And by help, he meant weed.
  329. [5:45:56 PM EDT] * Nitro And that entire thing made him angry. They had worked /so/ fucking hard to get here, and Dante was just...was just...
  330. [5:46:22 PM EDT] * Nitro Another raggedly throaty sigh, as though huffed out of mounting anger. It felt like he was doing that a lot lately.
  331. [5:46:27 PM EDT] * Nitro Don't yell.
  332. [5:47:53 PM EDT] * IBLiS ...Oh, /shit/. He sounded mad. Was he mad? Yeah, he was probably mad. /Really/ mad. Shit. That wasn't good. That wasn't chill at all.
  333. [5:50:57 PM EDT] * IBLiS He /knew/ he shouldn't have taken the hash. He /promised/ he wouldn't make a habit out of it. And he tried really, /really/ hard too. Even told Gamgam that they couldn't be friends if he kept shoving it down his throat. And he understood. Sort of. Dante wasn't sure /what/ he did and didn't understand.
  334. [5:51:02 PM EDT] * IBLiS He was so /mystical/ like that.
  335. [5:51:04 PM EDT] * IBLiS But.
  336. [5:51:06 PM EDT] * IBLiS /But/.
  337. [5:51:08 PM EDT] * IBLiS He was just so.
  338. [5:51:25 PM EDT] * IBLiS /Tired/, you know?
  339. [5:51:29 PM EDT] * IBLiS So very, very tired.
  340. [5:51:34 PM EDT] IBLiS: [k im done 8y]
  341. [6:04:53 PM EDT] * Nitro He took a breath, let it out more smoothly this time. Don't yell. Not this time. "...I /know/ it's hard," he ground out as evenly, as /gently/, as he could. "I know. Why do you think I'm studying so often?" It was true. Studying was at the top of his priorities list. He wouldn't /have/ another chance to get through college and start his career. It was all or they were out on the street, if Dante's apparent approach to school was at all revealing. He barely even had any time to dedicate to his brother, with all the studying and extra work he did (just to make sure).
  342. [6:07:01 PM EDT] * Nitro ...Suddenly, vaguely, he wondered if Dante felt the effects of that. If he was giving his brother the short end of the stick because he was trying so hard not to let him down.
  343. [6:12:10 PM EDT] * Nitro Regardless, he pressed on. "You /can/ talk to me," he continued, leaving out the 'rather than the strange homeless drug dealer you are unfortunately familiar with' that he felt like adding. It wasn't something he normally would've said aloud at all -- he would expect that Dante would /trust/ him -- but...given /this/, and given that maybe he'd been pushing Dante aside a little more than he should in trying to prepare for the future, maybe it was necessary to say.
  344. [6:12:35 PM EDT] * Nitro Besides, he felt more open, more vulnerable, now -- like pride was no longer an object when his brother was all but collapsed and snuggled like a child or a pet on his lap. It was easier to speak, easier to make little gestures of affection, and not fear ridicule quite so much. It was a kind of openness he hadn't realized felt so pleasant, before.
  345. [6:13:07 PM EDT] IBLiS: (in which everyone learned a valuable lesson about weed)
  346. [6:13:11 PM EDT] IBLiS: (:y)
  347. [6:13:24 PM EDT] IBLiS: (weed brings families together kids)
  348. [6:13:25 PM EDT] IBLiS: (FACT)
  349. [6:14:35 PM EDT] * Nitro But, he supposed, the fear of the sting of potential ridicule (an indirect rejection, condescension, something painful) outweighed the appeal of...whatever /this/ was, this thing that he was so unfamiliar with.
  350. [6:14:39 PM EDT] Nitro: [pfffff]
  351. [6:22:57 PM EDT] * IBLiS Yeah, /right/, like /Vergil/ had any idea how hard college was. He made everything look so /easy/. Somehow, he still managed to be Mr. Perfect after all these years. Probably because he spent every waking moment of his life studying. Breakfast? Nope, can't, studying. Lunch? No can do, still studying. Sleep? Hah, /forget/ /about/ /it/.
  352. [6:23:18 PM EDT] Nitro: [also can I just say that I have a very miniscule headcanon that, after the growth on his arm started, Nero /always/ walked with Dante on his right side whenever they were going somewhere -- probably still would]
  353. [6:23:24 PM EDT] Nitro: [just so you know]
  354. [6:23:36 PM EDT] IBLiS: [awwww]
  355. [6:23:47 PM EDT] IBLiS: [maybe hiding his arm behind his dad's back]
  356. [6:23:56 PM EDT] Nitro: [maybe a little]
  357. [6:23:59 PM EDT] IBLiS: [don't let them ridicule me daddy]
  358. [6:24:03 PM EDT] IBLiS: [ >: ]
  359. [6:24:06 PM EDT] Nitro: [:'<]
  360. [6:25:55 PM EDT] * IBLiS His brother studied more than /anyone/ he'd ever met on campus. Seriously, it was like he was some kind of.
  361. [6:26:01 PM EDT] * IBLiS /Of/.
  362. [6:26:04 PM EDT] * IBLiS Some kind of /studybot/.
  363. [6:26:10 PM EDT] * Nitro Clever.
  364. [6:27:31 PM EDT] * IBLiS (Hey, he's working with a dim bulb here. Give him a break, okay?)
  365. [6:31:48 PM EDT] * IBLiS It made the winter holidays seem /awfully/ cold, that was for sure. Stranded in an abandoned campus with a hobo, Miss Party Hardy, and his brother dearest. His brother that was always too busy doing /something/ or other to spend time with him. Certainly too busy to hear his little bro /whinge/ and /moan/ about his latest paper.
  366. [6:34:11 PM EDT] * IBLiS The paper that was sure to kill him because he just /had/ to be a little bitch and go against the grain. Because, /seriously/, who the hell ever heard of /video/ /games/ causing violent behavior? Only the rest of the world apparently, because he couldn't get a single citation otherwise. Even though it was /stupid/.
  367. [6:34:56 PM EDT] * IBLiS Stupid femnazi teacher. Stupid seminar he just /had/ to take, no if ands or buts. Stupid /Columbine/ for screwing everything up. Stupid stupid /stupid/.
  368. [6:35:08 PM EDT] IBLiS: [hey remember when this was the late nineties/early noughties]
  369. [6:35:12 PM EDT] IBLiS: [because i did]
  370. [6:35:14 PM EDT] IBLiS: [;y]
  371. [6:35:43 PM EDT] Nitro: [ffff]
  372. [6:35:49 PM EDT] Nitro: [~timelines~]
  373. [6:35:58 PM EDT] IBLiS: [poor dante]
  374. [6:36:03 PM EDT] IBLiS: [if only you waited a decade or so]
  375. [6:41:01 PM EDT] * IBLiS /Ugh/. All this /stupid/ was getting to his head, making it throb and ache and shit. He grumbled a few words under his breath, mostly curses more than anything, and weakly propped up his head. This was /exactly/ why he didn't want to think in the first place.
  376. [6:42:47 PM EDT] * IBLiS It was so pounding, so /distracting/... that he almost didn't catch what his brother had so gently said.
  377. [6:43:06 PM EDT] * IBLiS Almost didn't believe it either.
  378. [6:47:07 PM EDT] * IBLiS It pierced through his stupor, making him twist his head and peer one bleary little blue eye up at him. /Talk/? To /him/? Did he hear that right? Was his ears on straight?
  379. [6:47:37 PM EDT] * IBLiS It couldn't have been. It just /couldn/'/t/ have been. It.
  380. [6:47:44 PM EDT] * IBLiS It seemed too good to be true...
  381. [6:51:38 PM EDT] * IBLiS The eye peered on for a few silent, /terse/ moments, before sluggishly glancing away-- into the blanket, where things didn't have to be so goddamn /scary/ all the time. "...y'haven't been 'round much lately."
  382. [6:52:59 PM EDT] * IBLiS Yeah, obvious, but he didn't know what else to say. It was the truth, wasn't it? He might as well been living with a ghost. A stupid, boring, stuffy ol' ghost who didn't want anything to do with him.
  383. [6:53:33 PM EDT] IBLiS: [k]
  384. [6:53:34 PM EDT] IBLiS: [done]
  385. [6:53:36 PM EDT] IBLiS: [/finally/]
  386. [6:54:01 PM EDT] IBLiS: [...i]
  387. [6:54:04 PM EDT] IBLiS: [i think]
  388. [6:54:35 PM EDT] IBLiS: [no]
  389. [6:54:39 PM EDT] IBLiS: [wait]
  390. [6:54:45 PM EDT] * IBLiS /Stupid/ ghost.
  391. [6:54:50 PM EDT] IBLiS: [/there/ we go]
  392. [6:54:55 PM EDT] IBLiS: [i know something was missing]
  393. [6:54:56 PM EDT] IBLiS: [i]
  394. [6:55:00 PM EDT] IBLiS: [think?]
  395. [6:55:10 PM EDT] IBLiS: [<8y]
  396. [6:55:30 PM EDT] Nitro: [ffff, it looks great to me. owo]
  397. [7:08:30 PM EDT] * Nitro He'd expected that, on some level. He really had. In the brief pause during which he felt like his soul was being penetrated by dubious, if hazy, eyes that matched his own, he'd reflected on just what he'd done to remind Dante that he was there, he cared more than anyone else could, and to honor the /reason/ he pushed himself so hard. He'd gotten him some obscure piano pieces for a bargain at Christmas, had managed a /cooked/ meal the week after, and had watched a couple movies with him in the past, what?
  398. [7:08:35 PM EDT] * Nitro He wasn't sure how long.
  399. [7:13:48 PM EDT] * Nitro So yes, he'd expected that. He supposed what really bothered him was when those pristine blue eyes refused to look at him as he mumbled the words...not quite bitterly, Vergil hoped. The steady, gentle rubbing on his brother's back didn't stop, though the churning in his stomach (from the too-bony shoulder still shoved uncomfortably against him, he was sure) made him want to shake his brother back to normalcy, shake the fog from his mind, force him to /get/ /a/ /grip/.
  400. [7:16:27 PM EDT] * Nitro Dante was right, and he hated that fact, because it /shouldn/'/t/ have been true. He knew the future was important -- what happened now didn't matter if they had no future for it to play out in -- but Dante was /everything/ for him, and his brother...
  401. [7:21:52 PM EDT] * Nitro Maybe he didn't need Vergil like Vergil wanted very much to think. But he'd be damned if he wasn't going to be there for him anyway, to do his best to help his brother even if maybe that help wasn't so necessary. He was too selfish not to want to help his brother, even when his help was sub-par to the help Dante could be getting. Even if he wasn't as good at being a confidant like the drug dealer, wasn't as good at cheering him up as the girl who more often than not had some level of alcohol in her system, he was sure -- even if he wasn't as /good/, he couldn't. He had to be there. They weren't trustworthy. They hadn't been there through thick and thin, and he feared what might happen if they one day let him down.
  402. [7:22:34 PM EDT] * Nitro He feared what would happen if /he/ let Dante down, too. Because he knew all too well that was a possibility. But he also knew he'd do his best not to let that happen.
  403. [7:23:41 PM EDT] IBLiS: [brb]
  404. [7:23:45 PM EDT] IBLiS: [fixing broken heart]
  405. [7:23:49 PM EDT] IBLiS: [; n ;]
  406. [7:29:34 PM EDT] * Nitro "...I know," he admitted, humbly (wondering as he spoke if he'd already let him down). "I'm...not very good at it." Every word felt like he was tearing down his own pride brick by brick, like Dante probably would realize just what kind of brother he'd been stuck with. But he couldn't lie, either. Not to Dante.
  407. [7:30:13 PM EDT] * Nitro He sighed -- not from anger or frustration, this time, but simply from quiet, resigned exhaustion. "I'm sorry."
  408. [7:32:19 PM EDT] * Nitro And then, almost to himself: "But that doesn't change things, does it?"
  409. [7:53:19 PM EDT] * IBLiS There was a long, deathly pause. The kind of pause that could /kill/ in any court, any interview, any /interrorgation/. The kind of pause they both so knew so very, very well. It was choking. /Toxic/. Those hazy blue eyes refused to move an inch, focused only on the folds of blankets beneath him...
  410. [8:00:09 PM EDT] * IBLiS ...Until they suddenly flickered back up, lighting up with all the Christmas cheer-- if not /foggy/ Christmas cheer-- that they had so sullenly missed only a few weeks ago. " s'okay" he lazily smiled, haphazardly swinging his arms around Vergil's waist. "i know y'the worst brother t'eva grace this god given earth."
  411. [8:00:27 PM EDT] * Nitro /Ow/.
  412. [8:00:49 PM EDT] * Nitro A weak smile was offered, all the same.
  413. [8:01:19 PM EDT] * IBLiS "an' i wouldn't want it any other way"
  414. [8:01:21 PM EDT] Nitro: [ladies and gentlemen, I think we know where Nero gets the sliiiight tendency toward crippling insecurity now]
  415. [8:01:31 PM EDT] IBLiS: [hAHAHA]
  416. [8:01:39 PM EDT] IBLiS: [best dad]
  417. [8:01:41 PM EDT] IBLiS: [more like]
  418. [8:01:45 PM EDT] IBLiS: [WORST DAD]
  419. [8:05:58 PM EDT] * IBLiS Mmmph. He sure did have a good lap. S'was all cuddly and toasty, like a marshmellow. No, a /s/'/more/ Yeeeah, that was it. He wouldn't mind if Dante were to bury his face in that cuddly warmth, would he? Nah, 'course not. Wasn't that what brothers were for? "if they were t'give me some other brother, like--"
  420. [8:06:01 PM EDT] * IBLiS "i dunno"
  421. [8:06:05 PM EDT] * IBLiS "elvis"
  422. [8:07:51 PM EDT] * IBLiS "y'know what i would do? i'd turn 'em down without a second thought. 'cause i already got you. 'cause y'know what? y'special. one of a kind. they don't make any of youse anymore, that's f'sure."
  423. [8:07:55 PM EDT] * IBLiS /Whap/.
  424. [8:07:57 PM EDT] * IBLiS "y'lout."
  425. [8:10:02 PM EDT] * IBLiS He said that in the most affectionate way possible, of course. Along with the rest of his strange, meandering speech. It was probably both the most muddled /and/ inspiring thing Vergil ever had the grace to hear.
  427. [8:13:58 PM EDT] * IBLiS Because you know what? It was true. It was /all/ true. His brother was a big doofus who'd no sooner marry a /book/ than a real living person, true, but he was /his/ doofus. And no, he wasn't as fun as Gamgam or Roxy or /any/ of the people he had the fortune to meet in this crazy campus called life...but he'd always be there. He always had Dante's back, no matter how /strangely/ he chose to show it. Even when he /wasn/'/t/ there, he was still there.
  428. [8:15:30 PM EDT] * IBLiS Because he believed in him. He /always/ believed in him, way back when no one else did. Even himself.
  429. [8:16:18 PM EDT] * IBLiS He'd probably no sooner shred that entire paper up, were it not for his brother.
  430. [8:16:24 PM EDT] * IBLiS No, no, /worse/.
  431. [8:16:28 PM EDT] * IBLiS He probably wouldn't even be here.
  432. [8:17:09 PM EDT] * IBLiS
  433. [8:17:11 PM EDT] * IBLiS
  434. [8:17:12 PM EDT] * IBLiS
  435. [8:17:36 PM EDT] * IBLiS .../Hnng/, all this internal monolouging did a /serious/ number on his brain.
  436. [8:18:07 PM EDT] * IBLiS He's gonna maybe just.
  437. [8:18:55 PM EDT] * IBLiS Slow that all down a bit. Maybe just enjoy all this fuzzy wuzzy warmth he was getting. Mm.
  438. [8:20:29 PM EDT] * IBLiS ...Wait, hold on. He was forgetting something, wasn't he? Yeah, yeah, he /knew/ he forget something. Something that made him peek up one last time, huddled in the folds and crevices of the woolen blanket.
  439. [8:20:32 PM EDT] * IBLiS "oh, yeah."
  440. [8:20:35 PM EDT] * IBLiS "an' i love you."
  441. [8:20:37 PM EDT] * IBLiS "whatever."
  442. [8:20:44 PM EDT] IBLiS: [nOW i'm done]
  443. [8:21:01 PM EDT] Nitro: [the post is done]
  444. [8:21:07 PM EDT] Nitro: [a heart is shattered]
  445. [8:21:13 PM EDT] IBLiS: [do i]
  446. [8:21:15 PM EDT] IBLiS: [do i need to get the golden hammer]
  447. [8:21:23 PM EDT] IBLiS: [I'M GONNA FIX IT]
  448. [8:21:39 PM EDT] Nitro: [no too late it will merely break again in the next post]
  449. [8:34:22 PM EDT] * Nitro The weak, forced smile became a mystified, wide-eyed look, the kind of look he /never/ wore to the point where one would doubt he /could/ look stunned. But he did, and one could swear his lip was nearly quivering by the end of it. Nearly, though -- barely a twitch to manifest the pained warmth in his chest, not very different from the warm grip encircling his waist, the unceasing warmth of the torso burrowed close in his lap. Not any different at all.
  450. [8:40:13 PM EDT] * Nitro Dante valued him. Wanted him to be there, even when he was too stubborn or too harsh or too cold -- didn't seem to mind very much at all how terrible of a brother Vergil really was. His entire body felt warm, reassured, if only a little. Even though he knew better -- knew Dante didn't deserve this, didn't deserve to /need/ to accept those traits. He deserved a brother who /could/ be a confidant, who /could/ cheer him up, who /could/ both study and be ready to do whatever was necessary for him /and/ could just hang out with him.
  451. [8:40:31 PM EDT] * Nitro He still hated himself, hated everything he always fell short in. Knew he fell short in.
  452. [8:41:05 PM EDT] * Nitro But Dante didn't sound willing to let him go anywhere. So he guessed he'd just have to do his best.
  453. [8:42:38 PM EDT] IBLiS: [jUST HAVE TO DO HIS BEST]
  454. [8:42:38 PM EDT] IBLiS: [BABBY]
  455. [8:42:43 PM EDT] IBLiS: [BABBEIS]
  456. [8:44:39 PM EDT] * Nitro It was one of the most rambling speeches he'd ever heard, something he'd probably mention were Dante more lucid and were he not so overwhelmed by it. As it was, he merely choked on his heartbeat while Dante mumbled "I love you, whatever" into his left leg and disengaged from the world.
  457. [8:46:49 PM EDT] * Nitro Not something they shared often, for how long they had been alongside each other (their whole life ). That probably wasn't a good thing.
  458. [8:47:46 PM EDT] * Nitro In fact, Vergil was sure as he was reminded of why he was working so hard, it was most likely a pretty bad thing. He didn't want Dante to forget that fact. Not ever. Least of all when Vergil was too stupid to remember how to show it.
  459. [8:51:59 PM EDT] * Nitro A minute might have passed before he leaned down, kissed the snow white hair the way their mother always used to when tucking them in, and mumbled quietly into the strands, "I love you too."
  460. [8:58:02 PM EDT] IBLiS: [ ;u; ]
  461. [8:58:44 PM EDT] * Nitro He thought about straightening up, grabbing a textbook and studying while his brother slept off the drugs bundled up in his lap, was so rare that this happened, and he had so much to say. So much more than he was going to.
  462. [9:00:36 PM EDT] * Nitro And Dante was halfway to dreamland, probably would barely remember any of this.
  463. [9:03:33 PM EDT] * Nitro "Please don't ever, ever forget that." It came out halfway indecipherable, it was so quiet, but practically whispered into his brother's already-sensitive ear. "I love you more than anything."
  464. [9:08:31 PM EDT] * Nitro He hoped with the same part of him that wanted so badly to say this that Dante wouldn't remember it. He didn't know how his brother would respond, was scared to find himself rightfully ridiculed for such deep-running sentiment. He was too afraid of the possibility to rationally guess that, ultimately, it would only bring them closer, make things easier.
  465. [9:09:00 PM EDT] * IBLiS There was a shudder. Not a shiver or a quiver, no, but... a chuckle. A very, very quiet chuckle. "y'goof."
  466. [9:09:07 PM EDT] * IBLiS "i always knew that."
  467. [9:10:21 PM EDT] * IBLiS Were it anyone else, it would take them centuries to decipher his speech. Years from now, there'd be entire seminars devoted to what he had said just then. They'd devoted so many sweat, tears, and broken pencils to finding out the secret. And they would never know.
  468. [9:10:32 PM EDT] * IBLiS But Vergil would know.
  469. [9:10:35 PM EDT] * IBLiS He knew.
  470. [9:10:43 PM EDT] * IBLiS He always knew.
  471. [9:12:03 PM EDT] * IBLiS Mmph. He was tired. Way past tired. Gunna sleep now.
  472. [9:12:05 PM EDT] * IBLiS ZZZ...
  473. [9:12:51 PM EDT] * Nitro His breath caught but he didn't move at the low, nearly sub-audible hum, soft and slurred but ringing clear as the bells of Notre Dame to Vergil.
  474. [9:13:54 PM EDT] * Nitro He stayed there for a moment longer -- and then, soft white hair still tickling his face as he spoke: "You're working on your papers as soon as you wake up."
  475. [9:14:06 PM EDT] * Nitro Because he was a /good/ brother.
  476. [9:14:27 PM EDT] IBLiS: [hahahaaaaaaa]
  477. [9:15:26 PM EDT] * Nitro When he sat up, he was smiling. That.
  478. [9:15:31 PM EDT] * Nitro That felt really good.
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