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Undizzy explanation

a guest
Dec 18th, 2013
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  1. Undizzy is a mechanic that Mike Z implemented in the Squigly update of Skullgirls (MDE - Mildly Different Edition) that aims to stop overly long combos, while the existing Infinite Prevention System (IPS) aims to stop infinite combos. The green bar shows you how close you are to triggering undizzy, and once it is filled you cannot start a new combo chain or else you will trigger undizzy.
  3. In MDE, the undizzy limit is 350 with undizzy building at stage 5. It decays from 350+ to 0 in 90-ish frames after an opponent enters a neutral state (not in hitstun or blockstun). In Encore, the limit is currently 240 and it starts building at stage 3. It decays from 240+ to 0 in 45 frames after blah blah blah. Undizzy resets after an opponent bursts or tech rolls, but it does not reset on a neutral wake-up, sliding knockdowns (hard knockdowns), or when a character dies.
  5. As for how undizzy builds up, light attacks give 15 undizzy, mediums give 20, and heavies give 30. Special attacks give 20 just like mediums, no matter the strength of the special. In the Big Band Beta, counter hits give you negative undizzy. Lights give -25, mediums -50, heavies -100, and specials -50. What this means is that if you get a counter hit with a heavy, then you have basically 340 undizzy to work with as opposed to 240.
  7. The Skullgirls community calls it undizzy, but it's not at all like Marvel 2 undizzy. It just gives you a burst like IPS.
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