
Sheilas and Sentinels - Rinalewds

Jan 10th, 2014
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  1. It wasn't a situation you were expecting. Tsukino Rina stood before you, idly playing with one of her red hairs while shifting her weight from foot to foot, doing everything she could not to meet your eyes. You stand in awkward silence for a minute, watching the odd young girl before you do a strange little dance on the spot. Her hips sway as she nervously shuffles, causing her skirt to flare out with each movement; it's quite hypnotic. She wears a very short skirt for someone like her, not that you mind. It shows off her pale legs, unhidden by tights or stockings. And as you watch, you can almost make out a flash of white underneath her skirt. Tantalisingly close, all it would need is a light breeze and-
  2. Your thoughts screech to a halt as you realise that she's stopped moving. She's watching you check her out, completely frozen to the spot. Her face has gone a BRIGHT shade of pink.
  4. She snaps out of it after a moment.
  5. "N-n-nice weather we're having, isn't it?" she manages to stutter as she not-so-subtly pulls down her skirt. She's fallen back on staring at some spot in the far distance above and behind your head.
  6. You roll your eyes while she can't see. "Yes, the weather has been pretty good recently."
  7. "I-I know, right? Even if we're on a school ship, and the weather can be unpredictable, it really is amazing that we've had so many sunny days."
  8. "Not really," you reply. You're pretty sure you know why she's asked you to come back behind the school building after class, but you can't help but tease her. "So why did you want me to come back here alone with you? You're not thinking of confessing to me in such a cliché place, are you?"
  9. She instantly turns pink once more. "Y- No! That's not- well it is, but- I just thought-"
  10. You cut her off, gently this time. "Rina-chan, I'm just teasing you."
  11. She stops freaking out and bows her head, saying "Of course," with the slightest of sighs. She keeps her face pointed towards the ground, her nervous franticism absent. She's withdrawn into her shell, and left alone it could take her days to come out of it on her own, you've found. But you're one of the few people who can bring her out of that shell.
  12. "Rina-chan, whatever you want to say, I'll listen."
  13. "It's nothing, really," she replies. She hangs her head lower.
  14. "I don't think there's anything that you have to say that I would consider 'nothing', Rina." She glares at you from under her bangs; she HATES when you forget to attach an honorific to her name. But when she meets your eyes, she sees the sincerity there, and you can see the hidden fire come back to her eyes.
  16. She takes a deep breath, steeling herself. "...Ski..." she mumbles after a moment.
  17. You honestly didn't catch that. "Huh?"
  18. She looks at you this time, and then says it clearly.
  19. "I, uh, don't know what those words mean?" you reply. Really, you don't.
  20. "AI ROVE YUU, BAKA!" she yells at you in 'English', clearly having been pushed past her limit.
  21. "Oh," you say. "That's the Japanese word for 'love'?"
  22. "Yes!" she says, and pouts.
  23. "Ah, okay. How do I say 'I love you too' back?"
  24. She tells you the words for it in Japanese, and then you repeat them
  25. "See, Japanese isn't THAT hard, you-" she stops mid-rant, and blinks. Her blush comes back on as she asks "Wait, you really mean that?"
  26. "Yes."
  27. "Really?"
  28. "Really really." And then you say it again, just for good measure. "I love you."
  29. "Oh. Okay, good."
  30. And then she leans up and stands on tip-toes to take your face in her hands. Her lips meet yours before you can say a word.
  32. ------
  34. It's Rina's seventeenth birthday, and you're going to celebrate it. You've been going out with her for nearly three months now, and tonight isn't only about celebrating another year of her life. In a few short weeks, you'll be going home; back to Australia with the rest of the James Cook Academy students. You'll be staying to watch the finals, but that's it. The Koala Academy has been knocked out from the National Tournament, so your role is over. You'll be back home in time for Christmas. You sigh as you look around the small dorm/apartment you've taken to calling home in your short stay here. You're going to miss this place, and most of all you're going to miss her. You both knew it would only be temporary. That's why you want to make tonight special; you want to make this trip unforgettable for the both of you. You're glad it's a Friday and tomorrow is a weekend.
  36. You hear the door open as Tsukino Rina comes in. "Sorry for intruding!" she calls to the room, before taking her shoes off and coming over to you.
  37. "You know I don't mind when you come over, right? You don't need to apologise every time you walk in."
  38. "It's Japanese custom, idiot," she says to you, annoyed. You know this already, of course, but you just can't pass up a possible opportunity to tease her.
  39. "What's in the bag?" you ask.
  40. "Dinner," she says, holding it up. It's food from the convenience store.
  41. "Bah, peasant's food! I'm cooking tonight."
  42. "For me? You really don't have to..."
  43. "Don't be silly!" You interrupt her, standing up and walking to the kitchen. "Tonight's a special occasion. Oh, by the way, check the fridge. I got you a treat." You begin preparing your dinner: some good Aussie lamb chops. It was hard to find lamb chops in Japan, but you had to keep up your agreement: when she cooks, it's Japanese food, and when you cook, it's as close to Australian as you can get it. You even mail ordered some barbecue and tomato sauce from home. Heinz!
  44. Rina bends over to look in your fridge. Holy hnnng!
  45. "Cake!" She exclaims. "Vanilla, my favourite! Wait, is that alcohol?"
  46. "Yep," you answer as you cut up the vegies. "Just some white wine, nothing strong." You glance over and she's glaring at you, forcing you to stop. "What?"
  47. "I'm underage!"
  48. "So am I."
  49. "That makes it worse!"
  50. "It's a special occasion. It's only wine, and we'll take it slow. Any time you want to stop, we will, alright? I'm not going to force you to do something you don't want to do."
  51. She's still glaring at you, but you can tell she's agreed to it. "Where'd you even get it?"
  52. "A friend of a friend."
  53. She rolls her eyes.
  55. Dinner is ready soon after. Rina eyes the lamb suspiciously, as she does with any food she doesn't recognise.
  56. "No chopsticks?" she asks.
  57. "Come on, we're eating Australian."
  58. "What is it, anyway?"
  59. "It's lamb."
  60. "Rammu?"
  61. "Baby sheep."
  62. "Aww!"
  63. "Please! It's a national dish! Just take a bite."
  64. She hesitates, but does, and her eyes light up the moment she tastes it. It's your turn to roll your eyes.
  65. It's the same deal when it comes to the wine. You pour a glass for each of you, then lean back and take a sip. You're not really a fan of wine, but you don't mind it.
  66. Rina, like usual, isn't so sure of it.
  67. "Are you sure?" she asks in the same tentative tone as before.
  68. "Just try it. A mouthful, to taste. If you don't like it, you don't need to drink it."
  69. The mouthful you intended wasn't the mouthful she thought of, and you're shocked as she takes a big gulp of wine.
  70. "Geh!" she exclaims, before she starts coughing.
  71. "Slowly, slowly I said! Small mouthfuls, just taste it."
  72. She finishes coughing, and soon takes another, smaller mouthful.
  73. "This is... not as bad as I thought it was," she says.
  74. "You've just gotta savour it," you reply. "Don't go knocking the whole thing back at once; that's a one-way express to bad hangover via drunk-as-hell, projectile vomit and passed-the-fuck-out stations."
  75. "Thosh are shum big words for Japanese."
  76. "I looked them up!" You reply.
  77. You and Rina both lean back on the couch, relaxing. Rina stares intently at her glass. "Am I shupposhed to feel so hot?" she asks, tugging at her shirt collar. "I feel like a hot air baloon. I'm floating." Suddenly, she puts her glass on the coffee table. "I've had enough!" she declares. "I don't want to get drunk or even properly tipshy. At leasht, not for tonight."
  79. She sits up straight and closes her eyes, then takes a hand to her chin and rubs it. "Hmmmmmmm~" You're more than a little bemused by this.
  80. "Something on your ming?" Huh, maybe you're getting a little tipsy as well.
  81. "You wanted certain things to happen tonight." Not a question. She opens one eye to stare at you. Her face is definitely flushed. "You didn't need the alcohol for that."
  82. "The alcohol wasn't anything to do with that," you say. Why so defensive?
  83. "It's unbecoming, getting a young girl drunk so you can ravish her." Did she just thrust her chest out when she said ravish?
  84. "It's not about that. I wanted you to enjoy yourself."
  85. "And the possibility of you getting l-l" she blushes and turns away. "Laid... they had nothing to do with this?"
  86. "I just wanted to make this night unforgettable for both of us," you say. "It's the truth, I promise."
  87. She turns her head enough to look at you from the corner of her eye. "If you want to have s-s-s-sex with me, it means you find me attractive, right?"
  88. "Of course! I-"
  89. Quicker than you can realise, she's taken your wine glass and placed it on the coffee table. She straddles your lap and pulls herself close to you. Her breath is warm on your lips.
  90. "I can't resist anymore," she breathes. "I'm too hot, too heady. I can't think straight." She's rubbing her body against yours, grinding on you. "All I want now is... I. Want. You."
  92. The kiss is sloppy, wet. You don't know whose tongue is whose, but you don't care. Her breath tastes like alcohol; you remember a party you went to back in Australia. No, not now. Besides, you'll never treat Rina like you did those girls back home. She's so much better than that. Innocent, naive. Yet the whitest cloud has a dark side, and hers is rubbing her crotch on your leg, moaning lewdly into your mouth. You break for air. She says something in Japanese.
  93. "What?"
  94. "Bed. Now."
  95. You try to stand while keeping her wrapped around you, but she squirms out of your grasp. You're about to ask why when she throws her blazer over your head. You try and take it off, but she stops you, and ties the sleeves together behind the back of your head. She takes your hand and leads you, stumbling, to what you assume is the bed.
  96. "No peeking." You hear clothes rustling and being dumped on the floor. Hands start unbuttoning your shirt, slapping at yours when you try to help. You just sit and lean back, letting her do her thing.
  97. Your chest is laid bare to the cool air. You feel soft fingers glide lightly over your skin, brushing your nipple. A tongue darts out and licks you from collarbone to jawbone, it's brush almost imagined if it weren't for the wet trail it left behind. You gasp as a dainty hand rubs at your crotch, and you hear Rina giggle.
  98. "Now I see why you tease." You don't say a word, and wait. She takes a deep breath, and sighs in the way that means she's made up her mind. "Okay," she says. "I'm ready."
  100. You take the jumper from your head and you're immediately breathtaken. She must've turned off the light while you were blindfolded; her milky skin is only illuminated by ambient light from the window above your bed.
  101. "You're not entirely Japanese, are you?" you say.
  102. "You only realised now? My mother was Irish."
  103. Well it seems obvious now, but you always thought her hair was dyed, and you never realised how pale she was. Now though, baring herself for you to see, you can tell. Your eyes play over the rest of her body. Her bare breasts are bigger than you thought they were, more like oranges than apples. Her waist is slim, flaring out to hips clad in simple pink panties.
  104. She moans and rubs her legs together. You look at her, and she explains.
  105. "Seeing you seeing me gets me... excited." You raise your eyebrows and she scowls back. Her expression softens, though. "It's my first time, so please take care of me."
  106. You nod. "I promise."
  108. You lean over and get back to business. Sloppy kisses, tongues in your mouth and hers. Hand groping and grasping as you rub your bare flesh against each other. You fall back onto the bed, clutching each other, barely noticing in your passion. She gets on top of you, straddling your middle. You clutch at her ass - outside the panties still, but that isn't going to last much longer. She gasps into your mouth, then breaks off the kiss and leans back.
  109. "Here," she says, gesturing at her breast. "Hold them. I want it."
  110. Really? You bring her back and up, taking her small tit into your mouth. Her squeak of surprise melds into a moan and she grasps at your head, fingers in your hair.
  111. "Okay, that's probably better~"
  112. You keep up your noble work, continuing to ellicit cute moans, gasps and squeaks from your partner. With her attention elsewhere, your hands explore the other significant female body region. You slip fingers just inside her waistband, stroking along her hot skin at the very edges. You can feel the heat and dampness where her crotch rests on your abdomen. Lightly, you rest a finger on her cloth covered entrance and begin to rub.
  114. That's definitely it, as the dampness becomes a wetness. Rina looks down at you.
  115. "You're so baaaad~"
  116. You grin at her with her nipple between your teeth. She moans, loud. You can feel that she's definiely ready for it now, but there's a problem; you're still wearing pants.
  117. It's not like that can't be easily fixed, however. You pick her up and roll over so she's under you now. Her breathe catches in surprise, and she stares up at you, a pinky between her teeth. You move her hand and kiss her, then say "Just getting things ready." You unbuckle your belt and quickly remove your pants and underwear in a single motion, before opening a drawer in the beside table. You don't want to get her pregnant.
  119. "Y-you don't need that," Rina stutters out.
  120. "Huh?"
  121. "I'm... prepared. I take contraceptive medication."
  122. "You're on the pill?"
  123. "Y-yeah."
  124. "Oh." You toss the condom over your shoulder. "Won't be needing that." You move back to her, pressing your bodies together again with only a thin piece of cotton separating you. You kiss your way down her body and finally to her crotch, eyes level with the offending fabric. This is the final barrier. You push your fingers under the waistband and start slowly pulling the panties off. The bottom sticks to her damp sex, obscuring it just that little bit longer, drawing out the moment. Finally, they peel away, revealing Rina's bare pussy to your eyes.
  125. "You shave as well?" You ask. To be honest, you expected certain stereotypes from this young Japanese schoolgirl. Contraceptive pills and a shaved cunt weren't really part of that.
  126. "... It's what the Australian girls do, isn't it?" she says.
  127. "You really didn't have to do all this just for me," you reply.
  128. "I wanted to. I wanted to do this for you. Your classmates had some insightful advice for me as well."
  129. You pull her panties off of her legs and toss them aside, leaving the petite redhead completely bare before you. She stares at you, seductive, coy and demure all in the same gaze. Her legs are spread wide. She's ready and waiting for you.
  131. First, you rub. Her lower lips part around your glans, her natural lubrication leaking out and coating your head. You rub further along the shaft, making sure your entire cock is slick with your combined juices. Rina moans as you rub her clit, her cute sounds only further fueling your fire. You continue this for a few moments more, making Rina whimper and pant, before you finally get to business. You take the head of your dick and place it at her opening, and slowly push in.
  132. "Aaaaaaahhhnnnnn~" Rina cries, drawn out as you push your head in. You stop and she's left panting hard.
  133. "You're still a virgin, right Rina?"
  134. She just nods her head, before saying "It's SO BIG~"
  135. And she's oh so very tight, you think. You're finding it hard to stay focused. Your feelings are building up.
  137. You push in a little further, causing Rina to cry out again and arch off the bed, grabbing and twisting the sheets.
  138. "Does it hurt?" you ask. God she's so TIGHT.
  139. "Ooohhhh nooooo~. It's so much the opposite of hurting. Aaahhh~."
  140. Fuck it, go for broke, you think, and you finally thrust your entire length inside her.
  141. The effect is immediate. She arches her back and screams, thrashing and twitching her entire body. Her hips are held still by your hands and her eyes are staring right into yours.
  142. "Go, go now, more," she gasps.
  143. "Are you cumming?" you ask.
  144. "No. So close. Please."
  146. That's your cue, as you start thrusting for all your worth. It's so tough, but you try to hold back for as long as possible. Rina continues to scream and thrash, pushing you further, pushing her further, making her cry out louder and louder. It's a feedback loop, pushing the two of you to new heights, but somehow it's still not enough for Rina?
  147. You finally spill over. "Rina, I'm gonna-"
  148. "SO CLOSE. JUST-"
  149. You thrust into her hard, your orgasm leaving you.
  150. "-ONE-"
  151. You thrust again, feeling your energy start to leave you.
  152. "-MORE~"
  153. You know this is your last thrust, so to guarantee that Rina gets maximum satisfaction, you pinch her clit in time with your last thrust.
  154. It works.
  156. Rina's screams reach a crescendo and she orgasms like no one you've seen before. First her eyes go wide in shock, then flutter and close in pleasure. You pull out, spent, but Rina is far from over. She twitches and squirms, rolling onto her side after you let go. To your absolute amazement, she brings her hands to her slit and starts furiously frigging herself, prolonging her orgasm. For a full minute she trembles and thrashes and screams, but steadily the thrashes become tremors become twitches, the screams become moans become whimpers, and she eases her hands and her body until all the tension drains out of her and she goes limp, gasping quietly.
  158. After a moment, her eyes shoot open to look at you, and she blushes furiously, smiling.
  159. "Oh, um," is all she can say.
  160. You collapse onto the bed beside her, spent yourself.
  161. "That good huh?" You ask.
  162. "Yeah," is all she says.
  163. You pull her to you, then a blanket over your naked forms. She drapes herself over you, warming you with her body, light enough for you not to be bothered, especially not by the chest to chest contact. She's so soft.
  164. She kisses you, full on the lips. "I love you," she says, her green eyes staring into yours.
  165. "I love you too."
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