
Download Personal Philosophy Paper

Jul 6th, 2015
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  2. Download: http://writingsdepot.com/downloads/personal-philosophy-paper/
  3. What is a personal philosophy? A personal philosophy has been defined as a way of life; a frame of mind which sets your perspective on all things in life.
  4. The paper should connect who you are as a person with who you are as a professional.Keep in mind the following as you organize your personal philosophy paper:• Contemplate your philosophies about your chosen field/career path. Consider the course discussions on values and beliefs. Do some self-reflection to identify what is important to you, and how this relates to your chosen field/career path. Think about turning points or significant events and people in your life. How did these events and mentors shape who you are? How did these experiences influence you to choose this field/career path? Also, think about your educational and career choices. What has drawn you to this field?• Think about our discussions on leadership covered in the modules of this course. Think about your interview with a leader in your field. What are the qualities, skills, abilities, etc. needed to succeed in your field and meet current and future challenges? How do the qualities, skills, etc. you have meet these requirements?• How are interpersonal skills important to someone working in your field? What are your skills and strengths working with relationships? How are these skills important to serving others and making a positive impact on your field/career path?• What is your plan to continue your personal and professional development to remain relevant, impactful, and current in your field? Why is continued development important to your success? What actions can you put into place to make continued development a priority?• Talk to a friend or peer about your philosophies. According to the Iowa State University Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, “most of us become more thoughtful about the ‘big’ questions when we bounce them off of our colleagues, consider their responses, re-evaluate our positions, revise, talk some more.” Take notes on this process to use these ideas in your paper.• Structure your ideas into an outline. Read through your notes and underscore ideas or observations that come up in more than one place. Group similar ideas together to create sections of your outline.• Write the introduction to your personal philosophy paper. Begin with a strong sentence that clarifies who you are. Consider telling a brief story about a significant event or person in your life or starting with a well-known quote. Then, explain how this connects to your philosophy on how who you are has influenced you to choose the field/career path you have chosen.• Write paragraphs about each of the sections of your outline. Incorporate a topic sentence for each theme, and add supporting details.• Add a powerful conclusion. End with a paragraph that summarizes your main points and overall philosophy. Leave a lasting impression on your reader.
  5. The paper should be 3-5 pages in length, and should be written using APA guidelines. Make sure the ideas you present are clear and well-developed. Use proper grammar, spelling, punctuation and sentence structure. In general, your philosophy paper should discuss your field of study, your future aspirations and your philosophy on academic excellence, life-long learning, collaboration, openness, integrity and community service related to your field.
  7. Download: http://writingsdepot.com/downloads/personal-philosophy-paper/
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