

Jul 23rd, 2013
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  1. STONE itemID=1 buyPrice=6.0 sellPrice=1.5 tabID=0
  2. GRASS itemID=2 buyPrice=6.0 sellPrice=1.5 tabID=0
  3. DIRT itemID=3 buyPrice=4.0 sellPrice=0.5 tabID=0
  4. COBBLESTONE itemID=4 buyPrice=4.0 sellPrice=0.5 tabID=0
  5. WOOD itemID=5 buyPrice=4.0 sellPrice=0.5 tabID=0
  6. SAPLING itemID=6 buyPrice=2.0 sellPrice=1.0 tabID=1
  7. SAND itemID=12 buyPrice=4.0 sellPrice=0.5 tabID=0
  8. GRAVEL itemID=13 buyPrice=4.0 sellPrice=2.0 tabID=0
  9. GOLD_ORE itemID=14 buyPrice=45.0 sellPrice=22.5 tabID=0
  10. IRON_ORE itemID=15 buyPrice=18.0 sellPrice=9.0 tabID=0
  11. COAL_ORE itemID=16 buyPrice=15.0 sellPrice=7.5 tabID=0
  12. LOG itemID=17 buyPrice=20.0 sellPrice=2.0 tabID=0
  13. LEAVES itemID=18 buyPrice=4.0 sellPrice=0.5 tabID=1
  14. SPONGE itemID=19 buyPrice=80.0 sellPrice=40.0 tabID=0
  15. GLASS itemID=20 buyPrice=8.0 sellPrice=2.0 tabID=0
  16. LAPIS_ORE itemID=21 buyPrice=100.0 sellPrice=50.0 tabID=0
  17. LAPIS_BLOCK itemID=22 buyPrice=950.0 sellPrice=475.0 tabID=0
  18. DISPENSER itemID=23 buyPrice=58.0 sellPrice=29.0 tabID=2
  19. SANDSTONE itemID=24 buyPrice=5.0 sellPrice=2.0 tabID=0
  20. NOTE_BLOCK itemID=25 buyPrice=36.0 sellPrice=18.0 tabID=2
  21. POWERED_RAIL itemID=27 buyPrice=80.0 sellPrice=40.0 tabID=3
  22. DETECTOR_RAIL itemID=28 buyPrice=60.0 sellPrice=30.0 tabID=3
  23. PISTON_STICKY itemID=29 buyPrice=50.0 sellPrice=25.0 tabID=2
  24. WEB itemID=30 buyPrice=20.0 sellPrice=10.0 tabID=1
  25. LONG_GRASS itemID=31 buyPrice=1.0 sellPrice=0.5 tabID=1
  26. DEAD_BUSH itemID=32 buyPrice=2.0 sellPrice=1.0 tabID=1
  27. PISTON itemID=33 buyPrice=40.0 sellPrice=20.0 tabID=2
  28. WOOL itemID=35 buyPrice=16.0 sellPrice=3.0 tabID=0
  29. YELLOW_FLOWER itemID=37 buyPrice=2.0 sellPrice=1.0 tabID=1
  30. RED_ROSE itemID=38 buyPrice=3.0 sellPrice=1.5 tabID=1
  31. BROWN_MUSHROOM itemID=39 buyPrice=4.0 sellPrice=1.0 tabID=1
  32. RED_MUSHROOM itemID=40 buyPrice=4.0 sellPrice=1.0 tabID=1
  33. GOLD_BLOCK itemID=41 buyPrice=450.0 sellPrice=225.0 tabID=0
  34. IRON_BLOCK itemID=42 buyPrice=190.0 sellPrice=95.0 tabID=0
  35. DOUBLE_STEP itemID=43 buyPrice=8.0 sellPrice=1.0 tabID=0
  36. BRICK itemID=45 buyPrice=21.0 sellPrice=6.0 tabID=0
  37. TNT itemID=46 buyPrice=150.0 sellPrice=40.0 tabID=2
  38. BOOKSHELF itemID=47 buyPrice=140.0 sellPrice=40.0 tabID=0
  39. MOSSY_COBBLESTONE itemID=48 buyPrice=90.0 sellPrice=45.0 tabID=0
  40. OBSIDIAN itemID=49 buyPrice=130.0 sellPrice=65.0 tabID=0
  41. TORCH itemID=50 buyPrice=4.0 sellPrice=0.5 tabID=1
  42. CHEST itemID=54 buyPrice=6.0 sellPrice=3.0 tabID=1
  43. DIAMOND_ORE itemID=56 buyPrice=200.0 sellPrice=100.0 tabID=0
  44. DIAMOND_BLOCK itemID=57 buyPrice=2000.0 sellPrice=1000.0 tabID=0
  45. WORKBENCH itemID=58 buyPrice=2.5 sellPrice=1.25 tabID=1
  46. FURNACE itemID=61 buyPrice=8.5 sellPrice=4.25 tabID=1
  47. LADDER itemID=65 buyPrice=4.0 sellPrice=0.5 tabID=1
  48. RAILS itemID=66 buyPrice=22.0 sellPrice=8.0 tabID=3
  49. LEVER itemID=69 buyPrice=1.0 sellPrice=0.5 tabID=2
  50. STONE_PLATE itemID=70 buyPrice=6.0 sellPrice=2.0 tabID=2
  51. WOOD_PLATE itemID=72 buyPrice=1.0 sellPrice=0.5 tabID=2
  52. REDSTONE_ORE itemID=73 buyPrice=30.0 sellPrice=15.0 tabID=0
  53. REDSTONE_TORCH_ON itemID=76 buyPrice=32.0 sellPrice=4.0 tabID=2
  54. STONE_BUTTON itemID=77 buyPrice=6.0 sellPrice=2.0 tabID=2
  55. SNOW itemID=78 buyPrice=6.0 sellPrice=1.0 tabID=1
  56. ICE itemID=79 buyPrice=20.0 sellPrice=5.0 tabID=0
  57. SNOW_BLOCK itemID=80 buyPrice=5.0 sellPrice=2.5 tabID=0
  58. CACTUS itemID=81 buyPrice=10.0 sellPrice=4.0 tabID=1
  59. CLAY itemID=82 buyPrice=10.0 sellPrice=5.0 tabID=0
  60. JUKEBOX itemID=84 buyPrice=80.0 sellPrice=20.0 tabID=1
  61. FENCE itemID=85 buyPrice=3.0 sellPrice=1.0 tabID=1
  62. PUMPKIN itemID=86 buyPrice=40.0 sellPrice=5.0 tabID=0
  63. NETHERRACK itemID=87 buyPrice=18.0 sellPrice=1.0 tabID=0
  64. SOUL_SAND itemID=88 buyPrice=22.0 sellPrice=2.0 tabID=0
  65. GLOWSTONE itemID=89 buyPrice=40.0 sellPrice=12.0 tabID=0
  66. JACK_O_LANTERN itemID=91 buyPrice=40.0 sellPrice=12.0 tabID=0
  67. TRAP_DOOR itemID=96 buyPrice=4.0 sellPrice=2.0 tabID=2
  68. SMOOTH_BRICK itemID=98 buyPrice=10.0 sellPrice=2.0 tabID=0
  69. IRON_FENCE itemID=101 buyPrice=16.0 sellPrice=6.0 tabID=1
  70. THIN_GLASS itemID=102 buyPrice=2.0 sellPrice=0.5 tabID=1
  71. MELON_BLOCK itemID=103 buyPrice=14.0 sellPrice=4.0 tabID=0
  72. VINE itemID=106 buyPrice=10.0 sellPrice=4.0 tabID=1
  73. FENCE_GATE itemID=107 buyPrice=22.0 sellPrice=8.0 tabID=2
  74. MYCEL itemID=110 buyPrice=20.0 sellPrice=4.0 tabID=0
  75. WATER_LILY itemID=111 buyPrice=10.0 sellPrice=4.0 tabID=1
  76. NETHER_BRICK itemID=112 buyPrice=16.0 sellPrice=7.0 tabID=0
  77. NETHER_FENCE itemID=113 buyPrice=16.0 sellPrice=8.0 tabID=1
  78. ENCHANTMENT_TABLE itemID=116 buyPrice=100.0 sellPrice=40.0 tabID=1
  79. ENDER_PORTAL_FRAME itemID=120 buyPrice=5000.0 sellPrice=2500.0 tabID=1
  80. ENDER_STONE itemID=121 buyPrice=500.0 sellPrice=10.0 tabID=0
  81. REDSTONE_LAMP_OFF itemID=123 buyPrice=30.0 sellPrice=10.0 tabID=2
  82. WOOD_DOUBLE_STEP itemID=125 buyPrice=4.0 sellPrice=1.0 tabID=0
  83. WOOD_STEP itemID=126 buyPrice=3.0 sellPrice=0.5 tabID=0
  84. EMERALD_ORE itemID=129 buyPrice=60.0 sellPrice=30.0 tabID=0
  85. ENDER_CHEST itemID=130 buyPrice=100.0 sellPrice=15.0 tabID=1
  86. TRIPWIRE_HOOK itemID=131 buyPrice=20.0 sellPrice=4.0 tabID=2
  87. EMERALD_BLOCK itemID=133 buyPrice=540.0 sellPrice=270.0 tabID=0
  88. BEACON itemID=138 buyPrice=1000.0 sellPrice=300.0 tabID=4
  89. COBBLE_WALL itemID=139 buyPrice=10.0 sellPrice=1.0 tabID=0
  90. WOOD_BUTTON itemID=143 buyPrice=6.0 sellPrice=2.0 tabID=2
  91. ANVIL itemID=145 buyPrice=120.0 sellPrice=60.0 tabID=1
  92. TRAPPED_CHEST itemID=146 buyPrice=20.0 sellPrice=5.0 tabID=1
  93. GOLD_PLATE itemID=147 buyPrice=60.0 sellPrice=20.0 tabID=2
  94. IRON_PLATE itemID=148 buyPrice=40.0 sellPrice=15.0 tabID=2
  95. DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR itemID=151 buyPrice=50.0 sellPrice=20.0 tabID=2
  96. REDSTONE_BLOCK itemID=152 buyPrice=207.0 sellPrice=103.5 tabID=2
  97. QUARTZ_ORE itemID=153 buyPrice=30.0 sellPrice=15.0 tabID=0
  98. HOPPER itemID=154 buyPrice=80.0 sellPrice=40.0 tabID=2
  99. QUARTZ_BLOCK itemID=155 buyPrice=400.0 sellPrice=200.0 tabID=0
  100. ACTIVATOR_RAIL itemID=157 buyPrice=40.0 sellPrice=20.0 tabID=3
  101. DROPPER itemID=158 buyPrice=42.0 sellPrice=21.0 tabID=2
  102. IRON_SPADE itemID=256 buyPrice=20.0 sellPrice=10.0 tabID=6
  103. IRON_PICKAXE itemID=257 buyPrice=40.0 sellPrice=20.0 tabID=6
  104. IRON_AXE itemID=258 buyPrice=40.0 sellPrice=20.0 tabID=6
  105. FLINT_AND_STEEL itemID=259 buyPrice=25.0 sellPrice=12.5 tabID=6
  106. APPLE itemID=260 buyPrice=10.0 sellPrice=5.0 tabID=5
  107. BOW itemID=261 buyPrice=10.0 sellPrice=1.0 tabID=7
  108. ARROW itemID=262 buyPrice=3.5 sellPrice=1.0 tabID=7
  109. COAL itemID=263 buyPrice=12.0 sellPrice=6.0 tabID=9
  110. DIAMOND itemID=264 buyPrice=224.0 sellPrice=112.0 tabID=9
  111. IRON_INGOT itemID=265 buyPrice=20.0 sellPrice=10.0 tabID=9
  112. GOLD_INGOT itemID=266 buyPrice=48.0 sellPrice=24.0 tabID=9
  113. IRON_SWORD itemID=267 buyPrice=35.0 sellPrice=17.5 tabID=7
  114. WOOD_SWORD itemID=268 buyPrice=8.0 sellPrice=4.0 tabID=7
  115. WOOD_SPADE itemID=269 buyPrice=6.0 sellPrice=3.0 tabID=6
  116. WOOD_PICKAXE itemID=270 buyPrice=0.0 sellPrice=0.0 tabID=6
  117. WOOD_AXE itemID=271 buyPrice=12.0 sellPrice=6.0 tabID=6
  118. STONE_SWORD itemID=272 buyPrice=12.0 sellPrice=6.0 tabID=7
  119. STONE_SPADE itemID=273 buyPrice=10.0 sellPrice=5.0 tabID=6
  120. STONE_PICKAXE itemID=274 buyPrice=15.0 sellPrice=7.5 tabID=6
  121. STONE_AXE itemID=275 buyPrice=15.0 sellPrice=7.5 tabID=6
  122. DIAMOND_SWORD itemID=276 buyPrice=450.0 sellPrice=225.0 tabID=7
  123. DIAMOND_SPADE itemID=277 buyPrice=230.0 sellPrice=115.0 tabID=6
  124. DIAMOND_PICKAXE itemID=278 buyPrice=680.0 sellPrice=340.0 tabID=6
  125. DIAMOND_AXE itemID=279 buyPrice=680.0 sellPrice=340.0 tabID=6
  126. STICK itemID=280 buyPrice=0.5 sellPrice=0.25 tabID=9
  127. BOWL itemID=281 buyPrice=1.0 sellPrice=0.5 tabID=9
  128. MUSHROOM_SOUP itemID=282 buyPrice=5.0 sellPrice=2.5 tabID=5
  129. GOLD_SWORD itemID=283 buyPrice=95.0 sellPrice=47.5 tabID=7
  130. GOLD_SPADE itemID=284 buyPrice=50.0 sellPrice=25.0 tabID=6
  131. GOLD_PICKAXE itemID=285 buyPrice=0.0 sellPrice=0.0 tabID=6
  132. GOLD_AXE itemID=286 buyPrice=146.0 sellPrice=73.0 tabID=6
  133. STRING itemID=287 buyPrice=2.0 sellPrice=1.0 tabID=9
  134. FEATHER itemID=288 buyPrice=3.0 sellPrice=1.5 tabID=9
  135. SULPHUR itemID=289 buyPrice=12.0 sellPrice=6.0 tabID=9
  136. WOOD_HOE itemID=290 buyPrice=5.0 sellPrice=2.5 tabID=6
  137. STONE_HOE itemID=291 buyPrice=9.0 sellPrice=4.5 tabID=6
  138. IRON_HOE itemID=292 buyPrice=40.0 sellPrice=20.0 tabID=6
  139. DIAMOND_HOE itemID=293 buyPrice=400.0 sellPrice=200.0 tabID=6
  140. GOLD_HOE itemID=294 buyPrice=90.0 sellPrice=45.0 tabID=6
  141. SEEDS itemID=295 buyPrice=1.0 sellPrice=0.5 tabID=9
  142. WHEAT itemID=296 buyPrice=4.0 sellPrice=2.0 tabID=9
  143. BREAD itemID=297 buyPrice=12.0 sellPrice=6.0 tabID=5
  144. LEATHER_HELMET itemID=298 buyPrice=52.0 sellPrice=26.0 tabID=7
  145. LEATHER_CHESTPLATE itemID=299 buyPrice=82.0 sellPrice=41.0 tabID=7
  146. LEATHER_LEGGINGS itemID=300 buyPrice=72.0 sellPrice=36.0 tabID=7
  147. LEATHER_BOOTS itemID=301 buyPrice=41.0 sellPrice=20.5 tabID=7
  148. CHAINMAIL_HELMET itemID=302 buyPrice=70.0 sellPrice=35.0 tabID=7
  149. CHAINMAIL_CHESTPLATE itemID=303 buyPrice=95.0 sellPrice=47.5 tabID=7
  150. CHAINMAIL_LEGGINGS itemID=304 buyPrice=82.0 sellPrice=41.0 tabID=7
  151. CHAINMAIL_BOOTS itemID=305 buyPrice=60.0 sellPrice=30.0 tabID=7
  152. IRON_HELMET itemID=306 buyPrice=90.0 sellPrice=45.0 tabID=7
  153. IRON_CHESTPLATE itemID=307 buyPrice=0.0 sellPrice=0.0 tabID=7
  154. IRON_LEGGINGS itemID=308 buyPrice=100.0 sellPrice=50.0 tabID=7
  155. IRON_BOOTS itemID=309 buyPrice=70.0 sellPrice=35.0 tabID=7
  156. DIAMOND_HELMET itemID=310 buyPrice=1300.0 sellPrice=650.0 tabID=7
  157. DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE itemID=311 buyPrice=1750.0 sellPrice=875.0 tabID=7
  158. DIAMOND_LEGGINGS itemID=312 buyPrice=1500.0 sellPrice=750.0 tabID=7
  159. DIAMOND_BOOTS itemID=313 buyPrice=1100.0 sellPrice=550.0 tabID=7
  160. GOLD_HELMET itemID=314 buyPrice=80.0 sellPrice=40.0 tabID=7
  161. GOLD_CHESTPLATE itemID=315 buyPrice=120.0 sellPrice=60.0 tabID=7
  162. GOLD_LEGGINGS itemID=316 buyPrice=100.0 sellPrice=50.0 tabID=7
  163. GOLD_BOOTS itemID=317 buyPrice=70.0 sellPrice=35.0 tabID=7
  164. FLINT itemID=318 buyPrice=8.0 sellPrice=4.0 tabID=9
  165. PORK itemID=319 buyPrice=4.0 sellPrice=2.0 tabID=5
  166. GRILLED_PORK itemID=320 buyPrice=8.0 sellPrice=4.0 tabID=5
  167. PAINTING itemID=321 buyPrice=25.0 sellPrice=12.5 tabID=1
  168. GOLDEN_APPLE itemID=322 buyPrice=80.0 sellPrice=20.0 tabID=5
  169. SIGN itemID=323 buyPrice=3.0 sellPrice=1.5 tabID=1
  170. WOOD_DOOR itemID=324 buyPrice=3.0 sellPrice=1.5 tabID=2
  171. BUCKET itemID=325 buyPrice=40.0 sellPrice=20.0 tabID=4
  172. WATER_BUCKET itemID=326 buyPrice=45.0 sellPrice=22.5 tabID=4
  173. LAVA_BUCKET itemID=327 buyPrice=100.0 sellPrice=50.0 tabID=4
  174. MINECART itemID=328 buyPrice=80.0 sellPrice=40.0 tabID=3
  175. SADDLE itemID=329 buyPrice=100.0 sellPrice=50.0 tabID=3
  176. IRON_DOOR itemID=330 buyPrice=80.0 sellPrice=40.0 tabID=2
  177. REDSTONE itemID=331 buyPrice=10.0 sellPrice=5.0 tabID=2
  178. SNOW_BALL itemID=332 buyPrice=1.0 sellPrice=0.5 tabID=4
  179. BOAT itemID=333 buyPrice=12.0 sellPrice=6.0 tabID=3
  180. LEATHER itemID=334 buyPrice=10.0 sellPrice=5.0 tabID=9
  181. MILK_BUCKET itemID=335 buyPrice=50.0 sellPrice=25.0 tabID=4
  182. CLAY_BRICK itemID=336 buyPrice=10.0 sellPrice=5.0 tabID=9
  183. CLAY_BALL itemID=337 buyPrice=6.0 sellPrice=3.0 tabID=9
  184. SUGAR_CANE itemID=338 buyPrice=10.0 sellPrice=2.0 tabID=9
  185. PAPER itemID=339 buyPrice=14.0 sellPrice=4.0 tabID=4
  186. BOOK itemID=340 buyPrice=40.0 sellPrice=18.0 tabID=4
  187. SLIME_BALL itemID=341 buyPrice=40.0 sellPrice=20.0 tabID=4
  188. STORAGE_MINECART itemID=342 buyPrice=80.0 sellPrice=40.0 tabID=3
  189. POWERED_MINECART itemID=343 buyPrice=80.0 sellPrice=40.0 tabID=3
  190. EGG itemID=344 buyPrice=8.0 sellPrice=1.0 tabID=9
  191. COMPASS itemID=345 buyPrice=30.0 sellPrice=15.0 tabID=6
  192. FISHING_ROD itemID=346 buyPrice=16.0 sellPrice=8.0 tabID=6
  193. WATCH itemID=347 buyPrice=40.0 sellPrice=20.0 tabID=6
  194. GLOWSTONE_DUST itemID=348 buyPrice=10.0 sellPrice=5.0 tabID=9
  195. RAW_FISH itemID=349 buyPrice=6.0 sellPrice=3.0 tabID=5
  196. COOKED_FISH itemID=350 buyPrice=8.0 sellPrice=4.0 tabID=5
  197. INK_SACK itemID=351 buyPrice=6.0 sellPrice=3.0 tabID=9
  198. BONE itemID=352 buyPrice=4.0 sellPrice=2.0 tabID=4
  199. SUGAR itemID=353 buyPrice=2.0 sellPrice=1.0 tabID=9
  200. CAKE itemID=354 buyPrice=120.0 sellPrice=60.0 tabID=5
  201. BED itemID=355 buyPrice=50.0 sellPrice=25.0 tabID=1
  202. DIODE itemID=356 buyPrice=50.0 sellPrice=25.0 tabID=2
  203. COOKIE itemID=357 buyPrice=10.0 sellPrice=4.0 tabID=5
  204. SHEARS itemID=359 buyPrice=40.0 sellPrice=20.0 tabID=6
  205. MELON itemID=360 buyPrice=2.0 sellPrice=1.0 tabID=5
  206. PUMPKIN_SEEDS itemID=361 buyPrice=4.0 sellPrice=2.0 tabID=9
  207. MELON_SEEDS itemID=362 buyPrice=4.0 sellPrice=2.0 tabID=9
  208. RAW_BEEF itemID=363 buyPrice=8.0 sellPrice=4.0 tabID=5
  209. COOKED_BEEF itemID=364 buyPrice=12.0 sellPrice=6.0 tabID=5
  210. RAW_CHICKEN itemID=365 buyPrice=3.0 sellPrice=1.5 tabID=5
  211. COOKED_CHICKEN itemID=366 buyPrice=0.0 sellPrice=0.0 tabID=5
  212. ROTTEN_FLESH itemID=367 buyPrice=2.0 sellPrice=1.0 tabID=5
  213. ENDER_PEARL itemID=368 buyPrice=20.0 sellPrice=10.0 tabID=4
  214. BLAZE_ROD itemID=369 buyPrice=40.0 sellPrice=20.0 tabID=9
  215. GHAST_TEAR itemID=370 buyPrice=50.0 sellPrice=25.0 tabID=8
  216. GOLD_NUGGET itemID=371 buyPrice=8.0 sellPrice=4.0 tabID=9
  217. NETHER_STALK itemID=372 buyPrice=14.0 sellPrice=7.0 tabID=9
  218. POTION itemID=373 buyPrice=8.0 sellPrice=2.0 tabID=8
  219. GLASS_BOTTLE itemID=374 buyPrice=4.0 sellPrice=1.0 tabID=8
  220. SPIDER_EYE itemID=375 buyPrice=16.0 sellPrice=6.0 tabID=5
  221. FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE itemID=376 buyPrice=20.0 sellPrice=10.0 tabID=8
  222. BLAZE_POWDER itemID=377 buyPrice=10.0 sellPrice=5.0 tabID=8
  223. MAGMA_CREAM itemID=378 buyPrice=40.0 sellPrice=20.0 tabID=8
  224. BREWING_STAND_ITEM itemID=379 buyPrice=100.0 sellPrice=50.0 tabID=8
  225. CAULDRON_ITEM itemID=380 buyPrice=80.0 sellPrice=40.0 tabID=8
  226. EYE_OF_ENDER itemID=381 buyPrice=80.0 sellPrice=40.0 tabID=4
  227. SPECKLED_MELON itemID=382 buyPrice=30.0 sellPrice=15.0 tabID=8
  228. EXP_BOTTLE itemID=384 buyPrice=50.0 sellPrice=25.0 tabID=4
  229. FIREBALL itemID=385 buyPrice=50.0 sellPrice=25.0 tabID=4
  230. BOOK_AND_QUILL itemID=386 buyPrice=50.0 sellPrice=25.0 tabID=4
  231. EMERALD itemID=388 buyPrice=150.0 sellPrice=75.0 tabID=9
  232. ITEM_FRAME itemID=389 buyPrice=40.0 sellPrice=10.0 tabID=1
  233. FLOWER_POT_ITEM itemID=390 buyPrice=20.0 sellPrice=10.0 tabID=1
  234. CARROT_ITEM itemID=391 buyPrice=6.0 sellPrice=2.0 tabID=5
  235. POTATO_ITEM itemID=392 buyPrice=6.0 sellPrice=2.0 tabID=5
  236. BAKED_POTATO itemID=393 buyPrice=8.0 sellPrice=3.0 tabID=5
  237. POISONOUS_POTATO itemID=394 buyPrice=4.0 sellPrice=1.0 tabID=5
  238. EMPTY_MAP itemID=395 buyPrice=30.0 sellPrice=10.0 tabID=4
  239. GOLDEN_CARROT itemID=396 buyPrice=50.0 sellPrice=15.0 tabID=5
  240. SKULL_ITEM itemID=397 buyPrice=80.0 sellPrice=40.0 tabID=1
  241. CARROT_STICK itemID=398 buyPrice=40.0 sellPrice=20.0 tabID=3
  242. NETHER_STAR itemID=399 buyPrice=800.0 sellPrice=400.0 tabID=9
  243. PUMPKIN_PIE itemID=400 buyPrice=16.0 sellPrice=8.0 tabID=5
  244. FIREWORK_CHARGE itemID=402 buyPrice=20.0 sellPrice=10.0 tabID=4
  245. REDSTONE_COMPARATOR itemID=404 buyPrice=50.0 sellPrice=25.0 tabID=2
  246. NETHER_BRICK_ITEM itemID=405 buyPrice=20.0 sellPrice=10.0 tabID=9
  247. QUARTZ itemID=406 buyPrice=16.0 sellPrice=8.0 tabID=9
  248. EXPLOSIVE_MINECART itemID=407 buyPrice=600.0 sellPrice=300.0 tabID=3
  249. HOPPER_MINECART itemID=408 buyPrice=80.0 sellPrice=40.0 tabID=3
  250. GOLD_RECORD itemID=2256 buyPrice=500.0 sellPrice=250.0 tabID=4
  251. GREEN_RECORD itemID=2257 buyPrice=500.0 sellPrice=250.0 tabID=4
  252. RECORD_3 itemID=2258 buyPrice=800.0 sellPrice=400.0 tabID=4
  253. RECORD_4 itemID=2259 buyPrice=800.0 sellPrice=400.0 tabID=4
  254. RECORD_5 itemID=2260 buyPrice=800.0 sellPrice=400.0 tabID=4
  255. RECORD_6 itemID=2261 buyPrice=800.0 sellPrice=400.0 tabID=4
  256. RECORD_7 itemID=2262 buyPrice=800.0 sellPrice=400.0 tabID=4
  257. RECORD_8 itemID=2263 buyPrice=800.0 sellPrice=400.0 tabID=4
  258. RECORD_9 itemID=2264 buyPrice=800.0 sellPrice=400.0 tabID=4
  259. RECORD_10 itemID=2265 buyPrice=800.0 sellPrice=400.0 tabID=4
  260. RECORD_11 itemID=2266 buyPrice=800.0 sellPrice=400.0 tabID=4
  261. RECORD_12 itemID=2267 buyPrice=800.0 sellPrice=400.0 tabID=4
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