
PMS 24

Jul 21st, 2010
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  1. <Halifax> [Camp is cold this morning. The skies are white. And word is Ellisa is in charge.
  2. <Halifax> [The captain has taken sick leave for the day and everyone has been given the day off. Though what you could possibly do in the middle of nowhere on a day off is news to you.
  3. <Halifax> [It is a simple cold morning.]
  4. * Ellisa scratches her head...
  5. * [Rut]Allison stretches, turning out clasped hands overhead. She lets out a long, exasperated sigh.
  6. * [BNS]Amile is still sleeping in her tent, using her coat as a blanket
  7. <[Rut]Allison> Mmmm... Ah, the life of a humble traveler...
  8. * [Par]Evone shivers with a grimace as she exists her tent, "I've learned to hate travel."
  9. <Ellisa> Well, now that capt'n's gone to town what d'yall wanna do?
  10. <[Par]Evone> "I duno. Wiffout her aroun' all mah defalt plans are nil."
  11. * [Rut]Allison cringes internally at Evone's speech.
  12. * [BNS]Amile continues to snooze peacefully...
  13. <[Par]Evone> "Wot did we do las' time sumin like this happeind?"
  14. * Ellisa thinks.
  15. <Ellisa> This is the first time something's ever happened to capt'n like this.
  16. <[Par]Evone> "Really? Huh. Think she'll die?" she muses absently while staring at the sky
  17. <[Par]Evone> "Sickness get ye on the inside, don't matta how thick ye skin."
  18. <Ellisa> Ain't the problem here, she's got a spirit that'll put these "men" like lil' girls.
  19. * [Par]Evone nods, "She's a surviva' I've learned that much."
  20. * Ellisa picks up and cleans whatever mess from the encampment.
  21. * [Rut]Allison paces about idly.
  22. <Ellisa> Girls seen anythin' of worthy notice lately?
  23. <[Rut]Allison> Oh, I've seen many, many things. But not "lately", no. Still, something's bound to come up. Great individuals attract great challenges. It makes life interesting.
  24. <[Par]Evone> "Well no sense in standin' 'ere. Le's try ta find a town and maybe have sum fun. Fergit 'bout this whole mess."
  25. <Halifax> [It start to snow lightly and with the frozen ground, you can guarantee it will stick. Maybe you can make snowmen in a bit?]
  26. * [BNS]Amile finally wakes up when a hole in her tent lets snowflakes fall inside
  27. <[BNS]Amile> Mnnng
  28. * [BNS]Amile wipes her face
  29. * [Par]Evone frowns as it starts to snow, "We betta fin' sum shelta."
  30. <Halifax> [Wow, this snow can pile up fast up north... It's starting to get up to your knees. Pretty though.]
  31. <[Rut]Allison> Hm... fast buildup. Reminds me of the time I spent held for ransom in Greenland (they named it 'green', but don't you believe it.)
  32. * [Par]Evone shivers, "Shite! I'm alreadah freezin'!" her legs are bare up to the knees, "Lets git sumwhere warm!"
  33. * [BNS]Amile is now fully awake and somewhat perturbed by the accumlation in her tent
  34. <[Rut]Allison> It may be too late, dear. Trying to move in snow this heavy is a death sentence.
  35. <[Par]Evone> "An stayin' in it ain't?" she continues to shiver
  36. * [BNS]Amile pokes her head out of the tent
  37. <[BNS]Amile> Hey, what the hell's going on?
  38. <[Rut]Allison> For a poor sap like you? Perhaps. But I'm not going to die. And if you play your hand close to mine, maybe you won't either.
  39. * [BNS]Amile sees the storm outside
  40. <[Par]Evone> "Wot? Spare me tha metafers, please."
  41. <[Rut]Allison> I should've known. Fair enough, how about this: make yourself useful. Dig a place for a fire. We'll also need a spare tent, or a sheet, and sticks sturdy enough to support weight when stuck into the ground.
  42. * [Par]Evone nods and starts digging out a place for a fire with her hands
  43. <[Rut]Allison> We won't have time to gather much wood, at the rate this storm is going. Just enough for a fire, along with the sheets, ought to do it. Do we have any firewood laying about?
  44. <Ellisa> Yer tents.
  45. <[BNS]Amile> No. Burning the tents is stupid. Check the wagon, we still have plenty of supplies.
  46. * [Par]Evone is still digging
  47. <[Rut]Allison> That's not what I meant, oh ye of little gray matter.
  48. * Ellisa sighs.
  49. <Ellisa> Damn yer folks can't take a damn joke.
  50. * [Par]Evone slumps over shivering into the snow when she's done digging a hole
  51. * [Rut]Allison gathers the necessary materials from the wagon. She sets some firewood in the spot Evone cleared out.
  52. <[Rut]Allison> Oh, done already? Hm... not good, not bad. But it'll do.
  53. <[Rut]Allison> Ah, while you're down there...
  54. * [Rut]Allison draws a dagger and tries to cut a lock of hair from Evone.
  55. * [BNS]Amile peers over at Evone
  56. <[BNS]Amile> Oh come on. I've /never/ been this far north and I'm not even that cold.
  57. * [BNS]Amile pokes her with her foot
  58. * [Par]Evone doesn't respond to either of them
  59. * [Rut]Allison takes the hair and places it in the center of the new fire pit. She draws a flintlock and ignites it. Then, hammering pin-rings into two trees, she draws a rope between them, draping the sheets and tent over it (and the fire). She pins the ends to the ground with stakes.
  60. <[Rut]Allison> Phew... labor like this isn't my thing. But this lean-to should last 'till the snow gets lighter.
  61. <[Rut]Allison> Think fast.
  62. * [Rut]Allison tosses a stick at Amile.
  63. <Ellisa> Well, I dun think we had much of food left so I reckon you folks know how to ration.
  64. <Halifax> [The level of the snow seems constant now, but you can tell it is starting to pack firmly You can tell the trees seem to be getting shorter. The wind is starting to be more annoying and the clouds are a menacing gray.]
  65. [INFO] There is nothing to tab-complete. Use F6 to cycle through the user list, input box and the chat output.
  66. * [BNS]Amile catches the stick and throws it back at Allison
  67. <[Rut]Allison> Ahahaha, oh Ellisa... surely a lesser portion of each of your shares is a trivial stipend to pay in return for your lives-- Ah!
  68. * [Rut]Allison is hit by a stick. She glares at Amile.
  69. <[Rut]Allison> Of course, just hers would be fine, too. I doubt she's growing any more, anyway.
  70. <Ellisa> Keep yer mouth shut or I'll force feed my rations up your ass.
  71. * [Rut]Allison sighs.
  72. <Halifax> [Sidenote: Meanwhile Emily and Tony build an igloo. Unfortunately, it is only large enough to fit Emily and her stuff. Tony later makes his own shelter as well.]
  73. <[Rut]Allison> Alas, a savior goes unthanked and unheard yet again. Such a cruel world...
  74. <[Par]Evone> "How long are we going to have to stay here?"
  75. <[Rut]Allison> Hm... the sheets weren't meant to fit many under them. It may be a bit... snug. And Emile, that stick was for beating the roof. Don't let snow build up on it too much.
  76. <Ellisa> Till the snow stops.
  77. <[Par]Evone> "How long could that take?"
  78. * [BNS]Amile stares blankly at Allison
  79. * [BNS]Amile holds up her hands
  80. <[BNS]Amile> Hey, see these? These are called /hands/.
  81. * [Rut]Allison sits under the lean-to, by the fire. She crosses her legs, getting comfortable.
  82. <[BNS]Amile> They can do lots of useful things, like /pushing/.
  83. * [BNS]Amile goes back inside her tent, snuggling up with her coat again, muttering
  84. <[Rut]Allison> Yes, yes, I'm certain your digits and opposables make you unique and special, and are excellent tools for wiping the snot from your little nose. Take care not to get frostbite.
  85. * [Par]Evone tries to huddle up with someone else in the shelter
  86. * [Rut]Allison yawns.
  87. * [Rut]Allison is right in the middle, closest to the fire, and taking a bit more than her fair share of space. She continues to issue order nonchalantly with her eyes closed.
  88. <[Rut]Allison> --Oh, and someone keep that fire going. The snow might quench it when it melts. Keep tending it until... *yawn*... I say to stop.
  89. <Ellisa> Oh shut up, and get your ass going and help us out as well.
  90. * Ellisa gets some more firewood and tosses one in.
  91. * [Par]Evone utilizes the stationary Allison in her desire for warmth and clings to the crewmate
  92. <[Rut]Allison> Hummm... I suppose it -is- a tad chilly... Eh?
  93. <[Rut]Allison> Ugh. What are you doing? Get off. You don't wash, I can tell.
  94. * [Rut]Allison tries to fend Evone off with her foot.
  95. * [Par]Evone growls and fights to keep her proximity, "No, I'm not gonna ta freeze ta death cuz ye espect me ta wash in tha ocean."
  96. * [BNS]Amile looks out her tent at the others again...
  97. * [BNS]Amile sighs
  98. <[BNS]Amile> Hey, you, in here.
  99. * [BNS]Amile waves Evone over
  100. * [Par]Evone nods and does as requested
  101. <[Rut]Allison> Hmph. That thing won't last. It's even got holes in it.
  102. * [Rut]Allison grabs Evone by the hem of her clothes.
  103. <[Par]Evone> "Ack, wot are ye doin'?"
  104. <[Rut]Allison> We~ll, I suppose it wouldn't do if you were buried alive. Sit.
  105. <Ellisa> Shut all yer traps and relax around the fire fer the time bein', ya ain't useful if ya tired.
  106. * [Par]Evone frowns and sits, "I wuz jus gonna ask her why she wuz in her own tent an not by tha fire."
  107. <[Rut]Allison> Hmm... (Damn, I'll start shivering at this rate!...)
  108. <[Rut]Allison> Joining us, Ellisa?
  109. * [Rut]Allison smiles and pats a spot on the ground next to her, adjusting so there's more room.
  110. * Ellisa sighs.
  111. <Ellisa> Best we conserve energy for niow.
  112. <[Par]Evone> "Tha hell we supposed to do now? We could be here fer days."
  113. <[Rut]Allison> However long it takes...
  114. <[Rut]Allison> Let's just hope we don't become like -those- people...
  115. * [Rut]Allison begins to speak loud enough for Amile to hear from her tent.
  116. * [BNS]Amile responds loudly enough for Allison to hear back
  117. <[BNS]Amile> What, like that bitch who thought they knew a damn about arctic survival and froze to death after their lean-to got blown over in gale-force winds?
  118. <Halifax> [Thunder roars. The snow is now falling in sheets. My goodness. This is a lot of snow.]
  119. * [Par]Evone clings to the nearest person when she hears the thunder
  120. * [Rut]Allison ignores Amile and pokes the roof of the lean-to with the stick, shaking some snow free.
  121. * [Rut]Allison is closest to Evone. This time, she just chuckles when embraced.
  122. * [BNS]Amile unlike Allison, allows the snow to pile up on her tent, hoping the snow will insulate her tent in an igloo-type fashion
  123. * [BNS]Amile makes sure her tent support is sturdy
  124. <[Rut]Allison> Aye, they say there was a family traveling in the snow once, seeking their fortunes in a new home, promised to them by the state. They were caught in a blizzard, and took shelter in an abandoned cabin. But day passed, and the snow built until they could not even open the door.
  125. <[Rut]Allison> The ceiling creaked. The windows shuddered under the weight. And, soon enough, their supplies ran thin....
  126. * [Par]Evone frowns, she wasn't going to like this story
  127. <[Rut]Allison> They say they started with the smallest first. Children, no less.
  128. <[Rut]Allison> Hmm... About yea high. Amile's high, I think? Ah, but the details are blurry.
  129. * [Par]Evone sighs, "I'm gonna die out 'ere ain't I?" she mutters to herself
  130. <[Rut]Allison> It was the mother. Starved mad, she took her iron shears -- once her livelihood; she had been a seamstress -- and... began "working" on the daughter. The father held her legs.
  131. * [Rut]Allison draws a line across her leg.
  132. <Ellisa> hmm..
  133. <[Rut]Allison> First, just at the ankles. "She can live without her feet," they said. They drew the blade across her skin... over and over... through flesh and bone.... until it was free.
  134. <[Rut]Allison> Then, the thighs. "She doesn't need legs, right?" they said, and snipped away... little by little... at the still-living girl's limbs.
  135. <[Par]Evone> "Well I'll do ye the good favor of makin it quick if I decide to eat ye."
  136. <[Rut]Allison> The fingers made an afternoon snack. The arms made supper. At last, they reached the neck...
  137. * [Rut]Allison draws a dagger from her belt...
  138. <[Rut]Allison> ... "Well, you don't need a head, do you..."
  139. <[Rut]Allison> ... AMILE!
  140. * [Rut]Allison flings the knife to embed it in the wall of Amile's tent.
  142. * [BNS]Amile pulls the dagger out and tries to patch the new hole with a knotted wad of cloth
  143. <[Par]Evone> "This is hardlah tha time fer bein at eachothah's throats!"
  144. * Ellisa laughs.
  145. <Ellisa> At least you got humor for ya Allison.
  146. <[Rut]Allison> Oh, don't be so crass, Amile~ It was full of holes anyway. That's barely a pin's width. The story's crazy talk, anyway. It goes on, talks about how the parents form a taste for flesh, and never left the region. As if anyone could survive out there. Ha!
  147. <[Par]Evone> "Ye should be 'ere by tha fire anyway," she says to Amile
  148. <[Rut]Allison> There's also some rot about them going after the little folk, the youngest and sweetest. Can you believe it? Besides, it was all the way-- wait, wait... uh... come to think of it, not far from here?
  149. <[Par]Evone> "No wun cud survive in this."
  150. <[Par]Evone> "Fer long, at least.:
  151. <Ellisa> Ya sayn' we're gonna die here?
  152. <[Rut]Allison> What? Oh, no, no. Like I said, they'd only go after the smallest ones. We'd be fine. Oh, how tall were you again, Amile?
  153. * [Rut]Allison winks at Ellisa, at an angle that Amile can't see.
  154. * [BNS]Amile is ignoring the stupid bitch, not able to see it from INSIDE HER TENT ANYWAY
  155. <[Rut]Allison> -If- you believe that sort of thing, anyway.
  156. * [Par]Evone frowns, she is rather short
  157. * Ellisa sighs as she shivers for a second there.
  158. * [Rut]Allison has managed to stay stoic for this far... but she can't keep this up. She reaches around Ellisa's shoulders, pulling her close.
  159. <Ellisa> H-hey..
  160. <Ellisa> What the hell d'ya think yer doin'?
  161. <[Rut]Allison> Hm? What do you think I think I'm doing~? You looked cold. Shy?
  162. <[Par]Evone> "Keeping warm," she pulls Ellisa closer to herself, not wanting Allison to have all the warmth
  163. * Ellisa sighs half-heartly.
  164. <[Rut]Allison> Ehehe... y-you should be thankful. Contrary to popular belief, I wouldn't do this for just anyone, you know.
  165. * [Rut]Allison , herself, is thankful that the cold prevents her from blushing.
  166. <Ellisa> you're gonna steal my sack of gold too.
  167. <[Rut]Allison> Don't be silly. I took that old thing -last- night.
  168. <[Par]Evone> "Yeah well now isn tha time to be picky."
  169. * [Par]Evone yawns and closes her eyes
  170. * [BNS]Amile huddles up and wraps her coat around her tighter as she settles in to weather the storm, making sure she doesn't start to fall asleep by going over possible plans to assassinate Halifax in her mind...
  171. * [Rut]Allison shakes some more snow from the roof again, but her eyelids are getting heavy...
  172. <Halifax> [To be continued...]
  178. <Halifax> [It's the dead of night and everyone is tired. Trying to stay awake during a blizzard, staying warm and above the snow drains you of all your energy. But as suddenly as it began. The blizzard is gone. Everyone is exhausted but happy that's over.]
  179. * AbominableSnowMan is taking a stroll
  180. * Ellisa sighs..
  181. <Ellisa> About damn time...
  182. * Evone wearily looks up at the sky, "Its a miricle! I though' I wuz bein' punished by some preverse cosmic bein'."
  183. * AbominableSnowMan walks like a pimp with a branch for a cane.
  184. * AbominableSnowMan is known to appear after massive, mentally stressful and/or traumatizing, snow storms.
  185. * [Tess]Tony uncurls and looks around, cautious though it looks like the bad weather's passed.
  186. <Ellisa> ... no god damn way..
  187. * Ellisa squints to see a moving white ...SNOWMAN!?
  188. * Evone narrows her eyes, "Iz tha sumwun comin' our way?"
  189. * [Tess]Tony ambles out of his tent, noticing the others look nervous about something.
  190. * AbominableSnowMan is growling/singing some upbeat melody. It's pretty up tempo. He skips every so often.
  191. <Ellisa> Hey... do guys see that... thing?
  192. <AbominableSnowMan> GraoOo~? GraOo~?
  193. <Evone> "Yeah, who culd be singin in a shite hole like this?"
  194. * AbominableSnowMan continues to pass by on the horizon. Taking no notice of your camp, he continues on his way... He'll be out of sight soon enough...
  195. * [Tess]Tony takes a look in the direction of interest, squinting to see more clearly.
  196. <[Tess]Tony> ...Should we do anything about that?
  197. <Evone> "Doez it look like there's anything o' worth on em?"
  198. <Ellisa> Doubt it...
  199. <Evone> "Then fergit it. We got enuff trouble."
  200. <Ellisa> Doesn't hurt to catch it and see that thing in person at the least.
  201. <[Tess]Tony> Whoever it is... looks rather solid. How are you feeling?
  202. * Ellisa limbers up...
  203. <Ellisa> hmm.. I'm fine.. just a bit cold.
  204. * AbominableSnowMan seems to be... Turning? Well he still seems to be walking on the horizon. Is he circling the camp?
  205. <Evone> "Oi, I've been a hell o' lot bettah."
  206. <Ellisa> ...y'see that?...what's.. it doin'?
  207. <[Tess]Tony> Whoever that is, we might need a talk.
  208. <Evone> "Anywun feel like talkin then?"
  209. <[Tess]Tony> If you do not like that idea, you can warm yourself up and make some arguments with your hands.
  210. * Ellisa smirks.
  211. <Ellisa> That's the spirit Tony... now.. lets go catch that damn thing.
  212. <Evone> "Well I am hungry."
  213. <AbominableSnowMan> GraoOo~? GraOo~?
  214. * AbominableSnowMan 's song is actually kinda repetitive. It's starting to get annoying...
  215. * Ellisa begins gets up and begins to trail it..
  216. * [Tess]Tony stretches and follows Ellisa, moving around as he goes to warm up.
  217. * Evone shrugs and follows
  218. <Ellisa> Ugh... now I gota new reason to stop that thing.. its damn singing is driving me nuts.
  219. <Evone> "I've 'eard worse.:
  220. * AbominableSnowMan begins singing worse...
  221. <Ellisa> Aghh...
  222. <[Tess]Tony> Perhaps so, but it is still quite grinding.
  223. * [Tess]Tony covers his ears lightly but keeps focused.
  224. * AbominableSnowMan his walking/skipping becomes fairly elaborate. Like singing in the rain, but instead it's singing after the snow. He tries to hit a high note and the howl is unearthly.
  225. <AbominableSnowMan> gGgGgGgRrraAAaaaAAaOOOOOOO!!~?
  226. <Evone> "Oi! Shut up ya banshee!" she yells nearly out of instinct when the high note is hit
  227. * AbominableSnowMan ignores everything else. Haters gonna hate.~
  228. <[Tess]Tony> Ggh! Corista de mierda...
  229. * Evone moves forward to blackjack the thing with her cludgel
  230. * Evone huffs as she tries to trudge through the snow with her numb feet, "I swear I've musta angered sum greata powah with..." she grumbles
  231. <Ellisa> God damn! Shut your damn trap you accursed monster!
  232. * Ellisa yells.
  233. * AbominableSnowMan probably thinks you're trying to harmonize with 'im. He matches his growl to your yell in pitch... kinda
  234. <AbominableSnowMan> Graoooooooo- graoooo-?
  235. * AbominableSnowMan starts hitting the baseline.
  236. * Ellisa picks up a large, sharp rock and chucks while yelling.
  237. <Ellisa> SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
  238. * AbominableSnowMan is hit and runs away. He leaves sight....
  239. <AbominableSnowMan> GraoOo~? GraOo~?
  240. <Ellisa> Oh hell no.. you're not getting away after that!...
  241. <AbominableSnowMan> GraoOo~? GraOo~?
  242. * Ellisa makes chase after it.
  243. <Evone> "Shite... huff..." Evone tries to keep up
  244. <[Tess]Tony> Quite a day, it seems.
  245. * [Tess]Tony runs after Ellisa, going alongside Evone.
  246. * AbominableSnowMan is like some kind of giant furry Jony Landy. What the hell.
  247. <Ellisa> ..the fucking thing's fast as hell..
  248. * [Tess]Tony just continues after Ellisa, keeping quiet.
  249. * AbominableSnowMan runs a lap around those chasing him and then disappears into the distance. All hope of catching him lost as strong winds erase his big ass footprints. You can't even hear his "singing" anymore.
  250. <Ellisa> ....god damn it.
  251. * [Tess]Tony gradually slows to a stop and takes a look around to ensure he knows where they are, keeping Ellisa in sight as he does so.
  252. * Ellisa sigh.
  253. <Ellisa> I'll get that damn thing next time..
  254. * Ellisa turns back to Tony..
  255. <Ellisa> Cmon.. lets go back before we lose our way.
  256. * [Tess]Tony nods, starting to walk back. He gives Ellisa a comforting pat on the shoulder as he goes.
  257. <Ellisa> What.. was that thing anyway?...
  258. * Ellisa thinks.
  259. <[Tess]Tony> I do not think I have seen anything like it, myself...
  260. <[Tess]Tony> I have heard things, but I am inclined to believe most of that is hearsay. What do you make of this?
  261. <Ellisa> I heard tales of a white beast... but...
  262. * Ellisa shakes her head...
  263. <Ellisa> I'm thinking too much... the camp is nearby now.. lets go.
  264. <Halifax> [End Session]
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