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- config file is in /Documents/DeadIsland/out/Settings (open Video.scr with notepad):
- Resolution(1920,1080)
- Monitor(-1)
- BPP(32)
- FSAA(8)
- TexBPP(32)
- TextureQuality("High")
- Filtering("AnisotropicTrilinear")
- Fullscreen()
- Shadows("High")
- ShadowMapSize(2048)
- SpotShadowMapSize(4096)
- Lightmaps()
- GammaFloat(1.20)
- MaxRefresh(60)
- MaterialQuality(0)
- FXQuality(4)
- FXFadeLevel(0)
- WaterQuality(0)
- GrassQuality(0)
- EnvQuality("FullDynamic")
- ShaderPath(5)
- VSync()
- PostProcess("Normal")
- DisplayDeviceType(0,0.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000)
- change resolution, gammafloat and maxrefresh to your liking or leave them alone. Do NOT enter anything for fullscreen, lightmaps or vsync, simply having the entry enables them
- if this config crashes your game then try changing shadowmapsize and spotshadowmapsize to 1024 and 2048 respectively
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