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Jul 30th, 2015
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  1. Alright. I'm gonna just type it all at once. So. Just, read it when you can.
  2. [7:26:32 PM] Chad White: So. You know the basics. Money issues, renting, and the grandmother. So, we'll get to other stuff. My family itself, is... strange. Lately, I've been having two issues. My mother, uses me to lean on. She doesn't do it with anyone else, merely me. So, she comes in, once a day, and talks with me, about everything shes going through. And when I do the same with her, she just reminds me shes going to die soon, so I need to find other people to talk with. Which, is another story. My mother has been diagnosed with the late stages of MS. Shes already starting to lose control in her arms and legs every once in a while. It's not getting better. And my mother was the only good parent I had. My father is a drunk, cheating, asshole. But, he likes to pretend he's the shit. The second problem, is that my father wants to "hire me" to do work on the "farm". Aka his half assed, worthless fields that he doesn't take care of at all, yet swears that every year we're gonna make thousands. The son of a bitch spends every dollar he makes in beer and other things of his liking. So, this hiring thing, is basically slave labor. -I- would do all the work. Again. Like I was left to do in the fields when I was younger. Every summer. Didn't really have a social life, that didn't exactly help. Well, he wants me to do that all over again, so that he can pay for my winter bills. I work as a landscaper there is -no- work in the winter. And being as I'm spending 200 dollars a week in rent, and not able to work a full week cause of my ulcer, I'm literally fucked. So, my hands being forced, and I'll have to do it. Oh, third thing. My dads mother is part satanic hell beast. And, shes tried conning me into every fucking thing since I swore to never come to her house again. When I was younger, she used me as a pawn to get at my mother, whom she hated. All because my father told lies about her to get everyone to hate her. So, I was just a pawn, to her. Not even a grandchild. And now, all of a sudden I'm "hurting her feelings" because I haven't been there in almost two years. For good fucking reason. But, she has my birthday money. Something I -need-. So, I may just have to swallow my pride, and experience the wrath and hellfire that is to come, simply because I need the cash. That does -not- bode well for me. The next order of business, is me, myself. I have five mental issues. Depression, anxiety, bipoloar, schizophrenic, and adhd. And, lately my medicine hasn't been doing a good job of things. So, I'm having bad thoughts.. like, terrible thoughts. Like, I'm almost 100% convinced that I'm the least liked person in the FC, and if I were to up and leave, no one would care. Starts with thoughts like that. Then it goes into the real life stuff. How I'm not important to anyone, and how much I'm secretly hated by all. And I can't stop these thoughts, as much as I try. I literally feel like as victim, and I'm just forced to endure the wrath because I'm just lucky like that... I just.. I miss being important to someone. I've been snapping at Nah a bit, cause I'm still kind of hurt, and I know it's wrong. It's incredibly wrong. I should be over it by now, and I am, and I've forgiven her(which is completely fucking ridiculous cause she did nothing wrong) but I'm in just a bad place that I take it out on her. I always do that in my relationships. I take it out on the ones I care the most, which, I guess I"m kind of like my father in that sense. Which, fucking makes me hate myself more. I miss being important to people. I miss being cared for, and loved. Like I mattered. I'm so fucking dramatic it makes me sick. Part of me yells at myself for not being able to handle this, because it's not that big of a deal. I should just be stronger. But I'm not. I'm just not. I know I can be. It's what I strive to do, every day. I don't want to die, and have -anyone- be like, "He never even tried." I try so hard, everyday, but I never feel like it's enough. I just feel like death, all the time. I hide it when I'm in person, but when I'm home alone, I just can't. I sit, and crash and burn. Part of me feels like I deserve it, the other part of me tells me to suck it up. And, in all honesty, I shouldn't be alone right now. Thoughts of self harm are starting to come back. I wasn't really that big into it, pain annoys me a bit, but the thoughts are there. And the thoughts next are suicidal. And I don't want things to go that far. But, I have no one in person to help me through. I'm alone. All I have is you guys, and I don't even feel like I have you all. My heart and soul, literally hurt. My brain is just a mess, and every word I type is backed by the thoughts that all you're gonna do is laugh at me and tell me to suck it up. Which, the other part of me tells me I deserve. I'm literally dying, Orenji. And I don't know how to save myself from this. I was going to therapy, but I can't afford it now. My insurance is covering less now. The price doubled in appointments. And I just can't do that. With no one to talk to in person, I don't know how well I'm gonna really do. I'm alone. And, I'm afraid of what I'm going to try doing if my thoughts get too me too badly. I just.. Idk. Lately, I've just craved a hug more than anything. But, I can't even get that.
  3. [7:27:02 PM] Chad White: That's everything... read whenever you can, it's no rush.
  4. [7:52:05 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: That's rough, my aunt has MS. And let me tell you, you're carrying a fuckton of weight on your shoulders. You know it might sound ridiculous but I've had residual schizophrenia since I was 8 years old and what fixed it? LSD. Literally reworked my brain and because the person that was giving it to me was doing it purely out of research, he literally was in tears and went to go try the same thing with his own ex who had the same deal. I understand depression because I'm currently unmedicated dealing with it lol, mainly because I don't have insurance and I can't afford a doctor or medication. I feel your pain, bro. But all I'm seeing is that you're being forced into doing all this shit for money and money only and that... fucking sucks. My recommendation, genuinely, were it not for your grandmother, would be to get out of there man. Move out and attempt to find a job in another state, cuz I lived in Erie, and it costs something like $800 to get a house, and as a city boy, where the minimum wage was just rose to $15 for fast food workers, that seems like chump change. That would literally be clothing, food, and a month at my current apartment lol. Even with your grandmother, I'm sure you can long distance pay for her living unless you're there for her merely for physical presence too.
  6. You're mentally being pushed into situations and thinking that are not really true either. Everyone in the FC loves you, and it's only little situations where you pull away that everyone notices and raises a brow for. None of us have a single problem with you and the only issue Calel had was pure IC because everyone was convinced he wasn't to be trusted, and after the whole Hivemind thing, everyone was constantly spying on him, including Memith. But RP is RP, it in no way reflects on you as a person. If you're uncomfortable with a character enough to change them so relentlessly, just play a new toon man. We all deserve that break, hell that's why I made Miasma and am now joking around a lot more on Orenji.
  8. If I had the financial security to move out of my cousin's apartment, I'd offer to take you in as a roommate, but you'd be coming here with no job and splitting NY living is tough starting out. HOWEVER, I do recommend you get the fuck out of there man. Like it may seem harder to live anywhere else financially, but you can jumpstart a much easier life by getting over that first hurdle. If I had the money, I'd literally donate to you, I've been in your spot. I've been homeless on the streets last year and literally everything I had was paid for by someone different each time, and it's not a good feeling. You can't let this affect every part of your life, and if everything over there is against you, you need to get out. It's not running away, and you'd be creating way more opportunities for yourself not living in bumfuck nowhere with people you despise.
  9. [7:53:46 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: I understand the feeling lonely thing, and that's another reason you need to get out man. You're there out of obligation but not out of personal desire and that's wrong. Like fuck, after my last relationship I've turned into such a prick that I literally feuded with Short the other week over nothing and I didn't see at all what was wrong with it until that very same ex pointed out I had become cold and uncaring for everything but myself, and literally Sayuri's the only person I've given any amount of affection for lol
  10. [7:56:26 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: I've become incredibly antisocial and I really don't care much about it but lol ths all happened because I was forced into a situation against my will and when I finally left it, I was a shell of who I once was
  11. [7:56:33 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: because push came to shove and I had to leave
  12. [7:56:41 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: even when I had every obligation to stay
  13. [7:56:52 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: and my life has turned the better for it
  14. [7:57:08 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: You need to one day get out of there
  15. [7:57:47 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: Especially if money is holding you back because I guarantee financial opportunities would be better if you could escape elsewhere with some small amount of funds to hold onto until you can be flowing in a better paid environment
  16. [7:57:59 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: but it's not good for your mental health or your physical health what you're in
  17. [7:58:19 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: and you're probably the only person I've told any of this that doesn't know me irl like Vyse or Short, but I'm telling you this all to help you
  18. [7:58:45 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: cuz apart of being 'cold' and a 'prick' as others have labeled me, was that I try my damn best to not connect to anyone online lol, I let them vent and move on
  19. [7:58:50 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: it's what makes me a decent leader
  20. [8:03:53 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: but you're on the path that I'm on
  21. [8:03:55 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: or was on
  22. [8:04:05 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: and I was left broken by it, I'm still repairing the damage little by little
  23. [8:04:12 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: starting with people like Sayuri, and now you
  24. [8:04:15 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: I'm opening up
  25. [8:04:18 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: but I don't want to see you
  26. [8:04:24 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: end up a shell when it's too late
  27. [8:04:25 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: or worse
  28. [8:04:32 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: because I've been at the 'or worse' end of taking my own life
  29. [8:04:35 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: and failed, sadly
  30. [8:05:12 PM] Chad White: You're right. I do need to leave. But I have no idea where to go, or even what I'd do when I got there. The last time I tried, I ended up in a mental hospital for two weeks. I got out, literally broken, and it took me a year and some change to even become this. It was good for me then, but it isn't now. The job I have now is very good, and I have the opportunity to make more as a supervisor. But. Perhaps taking that leap is more than necessary. I'm just terrified that I'm going to end up like I was in Tennessee. (Btw Tenn. is fucking terrible, dont' ever go there) I don't know where to begin. Or who to trust. But. I'm literally becoming antisocial, where I use to love to talk to people. And I don't wanna turn cold. My favorite things about myself, I don't want to lose. I feel trape-AND NIGGA LEMME TELL YOU SOMETHING.
  32. [8:05:44 PM] Chad White: Ahem. Anyway.
  33. [8:05:56 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: lmao I'd welcome it, that's what saved my life really
  34. [8:06:19 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: I'm in a better place now, but I've been in those situations and suffice to say, suicide is a lot easier to consider when you live in a city
  35. [8:06:38 PM] Chad White: Well. You better fucking prepare your couch or something.
  36. [8:07:02 PM] Chad White: I don't play. :^ )
  37. [8:07:07 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: lmao
  38. [8:07:14 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: BUT YEA I don't think like that anymore
  39. [8:07:23 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: I worked hard to get where I was from literally sleeping in parks
  40. [8:07:38 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: playing FFXIV out of starbucks was interesting too
  41. [8:07:46 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: it's been a long year
  42. [8:07:54 PM] Chad White: Jesus, I'd say so.
  43. [8:08:20 PM] Chad White: I can feel that though. When I got back from Tennessee, I'd literally lay in bed for days, not eating or anything.
  44. [8:08:54 PM] Chad White: But.. I guess. In the end.
  45. [8:09:01 PM] Chad White: Theres no harm in looking for somewhere new.
  46. [8:09:35 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: Yea. That was rather recent for me after I got back from Erie. I've become very complacent. Also I've been to Tennessee LOL, funny enough I think either Nat or Naz or both live there
  47. [8:10:12 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: I'd recommend NY because I love the atmosphere personally, but living here financially without someone else is fucking ridiculous unless you lived in the lesser boroughs and even then, there's over crowding cuz of it and the like
  48. [8:10:19 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: but if you were motivationally hungry to work, it's possible
  49. [8:10:29 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: this city is very rewarding for people that waste their lives doing nothing but work lol
  50. [8:11:06 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: I'm recently out of a job but because I live with a (not biological) grandfather whose on housing, his rent is paid off of, and any money I make is just to support eating, which allows me to work part time
  51. [8:11:23 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: I want to eventually move out, but I need likeminded roommates and since my friends are all in college, and I started the 'real world' early
  52. [8:11:26 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: I can't depend on them
  53. [8:11:47 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: I'm only 19 and I've probably experienced more in my life than most of my friends
  54. [8:11:54 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: lol
  55. [8:12:19 PM] Chad White: Nigga. I know the feeling. I'm 21 and I'm living in a home with little food, and all that shit.
  56. [8:12:38 PM] Chad White: If there was a way to score a landscaping job in the city, nigga. I'd move up there with you in a heartbeat.
  57. [8:13:09 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: there's tons actually, I don't have any connections to any of them
  58. [8:13:34 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: I would take you in where I currently live, but it's a one bedroom shared between me and my cousin, and my grandfather is in the living room, so there's literally no room
  59. [8:13:39 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: but EVENTUALLY I will get an apartment within the city
  60. [8:13:45 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: but I'd need two roommates at the very least
  61. [8:14:06 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: or 1 hardworking roommate, but I say two because like, I understand the need to actually live your life
  62. [8:14:21 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: a 1 bedroom apartment depending on location can be as low as $1,100
  63. [8:14:42 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: albeit, the jobs in the city pay nothing less than $8 most times, I'm not looking to work fulltime again
  64. [8:14:49 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: if I had to, I'd probably just start commissions
  65. [8:14:51 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: for drawing
  66. [8:15:00 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: cuz I can't stand being out of my house for too long
  67. [8:15:32 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: so I'd prefer a part time job for myself, but if I've to support paying bills, I'd need to split it with others
  68. [8:15:49 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: which is fine by me, I can live with another person so long as they're comfortable with ignoring my existence before the PM hours lol
  69. [8:16:48 PM] Chad White: God. You literally don't move til the pm's. I use to be like that, but, thanks to getting up at 6 am, that schedule kind of crashed.
  70. [8:17:06 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: I don't talk until the PMs
  71. [8:17:14 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: the city made me a vampire, purely because of my insomnia
  72. [8:17:31 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: I sleep most of my morning-early afternoon away, am operational around 4am
  73. [8:17:32 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: er
  74. [8:17:33 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: 4pm
  75. [8:17:41 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: then I start talking to people at around 7ish
  76. [8:17:42 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: lol
  77. [8:17:44 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: this is verbally, irl
  78. [8:17:50 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: online I talk to whomever at anytime
  79. [8:18:00 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: but I don't see my cousin until 12am everyday
  80. [8:18:03 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: so I talk to no one until that time
  81. [8:18:07 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: and it's because he starts talking lol
  82. [8:18:13 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: I prefer being social at night
  83. [8:18:26 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: cuz me and him bump to music until 5am and nobody cares because it's the city that never sleeps
  84. [8:18:36 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: which is not an exaggeration lol
  85. [8:18:43 PM] Chad White: Yo.
  86. [8:18:47 PM] Chad White: If this happens.
  87. [8:18:56 PM] Chad White: This is going to be the biggest shell shocker of my fucking existence.
  88. [8:19:35 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: if you ever came to NY I guarantee the cultural difference will be phenomenally traumatizing for you because I've lived in essentially your neck of the woods before
  89. [8:19:45 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: and it fucked me over, where literally the only entertainment I had was working
  90. [8:19:47 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: lmao
  91. [8:20:00 PM] Chad White: "SO MANY BRIGHT THINGS."
  93. [8:20:12 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: NY is really busy and really casual at the same time, I can order pizza at 2am
  94. [8:20:18 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: oh yea don't plan on having a car LOL
  96. [8:20:37 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: LOL god
  97. [8:20:43 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: you're starting to make me conscious of things I actively ignore
  98. [8:20:45 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: cuz you're not wrong
  99. [8:20:52 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: with anything you just said
  100. [8:21:24 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: though the area I live in is like, the projects, so the only thing that's bright are the distant skyscrapers or the delis across the street, in terms of night
  101. [8:21:29 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: I guess that's why people deal drugs here lol
  102. [8:22:06 PM] Chad White: "IT'S NOT BRIGHT ENOUGH, HERE, TAKE THIS LSD."
  103. [8:22:28 PM] Chad White: "WHY ARE THERE SO MANY STARBUCKS."
  104. [8:22:34 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: oh nah LSD would be on Staten Island, you'd get like
  105. [8:22:42 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: heroine and really fucked up laced weed in these alleys over here
  107. [8:22:51 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: lmao
  108. [8:22:55 PM] Chad White: Yo.
  109. [8:22:56 PM] Chad White: Real talk.
  110. [8:23:08 PM] Chad White: I smoked weed that was laced, because I trusted a girl I shouldn't have.
  111. [8:23:09 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: living in erie, the tallest building was four floors
  112. [8:23:14 PM] Chad White: I was high for THREE DAYS.
  113. [8:23:17 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: it was surreal
  114. [8:23:17 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: yea
  115. [8:23:33 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: synthetic marijuana is usually what people sell to people that don't know weed and it's even more dangerous
  116. [8:23:34 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: but I mean
  117. [8:23:41 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: the highs are good? they last long
  118. [8:23:43 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: if not terrifying
  119. [8:23:44 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: lol
  120. [8:23:48 PM] Chad White: Oh god. K2.
  121. [8:24:10 PM] Chad White: Luckily, I've given up all of that.
  122. [8:24:29 PM] Chad White: I am clean. Kinda. If prescribed medication doesn't count.
  123. [8:24:40 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: LOL K2 lord, that was illegalized so fast over here
  124. [8:24:46 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: I am clean barring drinking
  125. [8:24:49 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: I'm not an alcoholic by any means
  126. [8:25:01 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: but I drink beer and whiskey a ton at night time just to relax my nerves
  127. [8:25:12 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: since my cousin goes out to bars and brings back shit
  128. [8:25:27 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: I don't ever get drunk, but I sure love getting tipsy lol
  129. [8:25:37 PM] Chad White: It's nice to just get loosened up a bit.
  130. [8:25:40 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: yea
  131. [8:25:54 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: it mellows me out at nght and helps me not get agitated by the people that whisper me 24/7
  132. [8:26:11 PM] Chad White: Great googly moogly. I would have knocked a bitch out if I was you.
  133. [8:26:33 PM] Chad White: It's why I don't whisper you. Cause, I know you're literally drowning in them from people you don't really give a fuck about.
  134. [8:27:34 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: yea when you whispered me earlier, this dude known as Mask, Nah, and Flynt in party chat started all talking at the same time
  135. [8:27:43 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: that's why I told you if you wanted me to listen, you'd have to move to Skype lmao
  136. [8:27:50 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: cuz atleast I can look back at these logs
  137. [8:27:52 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: no matter what I'm doing
  138. [8:28:21 PM] Chad White: Very true. I'll just message you on here from now on. Makes life easier.
  139. [8:28:39 PM] Chad White: I had to turn off the sounds on Skype from earlier. You people talk like fucking crazy.
  140. [8:29:02 PM] Chad White: I literally couldn't drown it out with music.
  141. [8:31:59 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: lmao yea
  142. [8:32:04 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: I might have to do the same
  143. [8:32:27 PM] Chad White: But man. It's fucking weird though.
  144. [8:32:41 PM] Chad White: It started out IC"ly.
  145. [8:33:01 PM] Chad White: With me basically recreating Kama's existence without knowing Kama.
  146. [8:33:38 PM] Chad White: And then in RL, we've been through/going through similar shit.
  147. [8:33:47 PM] Chad White: If I believed in fate, I'd claim it.
  148. [8:35:26 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: LOL
  149. [8:35:43 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: Kama is such a different toon from Orenji too, barring their similar morales
  150. [8:35:54 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: I feel like you'd have loved him, everyone did
  151. [8:36:04 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: they're kind of symbolic of the changes I made as a person, because of this woman I loved lol
  152. [8:36:13 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: who also played Orenji's IC mom
  153. [8:36:21 PM] Chad White: Omfg.
  154. [8:36:28 PM] Chad White: You went through the same shit I did with my ex.
  155. [8:36:44 PM] Chad White: It just now clicked.
  156. [8:36:47 PM] Chad White: Gdi
  157. [8:37:21 PM] Chad White: But, yeah. You would have loved the original Calel. Everyone did.
  158. [8:37:47 PM] Chad White: Simple farmer boy who grew up to revamp the paladin ways, and stand out as an advocate of change and peace, rather than righteous bullshit.
  159. [8:38:09 PM] Chad White: WAIT WAIT WAIT.
  160. [8:38:12 PM] Chad White: FUCK.
  161. [8:38:31 PM] Chad White: If I recreate my toon as Ysain.
  162. [8:38:37 PM] Chad White: Yvain*
  163. [8:38:41 PM] Chad White: He'd be a DRG.
  164. [8:38:46 PM] Chad White: Like Orenji.
  165. [8:38:55 PM] Chad White: facedesk This needs to end.
  166. [8:41:32 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: lmao yea, Akama was very happy go lucky and was a product of growing up in such shitty situations that he turned into essentially Kamina from TTGL and always looked at the brighter side of things. He was also a monk comparable to Zell from FF8 that essentially dreamed of being a 'Shadow Warrior from the East' (Since ninja didn't exist in the game or weren't even a class in thought around the time of Akama's existence) since I irl was practicing ninjutsu at a school for a time and was heavily influenced by it lol
  167. [8:42:13 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: and then he invented a bunch of naruto shit that got widely accepted by the community, and he became very famous amongst the community of RP guilds that lived in the Goblet, eventually mating to the GM of the FC who'd become my irl girlfriend that I moved in with
  168. [8:43:42 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: and if Yvain is a DRG, I recommend rping him as Ishgardian or of Ishgardian descent and if you paid any attention to lvl 35+ coerthas quests, plus ANYTHING in Heavensward, RPing a decent Ishgardian of any type wouldn't be so hard, lore is all out there. And breaking 'free from the chains of government' and shit and becoming a sky pirate is fitting or whatever
  169. [8:44:13 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: despite giving up the whole dragoon thing ICly, and wanting to pass down his soulstone to someone as well as the Silver Dragoon title plus armor, Orenji loves legitimate dragoons
  170. [8:44:17 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: in terms of skills
  171. [8:44:33 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: he hates the uptight Ishgardian ones, but loves them if they're genuinely good people lol
  172. [8:44:49 PM] Chad White: Awesome. I like this.
  173. [8:44:51 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: and he has four lancer students atm
  174. [8:44:59 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: and is wishing to make one of them the Silver Dragoon
  175. [8:45:03 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: and the rest just basic Dragoons
  176. [8:45:16 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: Nazyl is in his own tier as an Onion Knight that will eventually teach Orenji how to Dragoon
  177. [8:45:23 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: despite Orenji having taught him how to Dragoon as of recent rp LOL
  178. [8:45:23 PM] Chad White: Yvain is gonna be like Calel and just be Yvain.
  179. [8:45:39 PM] Chad White: Wyvern, Lion.. and Yvain.
  180. [8:46:10 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: animal titles are earned based on how I feel their personality or if I'm creative enough to make something related in /some/ form to your toon lol, I don't take suggestions either
  181. [8:46:46 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: like Vyse's name as Blue Dragon and being his official Sworn Dragon was completely because his speed and rolls when fighting have been equal to mine since the fc's inception, and we were initially the Red Dragon and Blue Dragon rpwise
  182. [8:47:04 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: a title which Orenji gave up to be the Dreadwyrm since he has to maintain 'the biggest and baddest' deal as a pirate
  183. [8:47:43 PM] Chad White: Gotcha :3
  184. [8:48:32 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: as a lancer or even a dragoon, you'd eventually get something aerial related regardless
  185. [8:48:52 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: I called Selene Salamander purely because she was a lizardgirl lmao and I wanted a pet name for her since she was essentially my pet
  186. [8:49:02 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: and she started rping fire based moves because of it, so it worked out in the end
  187. [8:50:50 PM] Chad White: PFT. Glorius
  188. [8:59:32 PM] Chad White: I'm already thinking of Yvain's story, and quite honestly. I'm liking him much more than the plan I had for Calel. Calel was just a mess, and I don't think he was savable. So, just gonna have him go out and shit. Probably fantasia Yvain one more time just to change the look, and then start.
  189. [9:00:17 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: but in terms of living, two roommates would be my goal, I have to think in terms of my girlfriend as well, so that's already one out of two, if she wanted to move to NY, that's on her lol. I don't want to move anywhere anytime soon again. But yea, if you're comfortable, maybe oneday in the forseeable future
  190. [9:00:29 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: I need a job first and some short amount of time to save up money to consider anything
  191. [9:00:51 PM] Chad White: I need to save up cash. And, get rid of the ulcer.
  192. [9:01:08 PM] Chad White: ONce the ulcers gone, then I can really get my shit together.
  193. [9:01:22 PM] Kharn, the Black Swordsman: geez
  194. [9:01:39 PM] Chad White: Like. I didn't make it in time for work today, cause I had hamburgers last night, and my stomach disagreed.
  195. [9:01:46 PM] Chad White: I'm.. a bit worried that it's more than an ulcer.
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