
The PPP club - Prologue [macro, amazon-sized]

Jan 26th, 2015
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  1. (Size-difference between ponies and Anon in this setting:
  2. The size of these ponies are roughly similar to that of real-life horses in terms of leg length and total height.
  3. Anon standing up will reach a grown pony to about the middle of its neck.
  4. The withers of an average mature pony passing by reaches Anon up to between his nipples and shoulders.)
  8. "-...Oh Captain, my captain!"
  9. >yep.
  10. >You're in the resident poetry club in Ponyville.
  11. >You just finished reciting a mishmash composed of a few lines and quotes you can remember from Earth.
  12. >You've been doing this for a few sessions, and the ponies have sadly taken a strong liking to it.
  13. "S-so yeah.. This poem was written.. You know, right after that-.. that war I mentioned earlier."
  14. >In front of you stands a circle of six mares and a stallion, all of them thoroughly smitten and wide-eyed.
  15. >After a moment of silence, they all stomp their hooves and cheer
  16. >Carrot Top trots up to you
  17. >"That was.. vivid!"
  18. >The other ponies all tried to get as close to you as possible.
  19. >The stallion, Comet Tail, smiled down at you as he said in his oddly endearing baritone voice
  20. >"Mmnnnooo. Not vivid, it was LIVID!"
  21. >He smiled at you, before bending his neck down and hurriedly touching his snout to the top of your head.
  22. >..
  23. >Yeah some explanation needed, perhaps
  24. >you see, the ponies were not only fantastically compassionate and kind to a fault
  25. >(with gestures like this happening all the time, between anyone not complete strangers)
  26. >.. they were also larger than you.
  27. >Large enough to be imposing at first when you got here four months ago, at any rate.
  28. >You learned quickly however that their inherent kindness and naivety made it hard to view any of them as a threat.
  29. >Your head reached up to just above Comet Tail's light yellow chest, thus any pony not lying down dwarfed you.
  30. "Oh well, you know-uh.. it's.. It's very powerful. I know you all are-uh.. sensitive spirits,
  31. and wouldn't want to shatter you entirely, hence why I-uh.. couldn't say the whole thing."
  32. >Comet Tail breathes deeply, probably about to go on about one of his famous five-minute critiques.
  33. >Carrot Top luckily intervenes
  34. >"Nonsense! I assure we can take it Anon, no matter how powerful it is."
  35. "Well uh.. you know, when The Hitler wrote these, he was so passionate-..emotional.. That he just..
  36. died. He died after writing it. And so the war ended. So much emotions, yeah it's horrible."
  37. >The seven other ponies murmur among themselves, nodding at eachother as they start discussing.
  38. >You just hope any discussion wouldn't lead to them finding out that your hodgepodge of choice quotes and lines was not really poems.
  39. >Oh well, at least you gave them something from your old home to think about.
  40. >..
  41. >.. So why the fuck are you here?
  42. >Well, you don't remember.
  43. >You can't remember your past life on earth, but remember bits and pieces of various cultures easily.
  44. >You remember history, cultural norms, bits and pieces of science, etc.. Yet at a certain point things get more and more hazy, with you struggling to remember details.
  45. >Details that should simply be there, but you can't remember no matter how much you reason.
  46. >You DO remember waking up here, though.
  47. >... Barely. You were found in a crater inside the Everfree forest, unconscious.
  48. >After summary introductions to the princesses and the Elements of Harmony
  49. >(with frankly, a lot fewer questions asked than what you suspect would happen had a pony come to Earth)
  50. >you got yourself set up in the town of Ponyville, living in a small refurbished shed and doing odd jobs where your fingers came in handy.
  51. >Things were kind of lonely, even though the ponies quickly came to trust you and call you friend.
  52. >Eventually Twilight Sparkle had insisted that you ought to make more active efforts in making friends.
  53. >Tragically, Mayor Mare had been visiting the library at that very moment (you swear she'd been ogling you when she thought you didn't see)
  54. >"Why, I know just the thing! He could join the Poetry Passion Ponies club with me!"
  55. >..
  56. >Sighing in defeat, you had relented. You couldn't really see any harm either for that matter.
  57. >Even though you'd gotten a lot of acquaintances whilst helping ponies out with stuff, you thought you might as well join for a week before leaving.
  58. >The PPP was relaxing enough, but the others quickly started pestering you about reciting poems from Earth.
  59. >Welp. It's only your second week, and you're quickly running out of half-assed quotes glued together by platitudes.
  60. >"Now now, let's all leave Anonymous to recover for a while, hmm? I'll go fetch some more cookies and tea."
  61. >The sing-song voice of Mayor Mare brings you back from your little mental review.
  62. >The bespectacled mature mare takes a step closer to you, before leaning down so that her nose are just a few inches from yours.
  63. >"Would you like some?"
  64. >She always smells of some nondescript perfume.
  65. "Y-yeah, sure. Thanks."
  66. >With a gentle hum and a smile, she turns away and trots toward the kitchen of her large mansion, her tail swishing from side to side.
  67. >You sit on your nearby pillow with a huff.
  68. >The size difference did make for distracting views after all, particularly in crowds.
  69. >The others fall back into smalltalk and gossip, or -- in the case of Carrot Top -- just gossip.
  70. >Comet Tail sits next to you, lamenting about how he's currently being rushed for updated star charts while you pretend to listen.
  71. >On your other side sits Symphony. Composer, conductor, leader and reserve violinist for the local symphonic orchestra.
  72. >She always struck you as the silent, graceful type that rarely seems to portray any emotion.
  73. >..
  74. >Yet she's sitting on a pillow next to you (..have been all evening, actually)
  75. >..close enough that your elbow and shoulder brush against her warm coat with every slow measured breath she takes.
  76. >You notice the club's second most recent addition: A mint-green unicorn mare with a golden lyre as cutiemark.
  77. >She had joined the club just a few weeks before you did.
  78. >She didn't say much, but you caught her stealing glances at you all the time. Lyra, she introduced herself as.
  79. >You haven't talked to her directly, but she seems clearly nervous around you.
  80. >..what's up with these ponies.
  81. >Mayor Mare comes back into the living room pushing a cart, and starts serving everyone.
  82. >You sip your tea for a while (from a cup you suspect really is a foal's toy) and eat the biscuits.
  83. >As the background talk goes on (with even the dour, silent Symphony chipping in a word now and then), you start thinking..
  84. >All of this is so crazy. What on ea-.. what in Equestria are you supposed to do with your life?
  85. >You don't have any cutiemark, so you're practically a career vagabond.
  86. >Meh. You still get paid enough to get by just helping out here and there.
  87. >Some weeks are more stressful than others of course, but then again you occasionally receive extra payment for your effort.
  88. >.. No, not that kind of extra.
  89. > least not yet.. You're not certain, but a lot of the ponies have clearly been affected in their behaviour by your-..presence.
  90. >In the beginning you simply attributed it to shyness and them believing you had to be treated differently or something.
  91. >When it seemed to persist, you.. well, you're not entirely sure.
  92. >There was that one time when Applejack directly and flat-out flirted with you, so you guess you know how that feels.
  93. >It can't be anything like that kind of interest, right?
  94. >RIGHT?
  95. >..
  96. >Oh well, you've felt a tad alone as of late, anyway.
  97. >There's always one of the elements to talk to, of course
  98. >If not for the fact that Twilight, Applejack and Rarity were almost always busy, Rainbow and Pinkie was all ADHD, and Fluttershy-
  99. >.. no. There was something wrong with that mare. You weren't certain you'd want to find out what was going on behind those eyes of hers as she watched you.
  100. >All the time
  101. >watching you.
  102. >You shiver at the thought.
  103. >"Oh, are you cold, Anon?"
  104. >Comet Tail's voice brings you out of your thinking. You realize the talk has quieted somewhat, and the others are also casually watching you.
  105. >"Want me to get you a quilt?~"
  106. >Mayor Mare sing-songs from the other side of the room.
  107. "No thank you, Mayor. I'm fine."
  108. >You put your empty cup on the nearby table.
  109. >Nodding your head to the both of them and smiling at Comet Tail, a large fuzzy leg wraps around your torso from over your shoulder.
  110. >With a slight 'oof', you're pulled against the warm cream-coloured chest of Symphony.
  111. >You glance upward, seeing her large upside-down lidded eyes looking down at you.
  112. "Eh-heh... Really though, I'm fine."
  113. >You smile up at the mare whilst petting her leg awkwardly.
  114. >.. These ponies were really soft.
  115. >Due to them being very physical, this is something you've been familiarized with.
  116. >Also they were warm, and each one of them had his or her own characteristic scent.
  117. >You've yet to meet one whose natural odour was off-putting in any way.
  118. >.. There was this mechanic-mare you helped out a few times, but even her weird citrus-gasoline scent grew on you.
  119. >Symphony smells faintly of cedarwood.
  120. "So.. Heh, yeah, you see-"
  121. >Comet Tail interrupts you
  122. >"Wait.. I heard that you live in that shed over behind the grain storage. Are sure that place is good enough?"
  123. >He tilts his head a bit, before continuing.
  124. >"Because I'd be there in the blink of a pulsar if you want help in patching up the place you know."
  125. >The other ponies nod and mutter in agreement.
  126. "Well no, it's alright. Not cold at all since I have my clothes and all. Heh."
  127. >Actually, your "shed" wasn't at all a shed anymore, being furnished and decorated by yours truly, as well as insulated thoroughly.
  128. >The other ponies silently exhange a few glances.
  129. >Well.. Except Symphony.. whose heartbeat you can feel through your back.
  130. >You don't know where Symphony's looking or glancing.
  131. >Wait, wasn't her heartbeat slower before?
  132. >Mayor Mare sighs and walks over to you, looking down at you through her glasses.
  133. >"Listen, we've-.. talked.. about this, actually. About you. All of us here like you very much, Anonymous."
  134. >The others nod affirmingly.
  135. >"Because you are kind, interesting, and because you are just so-"
  136. >She stops abruptly, her left eye twitching ever so slightly.
  137. >Symphony's foreleg pulls you tighter against her warm, soft chest.
  138. >".. NICE!", Mayor Mare finally says with a heavy exhale.
  139. >You hear Symphony exhale raggedly over your head, a shiver going through her leg.
  140. >You feel her nodding along with everypony else, some muttering aggrements.
  141. >yeah.
  142. >ok.
  143. >Mayor Mare clears her throat ever so slightly, before continuing
  144. >"I told them of your predicament, dear. Which is why we met without you yesterday to discuss something."
  145. >You discreetly disengage yourself from Symphony and reposition yourself back on your own pillow.
  146. >Comet Tail levitates a tray of biscuits over to you, murmuring
  147. >"We were going to tell you at the end of today's session."
  148. >..Swallow, grab a biscuit-cake-thing, try your best not to shake. alright.
  149. >"It's a.. measure to counter your loneliness, and we've all agreed to it.", Mayor Mare speaks again, looking at you with concern.
  150. >"Now, you wouldn't want to turn this down, as I've asked princess Twilight Sparkle about it and she has not only approved it but mandated it as a necessary step of your integration into Equestrian society."
  151. >You look at Comet Tail and all the other ponies in the room in turn.
  152. >Lyra's ears flick when you look at her, and she hurriedly turns her head away, obviously flushed.
  153. >Symphony gives you a slow, sullen blink of both her sapphire eyes.
  154. "A-alright, what exactly IS this.. 'measure'?"
  155. >Mayor Mare smiles proudly and sits down on the floor.
  156. >Currently sitting yourself, the difference in anatomy and size makes her loom over you.
  157. >"Well, we will each take turns in lodging you for a week. One by one we will provide a place to sleep, appropriate food and companionship. All this to provide you with comfort as well as somepony to be close to."
  158. >You forget all about the biscuit you're holding as the weight of Mayor Mare's "measure" sets in..
  159. >Seven weeks.. living with one of them after the other. Jesus.
  160. "Listen, after a long day's work I need-"
  161. >"All expenses will of course be covered by the respective pony, so you will not be needing to work. Rather, it would be good for you if you saw what our own respective workplaces are like."
  162. "Listen, I'm doing just f-"
  163. >"The manner of this rehabilitation is left at the discretion of each pony, so as to ensure a diversity of environments."
  164. "Alright, but one week is too-"
  165. >"Also, no pony will disclose to another the contents of their week. It might after all affect the pony having you for the week after. After all, we'd like you to feel that privacy -is- possible even whilst living with another."
  166. >..
  167. >Jesus.
  168. >You look into Mayor Mare's large smiling face for a while, before glancing at everypony else.
  169. >Even Lyra is looking straight at you now.
  170. "Am I-.. Don't I-.. T-Twilight said I have to do this?!"
  171. >Comet Tail plops down on his pillow, bending his neck so that his head ends up somewhat more on your eye-level.
  172. >"Hey, it's not so bad, is it? We all agreed to it and we're your friends, after all."
  173. >You stand up slowly. Mayor Mare does the same, and trots over to you.
  174. >"Anonymous, please.. We all want what's best for you."
  175. >She lowers her head and quickly nuzzles your chest.
  176. >Sighing, you try to think of a way out.
  177. "And if I learn quickly, or if something happens.. We don't have to go all seven weeks, right?"
  178. >"Nonsense! All of us gets a turn, and you'll get to experience the wondrous diversity of our club!"
  179. >..Roll with it, Anon.. If princess Twilight said you had to go through with this, all you have to do is bear it.
  180. >Show them that y-.. PRETEND that you're well-adjusted and content.
  181. >You solemnly look at each of the seven ponies present.
  182. "Alright."
  183. >They instantly smile and cheer. Well.. at least their hearts are in the right places.
  184. >Comet Tail lightly bumps his nose into your hand, smiling.
  185. >"I assure you, it'll be great."
  186. >You sigh again, muttering to yourself that it will probably feel like a vacation, at least.
  187. "So.. When do we start with this?"
  188. >Mayor Mare grins down at you.
  189. >"Why, right away! Or we could wait a few days if you'd like to get your things in order."
  190. "Where will I be staying first?"
  191. >"Oh, well.. As I am the founder and chairman of the Ponyville Poetry Passion Ponies club, I'd be most pleased to be first.."
  192. >You nod, shrugging.
  193. >Meh, might be alright.. The Mayor is a bit odd, but at least you know you'll live comfortably.
  194. >"..which is why I was every so slightly perturbed when my straw wasn't drawn yesterday."
  195. >You blink. The horse-Mayor smiles endearingly down at you.
  196. >"It was miss Lyra Heartstrings!"
  199. ~End Prologue chapter.~
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