
Faerzen/Byron Chum Log

Mar 25th, 2015
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  1. [21:22] <aberrantArtificer> hehehe
  2. [21:22] <aberrantArtificer> -- visceralVanguard [VV] began gentlemanly conversing with masterfulShooter [MS] --
  3. [21:22] <aberrantArtificer> Ummmm, Byron... could we talk? I've been playing this SBURB game and it's been pretty run of the mill, but it's taken a very unexpected turn and I'm really worried. This is likely going to sound like a peculiar question, but have you had any..... unfortunate experiences recently involving a gun lately? In my game there's a character who has a devotion to Mountain Dew and Twinkies only rivaled by your own, and..... let's just say some unsettling events followed. I can't shake the feeling that it's you.
  4. [21:22] <masterfulShooter> dude. What the Fucking fuck!? First off...How the Hell did You see That!? I had To bLOW my MOM'S fUCKING head OFF! what The fUCK!? dud I'm freaking The fuck Out right Now. I need To chill. I don't Know how The hell You saw That, but I'd appreciate Anyone's help At this Point. even Aran's
  5. [21:23] <aberrantArtificer> This is exactly what I was afraid of
  6. [21:23] <aberrantArtificer> I am really not okay
  7. [21:23] <aberrantArtificer> with all of this
  8. [21:23] <aberrantArtificer> I KNEW IT!
  9. [21:23] <aberrantArtificer> Ugh
  10. [21:23] <IcyByron> MS: YOU'RE nOT ok!?
  11. [21:23] <aberrantArtificer> Can we both communally agree that Faucet is the worst thing that's EVER happened to both of us????
  12. [21:24] <visceralVanguard> Can we both communally agree that Faucet is the worst thing that's EVER happened to both of us????
  13. [21:25] <visceralVanguard> I'm SO upset right now
  14. [21:25] <visceralVanguard> Okay, so....
  15. [21:25] <visceralVanguard> story time I guess?
  16. [21:25] <masterfulShooter> Us!?
  17. [21:25] <masterfulShooter> US!?
  18. [21:25] <visceralVanguard> Yeah
  19. [21:25] <visceralVanguard> I just saw everything you just did
  20. [21:25] <masterfulShooter> WHAT hAPPENED to You!?
  21. [21:25] <visceralVanguard> and I'm really not okay
  22. [21:25] <masterfulShooter> Oh. you Saw it.
  23. [21:25] <masterfulShooter> YOU SAW IT
  24. [21:25] <visceralVanguard> I'm pretty much freaking out right now
  25. [21:25] <visceralVanguard> okay
  26. [21:25] <visceralVanguard> okay
  27. [21:25] <visceralVanguard> okay
  28. [21:25] <visceralVanguard> just breathe.....
  29. [21:26] <visceralVanguard> ummmm
  30. [21:26] <visceralVanguard> not really working
  31. [21:26] <masterfulShooter> I LIVED IT FAERZEN
  32. [21:26] <masterfulShooter> I KILLED MY MOM
  33. [21:26] <masterfulShooter> SCREW MY TEXT QUIRK
  34. [21:26] <visceralVanguard> I KNOW
  35. [21:26] <visceralVanguard> LIKE
  36. [21:26] <visceralVanguard> WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING
  37. [21:26] <masterfulShooter> wait
  38. [21:26] <visceralVanguard> I JUST THOUGHT THIS WAS A GAME
  39. [21:26] <visceralVanguard> and then
  40. [21:26] <visceralVanguard> everything
  41. [21:26] <masterfulShooter> I can help my little yakuza dude
  42. [21:26] <visceralVanguard> ...
  43. [21:26] <masterfulShooter> WHY DIDN'T YOU HELP ME
  44. [21:26] <visceralVanguard> I don't even know what's going on anymore
  45. [21:27] <visceralVanguard> I TRIED
  46. [21:27] <masterfulShooter> FAERZEN WTF!?
  47. [21:27] <visceralVanguard> You're not my little Sim dude!
  48. [21:27] <masterfulShooter> wait one sec
  49. [21:27] <masterfulShooter> gotta get more dew
  50. [21:27] <visceralVanguard> All I've got is this stupid DUMB-FUCK who doesn't give a shit about anything!
  51. [21:27] <masterfulShooter> gotta...calm down.
  52. [21:27] <visceralVanguard> All he does is just sit on his sweet ass staring at his creepy-as-fuck sleeping grandpa and watching the stars
  53. [21:28] <visceralVanguard> LIKE SERIOUSLY!
  54. [21:28] <visceralVanguard> okay
  55. [21:28] <visceralVanguard> good idea
  56. [21:28] <visceralVanguard> I've got some of that sparkling water here
  57. [21:29] <masterfulShooter> I am out of dew
  58. [21:29] <masterfulShooter> Fuck everything about everything
  59. [21:29] <masterfulShooter> I'm not leaving this damn basement for goddamn anything
  60. [21:29] <masterfulShooter> Clearly your sim dude isn't as damn MLG FUCKING PRO AS MINE IS
  61. [21:29] <masterfulShooter> MY GUY FUCKING SLAUGHTERED TWO NINJAS
  62. [21:29] <masterfulShooter> WHAT DID YOURS DO NOW!? WATCH ME FUCKING KILL MY MOM
  63. [21:29] <masterfulShooter> AND NOT HELP
  64. [21:29] <masterfulShooter> FUCK YOUR SIM DUDE
  65. [21:29] <masterfulShooter> AND BY EXTENT
  66. [21:29] <masterfulShooter> I DIDN'T WANT IT TO COME TO THIS
  67. [21:29] <masterfulShooter> BUT BY EXTENT
  68. [21:29] <masterfulShooter> FUCK YOU
  69. [21:34] <masterfulShooter> faerzen?
  70. [22:30] <masterfulShooter> dude.
  71. [22:30] <masterfulShooter> I'm sorry
  72. [22:30] <masterfulShooter> please dont stop being my friend
  73. [22:30] <masterfulShooter> dude?
  74. [22:30] <masterfulShooter> shit
  75. [22:30] <masterfulShooter> stupid fucking byron
  76. [22:30] <masterfulShooter> losing all of his damn friends
  77. [22:30] <masterfulShooter> again
  78. [22:31] <masterfulShooter> sigh
  79. [22:34] <visceralVanguard> Like, I feel like the auto-sewer system right now
  80. [22:34] <visceralVanguard> But that must be nothing compared to how you're feeling
  81. [22:34] <visceralVanguard> Like totally ass
  82. [22:34] <visceralVanguard> I can't even begin
  83. [22:35] <masterfulShooter> (this has gotta be some moirail shit right here like defs shipping chart like 4real)
  84. [22:35] <visceralVanguard> (oh totes)
  85. [22:35] <visceralVanguard> ummmm
  86. [22:35] <visceralVanguard> So sorry I guess?
  87. [22:35] <visceralVanguard> I don't really think it's my fault, but that's no excuse for the shit that just went down
  88. [22:35] <visceralVanguard> I know we really haven't seen eye-to-eye in the past
  89. [22:35] <visceralVanguard> wow
  90. [22:36] <visceralVanguard> I'm just feeling like a terribly person now
  91. [22:36] <visceralVanguard> ummmm
  92. [22:36] <masterfulShooter> don't beat yourself up about it man
  93. [22:36] <visceralVanguard> Yeah, I just kind of hated your whole MLG YO thing
  94. [22:36] <masterfulShooter> like i shouldn't have been so mad at you
  95. [22:36] <visceralVanguard> and I couldn't take you seriously at all
  96. [22:36] <visceralVanguard> like
  97. [22:36] <masterfulShooter> ...
  98. [22:36] <visceralVanguard> idk
  99. [22:36] <masterfulShooter> uh
  100. [22:36] <visceralVanguard> every time we talked I just avoided you
  101. [22:36] <visceralVanguard> but that was wrong
  102. [22:36] <visceralVanguard> so...
  103. [22:37] <visceralVanguard> even though you didn't know I was doing it, sorry I guess
  104. [22:37] <visceralVanguard> I guess I've still got a lot to learn on the whole judging people thing
  105. [22:37] <masterfulShooter> yeah it's cool man i mean i never knew that much about you anyway so i cant really resent you that bad
  106. [22:38] <visceralVanguard> Yeah, I guess there's a reason you didn't really know me much
  107. [22:38] <visceralVanguard> anyways, I don't want to be an even wetter blanket on your already really sucky day
  108. [22:38] <visceralVanguard> So, what I saw actually.... happened?
  109. [22:38] <masterfulShooter> well man idk if my parents are even ok right now so really you're helping me alot
  110. [22:39] <visceralVanguard> Okay, so here's what went down, I guess
  111. [22:39] <visceralVanguard> We all talked about this SBURB game on that weird memo we all got invited to
  112. [22:39] <masterfulShooter> yes i remember
  113. [22:39] <visceralVanguard> I left because I thought you all were being annoying
  114. [22:39] <masterfulShooter> ah good old passive aggresiveness
  115. [22:40] <visceralVanguard> I went to my workshop to take my mind off of things
  116. [22:40] <visceralVanguard> ....actaully
  117. [22:40] <visceralVanguard> would you mind if I tinkered with some stuff while we talked?
  118. [22:40] <visceralVanguard> This sparkling water is weak as hell
  119. [22:40] <masterfulShooter> oh no it's cool
  120. [22:40] <visceralVanguard> Stupid "Norwegian Springs"
  121. [22:40] <masterfulShooter> i'll jsut weep and wait
  122. [22:41] <visceralVanguard> Cool, thanks
  123. [22:41] <visceralVanguard> No, we can keep talking
  124. [22:41] <visceralVanguard> I like to multitask
  125. [22:41] <visceralVanguard> I have less brain space to process the stuff I want to ignore
  126. [22:41] <visceralVanguard> Okay, I'm downstairs now
  127. [22:41] <visceralVanguard> So basically, while I was working, I found SBURB for dirt cheap on this Faucet DRM
  128. [22:42] <visceralVanguard> I downloaded and saw this super exciting opening sequence of a Medieval building on fire
  129. [22:42] <masterfulShooter> so you said that your the guy who's playing the game that has a guy playing a game that has me on it?
  130. [22:42] <visceralVanguard> Yeah
  131. [22:42] <visceralVanguard> So there's this really boring Medieval man
  132. [22:42] <masterfulShooter> I got a japanese dude
  133. [22:42] <masterfulShooter> he's pretty badass
  134. [22:43] <masterfulShooter> he has a gun for some reason though
  135. [22:43] <visceralVanguard> I mean, if you were stuck in the middle ages and all of your worldly possessions started floating around the house and then a computer and machinery appeared out of nowhere, wouldn't you at least kind of freak out?
  136. [22:43] <masterfulShooter> even though it's like Feudal or something
  137. [22:43] <masterfulShooter> Idk I levitated a sword in front of my guy and then stabbed a dude with it and he just took the thing
  138. [22:43] <masterfulShooter> and then drank the blood...?
  139. [22:43] <visceralVanguard> He just sat there staring at his creepy grandpa and then went to look at the stars
  140. [22:43] <masterfulShooter> wtf
  141. [22:44] <masterfulShooter> your guy might be weirder than mine
  142. [22:44] <visceralVanguard> I can understand how the heavens can be quite captivating
  143. [22:44] <visceralVanguard> But even after I dropped a flaming book on his face he just walked inside and booted the computer
  144. [22:44] <visceralVanguard> At which point I saw you
  145. [22:44] <visceralVanguard> On his screen
  146. [22:45] <visceralVanguard> And everything was going haywire and he just sat there watching like seeing a murder movie on a laptop in the 1300s is no big deal
  147. [22:45] <masterfulShooter> oh wait did the book like disappear because mine did, and then it turned into said sword
  148. [22:45] <visceralVanguard> I think it was actually technically a scroll, but it burned up.
  149. [22:45] <visceralVanguard> And I haven't seen anything since
  150. [22:46] <visceralVanguard> I wasn't watching the laptop when he did, but it almost looked like he clicked on some stuff to give you that gun
  151. [22:46] <visceralVanguard> That's when you got my attention
  152. [22:46] <masterfulShooter> I just tried to contact Aran and she immediately denied and went offline...
  153. [22:46] <masterfulShooter> ._.
  154. [22:46] <masterfulShooter> wtf
  155. [22:47] <masterfulShooter> he clicked stuff. in 1300's
  156. [22:47] <masterfulShooter> to give me a gun
  157. [22:47] <visceralVanguard> She's probably busy or something.
  158. [22:47] <visceralVanguard> Exactly.
  160. [22:47] <masterfulShooter> And what the fuck was up with my mom
  161. [22:47] <masterfulShooter> was she like
  162. [22:47] <masterfulShooter> part of the game
  163. [22:47] <masterfulShooter> or
  164. [22:47] <visceralVanguard> I was waving stuff around in his face to get him to do anything, and he just sat there.....
  165. [22:48] <visceralVanguard> So now I'm really worried
  166. [22:48] <visceralVanguard> Like really worried
  167. [22:48] <visceralVanguard> If you were in the game that was in my game
  168. [22:48] <visceralVanguard> Then that means Faucet has surveillance of you
  169. [22:48] <visceralVanguard> And they were able to put you in the game somehow
  170. [22:48] <masterfulShooter> how do you know you're not in a game?
  171. [22:48] <visceralVanguard> Which means I probably am too
  172. [22:48] <masterfulShooter> shet
  173. [22:48] <visceralVanguard> And I don't want any of this BULLSHIT happening to me
  174. [22:48] <visceralVanguard> No offense
  175. [22:49] <visceralVanguard> But just watching it once was enough for me
  176. [22:49] <masterfulShooter> (i sure wish nick was here...)
  177. [22:49] <visceralVanguard> Like what do I do now?
  178. [22:49] <visceralVanguard> I'm home alone, and my mom is at work.
  179. [22:49] <visceralVanguard> Do I just barricade all the entrances to the house and turn the alarm system on?
  180. [22:50] <masterfulShooter> i mean i guess
  181. [22:50] <visceralVanguard> I don't think I could shoot my mom if I had to
  182. [22:50] <masterfulShooter> it's not like i had a choice dude!
  183. [22:50] <masterfulShooter> the hell was I gonna do
  184. [22:50] <masterfulShooter> My BattleKeyboard was too damn far away
  185. [22:51] <masterfulShooter> and it's not like an empty bottle of Dew and Cheeto Dust was gonna save me now was it!?
  186. [22:51] <visceralVanguard> Yeah
  187. [22:52] <visceralVanguard> I suppose it was really the only option
  188. [22:52] <visceralVanguard> I feel like I'm in one of those 4D horror movies.....
  189. [22:54] <masterfulShooter> anyway
  190. [22:54] <masterfulShooter> idk what to do now
  191. [22:54] <masterfulShooter> i put a shelf up against the door
  192. [22:55] <masterfulShooter> but it was locked when "mom" got in so...
  193. [22:55] <visceralVanguard> I'll try and keep an eye on my Sim guy and I'll let you know if it seems he's going to do anything drastic
  194. [22:55] <visceralVanguard> Last I saw on his computer screen there was a very similar user interface to the one we both have in our SBURB game
  195. [22:56] <visceralVanguard> So be on the lookout for weird equipment and stray swords?
  196. [22:56] <visceralVanguard> Be careful.
  197. [22:56] <masterfulShooter> alright dude
  198. [22:56] <masterfulShooter> stay safe
  199. [22:56] <visceralVanguard> I know that you're a "MLG 4 Lyf"
  200. [22:56] <masterfulShooter> keep your scope up
  201. [22:56] <masterfulShooter> kek kek
  202. [22:56] <masterfulShooter> oh sorry
  203. [22:56] <visceralVanguard> But that's not worth it if stuff like this is happening
  204. [22:56] <masterfulShooter> i'll uh
  205. [22:56] <masterfulShooter> try to chill with the MLG
  206. [22:56] <masterfulShooter> yeah
  207. [22:56] <visceralVanguard> oh no, don't get me wrong
  208. [22:57] <masterfulShooter> (you wanna update the shipping chart or me?)
  209. [22:57] <visceralVanguard> Everyone has passions and excitement, and it's totally cool that you're pro at gaming
  210. [22:57] <masterfulShooter> (hahahahaahhaaaaaaahahh)
  211. [22:57] <visceralVanguard> Just don't do anything rash
  212. [22:57] <masterfulShooter> And you're good right?
  213. [22:57] <visceralVanguard> I'll hole myself up here I guess.....
  214. [22:57] <visceralVanguard> I like to think so?
  215. [22:57] <visceralVanguard> I made some tranquilizer darts last week
  216. [22:57] <masterfulShooter> just make some weapons man
  217. [22:58] <masterfulShooter> see, you got this
  218. [22:58] <visceralVanguard> I hate to say it, but I should probably load them into my crossbow
  219. [22:58] <masterfulShooter> all I got is a keyboard, and some food
  220. [22:58] <masterfulShooter> i can use the FOODKIND abstratus amirite
  221. [22:58] <masterfulShooter> eheheh
  222. [22:58] <masterfulShooter> ahh
  223. [22:58] <masterfulShooter> dude i'm so scared
  224. [22:58] <masterfulShooter> i'ma die
  225. [22:58] <visceralVanguard> That's some choice weaponry right there
  226. [22:59] <masterfulShooter> anyway man
  227. [22:59] <masterfulShooter> just uh stay chill
  228. [23:00] <visceralVanguard> We'll pull through this. Just keep in touch, okay? I know I'm going to make an acrobatic fucking pirouette off the deep end here if I stay cooped up here all by myself.
  229. [23:00] <visceralVanguard> Thanks
  230. [23:00] <masterfulShooter> haha get it because norway
  231. [23:00] <visceralVanguard> ....
  232. [23:00] <visceralVanguard> Wow
  233. [23:00] <masterfulShooter> yeah, definitely...wait is it day or night
  234. [23:00] <visceralVanguard> All right, I'll give it to you
  235. [23:00] <visceralVanguard> Nice one!
  236. [23:00] <masterfulShooter> i need to know because i might have to pull my duct tape off the window and I need to be careful around light
  237. [23:01] <visceralVanguard> I haven't checked the time recently. I think it's in the evening? My mom had to stay late at the Institute for work and she's still not home yet so it can't be that late.
  238. [23:01] <visceralVanguard> What's the dilemma with light?
  239. [23:01] <masterfulShooter> dude, being inside for 15 years gives you damn sensitive skin
  240. [23:01] <masterfulShooter> i'm like a vampire at this point
  241. [23:02] <visceralVanguard> You game THAT much?
  242. [23:02] <visceralVanguard> Wow, I didn't know you were that serious!
  243. [23:02] <visceralVanguard> MLG 4 Lyf is right!
  244. [23:02] <masterfulShooter> Hey, blame my dad
  245. [23:02] <visceralVanguard> Be careful you don't get insta-rekt by that sunbeam.
  246. [23:03] <visceralVanguard> We wouldn't want a pile of Byron ashes on the ground after all this now, would we!
  247. [23:03] <masterfulShooter> my dad was the one who made me like this
  248. [23:03] <masterfulShooter> who molded me
  249. [23:03] <masterfulShooter> heh
  250. [23:03] <visceralVanguard> Molded you?
  251. [23:04] <masterfulShooter> dude, wasn't there like a troll word for like friendship but like +1
  252. [23:04] <visceralVanguard> Did he also have a great disposition towards professional gaming?
  253. [23:04] <masterfulShooter> Nah, PTSDad is all good, he just was in the E-Wars man
  254. [23:04] <masterfulShooter> They took a part of him with them
  255. [23:04] <visceralVanguard> Oh, that sucks.
  256. [23:04] <masterfulShooter> but I mean back in the day he was totally l33t as fuck
  257. [23:05] <visceralVanguard> I've been pretty thankful for my little corner of NorwarNet over here.
  258. [23:05] <masterfulShooter> It's because i used his account that I'm in this damn situation
  259. [23:05] <visceralVanguard> What was that place that always kept itself out of fights?
  260. [23:05] <visceralVanguard> Switzerland? I don't really remember history very well.
  261. [23:05] <visceralVanguard> Ah.
  262. [23:06] <masterfulShooter> Haha didn't like most of europe get captured by sweden?
  263. [23:06] <masterfulShooter> after the whole PewDieBot shebang?
  264. [23:06] <visceralVanguard> More or less.
  265. [23:06] <masterfulShooter> huh
  266. [23:06] <masterfulShooter> weird
  267. [23:06] <masterfulShooter> i always like JonTron
  268. [23:06] <visceralVanguard> Tl;Dr, Norway and Sweden have always been best bros
  269. [23:07] <masterfulShooter> Even after he became mostly Electronic
  270. [23:07] <visceralVanguard> So even though we are technically governed by Sweden, nothing much has changed here.
  271. [23:07] <masterfulShooter> Eheh..JonTron
  272. [23:07] <masterfulShooter> Oh
  273. [23:07] <masterfulShooter> shows how little i know
  274. [23:07] <masterfulShooter> i don't remeber the last time I went outside
  275. [23:08] <masterfulShooter> much less cared about it
  276. [23:08] <masterfulShooter> but i mean
  277. [23:08] <visceralVanguard> When all this is over, I recommend you celebrate by taking your first step outside in recent memory!
  278. [23:08] <masterfulShooter> i'll try man
  279. [23:08] <visceralVanguard> I think it would be a good way to sort of put this mess behind you.
  280. [23:08] <masterfulShooter> i'll try
  281. [23:08] <visceralVanguard> Just don't get insta-ashified
  282. [23:08] <visceralVanguard> :)
  283. [23:08] <masterfulShooter> btw, how's your family money wise?
  284. [23:09] <visceralVanguard> I'd say we're middle class?
  285. [23:09] <visceralVanguard> Everyone is pretty much the same here in Norway, so it's hard to tell.
  286. [23:09] <masterfulShooter> like I'm pretty well off, mostly because of the payments my dad gets every month
  287. [23:09] <masterfulShooter> Them boondollas
  288. [23:09] <visceralVanguard> My mom has an excellent position at the Norway Institute of Technology
  289. [23:09] <visceralVanguard> no
  290. [23:09] <visceralVanguard> oh wait
  291. [23:10] <visceralVanguard> New Netherlands Institute of Technology. I keep forgetting about that merger that just happened.
  292. [23:10] <visceralVanguard> Things have been a bit rougher since my dad died, but my mom and I definitely haven't been struggling by any means.
  293. [23:10] <visceralVanguard> We're comfortable!
  294. [23:10] <masterfulShooter> ...dude i'm sorry to hear that
  295. [23:10] <visceralVanguard> Norway provides a lot of public healthcare and education so we'll always have at least the basics.
  296. [23:11] <visceralVanguard> My mom has been able to get me lots of chemical for my workshop.
  297. [23:11] <masterfulShooter> cool
  298. [23:11] <visceralVanguard> Sometimes I kind of think behind all her sarcasm, she kind of wants me to work at the Institute when I get older, just like her.
  299. [23:12] <masterfulShooter> my family never really had to worry about jobs like i said
  300. [23:12] <visceralVanguard> Yeah, it was quite unfortunate, but I don't remember it terribly well since I wasn't very old.
  301. [23:12] <masterfulShooter> and i mean i bring my own money to the table lol
  302. [23:12] <visceralVanguard> Hahaha
  303. [23:12] <visceralVanguard> We finally removed my dad's old living capsule from our house.
  304. [23:12] <masterfulShooter> but yanno sometimes, I wish i had made like physical friends
  305. [23:12] <visceralVanguard> And since it was right underneath mine, now my room is all slanted :/
  306. [23:12] <masterfulShooter> and went to school
  307. [23:13] <masterfulShooter> but we, or my parents rather decided against it
  308. [23:13] <masterfulShooter> oh you lived capsule style?
  309. [23:13] <visceralVanguard> I must say I can personally vouch for how nice school has been. I've really enjoyed it! Some people say a bit too much, but hey, what's the shame in wanting to learn?
  310. [23:14] <visceralVanguard> Yeah, the stacking modules are really convenient for construction here outside the city.
  311. [23:14] <masterfulShooter> For some reason my parents paid big bucks for a "Modern" style house as in the 2000's but tricked it out with now tech so It's kinda weird
  312. [23:14] <visceralVanguard> We have space to rearrange things from time to time, so it's nice to have the liberty of doing that to our abode.
  313. [23:14] <masterfulShooter> maybe with that kind of house I could finally try and clean my room
  314. [23:14] <masterfulShooter> ...
  315. [23:15] <masterfulShooter> nah
  316. [23:15] <visceralVanguard> We've modernized a lot of the capsules so they have some glass walls and computer terminals, so it's not as bad as it sounds.
  317. [23:15] <visceralVanguard> I'm pretty sure I'm a bit OCD about organizing my room :/
  318. [23:15] <visceralVanguard> My mom says I spend way too much time sorting and organizing things.
  319. [23:15] <masterfulShooter> (i shall commence the first non modern ship on said "serious" shipping wall.)
  320. [23:16] <visceralVanguard> (oh, lol I just put it there)
  321. [23:17] <masterfulShooter> herp derp
  322. [23:17] <masterfulShooter> delete
  323. [23:17] <visceralVanguard> (i guess if it gets submitted twice they'll take it as serious :P)
  324. [23:18] <visceralVanguard> Well, I guess it would be prudent for me to commence by barricading operation
  325. [23:19] <visceralVanguard> I should get going and check on my Sim, but please keep in touch!
  326. [23:19] <masterfulShooter> oh yeah, definitely dude
  327. [23:19] <masterfulShooter> You're the only one keeping me sane here
  328. [23:20] <visceralVanguard> -- visceralVanguard [VV] kindly bid masterfulShooter [MS] farewell --
  329. [23:21] <masterfulShooter> --masterfulShooter [MS] Calmed the Fuck Down with visceralVanguard [VV]--
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