

Apr 16th, 2014
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  1. I'll be editing this later but here goes~ Best Furry NA
  3. To keep track of my picks...:
  5. JUNGLE:
  7. -Blitz: Situationally good, really great ganker, cannot have an enemy counterjungler, cannot have bad grab targets
  8. -Warwick: Safer version of Blitz, might drop him if he still remains semi-popular after FF nerfs
  9. -Sejuani: Safer version of Blitz that works well on AoE comps
  10. -Jax: Late game farmer, great for teams that can stall out, great FF abuser. Bad on early-game teams/teams that cant stall
  11. -Shyvana: My best answer to FF abusers. Fucking take allllll of their stacks
  13. -Darius: Need more practice but good vs teams that cant kite him. Brings good damage and tankiness
  14. -Aatrox: Same as Darius; more late-game oriented and less early-game oriented
  15. -Rengar: I wanna pick him up as an assassin jungler... After he's not bugged anymore. Or bruiser. Probly bruiser. We'll see.
  16. -Trundle: I want to pick him up for 2 reasons: 1 he's not popular, 2, he's great vs tanky teams, most of my picks not so much
  17. -Cho: I wanna re-pick him back up for countering caster comps.
  19. Mid:
  21. -Galio: Good for teams needing a tank and an AoE ult
  22. -Anivia: Offensive version of Galio; utility mid
  23. -Morde: If the enemy team sucks at kiting and has good reason to bring his ult
  24. -Quinn: Roaming assassin too good
  25. -Jarvan: Melee assassin really strong, certain matchups are impossible though
  27. -Kassadin: After buffed I want to look into him. If he's not buffed I may look into him anyhow
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