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Entrevista Casket Robbery por Toni Skwigelf

a guest
Apr 25th, 2016
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  1. 1- Buenos dias/tardes/noches, ¿quiénes y cuando formásteis Casket Robbery?
  2. Cory: Casket Robbery was formed by myself and singer Dustin Foesch around 2011/2012. We started the band as a two piece and just did a couple songs. Recording them only. We didn’t really think about shows until people kept asking us to play. We got a lot of show offers right away so we knew we were onto something cool. I called up a few friends to fill in on the shows and the rest fell into place.
  4. 2- ¿Cómo definiríais vuestro sonido?
  5. Cory: It’s hard for me to define the sound but I think it’s somewhere in the brutal groove metal genre. We take elements of that and elements of “horror” themes and incorporate that all together.
  7. 3- ¿Habéis tocado en directo? ¿Alguna anécdota?
  8. Cory: Yeah, we play live very often. We have plans to tour some more now because of the success of this release so expect some dates to pop up. There are a lot of great shows. A ton of energy, people love our music and go crazy at the shows.
  10. 4- Este año habéis lanzado "Evolution of Evil", ¿como os fue el proceso para llevarlo a cabo?
  11. Cory: This one took a little time. We just came off a little hiatus and were finding new members during the writing and recording process so things went at a slow speed. But it was nice because we were able to take our time and make it all perfect. Dustin and I had written the album and had it completed. Then we started to record it when we got Greg on board to do drums. He tracked his drums in his studio and then I did a majority of the album tracking in my studio. From there, we sent it to Chris Wisco (Jungle Rot, Novembers Doom) to mix it and Cody Ratley (Villains/Yuth Forever) to master it. They did a great job of taking the album production to the highest level. It sounds so huge.
  13. 5- ¿Creéis que en vuestro país se apoya a la escena de una forma correcta?
  14. Cory: The shows here are a getting a little harder as time goes by. I see a lot of the great venues closing their doors. Maybe less and less people are coming out to the shows? I’m not sure what is happening. I know that when we book a show we have to be very careful and promote it very well if we want people to come out to it. We plan out each show and try not to play too much in certain towns.
  16. 6- Allí últimamente está en el aire la política, ¿que opinión tenéis de la situación actual?
  17. Cory: My opinion isn’t very optimistic. The world has been heading in a downward spiral for quiet a while. I think it’s been brought on by greedy money sucking corporations, technology, and politics. We aren’t headed in the right direction and no politician is going to fix it. It’s too late. That’s a pretty metal response right? haha
  19. 7- ¿Cuáles han sido vuestras mayores influencias?
  20. Cory: This band draws heavily from horror movies. I write the songs and try to think of it as a sound track to a horror movie. Really eerie sounding riffs but very heavy. I don't draw from bands too much. I try to keep that out of my mind when writing. So the guitar riffs are just a huge collection of all my influences. I’s hard to pinpoint certain bands as influences.
  22. 8- ¿Está disponible vuestro álbum fuera de los Estados Unidos?
  23. Cory: The album has been released online in all the major digital retailers like iTunes, Amazon, Best Buy, and Spotify. It is available anywhere online. We don’t have any distribution outside of the U.S. though. We would like to be able to do that soon. You can also find the album on our “Big Cartel” merch store if you want the physical CD.
  25. 9- ¿Como animaríais a alguien a escuchar vuestra música?
  26. Cory: Our music is very intense and filled with energy. Please check out some live videos and you will see the energy we put out as a band. Our live show is a must see.
  28. 10- Un placer hablar con vosotros, un saludo!
  29. Cory: Thank you for taking the time to interview us. We could not do it without support like this! Come see us live sometime, we will not disappoint. Thanks!
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