

Dec 19th, 2012
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  1. >ENTER NAME: Vergil Redgrave
  3. Strife Specibus: Bladekind
  4. Secondary Specibus:
  5. Special Ability: Devil Trigger - As a half-demon, Vergil is capable of taking on a demonic, though still humanoid, form. He has honed his ability to repress this fairly well, though not his ability to trigger it at will. When he is under stress, be it from battles or physical, mental, or emotional duress, this ability becomes available. Extreme duress or life-threatening situations may force him to trigger.
  8. Weapon: Yamato, an elegant, ornate katana, imbued with magic and supposedly capable of cutting through anything.
  9. Head: Only his slicked-back white hair.
  10. Body: A thick blue longcoat.
  11. Legs:
  12. Feet:
  13. Accessory: A ruby red amulet, usually tucked under his shirt. Even so, you can sometimes see the gold chain around his neck. He's remarkably protective of it.
  14. Accessory:
  16. Bio (Would be nice, but unrequired): A white-haired half-demon, son of the legendary Sparda, and an orphan. At 14, Vergil and his twin, Dante, started playing a game called SCom with a group of internet friends. Their session quickly turned into a gruelling, painful, hellish nightmare, and they and all their friends remained trapped in the Medium up until /this/ happened. After the most recent of an unfortunate number of heated arguments with his brother, Vergil fell unconscious for unknown reasons and awoke in an unfamiliar environment. A brief bout of wandering landed him in a strange little town called Ardor...
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