
TSW 12: Mary's Dream Part 1

May 19th, 2016
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  1. [10:56] IcePickLobotomy Time: ???. Location: ???
  2. [11:03] IcePickLobotomy It's dark and cold. There is a light, your |SELF| is spun from the filaments of creation. Your form shapes itself, form given by Purpose. You stand with the others, in a place cold and dark and empty and [ERROR]. |\/|/\|/||/|||/ and the towers of stood to the stars, and you smote them down. Their feeble works and creations unable to stop you. [ERROR] turned against the Creators, spun chaos...
  3. [11:03] IcePickLobotomy ...and madness into their creation, sowing disharmony and ruining the- \\||\/|\/\||\\|/ the world ran red with Her blood as you bond her in chains and the Oaths took hol- [ERROR]
  4. [11:03] IcePickLobotomy A light. A golden light in the darkness. It spe- [ERROR]
  5. [11:05] IcePickLobotomy Your eyes open slowly. The distant sound of the waves is almost hidden by the whir and clicks of the gears in the clock tower. The silvery light of the moon spills in through the open window, the stars glitter and gleam past the reddish haze in the sky. Your head feels thick and throbs painfully. Someone has draped a rough blanket over you. In the side of your peripheral vision you see...
  6. [11:05] IcePickLobotomy ...someone sitting on the chair, reading a book.
  7. [11:10] Mary gives off a painfull moan as she tries to stand up and look around, at least this time there is light there. "wha.."
  8. [11:15] IcePickLobotomy Your head spins, and you lean on the nearby wall for balance. The figure, which you can now see clearly, is quite striking. A woman, perhaps in her early 20's. She's pale, the phrase alabaster comes to mind, stands in sharp contrast to her blood red eyes (You can't help but notice how much they look like Robin's). Her face is delicate and sharply angled, framed by shoulder length blue hair....
  9. [11:15] IcePickLobotomy ...Somehow it looks natural rather than dyed.
  10. [11:23] Mary "What..."
  11. [11:24] Mary blinks and after holding herself steady for a moment looks down , "Thanks , what.. what happend?"
  12. [11:24] Mary (Shipper GM on deck!)
  13. [11:25] IcePickLobotomy (Hehehe)
  14. [11:25] IcePickLobotomy "I will be as honest with you as I am able, but there things I am unable to say or do. I do hope that you understand."
  15. [11:30] Mary "I.. yes..?"
  16. [11:31] Mary nods a bit surprised and for a moment rubbing the middle of her chest where she had felt , pain "
  17. [11:34] IcePickLobotomy "When you attacked the Angel, you used your AT Field, a overwhelming blow, but one that left you open and bare to the world. I," She pauses a moment "helped close you off from things until your AT Field normalized."
  18. [11:41] Mary "Angel? Not very likely that it is one of them. " She says suddenly defensive
  19. [11:44] Mary "And I do not remember a Do not fear"
  20. [11:45] IcePickLobotomy "Call them as you best understand then. I do not mean any offense."
  21. [11:47] Mary "I, , please excuse me being, .. I.. who are you?"
  22. [11:55] IcePickLobotomy "For now I would prefer to be known as Lily."
  23. [12:02] Mary "Lilly?"
  24. [12:02] IcePickLobotomy She nods, taking a seat.
  25. [12:04] Mary (sucesfull symbology roll with 2 Dos if it will become important)
  26. [12:05] Mary (her eyes symbolise your desire for companionship with reagan while her hair shows the inherent fakeness in this relationship.. and the lure of the city )
  27. [12:05] Mary "I , am thankfull for you helping me, but, what did you mean with that?"
  28. [12:20] IcePickLobotomy (There's a faintly inhuman look about her. She's too perfect, not enough blemishes or faults. And her eyes betray her nature."
  29. [12:21] Mary (hm in regards to her eyes?=
  30. [12:21] IcePickLobotomy (They are not human eyes. But they are friendly all the same.)
  31. [12:28] Mary (well you compared them with reagans so ..../epileptic tree who is the manufactured here
  32. [12:29] IcePickLobotomy (Derp, I meant Robin's)
  33. [12:29] Mary (eh wait you did)
  34. [12:29] IcePickLobotomy (. . .Had me going for a moment.)
  35. [12:29] Mary (my bad there.. and oh my going qite faar with the shipping there)
  36. [12:32] Mary (and it is still your turn to answer)
  37. [12:33] IcePickLobotomy "With what exactly? My name or what I did to help you?"
  38. [12:38] Mary "Whatever of this you are willing to share with me?"
  39. [12:39] IcePickLobotomy She taps her knee a moment, thinking. "What would you like to ask me first then?"
  40. [12:40] Mary "That which gives out a more understandable answer if we goth time for both"
  41. [12:40] IcePickLobotomy "There is time a plenty for now."
  42. [12:42] Mary "Then, who, or what are you?"
  43. [12:48] IcePickLobotomy "If I told you I was human you wouldn't bellive me."
  44. [12:48] Mary "The eyes are the window to the soul, and you do not look like a child of Adam and Eve"
  45. [12:49] IcePickLobotomy "No, no child of Adam nor of Eve. But I am not here to harm you or any of your friends or family either."
  46. [12:50] Mary "Then may I ask you what you want to do ?"
  47. [12:51] IcePickLobotomy "I want to save you, and your world."
  48. [12:55] Mary "And you prefer, or can't do it in the open...?"
  49. [12:56] IcePickLobotomy "I am rather limited in my options for overt movement. I'm still working on identifying the nature of the threat as well. Hard to stop something when you don't fully understand what it is."
  50. [12:57] Mary looks at her, unsure if it is something prposterious like a divine messenger or a alien.
  51. [12:57] Mary "I thought the instrment of the threat was visible fairly well?"
  52. [12:58] IcePickLobotomy "A knife is a tool but it only says so much about the wielder."
  53. [13:01] Mary nods a bit unsure. "And.. does the AT field , (I think we use a different name?) relate to ..this?"
  54. [13:01] Mary makes a encompassing gesture
  55. [13:01] IcePickLobotomy (No still the AT FIeld)
  56. [13:01] Mary (read person)
  57. [13:03] Mary (3 dos for read, 4 for notice if yo want either here)
  58. [13:03] IcePickLobotomy (Looking for something in particular or just her general demeanor here?)
  59. [13:05] Mary (surprise me, considering that I am a visionary and all that..=)
  60. [13:08] IcePickLobotomy (She's being honest with you, but withholding things as well. There's a hint of tension, nervousness. As if there is something making her physically uncomfortable.)
  61. [13:08] IcePickLobotomy "It does."
  62. [13:20] Mary "At least the stars are back..."
  63. [13:21] Mary shivers
  64. [13:21] IcePickLobotomy She nods. "That was the work of what I'm trying to counter."
  65. [13:22] Mary "A avision of what might be?"
  66. [13:32] IcePickLobotomy "Perhaps, though I feel as though it is more akin to a tremor that preludes a earthquake."
  67. [13:34] Mary shivers and puts her arms around herself "is.. is this real or.. or jst a symbol?"
  68. [13:35] IcePickLobotomy "It's something between the two. I"m afraid I cannot tell you the nature of this place outright."
  69. [13:40] Mary "And, what was it what I did?"
  70. [13:41] IcePickLobotomy "When you unleashed your unit's AT Field, you also destabilized your own field as well. That left you open to to external connections."
  71. [13:43] Mary "What sort of external connection?"
  72. [13:46] IcePickLobotomy "Some good, some bad. That's how I manged to get here to help you."
  73. [13:46] IcePickLobotomy "I don't know what else may have connected as well though."
  74. [13:49] Mary "Well , how did you see that I was open?"
  75. [13:49] Mary shivers and looks suddenly uncomfortable as the person is speaking in her mind
  76. [13:50] IcePickLobotomy "I. . . have been keeping an eye on you and your friends. I have a vested interest in your safety."
  77. [13:54] Mary seems unsure if she can relax here. " Was... did it have something to do with the .. with the Light in the sky some nights ago?"
  78. [13:54] Mary (Angelig alium)=
  79. [13:54] IcePickLobotomy "It's. . . not directly connected to what happened to you from what I can tell, however it's probably connected to the situation as a whole."
  80. [13:57] Mary "I had thought it might have been you appearing
  81. [13:57] IcePickLobotomy She shakes her head. "No, I've been here for a while."
  82. [13:59] Mary blinks and then nods
  83. [14:00] Mary (sorry if my performance here is a bit more lackluster hten usual=
  84. [14:00] IcePickLobotomy (No worries)
  85. [14:01] IcePickLobotomy "Mary, I need to ask you something that's very important."
  86. [14:02] Mary "Yes?"
  87. [14:02] Mary sounds unsure as she looks at her, before she takes a deep breath and appears more resolute
  88. [14:03] IcePickLobotomy "Do not mention me to METI, and more importantly, don't tell any of your friends. And not Kasra most of all." She looks down somewhat guiltily "I need to explain some things to him, and I'm afraid I've let him labour under the wrong impression for too long."
  89. [14:06] Mary "Why should I trust you here is just the question I.. I can see that you are not human and that you might not gain anything from lying to me but.."
  90. [14:06] Mary wounds shine throught for a moment
  91. [14:08] IcePickLobotomy "I do not fully trust METI, where power can be gained men will always seek it, and rarely to the benefit to most. MET is no different I would imagine. As for your friends, well, that's a favor I ask of you, and Kasra is a dear friend of mine, I do not wish to hurt him."
  92. [14:11] Mary "I do also kare for him but.."
  93. [14:12] IcePickLobotomy "You are unwilling to keep this from him, even temporarily?"
  94. [14:14] Mary "I.. I am willing not to talk to him, unless something happens that makes m e think ill of you"
  95. [14:15] IcePickLobotomy "I know you have little reason to trust me, and that I am not as forthright as you would like. I am sorry about that, but I thank you for your trust."
  96. [14:16] Mary (falling into these eyes )
  97. [14:16] IcePickLobotomy (Lol)
  98. [14:20] Mary (touched by an angel ~ Its in the name after all )
  99. [14:21] Mary "Is there in return anything that you can say me to aid me ?"
  100. [14:22] IcePickLobotomy "A few things. This place is not without its dangers, tread lightly and with care, but there are things here that you will find useful as well. Beware the gold light, it heralds the enemy. And remember, no matter what happens you are not alone."
  101. [14:25] Mary "Can I die here?"
  102. [14:25] IcePickLobotomy "Yes, but only under the most extreme of circumstances."
  103. [14:28] Mary "I...."
  104. [14:30] IcePickLobotomy "This isn't what you wanted nor expected. And I am sorry that this was forced upon you as it was."
  105. [14:33] Mary "I had to fight for those that I care for."
  106. [14:33] IcePickLobotomy "I know, but it's not something you should have had to fight for in the first place."
  107. [14:41] Mary "i wold preferto be away bt...
  108. [14:41] Mary puts her hand on her stomach and she looks down
  109. [14:42] IcePickLobotomy "I know."
  110. [14:42] Mary "Someonme has too..."
  111. [14:43] IcePickLobotomy She nods sadly.
  112. [14:46] Mary "Can.. Can you tell me more about what I did?"
  113. [14:47] IcePickLobotomy "Do you ask of the mechanics of what you did, or /how/ you did it?"
  114. [14:49] Mary "..Both?"
  115. [14:49] Mary pulls the covers closer around herself as she moves closer to the womanshaped one
  116. [14:54] IcePickLobotomy "The mechanics is. . " She closes her eyes, "You overloaded your AT Field, which results in a very energetic reaction. That also has the benefit of shorting out other AT Fields in the blast. The how. . . The exact method you use will depend on how you see the AT Field, but it's usally something that grows large and unstable before it reaches the breaking point."
  117. [15:00] Mary nods and looks at her
  118. [15:02] IcePickLobotomy "The exact means by which a pilot uses their AT Field varies a great deal pilot to pilot. I can tell you what happened with he field mechanically, but you have to figure out how to make the field do that using your own views on it."
  119. [15:03] Mary "What..what did I miss there?"
  120. [15:07] IcePickLobotomy "Restraint I think. The AT Field is very reactive to your state of mind, so if you don't keep a firm control over it, unforeseen consequences can arise."
  121. [15:11] Mary "Like what?"
  122. [15:13] IcePickLobotomy "the death of the pilot is one of the lesser of the bad things that can arise."
  123. [15:20] Mary "Yikes"
  124. [15:22] IcePickLobotomy "METI likens the units to nuclear weapons." She levels a unblinking stare at you "They are wrong. There are no mortal weapons that can match the power and terror of a fully realized Unit. Pray that it goes unseen on your world."
  125. [15:22] Mary "So uh... what else should I evade?"
  126. [15:23] IcePickLobotomy "Be wary of METI, even if the organization is good, those within it may not be. And be wary of me as well. I may not be as I am in the future."
  127. [15:26] Mary "We are allied for now then, until the world changes?"
  128. [15:27] IcePickLobotomy "More that my actions are not without a cost to myself. It is more a matter of how far I am forced to go, than how long things shall take. The more I have to act, the worse it is for me."
  129. [15:31] Mary "Uh..."
  130. [15:47] IcePickLobotomy "Sorry, I was rather vague there wasn't I?"
  131. [15:49] Mary "Well you where somewhat , intimdating"
  132. [15:50] IcePickLobotomy "My apologies. I do try to be approachable, but the gravity of the topic is not one I want to be lost on anyone."
  133. [15:51] Mary "Quite clear"
  134. [15:51] IcePickLobotomy "I don't mean to say such power shouldn't be used. The scale you are fighting for means it is justified, but do not do so /lightly/ is what I am I trying to get across."
  135. [16:00] Mary "Well knowing what powers I should not sue because I do not know the problems with then.."
  136. [16:01] IcePickLobotomy "Anything that directly attacks another AT Field should be used with prudence. Beyond that it's a matter of how much you want to cost yourself. The more you draw, the more likely it is you will hurt yourself."
  137. [16:05] Mary "What is with the synchronisation when one toiuches there field?"
  138. [16:06] IcePickLobotomy "I'm sorry I don't follow."
  139. [16:09] Mary "Well you talked about the danger, and when I try to make my field like there to make it open up...
  140. [16:09] Mary (aka neutralise)
  141. [16:10] IcePickLobotomy "You're not directly attack the field, rather you are interfering with the Angel's ability to use it. Think of it as. . . Rather than stopping a song, you're playing noise over it."
  142. [16:13] Mary "I saw it more, like playing harmonic countermusic so that you get white noise
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