
Pokepark Wii route

Feb 24th, 2014
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  3. Complete Tutorial Area (dash into crate, jump over log, chase chatot, talk to Buneary, use thunderbolt on snorlax , open the poke pad and close it)
  4. talk bulbasaur, play his game, talk to treecko
  5. befriend munchlax
  6. befriend turtwig
  7. befriend pachirisu
  8. befriend buneary
  9. play bulbasaur's game with turtwig
  10. befriend lotad
  11. talk to treecko
  12. befriend caterpie
  13. battle Mankey
  14. talk to croagunk
  15. talk to venusaur
  16. battle croagunk
  17. befriend butterfree
  18. befriend trecko
  19. skill game with spearow
  20. play venasaur's game
  21. talk to starly
  22. talk to chatot
  23. talk to drifblim
  24. talk to misdrevus
  25. take a picture
  26. talk to misdreavus
  27. talk to electrobuzz
  28. talk to corphish
  29. talk to slowpoke and azurill
  30. befriend azurill and slowpoke if they are in a good position
  31. talk to corsola
  32. answer quiz
  33. talk to feraligatr
  34. talk to piplup
  35. befriend slowpoke and azurill if they were in a bad position before
  36. befriend totodile
  37. befriend staravia if its in a good postion
  38. take drifblim to meadow zone
  39. befirend chimchar
  40. befriend shinx
  41. collect lumber for bidoof (x4)
  42. talk to bidoof to get his cousin in beach zone
  43. befriend bibarel
  44. take drifblim to beach zone
  45. collect lumber for bidoof
  46. play Pelipper's game
  47. talk to bidoof
  48. collect lumber for bidoof (x2)
  49. play Gyarados' game (need 25 friends, have 27 friends and 775 berries)
  50. talk to feraligatr
  51. befriend feraligatr
  52. talk to lapras
  53. befriend staravia
  54. talk to piloswine
  55. talk to teddiursa
  56. befriend teddiursa
  57. talk to glalie
  58. bring iceblock (x3)
  59. befriend ursaring
  60. battle prinplup
  61. hit switch
  62. ride chair lift
  63. battle froslass
  64. befriend quagsire
  65. befriend octillery
  66. ride chair lift
  67. befriend glalie
  68. befriend primeape
  69. free mamoswine
  70. talk to empoleon
  71. play his game
  72. take drifblim to meeting place
  73. talk to ponyta to upgrade dash 2 levels (need 1350 berries, had 1565)
  74. talk to cranidos
  75. talk to mr. mime
  76. talk to mawile
  77. talk to aron
  78. take iron ore to aron
  79. chase mawile
  80. talk to dugtrio
  81. befriend cranidos
  82. befriend magnamite
  83. befriend meowth if good position
  84. battle marowak
  85. open crate with diglett
  86. take big berry to snorlax
  87. befriend raichu
  88. befriend torchic
  89. activate cavern zone drif (make friends before Bastiodon's game)
  90. take rail to mr. mime
  91. battle gible
  92. befriend diglett
  93. play Bastiodon's attraction (need 50 friends, have 50)
  94. befriend dugtrio
  95. enter lava zone
  96. talk to hitmontop
  97. battle camerupt
  98. battle hitmontop
  99. hit switch for drill (hope for no gold nugget)
  100. carry iron ore
  101. make straight piece
  102. look at switch
  103. carry iron bar to switch
  104. activate switch
  105. befriend golem
  106. drill for iron ore (hope for no gold nugget)
  107. carry iron ore
  108. make round piece
  109. play Rhyperior's game
  110. battle charmander
  111. Meditite Quiz
  112. battle far fetch'd
  113. talk to Magcargo
  114. play Blaziken's game
  115. take drifblim make to meeting place
  116. befriend mime jr and burmy
  117. learn double dash
  118. talk to duskull
  119. play tangrowth's game
  120. enter haunted house
  121. follow duskull
  122. talk to ghastly
  123. find ghastly
  124. talk to gengar
  125. play Dusknoir's game
  126. talk to Duskull
  127. enter the Hall
  128. talk to misdreavus
  129. find ghaslty
  130. befriend abra
  131. talk to spinarak
  132. take thread to misdreavus
  133. talk to duskull in library
  134. talk to sableye
  135. take book to shelf
  136. play rotom's attraction (need 65 friends, have 65)
  137. befriend spinarak
  138. leave mansion
  139. befriend drifloon
  140. befriend metapod
  141. befriend kakuna
  142. run back to meeting place
  143. get dash level 3 (need 1500)
  144. talk to Skorupi to open granite zone
  145. talk to charrazard
  146. play Absol's game
  147. talk to hoppip
  148. hit switch
  149. hit switch after bridge
  150. talk to flygon
  151. battle Blastoise
  152. activate secret door switch
  153. talk to porygon
  154. befriend skorupi
  155. talk to bronzor
  156. battle electrivire
  157. ride rope cart
  158. obstacle togekiss
  159. drif to cavern zone
  160. talk to mawile
  161. talk to snorlax
  162. drif to granite zone
  163. talk to flygon
  164. play salamence's attraction (need 80 friends, have 80)
  165. talk to bellossom
  166. talk to Shaymin
  167. take drif to meeting zone
  168. get mirror
  169. place mirror on pedastool
  170. play Rayquaza game
  171. talk to Shaymin
  172. talk to bellossom
  173. water flowers
  174. talk to mew (piplup)
  175. talk to piplup
  176. talk to mew (piplup)
  177. talk to mew
  178. obstacle hop
  179. battle 3 pokemon
  180. chase mew
  181. talk to mew
  182. END
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