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The Night before Shitmas.

a guest
May 28th, 2016
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  1. 'Twas the night before Christmas
  2. Silence rung through the thread.
  3. Not a Word was discussed, as the posters were dead.
  4. The nooses were hung by the ceiling fan with care.
  5. In hopes that Lawsman would soon be there.
  6. The faggots nestled all snug in their friends (Bodies)
  7. While the torments of Cameras had danced in their heads
  8. And Jacky in his metal wig, and I in my leather cap.
  9. Had just settled in to hibernate for fucking ever.
  10. When out in official, there rose such a shriek
  11. That the fruitman Awoke, from the dragoness Cheek(s)
  12. He sprang from his hell hole to see what was up
  13. And away to the others he went to check on their luck.
  14. "Ey Jack you big faggot, Ey Krono ey Glimmer!"
  15. "Get your fat asses out here, Or I'll cut out your livers!"
  16. They all awoke from the Fruity one's chatter
  17. Mostly because they didn't want to become flatter.
  18. and then in a Twinkling, he heard on the roof
  19. The chatter and Panic of Dungeon Aloof,
  20. as they turned round their heads, to the Hole in the Wall,
  21. Down came the Lawsman, Godly n all.
  22. The others came down as Lawsman's smile literally lit up the room.
  23. Then his voice called out The Dungeoneer's names with an almighty boom.
  24. Glimglam pouted as angry as she can be
  25. "Will bat pones be canon"
  26. "That I want to become"
  27. "Shut the fuck up. You can't rhyme for shit."
  28. "What the hell are you talking about? We don't need to rhyme." Jack said as Law throws a fit (about rhyming.)
  29. Glim continues to pout with the trout
  30. "I agree with Jack,I don't want to be zebra"
  31. "Now I must go,to dream about JoJo"
  33. "Ok Law, what's going on?" Andrew says as she runs into the room, hoofsteps sounding like applause.
  34. Glim turns to the pony,who has a phony heritage
  35. "Law is being dick,so I will rest in the breakroom"
  36. The socialist then yells out,to no one in particular
  38. Then with a twitch, Lawsman begins to spaz out.
  39. "OH FUCK IS LAW HAVING A SEIZURE?" Someone shouts.
  40. "No-Ho-Ho" Lawsman says, "I'm going into my final form."
  41. With a sudden flash of light, Lawsman turns into santa claus, "What the fuck?!" Suitcase shouts, "That flash interrupted my porn!"
  42. Glim continues on back to where she once was
  43. Only to find Ember making a Dragonmas list.
  44. But, as usual, Morky comes along with his bombs
  45. He destroys the dragons hopes, with a little grope
  46. Lawsie Claus is somehow immune to explosions, and quickly grabs Ember's list.
  47. He smiles and grins as he magics up a box from his hips.
  48. Lawsie Claus gives Ember the box for her to open.
  49. She opens it with great glee, just to find inside a pile of shit. (Nothing rhymes with open. Oh.)
  50. She frowns and wants him to drown
  51. Morky lets out a laugh as Fruit falls down a shaft
  52. Lawsie Claus give Morky a box, with a fox on the wrapper
  53. Morky opens it quick, with out a little nick
  54. Inside he finds...
  55. A dick.
  56. Morky suddenly feels a great pain in his lower regions, he looks and sees that he doesn't have a penis any more.
  57. Lawsie Claus laughs and laughs, "That will hurt your dignity to the core."
  58. Morky laughs as he gives it a pass
  59. He never really had a dick, it had all been a trick
  60. He was actually a she
  61. With a trick in her sleeve, actually a dick
  62. Ember looks at Lawsie Claus,with sadness in her eyes
  63. "Why would you give me poo for Dragonmas?"
  64. Lawsie Clause seems to begin to think a bit,
  65. "You said you wanted a mirror!" Everyone begins to laugh, except for Ember, who was thoroughly pissed.
  66. The pissed of Ember retorts
  67. "At least I don't wear that shitty suit all the time"
  68. Glim had enough of Law's shit and yells out in front of his face
  69. "Hey quit being an asshole to the ones who don't deserve it"
  70. Lawsie Clause's face goes blank as he looks to Glim.
  71. With another flash of light, Lawsie Claus turns into... a cheese wheel
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