
conkyrc 1118

Nov 18th, 2011
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text 2.60 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ##############################################
  2. # Settings
  3. ##############################################
  4. max_specials 10000
  5. max_user_text 1500000
  6. background no
  7. use_xft yes
  8. #xftfont Sans:size=12
  9. #xftalpha 1
  10. font Mono:size=10
  11. total_run_times 0
  12. own_window yes
  13. own_window_argb_visual yes
  14. own_window_transparent yes
  15. own_window_type normal
  16. own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
  17. own_window_colour brown
  18. own_window_class Conky
  19. own_window_title Weather Temp
  20. double_buffer yes
  21. minimum_size 100
  22. maximum_width 630
  23. draw_shades no
  24. draw_outline no
  25. draw_borders no
  26. draw_graph_borders yes
  27. default_color white
  28. default_shade_color black
  29. default_outline_color white
  30. alignment top_right
  31. gap_x 20
  32. gap_y 20
  33. no_buffers yes
  34. uppercase no
  35. cpu_avg_samples 2
  36. override_utf8_locale yes
  37. default_color DCDCDC #Gainsboro
  38. color0 DAA520 #Goldenrod
  39. color1 778899 #LightSlateGrey
  40. color2 FF8C00 #Darkorange
  41. color3 7FFF00 #Chartreuse
  42. color4 FFA07A #LightSalmon
  43. color5 FFDEAD #NavajoWhite
  44. color6 48D1CC #MediumTurquoise
  45. color7 543948 #darkcherry
  46. color8 FFFF00 #Yellow
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  48. #color1 86acad #darker blue
  49. #color2 b1c9c9 #lighter blue
  50. text_buffer_size 100000
  51. top_name_width 10
  52. update_interval 0
  53. # and for US users who are Metrically challenged
  54. # blame BoredOOMM
  55. temperature_unit F
  57. lua_load ~/lua/forecast.lua
  58. lua_draw_hook_pre weatherdata
  59. #starts the lua weather data gathering function, call once at top of conkyrc
  60. # stuff after 'TEXT' will be formatted on screen
  61. TEXT
  63. #${color8}
  65. ${font Mono:size=10}Current Conditions
  67. ${goto 70}${voffset -16}${lua weather now.con}${lua weather now.cd2}
  68. ${goto 70}${font Mono:size=14}${lua weather now.tmp}°F${goto 120}${voffset -3}
  69. ${font}
  70. ${goto 70}${voffset -6}Feels Like: ${lua weather now.flk}°F
  71. ${lua_parse weather 4 50 50 50}
  72. ${font Mono:size=10}${lua weather} ${lua weather day1.dat}
  73. ${goto 70}${lua weather day1.con}${lua weather day1.cd2}
  74. ${goto 70}${font Mono:size=10}HI ${lua weather day1.hih}°F ${font}
  75. ${goto 70}${font Mono:size=10}LO ${lua weather day1.low}°F${font}
  76. ${lua_parse weather image.day1 5 155 50 50}
  77. ${font Mono:size=10}${lua weather} ${lua weather day2.dat}
  78. ${goto 70}${lua weather day2.con}${lua weather day2.cd2}
  79. ${goto 70}${font Mono:size=10}HI ${lua weather day2.hih}°F
  80. ${font}${goto 70}${font Mono:size=10}LO ${lua weather day2.low}°F${font}
  81. ${lua_parse weather image.day2 5 225 50 50}
  82. ${goto 20}${font Liberation Sans Regular L:size=8.25}${color4}Connected currently to ${wireless_essid wlan0}${color8}
  83. ${font Liberation Sans Regular L:size=38}${color3}${time %T}
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