

Jun 16th, 2016
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  1. Soon you will have grown
  2. and they will place a rifle in your hands
  3. take it and properly learn all military
  4. it is necessary for the proletarians
  6. But think carefully my son
  7. towards who shall you point your weapon?
  8. Dont shoot towards your brothers
  9. like an apathetic tool ordered by the bourgeois
  11. Because when they prepare for war they want to teach you
  12. to defend your motherland
  13. worker against worker
  14. they want to line up to slaugther eachother
  16. The bourgeois are saying it already
  17. and the traitors of socialism
  18. will advice you to do so
  19. But remember that the thing they want you to protect
  20. belongs to your class enemy
  22. One day we will end exploitation, misery, war and humiliation
  23. Then prayer to god wont be enough, it is then we will need your knowledge of weapons
  24. One day we will end exploitation, misery, war and humiliation
  25. Then prayer to god wont be enough, it is then we will need your knowledge of weapons
  27. Then you shall grab your rifle
  28. And know the right way out of oppression
  29. Shoot at the bourgeois and unarm them
  30. That is how we shall be victorious forever
  31. That is how we shall be victorious forever
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