Espionage724 Updates

Aug 15th, 2014
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  1. Updates:
  3. (Aug 11th) Filed a complaint with BBB; I don't really know if I should expect anything significant to be done, but it's better than doing nothing. I'll consider pursuing other options if ASRock doesn't respond.
  5. (Aug 11th) Asked Newegg if a refund or replacement would be possible. Considering I don't have the original motherboard though, I don't expect them to go out of their way, but at the very least it should inform them of ASRock's practice. Haven't heard anything back from them yet.
  7. (Aug 12th) Called up ASRock, a receptionist said the customer support was out and would be back within 15 minutes; she offered to take down my name, phone number, and RMA number. I did not receive a call back from them that day.
  9. (Aug 13th) Called up ASRock again and got a hold of the original CS rep. She still mentions I have to pay a difference, but the manager was gone for the day so I couldn't get an exact amount. I got transferred to the tech handling my RMA. I just made sure that he was aware of the situation, and he explained that the CPU "worked" with the board, but would throttle under load, but he also mentioned that there is a disclaimer that says ASRock could change specifications at any time. He offered to transfer me back to CS afterwards, but I declined considering the manger was still out, and we ended the call on pretty good terms.
  11. (Aug 14th) Called ASRock, spoke to the operator and told her I needed to get a price on the difference on the boards. After being put on-hold, she said the manager said it would be $50 (from 970 Extreme3 R1.0 to R2.0). Kind of steep in my opinion, but alright. I called back to decline the offer (would rather just sell the board and get a different manufacturer's board), and then CS tells me that they couldn't do the upgrade all of a sudden anyway... I, don't even know what to say about this anymore, other than I'm glad it's almost over (talk about time wasted). They'll ship me another replacement of my original motherboard (which was tested to work, or so CS says), and I (should) receive an email once it ships out. So I guess that'll ends this... experience.
  13. (Aug 13-14th) For a summary of what happened, basically the CS rep told me I had to pay a price difference to get the R2.0 board. The tech rep also told me I had to pay the difference. The operator I contacted the next day talked to the manager and told me I had to pay a $50 difference. I call back later that day, and the CS rep tells me they can't do a paid upgrade, and would ship me another 970 Extreme3. So essentially I accomplished nothing but wasted time.
  15. (Aug 15th) A Newegg Customer Service representative got back to me and asked for additional details in order to assist with getting the manufacturer's warranty and consent for releasing contact information. I provided the details and consent.
  17. (Aug 15th) ASRock shipped my motherboard out; should be here (according to FedEx) in about a week. They also sent a confirmation email (with a notably more-positive attitude).
  19. (Aug 19th) Got the motherboard, which is indeed another 970 Extreme3 as claimed.
  21. (Aug 24th) Contacted Newegg again after not hearing anything for so long.
  23. (Aug 27th) Got a reply from Newegg stating that ASRock responded to them and told them they shipped out the "replacement" to me. I responded my story yet again to clarify this is not what I wanted. The person claimed to have forwarded it over to the internal team, and to wait at least 5 business days for a response.
  25. (Sep 3rd) ASRock hasn't responded to the BBB, and the case was closed. The incident is noted on BBB's website though. On a slightly-related note, ASRock's BBB rating is a F not surprisingly.
  27. (Sep 5th) Newegg responded and offered to do a refund RMA of the full price I paid ($84.99). As generous as this was however, I had already sold the board off. But kudos to Newegg support nonetheless!
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