
The Trickster and the Harlequin- The Date

Apr 11th, 2012
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  3. You feel good about tonight. You are walking down the streets of Ponyville with Rainbow Dash, somepony you wish to have as your very special somepony. This was your first date with her. Harley is being babysat by Fluttershy while you take Rainbow out for a nice night. You are dressed in a very fine suit, with white gloves to cover your brand new silver arm. Dash in a very pretty sapphire dress.
  4. ‘So…you really want to take me out to a restaurant?’ Rainbow asks, still embarrassed.
  5. ‘Of course Rainbow. I want to treat you like a special somepony, MY special somepony.’ You reply with a smile.
  6. ‘Thanks Lokie. I was always seen as a tomboy type at flight school. I guess it’s nice to be treated like a mare for once.’
  7. ‘Oh… Cos I kinda fell for your tomboyish charm. I’m sorry we mustn’t continue.’ You say with a smile.
  8. She punches you in the kidney. ‘See, THAT’S the Rainbow Dash I want to see. Beautiful enough to wear a dress, tough enough to hit me when I need it.’
  9. ‘Thanks Lokie.’
  10. ‘No. Thank you Rainbow. You stuck with me for all this time, even after everytime I called you my friend, and going on about how I would never date a pony. I’m glad I'm with you.’
  11. ‘Well, If you didn’t accept me I was planning to rape you anyway.’
  12. ‘God damn rapist ponies. I thought I got rid of you.’
  13. You both share a good laugh at this. Suddenly, there was a voice behind the two of you.
  14. ‘Oh look at this? It’s a fucking monkey who has the right to buck our ponies and adopt against the species before us!’
  16. You turn to see a Mint green pony, with green and white hair, standing behind a very pissed off cream pony with pink and blue hair. You knew them immediately, but never spoke to them at all.
  17. ‘I’m sorry, Miss Bon Bon is it? What did you say?’ you ask.
  18. ‘You heard me you fucking monkey!’ she screamed at you, stomping forwards ‘You land in this town and ponies fawn over you. You are then allowed to adopt a little pony for no reason but because you can.’
  19. ‘Bon Bon, please?’ Lyra said, looking scared of you.
  20. ‘No! You probably don’t even love that pony like we would. But noooo! Ponies like us can never adopt.’ She is now in your face, poking your chest. ‘We want you and your freak of a somepony gone from Ponyville.’
  21. Rainbow Dash looks pissed off now, but you give her a look and shake your head. You start to unbutton your jacket, and take it off. Passing it to Rainbow, you start with the shirt.
  22. ‘Oh! The monkey wants to fight me! Bring it on monkey!’
  23. You undo your shirt and remove it. you then kneel down to her eye level, and look at her.
  24. ‘Miss Bon Bon, may I say something before I am run out of town?’
  25. ‘What? You gunna rape me too?’
  26. You unstrap your left arm, and show it to her. ‘I lost my left arm a month ago. I cut it off with my own knife in the darkness of a jail cell across from my daughter. I did this so I could save my daughter from being killed by Diamond Dogs.’ You pass the arm to Lyra. ‘Have a look. I designed it myself.’
  28. You then turn around and show Bon Bon your back, mutilated with burn scars. ‘These scars came from me taking a DIRECT hit from a dragon who wanted to kill my daughter. At that time, she wasn’t my daughter. In fact she saw me like you do now, a monster, and wanted me dead. I saved her life because I am in fact not a monster.’
  29. You re-attach your arm, much to the disappointment of Lyra, and started to redress. ‘I assume that Miss Lyra is your special somepony?’
  30. ‘What’s it to you?’ she asks.
  31. ‘Miss Bon Bon, I feel for you. I can understand that you receive a lot of hate from ponies, but I’m not one to discriminate.’
  32. ‘What do you know about me, huh?’ she asks, less vicious
  33. ‘You protected Lyra during school. When she finally asked you out, you were so happy. Her magic finally worked then too. I know you won’t accept my help, but I ask that you don’t give up. ‘
  34. You notice Bon Bon’s eyes filling with tears. ‘Why…How can you be so willing to help us when I just yelled at you?’
  35. ‘Having Harley Quin around has made me feel happier than ever, and I know when you have a child of your own, you will understand. I am sorry if I anger you, or cause you discomfort, but I was taken from a world that I had loved ones. I didn’t have anypony who loved me, and it took me time just to accept I love Rainbow. If there is anything you need from me, don’t hesitate to ask.’ Lyra opened her mouth ‘No, I cannot make you a hand like mine.’
  37. As you walk away from Lyra and Bon Bon, both now more interested in each other than you, Rainbow finally speaks up.
  38. ‘What was all that? The Lokie I knew would have threatened them for all of that.’
  39. ‘Dash, I don’t need to make enemies for us in this town. I really feel for them, and I’m going to talk to the Mayor tomorrow.’
  40. ‘You are the sweetest human I know.’ She says, nuzzling you.
  41. ‘I’m the only human you know.’
  42. ‘Well, there was this one guy before you…’ You have another good laugh. ‘Are you really willing to help everypony who comes up and yells at you?’
  43. ‘If it gets along the point that I am not a monster, then yes I will help everypony. Plus if everypony owes me a favour, I could probably swing a marriage for us.’
  44. She looks at you with shocked eyes, but you don’t look back. You just smile to yourself, and keep walking.
  46. You enjoy a wonderful meal at Chez la Hoof, a new place that opened up near Sweet Apple Acres. You receive a lot of looks from ponies, some in disappointment that both Rainbow and yourself are now taken, but all in all fairly well. You have to refrain from picking up the wine glass with your left hand; the first one exploded in your grasp. You couldn’t help but stare into Rainbow’s eyes as she regaled you of the stories of flight school, and you tell her stories of the Anonymous club, the writers club you attended back home.
  47. ‘So you seriously wore a mask at all times?’ she ask
  48. ‘Yeah, Back then I wore this gas mask, which made it harder to speak, so I installed a microphone attached to a speaker on my shirt. But the speaker then made my voice sound like I was evil. Hence Lokie, the god of tricks.’
  49. ‘Who chose the name? You or another group member?’
  50. You suddenly blush and look down. ‘Neither…’
  51. ‘Who then?’
  52. ‘It…It was originally my sister, Claire. She couldn’t say Lauchlan properly; always saying “Lokie-lan”.’ You feel your eyes start to water at the mention of her name.
  53. ‘Lokie…are you okay?’
  54. ‘We’re no longer bros, right?’
  55. ‘Yeah…’
  56. ‘Good.’ And with that you break down crying, falling to the ground. Manly tears or not, you miss your mother bucking sister more than sex.
  58. You feel a hand…hoof fall over your shoulders. You look up through tear filled eyes, Rainbow Dash holding you close to her.
  59. ‘I’m sorry Dash. You can hit me if you want…’
  60. ‘No. There are times to cry, and this is that time.’
  61. You continue to cry for your sister, wondering whether she is okay or not. Did she become a Nobel Prize winner? Is she successful? Do you need to kick someone’s ass for breaking her heart? You probably will never know. Eventually your tears stop.
  62. ‘Feeling better?’ Dash asks. You can only muster a nod. ‘Need to get drunk to replenish those tears?’
  63. ‘No.’ Dash is shocked at this. ‘I have to be a proper father, so no coming home drunk.’
  64. ‘Well, what do we have here guys? It’s Rainbow CRASH and a slobbering monkey!’
  65. You look up to see 3 pegasus colts, all laughing at you.
  67. They stood just below your height on all fours. A white one with blonde hair, a grey one with black hair to his left, and a big brown one with brown hair to his right.
  68. ‘Oh crap, not these guys…’ Rainbow says ‘Look, you mind just leaving us alone.’
  69. ‘What’s that Rainbow Crash? You want us to stop picking on your pet monkey?’ Calls the white one.
  70. You stand up again, and take off your jacket.
  71. ‘No, Lokie. Don’t do this?’ Rainbow says. ‘You’re not a monster, remember?’
  72. ‘Yeah monkey, listen to your owner.’ Says grey one.
  73. You don’t speak, you just walk up to them.
  74. ‘Oh look,’ The light brown one says ‘he wants to fight us guys, the mon—‘
  75. You don’t let him finish his sentence. You clock him with a left uppercut that flips him into the air and landing him 12 ft away. The other 2 look on in horror.
  76. Suddenly, a small green pony runs from the bar.
  77. ‘Hey, you guys didn’t pay for your drinks… Oh god.’ She said.
  79. ‘Appletini, how much do they owe?’ you say
  80. ‘Umm….. 30 bits.’ She says, still afraid. Unlike her cousins, Applejack and such, Appletini was never good at harvesting. Luckily she was a bar mixing master.
  81. By this time the brown colt had return, his face all sorts of bucked-up.
  82. ‘Don’t just stand there, GET THE MONKEY!!!’ screamed the white one.
  83. The pegasi were good, tough and fast. But you had dealt with Dash, so you knew what they could do.
  84. You clock the grey one with a right hook, followed by a left superman- jump punch, knocking him out cold. The brown one wanted revenge, but your hand had a mind of it’s own. It latched on to his tail, and you threw him into the ground.
  85. Now for the white one, who was gone? You flip up the computer screen
  86. >2 Pne
  87. >2 Ps
  88. >1-6 ft.
  89. ‘Dash, how far do you think?’
  90. ‘I don’t know. 30 yards?’
  91. ‘Lets try.’
  92. You close your eyes and listen. Not moving, just listening. Not even breathing, just listenng.
  94. At the last second, you grasp your hands together, and step to the right, just as the white Pegasus dived straight for the ground. It was over in a flash. You spin to your left, and use your hands as a baseball bat, knocking the Pegasus 25 yards away.
  95. ‘Damn, usually I get better air.’ You say, dusting yourself off. You walk over to Appletini. ‘So, they owe you 30 bits.’
  96. ‘Yeah….’ Still shocked from what just happened.
  97. ‘Did you see what happened here?’ you ask, giving her the money.
  98. ‘Yeah, they flew out here drunk and fought each other before passing out.’
  99. ‘That’s my girl. Have a drink on me.’ You say passing her a few more coins.
  100. As you walk home, Dash is still in shock. ‘How did you do that?’
  101. ‘You don’t like being called a horse, I don’t like being called a monkey. Also, no one interrupts my manly tears.’
  103. You pick up Harley from Fluttershy’s, and thank her for looking after her. She tells you she was playing with the chickens until she passed out. You give her a hug and walk home with Harley sleeping on your head, and Rainbow Dash sleeping in your arms.
  104. When you get home, you put them both to bed, and sit down on your balcony staring into the stars.
  105. ‘Good evening Princess Luna.’ You say, taking a sip of scotch.
  106. ‘Lokie, we did not know you we able to see behind thy head.’ She says from your house roof. You get up, and kneel before her. ‘Rise. We came as Luna, not Princess.’
  107. ‘To answer your question,’ you say standing up ‘No, humans have many good senses, but sight behind us is not one. But we use our other skills like hearing, smell and touch to make it seem like we do.’
  108. ‘Do you mean We smell?’ she gives you a shocked look. You chuckle a bit.
  109. ‘No. My new arm has a sensor for ponies. Relies on the fact all creatures have small amounts of magic in them, and calculates on that fact. It vibrates when something more powerful than a unicorn turns up.’
  110. ‘Ah… very clever.’
  111. ‘What may a humble human do for you tonight?’
  112. ‘We…I saw you tonight with Miss Dash.’
  113. ‘Oh, you are here to lock me up for fighting?’
  114. ‘What fight? They came out drunk and fought each other, yes?’
  115. ‘Yes’ you say, seeing Luna’s sly smile.
  117. She floats down to your balcony now. ‘No, I saw how much you care for your dear sister.’ She levitates the picture from your room, and places it in front of her. ‘I can understand missing your sister Lokie.’
  118. ‘Yes, but I haven’t been missing mine for 1000 years. It’s been just over a year.’
  119. ‘Yes, but I can see how much she means to you. I could not bear to lose Celestia for any amount of time.’
  120. ‘I see. May I ask why you came to talk about it?’
  121. ‘If you had the chance to see her, would you?’
  122. You think for a second ‘Yes. Even if I had 5 minutes, I would say goodbye and tell her how much I love her.’ Tears return to your eyes.
  123. ‘Thank you Lokie. Do me one favour?’ you nod ‘Don’t lose that thing you call “humanity”. It makes other realise you are not what you seem.’
  124. She disappeared in a flash of light, and you decide to call it a night. You slip in to bed, holding on to Rainbow Dash and Harley in your arms, and holding on to the memory of Claire in your mind.
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