
Anon Vs. Adoption 3

Jul 15th, 2016
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  1. >Be Anonymous
  2. >Be thinking
  3. >What the hell were you supposed to do about this?
  4. >Gotta keep cool calm and collected about this
  5. “Let me out ya bastards!”
  6. >You bang against the barrier with your hooves with all your might
  7. >To no avail, the barrier just glows a bit when you touch it
  8. >After you calm down a bit you notice Quick is still there watching you
  9. “ I'm going to find a way out somehow I swear”
  10. >”You could just get adopted! I'm sure you could get a really nice mommy and daddy real quick if don't get any not-so-good stickers!”
  11. “I just want to leave”
  12. >You walk inside, Quick Serve staying by your side for some reason as you walk aimlessly around the 1st floor
  13. >The hallways were in strict contrast to their occupants, plain in color and with only wooden molding and the occasional door showing any sort of contrast. Whereas the fillies walking to and fro down them are in every almost any color imaginable
  14. >But even with all the little fillies wandering the halls, it was almost silent. Only the shuffling and clopping of so many hooves could be heard
  15. >You whisper to Quick
  16. “Why is it so quiet?”
  17. >Quick Serve looked as if she was about to respond, but quickly put her front hooves to her mouth then pointed to her 'no indoor voice' sticker
  18. >So no taking in the hallways you guess, okay then at least it won't be too loud all the time
  19. >Kinda controlling though
  20. >After a bit more aimless wandering another bell rings
  21. >Quick Serve jumps in surprise and then pushes you in another direction
  22. >You let her, not like you really had a destination in mind anyway
  23. >She leads you what you assume is the playground, which is mostly just a field in between the tall buildings with a few various ball courts and sports equipment scattered about
  24. >There are fillies everywhere playing games like tag and an improvised game of kickball There were also a some couples walking around and occasionally talking to one of the fillies, probably looking to adopt
  25. >Best to avoid them
  26. >”We can talk now!”
  27. >Oh right, Quick Serve was still right next to you
  28. “Aren't we supposed to be in class or something?”
  29. >”Pffff of course not! You're in the morning class just like me!”
  30. >Oh right, you were a kindergartner, again
  31. >At least school doesn't take up too much time
  32. >For now
  33. >No! You couldn't get complacent and just roll with this
  34. >You were going to get out of here, and soon
  35. >Somehow
  36. You walk towards one of the edges of the playground to sit down and plan a course of action
  37. >Quick Serve goes to follow
  38. “You can stop following me now, go play tennis or something”
  39. >”But you'll be all by yourself! And I don't want to leave my new friend all by herself!”
  40. “We're not friends”
  41. >Quick looks hurt by that
  42. >“But.. why not?”
  43. “Because friends are just people you force yourself to talk to out of some weird social obligation, it's meaningless”
  44. >”What's a people?”
  45. >You facehoof, gently this time as to not punch yourself again
  46. “... just go away”
  47. >”Oh, okay”
  48. >Tail between her legs she walks away towards an empty tennis court
  49. >Quick Serve then proceeds to play tennis by herself
  50. >It's just her serving the ball to the ball to no-one, walking to the other side of the net to pick up the only ball she could find and serving it back across the net
  51. >Occasionally she would punch herself in the face
  52. >That filly is not firing on all cylinders is she?
  53. >It's kinda sad to watch but you had better stuff to do than play a round of tennis out of pity
  54. >First things first, you need information
  55. >This place probably had a library, you could hopefully learn something about the barrier
  56. >And these weird stickers
  57. >While you were at it you should probably see if the kind of pony you are has some sort of ability
  58. >The ones with horns did magic stuff and the winged ones could fly
  59. >Surely the ones with neither wings or horns could do SOMETHING useful
  60. >You also needed to-
  61. >”Hi there little one, what are you doing by yourself?”
  62. >Your thoughts are interrupted as one of the couples walking around has come up to you
  63. >A yellow mare with a light yellow mane and an orange and cream colored stallion are right in front of you, the mare having been the one to speak up
  64. >How to get them to leave you alone?
  65. “Fuck off”
  66. >That usually works
  67. >The couple regards you, confused
  68. >The stallion addressed you this time, talking slowly
  69. >”Do you speak equestrian ?”
  70. >Oh no, they're retarded
  71. “No, but she does”
  72. >You point at Quick Serve, who's still playing tennis by herself
  73. >”Oh, okay thanks. Fuck off to you too!”
  74. >Apparently the fuck word isn't in the equestrian dictionary
  75. >Either that or that or that guy is really REALLY stupid
  76. >It could go either way, but the mare seemed confused by the word too and follows after the stallion
  77. >Are ponies usually that slow or are you just lucky?
  78. >Either way you're alone again
  79. >Now where were you?
  80. >Oh yeah, after you look up stuff you're going to try to contact the police or something
  81. >There was no way this place was up to fire code
  82. >How could fillies even escape this place if it ever went up? You could hardly take two steps outside before hitting the barrier and the playground are was entirely surrounded by buildings with no way out except through the orphanage
  83. >The weren't even building maps with fire escape plans on the walls, this place was a death trap in the making
  84. >Talking to the idiot that runs this place about fire safety is now a priority this was ridiculous
  85. >Even you wouldn't want to see an orphanage go up in flames like that, even if you were trapped in here
  86. >Especially because you were trapped here, you weren't desperate enough to pick up the 'if the only escape is death I'm taking you all with me' mentality
  87. >You weren't that crazy or desperate to escape
  88. >Not yet anyway
  89. >You go up to one of the fillies not playing anything
  90. “Where is Strict Rules office?”
  91. >”Uh, it's in the main hall by the big staircase on the 1st floor. You can't miss it, but why would you wanna go there?”
  92. “Fire safety instruction”
  93. >”Fire safety?”
  94. >You walk back into the orphanage towards the main stairs
  95. >Knowing this place, the only staircase
  96. >Fucking filly deathtrap
  97. >Not even any goddamn water sprinklers
  98. >You really couldn't miss it, it had a fancy wooden door with 'Mistress' written on it with big black letters
  99. >Mistress? Really? Whatever
  100. >Without knocking you enter her office
  101. >Actually it's her secretaries office, but she doesn't seem to be in so there's nobody to stop you from walking past the secretary desk and entering Strict's actual office
  102. >Again you enter without knocking
  103. >It feels like a particularly dull principals office, you can easily see yourself being scolded in here
  104. >Strict is looking through a filing cabinet and is facing away from the door, apparently she hasn't heard you either
  105. >Good, it would let you initiate the conversation
  106. “I'd like to lodge a formal complaint”
  107. >Strict Rules jumps a little in surprise and bumps her horn or something against the filing cabinet
  108. >”Celestia buck me with the sun send me to Tartarus and have me raped by hellspawn that bucking hurts!”
  109. >6/10 pretty decent for improv swearing
  110. >Strict Rules turns around to address you
  111. “Knock before you enter you-!”
  112. >She notices she is talking to a filly
  113. >”-um what are you doing here little missy? How did you get in here?”
  114. “Your secretary isn't here and I just let myself in”
  115. >”Figures, she probably went to the bathroom AGAIN. Don't you know you aren't supposed to be in here?”
  116. “No, nobody actually told me any of the rules around here. Or even a schedule”
  117. >”How could you not.... Oh, you're Anonymous aren't you? Just came here last night?”
  118. “Yup, that'd be me”
  119. >”Well I don't know your schedule, but I do have a rule-book you can have”
  120. >You obtain 'The Rule Book'
  121. >'Rules and regulations of S.R.H.W.F' Written by Strict Rules circa year 1006 of the Celestian calendar
  122. >Heavy enough to be used as a blunt weapon in a pinch
  123. >You put it on one of the chairs in front of her desk and sit in the only other empty chair in her office
  124. “Thanks I guess, but I actually came here to lodge a complaint”
  125. >Strict Gives you a slightly bewildered look
  126. >”And that complaint is?”
  127. “This place is a deathtrap and I want to leave”
  128. >Strict looks at you with surprise, then anger
  129. >”This place is no deathtrap! If anything it's the safest place for a filly such as yourself to be!
  130. “How is this place safe? We can't even run if a fire breaks out!”
  131. >”But a fire CAN'T break out here!”
  132. “How can you possibly expect that?”
  133. >”Magic, a little filly like you couldn't possibly understand”
  134. >That was a really dumb reason, but you couldn't really argue the point
  135. “What if we need to escape for some other reason?”
  136. >”I can always just turn off the barrier myself”
  137. “How do you do that?”
  138. >”I'm not going to tell you, and you're not leaving either way. If you SOMEHOW you were to get out you'd just get caught and taken back here. You are under our care now until you get adopted or become of age”
  139. “But-”
  140. >”I've had enough of this conversation, go to Summer's office and get your schedule, don't let yourself into my office again or you will be punished, understood?”
  141. >What even were the punishments in magic horse land? No desert? Early bedtime? A lame sticker?
  142. “Yeah yeah I get it ”
  143. >”You will address me as 'Mistress'”
  144. “I'm not into role-playing”
  145. >”I... you can't possibly know what you just insinuated!”
  146. “I know what I just said lady”
  147. >”Watch your tongue, you will treat me with the respect I deserve!”
  148. “You trapped me in here, I AM treating you with the respect you deserve”
  149. >”I cannot tolerate this unladylike behavior, you will be sent to a solitary room without supper! With only the rule-book to keep you company! You best read it thoroughly or this is only the beginning”
  150. >Strict reaches for the intercom on her desk and talks into it
  151. >”Miss Summer to my office immediately”
  152. >She leans back in her chair and waits
  153. >After a bit you break the short silence
  154. “Wouldn't it make sense for you to be called 'headmaster' or something?”
  155. >”be quiet or so help me I will break out my paddle and give you the first physical punishment in 20 years!”
  156. “It would be a paddle wouldn't it? What next? Chains?”
  157. >”If you keep this up there will be”
  158. >Before you dig yourself in further Summer enters the room, looking a bit winded
  159. >”Sorry I took so long Mistress, I was on top floor”
  160. >”You will be sorry, what were you thinking not giving Anonymous here her schedule or her rule-book?”
  161. >Summer facehoofs
  162. >”I knew I was forgetting something, but with all of th-”
  163. >”I don't want to hear excuses, for now escort Anonymous to a solitary room, and make sure she gets her schedule first thing tomorrow morning. After you escort her you are to come straight back here understood?”
  164. >”Yes Mistress”
  165. >Strict rules looks over to you
  166. >”And you young filly, take that rule-book with you and memorize it! Take her away Summer”
  167. >Summer quickly nudges you out of the headmistresses room after making sure you have the book. First through the secretaries office and then to the hallway
  168. >Summer gives you a worried look as you walk
  169. >”What did you do Anon?”
  170. “Had a conversation. You never told me I couldn't leave Summer”
  171. >”Why would you want to leave? This is your home now”
  172. “This isn't home, and I don't want to be here”
  173. >”Where would you go? You're far too young to be by yourself”
  174. “I'd be fine, I assure you”
  175. >The rest of the walk is silent until you eventually reach the solitary room
  176. >It was labeled in big red letters 'Solitary' and had a slot on the door
  177. >”This is the solitary room where naughty fillies spend their time, we don't use them very much. I'll bring you up dinner later”
  178. >Strict never told Summer about the no-dinner thing and you weren't going to correct her
  179. >Summer unlocks the door and motions for you to get in
  180. >It's a small gray room with a bed, a barred window and a door that leads to a very small bathroom, even by filly standards
  181. >The bed was decently comfortable
  182. >While you looked around Summer shut and locked to door behind you
  183. >She spoke through the slot in the door
  184. >”See you in 3 hours”
  185. “Whatever”
  186. >With nothing better to do, you look through the rule-book
  187. >Mostly to look for loopholes
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