

May 7th, 2016
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  1. "Why did I write? Because I found life unsatisfactory."
  3. Code Name: Author
  4. Real Name: Michael S. Meyers
  5. Birthplace: San Francisco
  6. Birthday: June 18, 1991
  7. Height: 6"4'
  8. Hair Color: White
  9. Eye Color: Yellow
  10. Blood Type: AB-
  12. Origins
  13. Michael's life started on a little rough note. His father left him when he was 3 - due to issues that until this day he never know. Living only with his workaholic mother that works as an editor for a publishing company, Michael grew as a cold and distant person, even to people closest to him.
  15. When he grew up, he started to realized that he had a strange special ability inside of him. He had a minor control over reality - through words he had written and spoke. This first occured as he recited a short story when he was 10 - accidentally making the event happen in the real world. Much to his [and most of the people who were there]'s relief, it was relatively harmless.
  17. At the very beginning, his power was uncontrollable - even reading out loud a phrase or a sentence will instantly affect his surroundings. He had to be very careful at school - speaking in bare minimum in fear of making his power going awry. In return, this made him the pinnacle of 'Loner and Emo' archetype - as Michael never bothered to interact with people save for his only close friend and his family. He also started to brought a notebook and a pen with him everywhere - to chronicle every single passing thought he had that he felt is worthy enough to be saved.
  20. Gained full control of his power, the first thing Author did was to erase every memory of himself inside the minds of his own family and friends - as well as everyone who knew him in the past. He then created a blank template of a person where he should be - which can be interpreted in any way the affected person wants to. For his family, it's their father and husband - the missing piece. For his friends, however - it's completely randomized based upon how he influenced them.
  22. The next thing he did was to alter his appearance - from the meek black-haired, brown-eyed boy to the Author we all know today. He also altered many of his physical attributes - granting him a peak human endurance and strength, while at the same time reducing his body's needs for food and water.
  24. For the next year, he would travel all across the globe, to the most popular cities to the most secluded villages - and interacts with the people there.
  26. Power
  27. Reality Artistry [ ] manifested through Narration [ ]
  29. True to his namesake, Author is capable of influencing reality through Literary Arts. From his written words that he spoke, reality will bend to fulfill his wish - from the simplest of actions to controlling Causality itself ''to an extent''. Author can also read characters out from the fictional world - with some additional conditions. And different from his counterpart, Animator - Author does not have a set limit on his power.
  31. Unlike Animator, Author's power is practically limitless. This makes Author even more stronger than Animator - his E-1 counterpart - partly due to his more diverse ways to control the universe. He could control the laws of the universe by simply stating what he wants to change - and Reality will alter itself to accommodate Author's needs.
  33. Weakness
  34. First and foremost, Author can only bend reality through what he ''wrote''. Think of every book in this world as a separate world from each other - and Author is only capable of controlling one : His notebook's world. Therefore, logically speaking, Author cannot read other people's works to happen in real life - except if he ''copied'' it to his notebook - therefore copying said work to his world.
  36. Second off, Author has no control over what has happened in the past - however small it is. He cannot undo someone else's murder, for example, but he can temporarily 'revive' the person back. This is due to the Butterfly Effect - the concept that a small cause can produce major effects later in time. Author has to be extra careful to not set a chain reaction that could probably end the world.
  38. Author cannot effect the future - that is, anything that is more than 24 hours away from the time he is currently now. Different from Animator whose power only works for a short amount of time, Author's power are permanent - and he has to undo whatever creature or object he summoned back into his book - usually with a phrase he wrote at the end of his book.
  41. Although Author in ''THEORY'' is capable of rewriting the entire UNIVERSE to his liking - doing so would ultimately alter Author himself - and also risking the stability of the entire Multiverse as the result of the Ripple Effect. And even if Author can alter an universe without making a Ripple Effect - Author himself will lose his power.
  43. Even if you don't want to mess around with these boundaries, there's always several physical objects that you can always attack - his Voice, his Eyes, and his Notebook. Removing one of this element, even for a short amount of time would give you the upper hand.
  45. Appearance
  46. After permanently altering his appearance, Author is a 6"4' tall man with white hair and yellow irises - with the hair growing overhis shoulders. He usually wears a white shirt and gray/red trousers, sometimes accompanied by a white coat - just like Animator with his labcoat. Unlike Animator though, Author doesn't even try to hide his identity.
  48. Equipment
  49. Much like Animator, Author also carries a book and a writing utility with him at all times - A red notebook and a pen.
  51. Personality
  52. In public, for the most part Author is a cold and arrogant person - not afraid to say anything that comes out from his mind, even if it's not
  54. Author is a cold and abrasive person - not caring about other's opinions of him and prefers to speak whatever that comes up to his mind, even if it's not a good one. He sees himself as higher than most people he ever met - mainly because of his power and experience from travelling the Multiverse. He has a soft spot for people he genuinely cares about, and will try his best to please them.
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