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Dec 11th, 2012
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  2. 15[13:19] <david-me> I'm not sure what to think of this amiugly thread
  3. 15[13:19] <david-me> certainly I find her unattractive
  4. 15[13:19] <david-me> but ugly?
  5. 15[13:19] <david-me> no
  6. [13:20] <tisiwhoshotjr> best way to make your face a non human shape, BLEACH YOUR BANGS
  7. 15[13:20] <david-me> yea
  8. 15[13:20] <david-me> that is bad
  9. 03[13:20] * MillenniumFalc0n (~Millenniu@user/MillenniumFalc0n) has joined #subredditdrama
  10. 15[13:20] * [META] sets mode: +o MillenniumFalc0n
  11. 15[13:21] <david-me> the body hair and pierced nipples finish it
  12. 15[13:21] <david-me> I think she need someone to redo her makup style as well
  13. 15[13:22] <david-me> her naked pic was also taken in such an awful postion, it would make most women look bad
  14. [13:23] <PIMM> yeah she wasn't really that ugly
  15. [13:23] <PIMM> but still
  16. 04[13:23] <MacGravy> just popped in to read david-me last sentence
  17. [13:23] <MacGravy> wat
  18. [13:23] <PIMM> getting pissed that someone answered your question in a way you don't like is stupid as fuck
  19. [13:25] <runfromnowhere> Eh
  20. [13:25] <runfromnowhere> "Am I ugly?" is a hella loaded question
  21. [13:29] <Nerolette> Am I ugly on the inside?
  22. [13:29] <Nerolette> Survey says yes.
  23. [13:30] <tisiwhoshotjr> man
  24. [13:30] <tisiwhoshotjr> they nuked the fuck out of that thread
  25. 03[13:32] * joke-away ) has joined #subredditdrama
  26. [13:32] <joke-away> hey guys
  27. [13:33] <joke-away> a comment in my subreddit going from -15 to -300 after being linked by srd is not cool
  28. 03[13:33] * The_Pot_ (~) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  29. 03[13:34] * ThePot (~ThePot@user/ThePot) has joined #subredditdrama
  30. 15[13:35] * Retrieving #subredditdrama modes...
  31. 15[13:35] * Waiting 10 seconds for previous request
  32. [13:36] <greenduch> heh that tends to happen, joke-away
  33. 15[13:37] * tisiwhoshotjr watches
  34. [13:37] <joke-away> yeah
  35. [13:37] <joke-away> but now it happened to me so I care
  36. 15[13:37] <david-me> joke-away who says it was us ?
  37. 15[13:37] <david-me> :)
  38. [13:37] <+RaccoonBite> Any meta-sub linking is going to throw the hell out of the votes.
  39. 04[13:37] <joke-away> david-me are you serious
  40. 15[13:37] <david-me> joke-away lol of courese not
  41. 15[13:38] <david-me> I did not vote
  42. [13:38] <@stopscopiesme> joke-away: mode here. we hate it but we don't have the tools to fix it
  43. [13:38] <@stopscopiesme> *mod here
  44. 15[13:38] <david-me> I even posted a screenshot
  45. 15[13:38] <david-me>
  46. 15[13:38] <david-me> see
  47. 15[13:38] <david-me> no voting by me
  48. 15[13:38] <david-me> ever
  49. [13:38] <joke-away> cause, you know, here's the deal, my ability to have a subreddit where people who think they might be ugly feel comfortable posting
  50. 15[13:39] <david-me> joke-away I think you did fine
  51. [13:39] <joke-away> kind of depends on them having some assurance that they won't be told to kill themselves
  52. [13:39] <joke-away> and then have that upvoted by SRD
  53. [13:39] <joke-away> into the hundred
  54. [13:39] <@stopscopiesme> I'm sorry, really. but what are we supposed to do?
  55. 15[13:39] <david-me> I think you should reaprove them all in 24 hours though
  56. [13:39] <tisiwhoshotjr> damn, I need to go look at those screenshots brb
  57. [13:39] <joke-away> control your users or shut down the sub
  58. 15[13:39] <david-me> lol
  59. [13:39] <joke-away> i'm completely serious
  60. 15[13:39] <david-me> WTF>
  61. 15[13:39] <david-me> GFTO
  62. [13:40] <joke-away> set it to private every time they piss on the popcorn
  63. [13:40] <@stopscopiesme> how would we do the former, and yeah I know you're serious
  64. [13:40] <@stopscopiesme> that's impractical
  65. 03[13:40] * Neutrogena (~has joined #subredditdrama
  66. [13:40] <+RaccoonBite> If the voting is that much of an evil, ask the Admins to ban subs linking to other subs.
  67. 15[13:40] <david-me> we shut it down it goes somewhere else. problem not solved
  68. [13:40] <tisiwhoshotjr> ^^
  69. 07[13:40] * Neutrogena is now known as Guest59481
  70. [13:40] <@stopscopiesme> joke-away: here's what other subreddits do: nuke the thread when SRD links it. Like, delete every comment. Then SRD only has the screenshot
  71. [13:41] <@stopscopiesme> what do you think?
  72. 11[13:41] <joke-away> stopscopiesme, i have done that, it gives srd veto powers over my sub
  73. 03[13:41] * sotdan ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
  74. [13:42] <@stopscopiesme> veto powers?
  75. [13:42] <joke-away> your posters can remove anything from my sub they want by linking to it
  76. 15[13:42] <david-me> nice
  77. [13:42] <joke-away> also they get a rise out of it
  78. [13:42] <joke-away> so it's not really helping
  79. 15[13:42] <david-me> I'll do it more often
  80. [13:42] <@stopscopiesme> I'm not following. You would be the one removing things
  81. [13:42] <@stopscopiesme> not every link on SRD gets popular
  82. [13:43] <joke-away> ok, first of all, once my submitter receives a +100 comment telling her to kill herself, the damage is already done
  83. 15[13:43] <david-me> joke-away you are not arguing in good faith.
  84. [13:43] <joke-away> removing everything just gives your people hyuks
  85. 04[13:43] <@stopscopiesme> david-me: it doesn't matter
  86. [13:43] <tisiwhoshotjr> no it doesnt
  87. [13:43] <tisiwhoshotjr> SRD hates it when threads are removed
  88. 15[13:43] <david-me> i'll be quit
  89. [13:43] <tisiwhoshotjr> they dont like screen shots
  90. 15[13:44] <david-me> ^^^^
  91. [13:44] <@stopscopiesme> joke-away: I disagree. they don't link because they want shit removed. they link because they love reading drama
  92. [13:44] <@stopscopiesme> when you remove the drama, they hate it
  93. 15[13:44] <david-me> ^
  94. [13:44] <@stopscopiesme> in fact, I bet I'm going to get massive shit because of the suggestion I made to you
  95. [13:44] <PIMM> stopfeelingmeup is right, joke-away
  96. [13:44] <PIMM> removing comments suck
  97. [13:44] <aboynamedsu> nuking threads seemed to work for r/lgbt joke-away
  98. [13:44] <joke-away> and secondly, SRD should not have the ability to remove anything from my sub just by linking to it
  99. 15[13:45] <david-me> we like drama that is still living and breathing so we can watch it happen in real time
  100. [13:45] <joke-away> because then they're the only ones talking about it
  101. [13:45] <joke-away> my subscribers can no longer talk about it
  102. [13:45] <@stopscopiesme> joke-away: seriously, they don't link things just to piss you off
  103. [13:45] <@stopscopiesme> there's no conspiracy here
  104. [13:45] <+RaccoonBite> Joke: That's an argument you could make against all Meta subs.
  105. 03[13:45] * Jaraxo (~Jaraxo@user/Jaraxo) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
  106. [13:45] <joke-away> i've not said that
  107. [13:45] <joke-away> RaccoonBite, no it's not
  108. 15[13:45] <david-me> we like drama that is still living and breathing so we can watch it happen in real time
  109. [13:45] <joke-away> because other meta subs fucking behave themselves
  110. 15[13:45] <david-me> deal with it
  111. [13:45] <PIMM> joke-away the only people removing things from your sub are your mods
  112. [13:45] <keddren> Hahahahaha
  113. [13:46] <keddren> no they fucking don't
  114. [13:46] <+RaccoonBite> If SRS links something, it throws the vote. Same for Best Of. Default Gems. Meta Hub. Depth Hub. All of those change the votes.
  115. [13:46] <PIMM> we aren't going in there and deleting the comments
  116. [13:46] <keddren> and you're delusional if you think they do
  117. [13:46] <James> what did I just walk in on
  118. [13:46] <tisiwhoshotjr> popcorn james
  119. [13:46] <tisiwhoshotjr> lots of it
  120. [13:46] <@stopscopiesme> BestOf invades like crazy
  121. [13:46] <aboynamedsu> r/worstof beaves itself? HAHAHA
  122. [13:46] <+RaccoonBite> If you want it to only be your community and nobody else in there, you need to either make it private or get the Admins to ban all the Metas.
  123. [13:46] <aboynamedsu> behaves*
  124. [13:46] <PIMM> joke-away is being like "you're making me torture you. WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME TORTURE YOU"
  125. [13:46] <James> did someone say srd somehow has the power to remove content from other subs?
  126. 15[13:46] <david-me> joke-away get the rest of your mod teram in here
  127. [13:46] <PIMM> joke-away did
  128. 15[13:47] <david-me> joke-away get the rest of your mod team in here then we can talk
  129. [13:47] <James> how does that make sense
  130. [13:47] <PIMM> stop making me insult you, joke-away
  131. [13:47] <joke-away> PIMM: seriously? I'm saying that if I have to remove every thread SRD links to, SRD has the power to remove my threads, and they remove the ability of my subscribers to comment on it
  132. [13:47] <@stopscopiesme> joke-away: truly, I hate that a comment supporting suicide got upvoted. if you want to discuss this in a smaller room, query me
  133. [13:47] <James> can't you just look in the modlog and see who removed it?
  134. [13:47] <PIMM> joke-away, who is making you remove every thread srd is linking to?
  135. [13:47] <James> joke-away: who's saying you have to remove threads they link to?
  136. [13:48] <joke-away> PIMM: holy fucking shit try to fucking follow along
  137. [13:48] <PIMM> joke-away, i have to insult everyone who whines in here. WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME DO THIS? you have the power to not do this
  138. 15[13:48] <david-me> joke-away : much respect, but you are overstepping
  139. [13:48] <joke-away> I'm not going to fucking quote the scrollback to you
  140. [13:48] <greenduch> lol joke-away nice job on the nuking btw
  141. [13:48] <joke-away> scroll up and read
  142. [13:48] <greenduch> thats beautiful
  143. [13:48] <keddren> someone is upset
  144. 03[13:48] * Jaraxo (~Jaraxo@user/Jaraxo) has joined #subredditdrama
  145. [13:48] <greenduch> btw feel free to join #srdbroke, joke-away :D
  146. 15[13:48] <david-me> greenduch shhh :)
  147. 15[13:48] <david-me> lol
  148. [13:48] <joke-away> srdbroke is its own bullshit palace
  149. [13:48] <tisiwhoshotjr> ^^
  150. [13:48] <greenduch> mostly its just me saying "bitter" every 10 hours
  151. [13:48] <greenduch> yeah it totes is
  152. [13:48] <04Laurelai> joke-away: srdbroke is great
  153. [13:48] <James> oh, this is about amiugly drama?
  154. [13:48] <greenduch> intentionally a bullshit palace, though
  155. [13:49] <James> too much negativity equals bomb the thread?
  156. [13:49] <04Laurelai> its hilarious
  157. 15[13:49] <david-me> Laurelai STFU
  158. [13:49] <+RaccoonBite> David. Pull it back.
  159. 04[13:49] <@stopscopiesme> david-me: hey now
  160. [13:49] <PIMM> I HAVE THE POWER /heman
  161. 13[13:49] <keddren> christ, if Laurelai is endorsing it, you know it's a blackhole of terrible
  162. [13:49] <PIMM> what sub does joke-away mod
  163. [13:49] <04Laurelai>
  164. [13:49] <PIMM> i want to link every thread
  165. [13:49] <PIMM> so it all has to get removed
  166. [13:49] <James> PIMM: i'm guessing amiugly from the context
  167. [13:49] <PIMM> link ALL the threads
  168. 15[13:50] <david-me> ok stopscopiesme Laurelai: Shut up, no one cares
  169. 04[13:50] <04Laurelai> david-me:
  170. 15[13:50] <david-me> pthtttttp
  171. 15[13:50] <david-me> faaaaaaaaaaaaaaart
  172. [13:50] <@stopscopiesme> well, let's just try to maintian some semblence of civility. I think RaccoonBite is a piece of shit, but I don't say that to him
  173. [13:50] <@stopscopiesme> oh wait
  174. [13:50] <greenduch> oi
  175. 13[13:51] <+RaccoonBite> Guys, can we focus on ONE argument at a time? David, Laurelai, both of you avoid antagonizing each other if you'd be so kind while Scopies talkes to Joke?
  176. 15[13:51] <david-me> stopscopiesme do not lie. It is beneath you
  177. [13:51] <+RaccoonBite> Once Scopies is all done, it'll be your turn. I promise.
  178. [13:51] <@stopscopiesme> I have him in query
  179. [13:51] <aboynamedsu> joke-away: you should submit a long meta post to SRD detailing the brigading in your sub. Do it under the alt: jokes-than-three
  180. [13:51] <@stopscopiesme> he doesn't need 10 people jumping on him
  181. 11[13:51] <04Laurelai> since i actually have a degree od respect for stopscopiesme ill be nice
  182. [13:51] <04Laurelai> of*
  183. [13:51] <PIMM> everyone needs 10 people jumping on them
  184. 15[13:52] * @stopscopiesme jumps on PIMM
  185. [13:52] <@stopscopiesme> YOU SUCK!
  186. [13:52] <PIMM> <3
  187. 13[13:52] <+RaccoonBite> Thanks Laurelai.
  188. [13:52] <joke-away> Forget it
  189. 15[13:52] <david-me> Thanks Laurelai
  190. 04[13:52] <joke-away> david-me, PIMM, raccoonbite, you're fucking terrible
  191. [13:52] <greenduch> can someone delete the comment i just reported tia
  192. [13:53] <+RaccoonBite> What did I do?
  193. 15[13:53] <david-me> joke-away why?
  194. [13:53] <+RaccoonBite> I'm a right lovely person.
  195. [13:53] <+RaccoonBite> My dog likes me.
  196. [13:53] <tisiwhoshotjr> SRD IRC attempts discussion
  197. [13:53] <tisiwhoshotjr> fails miserably
  198. [13:53] <tisiwhoshotjr> much popcorn was had, the casualties shall be remembered
  199. [13:53] <joke-away> I'm in here because I had somebody tell one of my subscribers to fucking kill themselves, and your shitty subscribers upvoted it
  200. [13:53] <PIMM> it's much more fun to make fun of joke-away
  201. 15[13:53] <david-me> I did not
  202. [13:53] <PIMM> i mean he's asking for it
  203. 15[13:53] <david-me> fuch that
  204. [13:53] <aboynamedsu> joke-away: you know that no one in this chan is part of that shittiness, right?
  205. [13:53] <joke-away> and now you're getting your jollies fucking with me
  206. [13:53] <joke-away> fuck you all
  207. [13:53] <keddren> I'd like to see your proof of that, joke
  208. 15[13:53] * joke-away (~St) has left #subredditdrama (Leaving)
  209. [13:54] <+RaccoonBite> I agree many of our subscribers are shitty. I'm glad you came here to talk to Scopies. I haven't been fucking with you.
  210. 15[13:54] <david-me> shit
  211. [13:54] <+RaccoonBite> Goddammit.
  212. [13:54] <PIMM> hhahahahah
  213. [13:54] <aboynamedsu> and there's little mods can do to control the SRD subscribers
  214. [13:54] <tisiwhoshotjr> god damn
  215. [13:54] <tisiwhoshotjr> that was insanity
  216. 15[13:54] <david-me> what a wussy
  217. [13:54] <keddren> ok, what sub was that humorless cockblight from?
  218. [13:54] <tisiwhoshotjr> r/amiugly
  219. [13:54] <keddren> hahaha oh my god
  220. [13:54] <tisiwhoshotjr> right
  221. [13:54] <keddren> people have been raiding that sub since forever
  222. [13:59] <runfromnowhere> I'd be mad too
  223. [13:59] <runfromnowhere> But at the same time....
  224. [13:59] <runfromnowhere> I'd also be conscious of the fundamental nature of the internet
  225. [13:59] <runfromnowhere> Which people seem to oh-so-often forget
  226. 15[14:00] <david-me> I am not advocating the shitiness of SRD. Our regulars hate what out lurkers do. we have zero options to prevent them. What suggestions do you have? please querry our IRC channel mods or message the modes directly.
  227. 15[14:00] <david-me>
  228. 15[14:00] <david-me> I am not your enemy,
  229. 15[14:00] <david-me> Thank you
  230. 15[14:00] <david-me> david-me
  231. [14:00] <runfromnowhere> Make the sub private
  232. [14:00] <runfromnowhere> Punt anyone caught breaking the rules
  233. [14:00] <runfromnowhere> Easy peasy
  234. 15[14:00] <david-me> cant
  235. 15[14:00] <david-me> to mant users
  236. [14:01] <runfromnowhere> Sure you can
  237. [14:01] <runfromnowhere> Just won't :)
  238. 15[14:01] <david-me> to many users
  239. [14:01] <runfromnowhere> What's it matter how many users there are?
  240. 15[14:01] <david-me> reddit limits
  241. [14:01] <runfromnowhere> LOL what really?
  242. [14:01] <James> doesn't work for a community where you want a wide audience to rate people really
  243. 15[14:01] <david-me> 1000 I think
  244. [14:01] <runfromnowhere> Bahaha that's really shitty of Reddit, but in their business interests so it makes sense
  245. 15[14:02] <david-me> runfromnowhere seriously... we are doing the best we can and we invite any and all suggestions
  246. [14:02] <runfromnowhere> ...close the sub LOL
  247. [14:02] <runfromnowhere> I guess what I don't understand
  248. [14:02] <keddren> suggest adopting a "give no fucks" approach to modding
  249. 15[14:03] <david-me> it will oopen somewhere else
  250. [14:03] <keddren> it already has
  251. [14:03] <runfromnowhere> That's the most dangerous thing about the internet today
  252. [14:03] <runfromnowhere> You can't even STOP doing something bad because "someone else will just start another, only worse"
  253. 15[14:03] <david-me> keddren. . .link?
  254. [14:03] <runfromnowhere> That is such a terrifying conundrum
  255. [14:03] <keddren> thepopcornstand, etc
  256. [14:04] <runfromnowhere> I still say that the premise of the sub is fundamentally unmaintainable
  257. [14:04] <tisiwhoshotjr> meh
  258. [14:04] <runfromnowhere> Except as a strictly limited private community
  259. 03[14:05] * strudelle (~strudelle@user/strudelle) has joined #subredditdrama
  260. [14:05] <tisiwhoshotjr> hi strudelle
  261. 07[14:05] * MillenniumFalc0n is now known as MillenniumFalc0n|AFK
  262. [14:05] <tisiwhoshotjr> how are you this fabulous afternoon?
  263. [14:06] <strudelle> yis hi ok
  264. 15[14:06] * greenduch pouncehugs strudelle
  265. [14:06] <strudelle> :D
  266. [14:06] <+RaccoonBite> Hi Strudelle.
  267. [14:07] <strudelle> hihi
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