

Jan 31st, 2019
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  1. ==== They have terrible security (80 million accounts were exposed last week) ====
  2. And so does everyone else - millions of accounts are exposed everyday on hundreds of different websites, and, unfortunately, this probably won't change anytime soon... For the better, at least. Won't be surprised if it gets worse (and neither will anyone who works with/in InfoSec)
  4. ==== Games are more expensive on Epic due to regional pricing ====
  5. Steam and GOG have regional pricing too. Though, weirdly enough, in those, games tend to be *cheaper* for me than for the US - which doesn't make much sense, since it means they make considerably less money due to that.
  7. ==== They have terrible customer service (just google it) ====
  8. I've never used customer service anywhere, so I can't say anything about this one
  10. ==== You can't play games offline ====
  11. They aren't the first doing this and won't be the last. Games seem to be headed that way in general, and this has been happening for years.
  13. ==== Scummy tactics (you had to tick a box to opt out of emails etc) ====
  14. Scummy tactics that everyone does - virtually all websites you can find where you can register an account will have almost all possible checkboxes for subscribing to newsletters checked.
  16. Humble Bundle also does something arguably even worse. They give off free games, which you can get by subscribing to the HB newsletter thing.
  17. But they give you a checkbox (checked by default IIRC) for subscribing to it - which makes the button for getting the game fail silently, without making it clear that you have to subscribe to the newsletter in the first place.
  19. ==== No screenshots ====
  20. ==== No controller support ====
  21. ==== No achievements ====
  22. ==== No cloud saves ====
  23. ==== Limited social features ====
  24. This is all personal opinions - for example, I don't care about any of these, myself, so that's not a "catch" for me.
  26. ==== No Linux support ====
  27. YMMV. There's nothing that stops them from adding Linux support someday.
  29. ==== No game forums (many people went to steam for subnautica support) ====
  30. Arguably not too much of a bad thing. Forums for places like Steam and GOG tend to be rather toxic.
  32. ==== They are anti-consumer (They pay for exclusive rights to games to try and force you to use their store) ====
  33. Pretty sure the three major console makers by exclusive releases too - nothing new there
  35. ==== Epic make you pay the transaction fee when purchasing games ====
  36. *shrugs* That's not necessarily a bad thing.
  38. ==== They can refuse refunds even if you meet the criteria ====
  39. So can Steam and GOG.
  41. ==== They broke EU laws (and still do) ====
  42. And so does Steam and GOG. Do you really think they aren't breaking any laws behind everyone's back?
  44. ==== They are partially owned by Tencent (a company that sells user data to the Chinese government) ====
  45. Welcome to the internet. Everything here is being sold to someone. Thinking there's anywhere on the internet that's "safe" is simply naive - the ISPs can sell your data too, and there's no way to deal with that aside from not using the internet in the first place.
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