
Spoonlicker Anon Pt. 20

Oct 9th, 2014
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  1. ===================================================================================================================
  2. Summary: Anonymous is a child that no one can understand, not even Flutters. However, Twilight has been steadily making steps to develop a new system of language based on gestures and mannerisms. The creature she once discredited and then feared has become something of a special interest now that she understands a little more on what, or rather who, Anonymous is.
  4. Last Chapter: Twilight sends a letter to the princesses about coming to town, and leaves Anonymous with Fluttershy after a short fuss over them going too. The residents of Ponyville quickly notice Twilight and turn to whispers. Before she can focus on it too much a reporter comes up to her asking for an interview. She tries to answer the questions without bias, but a misunderstanding soon turns into a full blown argument. At the end of it Princess Luna comes in for damage control.
  6. After Wize Khaki leaves Luna and Twilight talk about how arguments are handled now vs Luna’s time before Twilight asks if they are friends. Luna figures out why Twilight would ask such a question and offers to become her teacher in all things royalty. Excited over the idea of having some guidance Twilight accepts. Finally Twilight asks Luna if she has tried going into Anon’s dream which results in a lecture in an ancient treaty and responsibility.
  8. Posted in Thread 1014
  9. ===================================================================================================================
  11. >You stand in the vacant street of Ponyville with your friend Princess Luna.
  12. >While you contemplate her words her stare contemplates your features. Her lips twitch as does her right front hoof.
  13. “What is it?”
  14. >“It is about your dress. I do not mean to imply the cause, but are you hurt enough to warrant bandages?”
  15. >Your bandages? What about them?
  16. “It’s nothing too serious, just a little sore in places. Why?”
  17. >“If they are not crucial you must shed them immediately.”
  18. >The sentence hits like command, but the drastic manner comes out of nowhere. Rather than obey your mind hunts for the reasoning.
  19. >Luna shakes her head and adopts a softer tone.
  21. >“As an alicorn you are an image of strength; more-so than ever. You are a combination of the three types and an embodiment of their merits. To the peasantry you are a superpony and for their benefit you cannot allow yourself to appear weak; in body or spirit.”
  22. >The use of ‘peasantry’ dulls the message and being referred to as a superpony reopens the divide between you and the town. Maybe Luna is too old fashioned?
  23. >You have seen Celestia beaten by Chrysalis and you were worried for her the same as you would be for any of your friends.
  24. >…that’s a lie. She’s Princess Celestia; your mentor and the most powerful pony in the world.
  25. >“Imagine if you had not seen Celestia for days, and then when you finally do see her she walks into town covered in bandages from that hill.”
  26. >She points in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres. You do not have to imagine how the town would react; you lived it.
  27. >“That is why you must be mindful of your appearance; even the sight of fatigue can cause undue alarm. Yet we are still ponies ourselves. Although as leaders we must appear ever vigilant, we may still find those who accept us when we can uphold the image no more. Cherish those when you find them and keep them close for nothing is forever.”
  30. >That explains why the town reacted the way it did, and why Wize Khaki refused to believe you. If you were in their position you may have done the same.
  31. >No more wishing. Ponies may not see you as the same Twilight Sparkle anymore, but you already have a group of ponies like the one Luna described. So long as you have your friends you can deal with these new expectations.
  32. >The neural networks to your library of spells tickle with life. Magic envelops your wraps without pain and unravels each set. What is left is your regular purple self.
  33. >Testing a full stretch of your wings responds with a sting, but nothing you can’t ignore.
  35. >“We are glad to see you lack any wounds.”
  36. >Settling into yourself, you innocently start thinking of cases to apply this new rule.
  37. “Hypothetically, what would be better? Showing a scar or hiding it?”
  38. >“That depends on the image you seek. Why, we remember the great minotaur king Lump BeefBroth who was ferocious in battle. His mad charges were so legendary enemies would retreat when he entered one even when they could fly yet he wore many funny hats to hide his half horn.”
  39. >Her focus on you disappears as her memory takes both of you along. She makes a short, high-pitched laugh at the end that snaps her out of it. Noticing you staring with a smile she tries to ignore having made the sound and press on.
  40. >“Though we were referring to your general health with our comment.”
  41. “I know, I was just curious. By the way, you’re slipping into ‘we’ again.”
  42. >”I. I was referring to your general health.”
  43. >Her tongue catches in her mouth and fumbles with the words; unintentionally putting herself on the ropes. Now, you could use the opportunity for an interactive lesson on teasing buuuuuuut she has done a lot for you today.
  44. >You’ll let her off easy and save it for another time.
  47. “I appreciate that concern, and thanks for the help. It means a lot to me.”
  48. >She gives a slight bow before spreading her wings.
  49. >”It was our pleasure. Unless there is something else we will be off.”
  50. “One more thing; in the future try to use ‘citizens’ instead of ‘peasants’. Ponies don’t really like being called that.”
  51. >“We—I shall keep this in mind. Fare thee well.”
  52. “See you soon.”
  53. >The princess of the night flies up and off towards the patrols. Ponies all around start to filter back into the street chattering about the event.
  54. >You make your way to town hall humming an old favorite.
  56. >In front of Town Hall groups of guards as small as three and as large as seven arriving in from all directions. Like clockwork, a patrol will land and give their report to one of the officers at the table before the next batch takes off. The relieved soldiers then march to the makeshift barracks nearby while another stallion runs a condensed copy from the officers to Town Hall.
  57. >Two ponies flank the main entrance, but where there should be a door is only a hole. The usual culprits are exempt due to the lack of debris. The door has been taken clean off the hinges.
  58. >You timidly walk by the guards waiting for a shout, but they silently let you pass. In the main lobby sitting where her assistant normally would is Mayor Mare. She waves to you as happily as ever.
  59. >”Good morning Princess Twilight.”
  60. “Good morning Mayor Mare. Why are you out here?”
  61. >”I’m surprised you don’t know. Our offices are being used by the princesses and the royal guard. Princess Celestia is currently using mine. Of course Ponyville needs its Mayor so I took it upon myself to give Daisy some time off and takeover here.”
  62. >Elections must be coming up.
  63. “I see. How noble of you.”
  66. >”However, no pony was willing to come in with the guards and princesses here so I took out the door. No matter the crises Mayor Mare is always available to the ponies. I call it my Open Door Policy.”
  67. >Yup. Elections.
  68. “That’s great. You said Princess Celestia is in your office?”
  69. >”That she is, just head straight back. Want a button?”
  70. “N-no thanks.”
  72. >Upon entering the room you find Celestia and only Celestia sitting behind a desk. Piles of reports and letters claim the desks’ surface in rows and columns; ordered to their specific role.
  73. >Several newspapers make the base of one such pile; their numbers matching each day since Anonymous arrived. In the middle are a few loose sheets from who knows where.
  74. >On top of it all sits a worn scroll curving in on itself. Light from the window bleeds through the edges showing the telltale markings of crayon. Flipping the blocky font in your head, you read what you can.
  75. ’Search the plains and tree lines…’
  76. >So your orders did end up passed to Princess Celestia. Did they show it to her before or after they changed their search patterns?
  77. >Regardless, they did whatever they thought was best.
  79. >Celestia’s gaze gingerly shifts from the floating paper to you. Her neutral brow and thin lips meander upwards into a gentle smile. The tiny rims from lack of sleep are ever present, but they hide themselves beneath the earnest delight.
  80. >“Hello there, Twilight. Please come in.”
  81. >She sets the paper down and moves in front of the desk. You bow out of habit as she closes the door behind you.
  82. “Princess Celestia. I hope this wasn’t too short notice.”
  83. >“Arise Twilight, there is no need for pleasantries here. It is just the two of us.”
  84. “About that, I ran into Princess Luna on the way here but where is Cadence?”
  85. >That warm smile snakes into a grin.
  86. >“You used it again. Is Cadence really the only one you feel at ease with?”
  89. >It? Wait!
  90. “No, that’s not it at all; I mean I like being with you and Luna the same but you’re….and she’s…”
  91. >A giggle courses through the white frame.
  92. >“I’m just teasing. As for Princess Cadence, she is giving another press conference today.”
  93. >She also uses the title and you almost call her out on it, but the snake has not gone away. You will not take the bait this time.
  94. “But she knew I was coming, right? If the conference is about Anonymous I have a lot to share that would help her.”
  95. >The grin slithers away, returning Celestia to her peaceful state.
  96. >”Yes, she knew and she wanted to be here, but I asked her to do that instead after Luna decided to excuse herself.”
  97. “How come?”
  98. >“Many reasons, my faithful student. She has always been a public figure, but now she is an actual ruler rather than simply an extension of Luna and myself. Beyond dealing with the public, her ability to offer a sense of stability in uncertain times while being a pony others can look up to will be tested, and this has proven good practice.”
  99. >So she’s made it a test has she? She’ll do fine; Cadence always was a social pony.
  100. >“Also, by the sound of your have much to ask me and it has been much too long since we last had the chance to speak one on one.”
  102. >Tingles of electricity sail through every inch of your body. Pure glee forces itself on your face unhindered.
  103. >One on one; teacher and student. Just like old times.
  104. >“I’m glad to see you like the idea. Now, what’s on your mind?”
  105. >Instantly you rush into sharing every discovery concerning Anonymous. This freight train requires no coal to hit full steam.
  106. >You go into great length nailing absolutely every detail: from Anon’s demeanor to its diet, their joys and fears; how Anonymous uses its physique to its advantage, and the difference between open communication and silent expression.
  109. >Celestia sits quietly, solely focused on you. She bobs her head from time to time, but makes no move to slow you down. The last bit causes her eyelids to flare, and so you give it extra attention.
  110. >You mime the signs you have learned, starting with the simple chop and explaining how the motions evolved into a pseudo-language. At the same time you note how subtle bodily cues such as folded arms or sniffling told just as much, and make sure to compare them to ponyisms.
  111. >Nothing about Anon is withheld, not even its strength when chocking you or the dispel you casted. In order to clear your conscience you must be judged honestly and Celestia is the only pony you can trust to do that.
  113. >Despite the overall cheerful yet scientific tone, the memories still manage to throw your voice high and low as they please. The effort to follow Luna’s example failing as the weight of this one chance bears down.
  114. >After triple checking that you have covered everything you wrap up the lesson.
  115. “And so, it should be safe to bring Anonymous back into town.”
  116. >Celestia dwells on a thoughtful hum while your stomach squeezes tight.
  117. >“I am very pleased to hear you and Anonymous are getting along and considering the situation the progress you have made is no less than I expected. I am proud of you, Twilight Sparkle.”
  118. >The knot in your stomach explodes into confetti and all of your teeth shine through the huge smile. Your first duty as princess has so far been a success!
  119. >However, want and doubt creep their way over the relief. Celestia’s response was so short and vague. There must be more. Places you have been wrong; ways you can improve.
  120. “But everything would have gone better if I didn’t make silly mistakes. I should have asked for help rather than trying to do it alone, especially from you, Luna, Cadence and my friends. Maybe then I would have realized how Anonymous feels sooner.”
  123. >“I know how you feel, but we cannot stress over ‘coulds’ and shoulds’. Realizing why you did something, both good and bad, and how you can do better in the future is what’s important. I am sure you have thought long and hard about everything you have personally done, but remember you are never truly alone. We princesses act as one, and you were helping us the whole time.”
  125. >Her horn glows with a bright white and pulls over several papers from one of the sections towards you. Accepting the offer, you then skim through them.
  126. >A schedule for the patrols strictly notes the leave and arrival times followed by a summary of the search. Under that are letters from government officials and the press asking, speculating or outright panicking over the princesses and royal guards being centralized in Ponyville or Anonymous. There are also a few complaints from aristocrats outraged over recently being fined for having exotic pets.
  127. >“Since you were watching over Anonymous we were free to focus on the other issues. Shining Armor has been using his expertise to keep the patrols running efficiently while Luna has taken a more hooves on approach to assisting the search. Cadence has done a good job at keeping everypony calm leaving me free to address the more global concerns.”
  128. >She swaps a new pile with you.
  129. >These letters come from foreign dignitaries and are solely about Anon. Each one starts off relatively the same, but then differentiates greatly.
  131. >Minotaurs: ‘None of our zoologists can think of a match to the creature you describe. We are very interested to learn more about this ‘Anonymous’, and, seeing as this is a being that walks upright and has hands instead of hooves, wish to send our own scientists to supervise. For the sake of our continued cordial relations we hope that Equestria will also consider handing off custody should minotaurs prove better capable at providing for the creature or a direct relationship be found.’
  134. >Your heart sinks at the final implication, but you steel yourself to read the rest.
  135. >Zebras: ‘This creature sounds truly new, and several of our scholars have begun searching for others based on their own theories. However, the information you provided is too vague. Five of our most respected minds are already on their way to Ponyville to help study ‘Anonymous’. Please share everything with them and they will take care of reporting back to us. You can expect them to arrive in five days.’
  136. >Buffalo: ‘There are no stories among the herds involving the one you describe. Should we cross paths with another we shall send a message, but no more. Every creature on our tribe’s lands is to remain unharassed, but we will tolerate passive observation. So long as a creature does no harm we shall live and let live.’
  137. >Donkeys: ‘Such a creature is news to us. We will continue to trust in Equestria to fairly handle the situation.’
  138. >Griffons: ‘There are no ‘Anonymouses’ anywhere a griffon eye has wandered; past or present. This includes the lands of Equestria which our sharp eyesight has scoured throughout the ages as evident by our histories. The custodians of our Athenaeum have searched through every tome only to find similar descriptions depicting minotaurs. What a coincidence that this ‘new’ species appears out of nowhere within the realm most reliant on magic and by the species that cannot help but interfere.
  140. Should this discovery be genuine our advice remains the same. Leave the creature to its own devices and let nature run its course. We will be watching.’
  142. >Oh no, the other nations are quickly trying to get involved. You were supposed to have weeks left; diplomacy and bureaucracy are supposed to be slow.
  143. >And the comments on each! ‘Not enough information’; ‘sending our own scientists’; ‘not allowed to interact on our land’; ‘Anonymous is a fake’; ‘abandon Anon.’
  146. >You are doing what you can to learn as much as possible, and there was never any doubt everyone was going to get involved eventually. If this happened was earlier or later it would not be so bad, but this moment is the crux of your efforts.
  147. >But the griffons…
  148. >A simmering heat wells up at the mere thought.
  149. >How dare they call Anon a fake! What would any of you have to gain from this?
  150. >And to just ignore Anon and leave it on its own? That goes against its very nature. Where else is it going to get the company it needs until their guardians return?
  151. >Shows what they know!
  153. >But that is not the worst. Neither the griffons nor the zebras match the biggest fear.
  154. >‘give up Anon.’
  155. >There is every chance that the minotaurs can find a something to leverage given the shared physiology, and they are subtly made it clear how far they are willing to go. Save for the donkeys and possibly the zebras Equestria is without allies should you challenge the claim. You may never be able to see Anon again.
  156. >That cannot happen. At the very least, if it is best for Anonymous to be with the minotaurs you must still be allowed to visit. You have so much ammunition for your defense, too.
  157. >You were one of the first to greet them; you have been with Anonymous the longest; you know the most about it and have created a means to communicate.
  158. >There is no way they can say no after all of that.
  160. >Still, you look to Celestia with the eyes of a lost child; searching for consolation.
  161. >Her smile combines with a mellow frown and the wrinkle of her cheeks coo reassurances.
  162. >“Do not worry, my faithful student, we are far from powerless. Do you remember the three pony tribes that eventually became one and how they were able to put their differences aside?”
  163. >The same one she had you read.
  164. “Everypony had a special way to help one another.”
  167. >“Correct, and that is not only true for ponies. Over the years we have helped each species and they have helped us. Rarely will a leader be foolish enough to jeopardize that bond to enforce their demands. Even though a letter may sound threatening there exist a compromise to work towards.
  168. I would have liked to discuss the matter between the four of us, but with the needs of the many I can deal with the other nations. After all, I have had a lot of practice with it.”
  169. >She gives you a wink.
  170. >A giggle escapes your lips at the self-inflicted jab at her age relieving the pent up concern.
  171. >Seeing you return to normal, she takes the letters from you and puts them back in the proper place.
  173. ===================================================================================================================
  174. Posted in Thread 1020
  175. ===================================================================================================================
  177. >With the favors of yesteryear and the facts you have today reaching a happy compromise should be no problem. Plus, Celestia will be handling the discussions herself.
  178. >Anonymous is safe.
  179. >Everything will be okay; your plan is unhindered. The only thing to change is a few more visitors to introduce Anon to.
  180. >You can work with this. You will GLADLY work with this.
  181. >As for your teacher, the issue of her opinion about Anon still stands and the desire to know is far stronger than her misdirection. She is not getting off so easily.
  182. >With genuine curiosity you plea for more.
  183. “So what do you think we should do?”
  186. >The soft curve of her back straightens and throws her into thought; the calm of her posture flinching but quickly catching itself.
  187. >She looks to you only to find wanting eyes peering back. Sitting tall and proper she closes her eyes to think.
  188. >Like a child asking to go to the park your mind idly waits as to not negatively influence the response.
  189. >Gently her eyes open and caress you once more.
  190. >”What you have told me of Anonymous so far leaves me very optimistic. Despite their size they have a deceptively strong grip, yet they have shown kindness even when left with those who would be vulnerable. The categories you have set for their personality is similar to ours, and I did not miss your emphasis on how their manners mirror our own. For the most part there is little surprising about Anonymous.
  192. >However, the fact that Anonymous truly does not understand us is very peculiar. I was expecting that they were merely in a panicked state of mind, and once they were no longer upset you would be able to talk with them. Although this was not the case you saw passed the problem and have come up with a unique way to communicate. The fact that you two were able to work together to develop this method has me very pleased.
  194. >You were able to do far more than I could have hoped for, but this does bring a greater concern. How certain are you that Anonymous is part of an undiscovered civilization?”
  195. “Well, I don’t have any definite evidence; it’s more of a theory. I can say that Anonymous is absolutely more intelligent than the feral animals, but compared to the friendly animals that coexist with us I am not sure. Anonymous did draw some pictures that make it seem plausible, but I have little idea where either the hominems or their potential partner species could be hiding.”
  198. >Celestia takes a moment before nodding.
  199. >”Simply suggesting there is a new nation out there would cause unnecessary disputes with the other leaders when we discuss the future of Anonymous. Since we do not know for sure, we should avoid suggesting this.”
  200. “Purposefully not telling them sounds kind of...wrong. Wouldn’t that be like lying?”
  201. >Your mentor’s brow narrows and her eyes turn cold. A sense of compassion still plays within them, but a far more calculating mind takes command.
  202. >”I would never lie to the others, and you must do the same. Though they will try to lie to you trust is the key to building a mutually beneficial relationship. At times remaining honest in the face of adversity may seem like a disadvantage, but that same honesty lets them know we are genuine when we say we want to work towards what is best for everybody. It also has the same effect when we must remind the world that Equestria will go as far as need be to protect the peace.”
  204. >Her voice is resolute yet seeks understanding.
  205. >Like any other lesson you follow along taking mental notes, safe in her knowledge. However, the finality of the last sentence causes your invisible pen to pause.
  206. >Celestia rarely even hints at such a dire scenario, and to be so blatant about it…
  207. >She was also throwing the entire weight of Equestria behind her. Not just herself, her sister, or you and the elements. Everypony.
  208. >If it were Luna talking the act would be less surprising, but Celestia? The optimistic ‘everything will be okay’ royal with seemingly endless patience?
  209. >Your Celesia?
  211. >The quiet lingers as she allows you time to think. When you fail to acknowledge one way or the other she speaks again in a softer tone.
  212. >“If there was solid proof I would share the knowledge without hesitation, but as a theory that could very well be wrong it would only make the negotiations harder. When we have either more evidence or a better position we can revisit the topic.”
  215. >Her words calm your thoughts to a degree, and you focus more on matching her lesson with her actions. To see how she uses it.
  216. >You trust Celestial above anyone, but the uncertainty inside you continues to grow no matter how you slice her message.
  217. >It may just be a theory but, purposefully withholding the information sounds dishonest. If you should be honest even when it is hard in order to build trust, then is that not what she should be doing?
  218. >Would the disputes really make that much of a difference? Would they change the outcome to be bad for Anonymous?
  219. >Possibly.
  221. >That is the only answer to makes sense, and if your theory is wrong than you would have needlessly jeopardized Anonymous.
  222. >Celestia would have a good idea how the meeting would go. For the greater good you can make an exception.
  223. “I think I get it now. Why does politics have to be so complicated?”
  224. >Her narrow brow arches along with her cheeks pushed by the smile. Your follow up also causes her to laugh.
  225. >”It’s not as bad as it used to be.”
  226. >Ah, right; your question.
  227. “What was it like before? Back when you first met the minotaurs?”
  228. >She dismissively waves a hoof.
  229. >”Don’t mind me; that is in the past.”
  230. “You promised.”
  231. >Surprise momentarily catches her smile, but understanding quickly takes its place. Her eyes look to the ceiling and recounts the day the purple filly asked the very same question.
  232. >”I suppose you are right. I will share as much as I can remember, but before I begin, you must be aware that the world was a much different place. The idea of any sort of national identity was foreign to everybody, and where you lived was not as important as who you followed. It was a time where individuals, both great and small, were responsible for the prosperity of the whole and conflicts could break out over a personal insult.”
  235. >”It may sound strange, but this worked for a while because the ones who became great leaders were often strong, wise, and considerate. It is no coincidence heroes such as Clover the Clever and Radiant Aegis were born in these trying times.”
  236. “That isn’t too strange. We still follow you and Luna.”
  237. >“You make a good point. Although the idea of a royal family continues to exist a pony’s see themselves as part of a larger whole, and we are merely the keepers. While Equestria did exist at this point it was only starting to grow, and many tribes would stick to the traditional ways for years to come. It would take centuries for Equestria to resemble the land we know today, and we have worked very hard to create a system that requires little direct involvement from us.”
  238. >Recalling your performance in the Hearth’s Warming play, you separate yourself from Equestria and jump to a time where ponies divided themselves.
  239. >”Long long ago, before Luna and I took on our role as leaders, we set out on a journey to explore the world and to visit its inhabitants. We travelled across oceans and mountains; along trade lanes and untested trails, in order to understand the full weight of our responsibility and to prepare the world as much as ourselves.
  240. >We visited every tribe we could find, pony or otherwise, which eventually took us to the Griffon’s Citadel on the Grand Mountain. Just as the books say, the peak goes straight into the clouds, but what few know is that the Citadel continues higher than Cloudsdale itself. At the very top the world is stretched out before you in its entire splendor with nothing to get in the way of your sight. Even without wings one could appreciate the view of a flyer, a fact Luna and I cherished during our stay. That one experience is the reason Canterlot Castle is built into the highest point of Unicorn Ridge.”
  243. >”King Featherfall of the Bloodclaw family was in charge at the time, and was a very welcoming host. Although we were merely wanderers he treated us with respect and spoke openly about his issues. He told us how the griffons were beset with fierce enemies who forced them to all live in this single spot, but they held strong. Dragons ruled the skies and the caves of the mountain while large horned demons conquered the surrounding lands. Luna and he talked for many days, drawing up battle plans and to secure an alliance. Meanwhile, I spent my days with Featherfall’s advisor Egghead the Bald who shared with me the many books stored in the Athenaeum.”
  244. >Her gaze shifts to you, losing the stare of yesteryear in favor of present joy.
  245. >”The Athenaeum is the size of an entire castle with walls filled to the brim with books. Their collection makes the Royal Library look small. You should visit there one day; I am sure you would like it and the custodians would enjoy having someone who appreciates literature as much as them.”
  247. >Now there was your dream vacation. Ever since you read the few books Professor Ranke received you have wanted to go and binge read.
  248. >Your friends would not be too interested, but you and Spike could go if you ever find the chance.
  249. >As for her story so far, there is something a little strange about it.
  250. “I’m kind of surprised Luna was the one talking with the king and not you.”
  251. >A short giggle from Celestia fills the room.
  252. >”I wasn’t always the pony I am today. I had a lot to learn and Luna’s parents gave her a distinct advantage. For the most part I followed her.”
  253. “Wait a minute, Luna’s parents? But you two are sisters.”
  254. >She gives a nod and a deep solace wells up from within overtaking her features.
  257. >”We are. Maybe not by blood but in every way that matters. Luna’s family was part of the ruling dynasty of the Frozen Kingdom to the north. There was a real chance Luna would inherit the throne and so she was educated in every aspect of nobility from a young age. My parents were refugees from what is now known as Saddle Arabia, and I had a rather modest childhood until, whether by chance or fate, our lives became forever connected.”
  258. >Your brain nearly overloads over the fact. If it was anyone else you would not believe them, but Celestia is being honest not playful.
  259. >How can something so fundamental be misrepresented for so long?
  260. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
  262. >”Our individual heritage was common knowledge, but as the years passed and records were lost the line blurred. By the time of Nightmare Moon everypony had forgotten and I did not have the heart to correct them. Luna is my sister and there is nothing I would not do or give up for her.”
  263. >The warmth of her words stokes your own pride. They have forged a bond as powerful as family yet deeper than blood. You can only guess the trials they had to overcome.
  264. >You have been at odds with your own brother before, but unlike you two Celestia and Luna had the option to walk away.
  265. >It is a shame the story of two completely unrelated ponies becoming so close has been lost, but her passion makes it clear she sees no difference.
  266. >It hits a familiar chord in your own relation with Spike. Dragon or not he will always be a part of your family.
  268. >”Tell me, Twilight, why do you think the Royal Canterlot Voice uses ‘We’ instead of ‘I?’”
  269. >The tone of a teacher’s lecture returns, snapping you to attention with a sudden pop quiz.
  270. >You instinctively react by searching your mental catalogue for ancient histories.
  273. “The royal ‘We’, or majestic plural, is the use of a plural pronoun to refer to a single pony holding a high office, such as a sovereign. Use of majestic plural denotes the excellence, power, and dignity of the speaker by implying they are backed by other entities such as the government.”
  274. >”That is correct for what it is, but WHY was it created? And try to rely less on your textbooks.”
  275. “Uhhh, because implying you speak for multiple ponies makes your message appear stronger?”
  276. >”Because Luna and I trusted each other completely. Whenever she spoke of politics or policies she did so knowing I would stand by her no matter what, and I knew the same. When Luna was discussing an alliance with King Featherfall she also spoke for me even though I would have no clue as to the details until after the meeting. I knew she would do her best and would not agree to something detrimental to our ponies, and readily accepted the conditions. Eventually we stopped referring to ourselves at audiences, instead adopting what would become the royal ‘We’. Only the greatest distance and untold years would undo the expression.”
  277. >Pride exchanges for sadness as she reflects on the past. You try to think of what to say to clear the air.
  278. >Granted their troubled history is rather significant, it is obvious they still both care for each other very much.
  279. “Luna uses it; why not start using it again yourself?”
  280. >”I’m afraid she does it out of habit more than anything. I try to let her participate in the affairs of state, which she is often happy to do, but she will not act or come to a decision without first consulting me. Other times she will go out of her way to avoid participating.”
  281. “Like meetings with other rulers?”
  282. >”Exactly. There is a great regret hanging over her that she refuses to let go no matter how many times I tell her that it is okay.”
  285. >Is that why she wanted to go out with the patrols instead of coming with you?
  286. >You are not really equipped to soothe a thousand year sorrow, but maybe you can do something to help a little next time you see her? Surely talking to a neutral pony couldn’t hurt.
  287. >That can be your plan.
  289. ===================================================================================================================
  290. Posted in Thread 1033
  291. ===================================================================================================================
  293. >”I pray one day she finds the relief she is looking for; she is far more skilled than she admits. Whenever Luna would discuss something she had this unique aspect about her that demanded mutual respect; an invisible way of making it feel like the two of you were all that mattered and she would treat you fairly while holding a great power should you abuse the courtesy. I always admired her for it, and she tried to teach me but our methods are too different.”
  295. >Celestia’s reflective smile lingers with the ancient thoughts, turning the subject of one ruler’s methods to another’s.
  296. >”As for Featherfall, he was interested in the alliance and called for a test. In order to prove ourselves I was to fight him one on one while Luna had to debate philosophy with Egghead the Bald.
  297. >He was a masterful flier despite his age; truly embodying a bird of prey. It is said he once outmaneuvered an elder dragon alone as a distraction for his guards to escape before being forced to flee. With what I saw I believe it to be true.
  298. >While he dominated the sky I was forced to rely on my magic from the ground. I sought to restrain him with every spell I could think of, but he evaded my attacks only to dive for my neck afterwards with his sharp talons.
  299. >The fight was not an experience I enjoyed one bit. He made it clear this was a real battle and showed how hindered I was by my motives. I never felt so helpless before. After suffering another deep wound I finally gave the battle the seriousness it deserved and lashed out with full intent to harm.
  300. >Thankfully, Featherfall immediately conceded defeat. He called for doctors to tend to me, and then left me with my sister without another word. I was beside myself with what I had done; what I had wanted to do, and I would curse his very name but he taught me a very valuable lesson. When the livelihood of others is at stake you must be willing to draw your weapon.
  301. >I will not lie; it took days for me to come to terms with the realization. Luna stayed by my side offering congratulations and sympathy. She also passed her struggles, and we eventually took our leave having secured the alliance.”
  303. >Lost in the tale like a filly being told a bedtime story, emotions swirl in silence while the urge to ask questions takes a backseat to imagination.
  304. >That is not to say your analytical mind has been locked shut, as key points are logged and bookmarked.
  306. >”As you are aware, that was not the end of our adventure. Instead of heading home to prepare we travelled further down the mountain to see the ‘ferocious horned demons’ for ourselves. While walking down the slopes a pair of adolescent dragons got in our way and demanded tribute.
  307. >Luckily for us they were cocky in youth and did not consider who they were threatening. Unluckily for them we were in no mood to play nice. Without word, I pinned the larger dragon to the ground with my magic before he even had time to realize what was happening. Seeing his friend beaten so quickly, the other one sought to fly away but Luna flew up and tackled him back into the ground.
  308. >After seeing us in our less than graceful moment the pair quickly backpedaled from their threats and sought compliment their way out of the situation. I had other ideas, and made them act as our guides to prevent more dragons from harassing us. They were quick to agree, and introduced themselves as Rip Van Winkle and Rumpelstiltskin.
  309. >Those two were a real pair, always ready to fight over the littlest thing. Even Luna would get involved on occasion. They always called it fun, and come the night we would circle the campfire as company. The four of us talked for many hours throughout the trip; even coming to share our secrets and dreams.”
  310. >A fond yet teasing smile forms on her face.
  311. >”Rip Van Winkle was quite angry at Luna for peeking at his dreams to confirm what he said. I wonder if he ever got over it.”
  312. >She pauses from the story to look over to the desk, her gaze lingering over each envelope.
  313. >Her eyes shortly fall on back on you following whatever whimsical thought she had only to find your wanting stare caught in her past.
  314. >”Right, perhaps another time. Turns out they were nearly as unfamiliar with the minotaurs as us, having been pushed away by older dragons, though they did know the general location where the minotaurs lived. Sadly, once on the border of another dragon’s domain our companions would go no farther and gave us directions before leaving. We stopped at a stream to rest some time later, and that is when we first saw them.
  316. >Right in front of us stood upright beasts on two legs taller than any pony and as wide as a boulder. Glistening metal framed their upper bodies, but the muscles of their exposed arms revealed raw power while two curved horns thrust from their forehead into fine points ready for war. Their free forelimbs swung at the side offering a deceptively long reach mirroring the claws of adolescent dragons. A few held axe and shield while others held quiver and bows, but all had a bag slung over their shoulder.
  318. >We stood in clear view frozen in shock, neither my years of travelling nor Luna’s years of training preparing us for the encounter. In front of us separated only by the narrow river were the griffon’s enemies: naturally fearsome looking creatures yet wielding the tools of civilization. Do we attempt to negotiate or were we really facing something demonic?
  319. >The choice was not ours to make for they then spotted us with equal confusion. Everyone one of them stopped to stare at us, a few flinching for their weapons, others stiff as can be.
  320. >Luna instantly stepped ahead of me; flaring her wings and bracing herself for combat, and I followed suit charging my horn.
  321. >Just as quickly as the minotaur in front had readied his axe, he held up his shield emblazoned with a blue fist and urged his group to stand down. He then threw his own weapons to the ground and held out his arms while wearing the biggest grin I’ve ever seen.”
  323. >She takes a second to completely sink into the memory with another smile just like before.
  324. >”Luna and I were at first cautious of his intentions. We stayed put on our side of the river, and he would give a gentle wave beckoning us. He spoke to the group and they too disarmed themselves and took a step back from the river’s edge.
  325. >His patience with us was near limitless. He would wave and then wait, always careful not to make a sudden or threatening move. Although we were told of horrors, his actions spoke of anything but. I could hold my curiosity no longer. Just across the river was something new and incredible. This is what we came for.
  326. >I relaxed and let go of my spell. Luna too lowered her guard and we looked to each other. With a nod we used the fallen trees as a bridge and crept towards the group.”
  327. >Celestia beams with the joy of the very sun she represents.
  328. >”His hands greeted us with evident though carefully measured strength as he shook our hooves. He spoke as softly as he could though his deep intangible voice still echoed through the hills. In his voice were a few similar sounding words and we first tried to hold a conversation, but the minotaur’s native language paired with the guttural accent was too much of a barrier.
  329. >Afterwards, he held up his hand with his palm facing us and slowly went for his bag. Pulling out a single flower he presented it to us. I took the gift with my magic and said thank you.
  330. >The others gasped and stepped farther back. Our new friend bellowed with laughter and called out, but they refused to come closer. He then grabbed the flower while I was levitating it, letting the aura spread across his hand to show the others it was safe. The young ones were the first to take turns ‘feeling’ the magic while the older ones took longer to break their superstition.
  331. >Seeing their amazement I couldn’t help but eagerly share more. I scooped water from the river into an invisible bowl and threw blades of grass into the wind. They marveled and tested the acts for trickery; timidly poking the bowl before pulling away, grabbing the grass out of the air to see if it was real or not.
  332. >A daring youth grabbed his own bowl from his bag and scooped the water out of mine. He proudly showed me that his bowl held the same water, and the others rushed to share more of their tools with us.”
  334. >A warm ember rises from your belly at the image of their innocent joy. At the same time your lingering logical side requests more power which gives birth to a tiny pit.
  335. >For now your emotional side commands the same majority and you bask in Celestia’s own glow.
  336. >”Despite their lack of magic they held their own objects of wonder. They showed us flowers never seen before and how they used it for paint to mark their faces. They also had many black stoned objects, a prized craft among them. When polished correctly you could see your own face as clear as day, and if worked in the reverse direction the pure black surface became a shiny grey. It also could be worked into an edge sharper than even the greatest ponysmith could forge, which served as the tip for their arrows.
  337. >Luna was not inactive either. The restraint of the first minotaur in the hoofshake piqued her interest to the point that she challenged him to a test of strength. He met her challenge by explaining a tradition of theirs known as ‘arm wrestling’, which she decisively lost. None-the-less, the attempt pleased the friendly minotaur greatly.
  338. >As it turned out, he just so happened to be their leader, Beat PunchBeef, who then took us to their village where we would spend many days exchanging knowledge and ideals; even to the point of discovering a common root language.
  339. >We never did find any demons or monsters there. Instead we found individuals eager to share their way of life and to learn ours.”
  341. >She finishes with the modest smile still on her lips, her closed eyes holding onto the daydream as content breathes rise and fall.
  342. >You sit and wait, respecting the memory.
  343. >Within you a calm emotion sails a meandering tide of delight.
  344. >Celestia: your mentor, the one you desperately tried to emulate, the most powerful pony in the world who has led Equestria to centuries of peace was once a young shaken mare.
  345. >The world was not built around her; there were times she felt powerless and uncertain. She was not born with the devout hold on her emotions she has today, and had succumbed to frustration.
  346. >She was new to this once, too.
  348. >Yet her kindness was ever present. Even when pushed down by caution or anger it would soon resurface.
  349. >Despite the rocky start with the dragons Rip Van Winkle and Rumpelstiltskin her quiet affection told that the four became good friends.
  350. >When first seeing the minotaurs she was on guard and ready to strike, but after seeing their welcoming display she disregarded the tales of evil and went to greet them. She even lost herself in showing off magic with childlike glee.
  351. >The parallels between you two is uncanny.
  352. >And you are sure you posses the same spirit she does.
  354. >As you compare her actions to yours a valid scale to measure yourself finally comes into view.
  355. >Nodes of logic forcefully take charge with a painful jolt. A snap recoils against your stomach where the tiny pit had formed.
  356. >The pit swiftly grew, completely draining the soothing waters present mere seconds ago.
  357. >Celestia and Luna were the first ponies to make contact with the minotaurs. They had little information to go on and none of it was good.
  358. >They saw them as a threat and reacted in kind though never throwing a blow.
  359. >And once the minotaurs threw aside their weapons Celestia and Luna threw aside their fear.
  361. >You forever held Anonymous at a horns length, your worries too great to ignore.
  362. >Instead of welcoming them you had sought to cast them out, keeping them as far from ponies as possible.
  363. >You considered your nightmares all too real to see what was clear as day.
  364. >You were quick to land the first blow, pushing Anon away from Fluttershy with a burst of your magic.
  365. >You ignored the basic liberties of life and used a dispel.
  366. >The pit in your stomach demanded more, sucking down every ember of warmth inside of you.
  368. >You held Anon’s life in the balance, you knew how the dispel put absolutely everything about Anon at risk.
  369. >And you had cast the die.
  370. >Celestia may have wanted to do King Featherfall harm in the fight, but that was different.
  371. >She was being physically threatened. You…you were curious.
  373. >”Twilight, are you okay? You look like you have seen a ghost.”
  374. >Your body reacts solely on its own accord; the pure instinct of meeting her gaze the only function your brain can process.
  375. >Princess Celestia did not spend sleepless nights trying to figure out what made a minotaur a minotaur. She did not worry about cataloging their behavior and dissecting their actions.
  376. >Even Princess Luna returned the minotaur’s friendship despite having just made an alliance with their enemy.
  377. >Cold calculations like that had no place in such a meeting. It was to be a place where both could share and marvel at what makes them similar as well as unique.
  378. >In the span of days they had the kind of exchange you dreamed of; that you hoped for.
  379. >And worst of all you have thrown it all away. For science.
  381. >Your approach was the antithesis of theirs, a budding discovery you aimed to solve rather than help.
  382. >For you are Twilight Sparkle, you are and always will be a girl of science. Theories and experiments are your forte; solving concepts, not emotions, your goal.
  383. >You have already jeopardized Anonymous for an answer you could not simply wait for. There is no guarantee you will not do it again.
  384. >And that uncertain equation makes one gut wrenching fact indisputable.
  385. >Anonymous cannot stay with you.
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