
FoE PNP G-Platypus Session 1

Jan 29th, 2013
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  1. [18:55] <Mister_Clacky|GM> *****G-Platypus: The City of Broad Withers - Session 1*****
  2. [18:56] <Mister_Clacky|GM> He pulls a knife, you pull a gun.
  3. [18:56] <Mister_Clacky|GM> He puts one of yours in the hospital, you put one of his in the morgue.
  4. [18:56] <Mister_Clacky|GM> That’s the Buckago way.
  5. [18:56] <Mister_Clacky|GM> But when you pull a megaspell, and they pull a balefire bomb...
  6. [18:56] <Mister_Clacky|GM> It has been 175 years since the bombs fell and Equestria was immolated by balefire. Its fields a cracked wasteland, its cities broken ruins clawing at the closed-off sky.
  7. [18:56] <Mister_Clacky|GM> In the war era, Buckago was known as the “Second City,” second only to Hoofington as a center of industry and innovation. It was home to a massive and diverse population, a mixture of white coat scientists and blue yoke workers, of ponies and loyal zebras.
  8. [18:56] <Mister_Clacky|GM> It was also headquarters to Prism Consolidated Industries (PCI). The diverse conglomerate /was/ Buckago, its CEO, Nature Prism, effectively running the city.
  9. [18:57] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Now, Prism Tower stands eerily whole among the broken spires of the past age, a ruined city in its shadow. It pierces the omnipresent cloud cover, an ancient defense system hurling artificial lightning at anything that dares to try and share the Buckago sky.
  10. [18:57] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Far to the north of the downtown is the settlement of Railyard, a community built from the bones of the past. A lashwork of railcars, the town has carved out a bit of stability due to a few good trade routes.
  11. [18:57] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Perhaps our wastelanders will also find some stability here.
  12. [18:57] <Mister_Clacky|GM> **** Session Begins ****
  13. [19:00] * Canary rubs his ear, feeling like he heard something, but shrugs it off. The yellow earth pony sports a bushy brown mane, tail -and- mustache. He's also wearing a fez because fezzes are cool. Also, armoured barding and a set of spiked ponyshoes.
  14. [19:00] <Mister_Clacky|GM> It is early morning in Railyard. What bustle the settlement has is beginning in earnest.
  15. [19:01] * Blackberry_Jam takes a long drag from a cigarette. Leaning against the wall of Splotch's Clinic, the slate black mare tugs the beret on her head forward and sighs. She hates mornings.
  16. [19:02] * Thunder_Strike (Death_Bell@Pony-u9rlt2.ga.charter.com) Quit ( Quit: )
  17. [19:03] * Canary kicks his saddlebag and a card flies out, landing nearly in his hoof. "The Lovers... should I be meeting someone right now? I always feel like I'm forgetting something." He slips the cart away and trots down the main road of Railyard, smiling a bit vacantly.
  18. [19:03] * Camo (Death_Bell@Pony-u9rlt2.ga.charter.com) has joined #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  19. [19:03] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The Sheriff tips his cowpony hat to Blackberry_Jam as he and his deputies trot past on their morning routine. He /loves/ mornings.
  20. [19:03] * Camo is now known as Pony_62194
  21. [19:04] * Pony_62194 is now known as Thunder_Strike
  22. [19:04] * Blackberry_Jam rolls her eyes and nods back. She has -no- idea how he can stay so chipper. "Morning." she grumbles.
  23. [19:05] * Nyota comes trotting into town, the zebra mare had spent her early morning out too scavange for materials and perhaps a few herbs if she was lucky. She pulls down her weatherbeaten hoodie as she walks past the walls surronding the town. Wearing a leather armor and cloak she makes her way towards the general store with her saddlepouches filled with random bits and bobs for trading.
  24. [19:07] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Nyota is unopposed at the only gate on the north side of town, the guards are busy with their morning routine. She can Blackberry outside the clinic hammering home a coffin nail as well as a Canary.
  25. [19:07] * Canary decides to head up to the general store as well. Because he somehow felt that was where he should go to meet someone. or possibly where he was supposed to meet someone and forgot about it.
  26. [19:10] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Canary makes his way to the general store. A chipper unicorn stallion greets him. "Welcome to Kaching's Kollectables! Where we se... oh... it's you. You planning on buying something today?"
  27. [19:10] * Canary blinks; "Have we met before? Or is this the first time. I know I'm supposed to be meeting someone. Is it you?"
  28. [19:11] * Nyota moves into the middle train of Railyard and waltzes her way towards the general store. Her ears flicking about on her head as she tries to locate every sound in town. With a swishing tail she enters the store only a few moments after Canary. "Excuse me?" She says as she enters, her equestrian broken by a heavy zebra accent.
  29. [19:12] * Canary steps aside and lets the zebra past; "Oh! Maybe -you- were supposed to meet -her-. Wonder why I needed to be here for this at all."
  30. [19:13] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Kaching plasters his smile back on as Nyota enterst the store. "Welcome to Kaching's Kollectables!"
  31. [19:14] * Nyota blinks at Canary, a confused look on her face. "I.. What?" Shaking her head she moves up to the counter, giving Kaching a small smile. "Ah, thank you. I have thingd to trade, if you are willing."
  32. [19:15] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Kaching's smile turns a bit more genuine, and a lot more slimy. "I'm always ready and willing for a pretty mare. What can I do you for?"
  33. [19:18] * Scrap enters the town irritated at himself that he didn't find it before day break, at least he is laden with his last job's payment.
  34. [19:18] * Nyota takes a polite step back and digs into her saddlebags. Giving Canary a glance as she does so. Flicking her tail she takes out a herb of each color and a a pot. "What can I get for these?" She puts it all on the counter. Glancing back at Canary again with a slighlty nervous smile.
  35. [19:18] * Blackberry_Jam looks around Railyard. Who the hell was she kidding? Nopony around here ever gets sick. She hadn't made a cap in the week and a half she's worked for Splotch. This was getting boring... nothing like her old gig.
  36. [19:19] * Canary just smiles vacantly at Nyota.
  37. [19:20] * Thunder_Strike (Death_Bell@Pony-u9rlt2.ga.charter.com) Quit ( Quit: )
  38. [19:21] * Nyota smiles back before turning to Kaching. A fezz, really?
  39. [19:21] <Mister_Clacky|GM> A stallion with a railway rifle waves to Scrap as he passes the gate. He is a bit lathered with sweat from his morning run. "Hello! What's your... *pant* ... business in Railyard... *wheeze* ...today, friend?"
  40. [19:22] * Scrap nods and smiles, "Is there a place that sell bullets around here?"
  41. [19:22] * Camo (ShadeAcidic@Pony-u9rlt2.ga.charter.com) has joined #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  42. [19:22] * Canary thinks fezzes are cool.
  43. [19:23] * Camo (ShadeAcidic@Pony-u9rlt2.ga.charter.com) has left #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  44. [19:24] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The stallion nods. "You want Slash and Slag's. Third car down on the near side."
  45. [19:24] * Camo (ShadeAcidic@Pony-u9rlt2.ga.charter.com) has joined #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  46. [19:25] <Scrap> "Much appreciated. Have a fine day."
  47. [19:25] * Blackberry_Jam thinks that berets are the coolest form of headgear. With a sigh, she snubs out her cigarette and heads inside the clinic. "Splotch, tell me that you have something to do."
  48. [19:25] * Camo is now known as Thunder_Strike
  49. [19:26] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Kaching smiles widely, leaning in a bit. "I normally give 9 caps for herbs, but for you I'll do 11, each."
  50. [19:27] * Scrap sets out for Slash and Slag's.
  51. [19:28] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Dr. Splotch rounds the gurney sitting in the middle of his traincar clinic. His jumbled coat of stripes and spots less distracting partially concealed under his labcoat. "We could do another inventory?"
  52. [19:28] * Nyota glances back before taking yet another polite step back. Smiling nervously to the creepy shopkeep. "Ah, that's very kind of you. Would you be willing to trade a healing potion for two of them and caps for the third?" She says, fidgeting nervously on her hooves.
  53. [19:30] * Canary tilts his head; "Don't Healing Potions cost 50 caps? Two herbs worth a total of 22 would be really bad for his business."
  54. [19:31] * Blackberry_Jam hangs her head. "Yeah... I guess we could." She sets about taking inventory. Again.
  55. [19:32] * Nyota blinks, glancing back at Canary again with a slight frown, narrowing her eyes at him before tunring back to Kaching with a slight smile. "50 caps! Oh, Im sorry. I wasnt aware.." She slumps. "So.. 33 caps in total then, for the herbs, yes?"
  56. [19:33] <Mister_Clacky|GM> "That's right, my dear. Unless you can think of something to..." He drags his tongue across his teeth. "Make up the difference."
  57. [19:34] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Scrap enters Slash and Slag's to see an pair of earth ponies, stallion and mare, locked in a rather heated hoof-wrestle.
  58. [19:34] * Canary frowns; "You're not really a good customer either Kaching if you think sexual favours go for so little."
  59. [19:35] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Kaching turns and glares at Canary, his friendly mask evaporating. "Didn't I say to buy something or leave?"
  60. [19:36] * Scrap begins looking at the inventory.
  61. [19:36] * Nyota bites her lower lip, looking about nervously. She wasnt liking this at all. "No, I'll just take the caps... Please?" Her tail lowered to cover her nethers. She covers down slightly, ready to flee if this creepy shopkeep tried anything.
  62. [19:37] * Canary raises a spiked ponyshoe and casually swats a small insect with it.
  63. [19:38] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The mare glances quickly over to Scrap. "Be with you in a minute." At which point she spits messily in the stallion's solitary eye before slamming his hoof to the table. "In your face!" She stands and turns. "So, whaddaya need?"
  64. [19:40] * Canary tilts his head and looks at Kaching; "Do you have anyone else I can talk to? The customer service here is certainly lacking."
  65. [19:41] ->> Connection closed from celestia.canternet.org
  66. [19:41] ->> You re-joined channel #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  67. [19:41] ->> Topic is: Welcome to the Fruity Rumpus Asshole Factory. Join #FruityRumpusOOCDice for a Dicebot and Chatter. Check out the Group Nine/Destiny Group, and now Group Platypus! Forum thread: http://forum.fallout-equestria.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=350.
  68. [19:41] ->> Topic set by SpencerDespenser|GM on 1/16/2013 12:25:59 AM
  69. [19:42] ->> You are now known as Snack_Cake-
  70. [19:42] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Kaching looks wounded at Canary's treatment. He looks back at Nyota. "I'm sorry about him... insinuating such things... I certainly meant nothing of the sort. let me get you those caps, Miss." He counts out 39 caps and offers them to Nyota
  71. [19:43] * Snack_Cake (Umbra@Pony-ja1ali.east.verizon.net) Quit ( Ping timeout: 121 seconds )
  72. [19:44] * Canary smiles; "The customer is always right. Although, I'm not a customer at the moment. Does that mean I'm never right? That would suck."
  73. [19:45] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The stallion grumbles as he clears spit from his eye. "Dammit Slag, ya damn cheat!" She pays him no mind as she shows Scrap an assortment of munitions.
  74. [19:46] * Nyota swipes the caps as quickly as she can off the counter making sure she dosnt make any physical contact. "Ah, no, no of course. I understand. Thank you." She raises an eyebrow at Canary and smiles a little. Taking a few steps back she mumbles "Kwaheri." Turning on the spot she leaves the store, her tail swishing back and forth.
  75. [19:46] ->> You are now known as Snack_Cake
  76. [19:47] <Scrap> To Slag, "Nice tactic, not many would respect you for it however."
  77. [19:47] * Canary nods and takes his leave as well; "Not the nicest of meetings... unless I was supposed to meet you miss... huh, I didn't catch your name. Then again, I never asked for it, so that's on me."
  78. [19:47] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Kaching speaks low and to himself. "Hate to see you go, but love to watch you leave."
  79. [19:48] * Blackberry_Jam finishes taking note of the inventory. They had the same amount of potions, bandages, and tongue depressors as they did yesterday. "I'm going out for a... smoke... a drink. I need a drink." She says, making for the door.
  80. [19:49] * Canary kicks his saddlebag as he leaves the store, a ponyshoe flying out and hitting Kaching in the face. With any luck, it would also leave a cranial eruption around which it could score a ringer.
  81. [19:49] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Dr. Splotches gives a tired smile. "How about we both get a drink, my treat."
  82. [19:50] * Blackberry_Jam chuckles puts an unlit cigarette in her mouth. "Your treat." She nods.
  83. [19:51] * Nyota glances at Canary as she makes her way to what she think is the inn. "Ah, my name is Nyota. Thanks for staying, I don't even want to think about what that pony might have done if we whre alone in there." She mumbles something in zebra "Kuipotosha.." Shaking her head, giving Canary a smile. "So.. Who might you be?"
  84. [19:51] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Kaching sits up from his suddenly prone form, a ponyshoe looped around his horn. He grumbles and puts it with the others. One more and he'll have a set.
  85. [19:53] * Canary smiles; "I go by Canary. Still not sure if it's my real name, but it has a nice ring to it. Nice to meet you Nyota. Hey, the card was right. This is a nice meeting."
  86. [19:55] * Thunder_Strike comes flying into the town at a low altitude. The sea green Pegasus mare with blonde mane and tail aims for on of the train cars to land. She eeps realizing to late that she is coming down to quickly and crashes into the roof of the train car and slides along it before coming to a rest at the other end. "Ow." She speaks through some pain laying on her belly.
  87. [19:56] * Nyota smiles a little as she enters the inn then with a raised eyebrow she asks. "Card? What do you mean?"
  88. [19:56] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Dr. Splotches stops, his hoof on the door to the bar. He turns to Blackberry_Jam. "Heh, guess we have something to do afterall."
  89. [19:56] * Thunder_Strike she is currently wearing a duster and an empty battle saddle, the gun that was attached having broke off in the crash. She landed atop of the clinic car.
  90. [19:57] * Blackberry_Jam looks up at the roof of the train car as something lands on it. There's a small smile on her face as she says, "Fine, but you still owe me a drink."
  91. [19:58] <Mister_Clacky|GM> As Canary reaches back a card seemingly jumps from his bag and lands facedown at Nyota 's hooves.
  92. [19:59] * Canary points to the card; "That one." he turns it over to reveal the Ace of Wands; "And apparently this meeting was the start of something else as well. Neat."
  93. [20:01] * Nyota blinks a little surprised and looks down at the card. Probebly blocking the bridge to the inn in the process. "Oh. What do you mean with start of something else. Sorry, I don't understand."
  94. [20:01] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Splotches trots down the length of the train a bit until he comes up to a ladder. He looks back to Blackberry. "I'm old, you go up there and check on them."
  95. [20:02] * Canary points at the card; "I'm not 100% sure how I know, but I know what that card means. They've never been wrong yet. Except that one time, but let's not talk about that."
  96. [20:02] * Blackberry_Jam lights a new cigarette and climbs the ladder. It must be kind of hard for ponies to use with now way of clutching the rungs. Once on top of the cars, she calls out. "Hey, are you alive?"
  97. [20:03] * Canary thinks ponies prefer to take the stairs
  98. [20:05] * Nyota (Pantzar@Pony-kclccu.cust.bahnhof.se) Quit ( Ping timeout: 121 seconds )
  99. [20:07] * Thunder_Strike groans attempting to stand up. She hears a voice and swivels her ears to better hear it, then she speaks, "yeah, I'm alive." She wobbles a bit then slowly turns around and opens her wings and gives them a test flap.
  100. [20:07] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Slag smirks. "Respect doesn't mean much, so long as you win."
  101. [20:09] * Blackberry_Jam sighs in relief. She hates burying ponies. She climbs on top of the cart and approaches cautiously. Her shotgun is strapped across the back of her black combat armor. You can never be too careful. "Need medical attention?"
  102. [20:09] <Scrap> "I'm begining to make a career on that concept."
  103. [20:09] * Canary lost track of his conversation partner
  104. [20:09] <Scrap> "In my experience, respect comes from victory."
  105. [20:09] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The stallion, Slash one would assume from the sign, crosses over. "Quit yer flirtin'." He grabs 13 rounds of 9mm. "6 caps, anything else?"
  106. [20:10] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Slag doesn't have the common decency to look abashed.
  107. [20:12] * Scrap Puts 6 caps on the counter. "Nothing else for now, thank you." *turns to leave.*
  108. [20:12] * Thunder_Strike she thinks a moment then checks her movement in each joint. "Not that I know of. I don't hurt anywhere beside my face." She replies calmly before she notices that her right side has less weight to it. She eeps when she sees her weapon isn't there or anywhere nearby. "Where did it go?!" She asks looking around panicky.
  109. [20:14] * Blackberry_Jam looks at the pegasus curiously. "You may want to consider stopping by the clinic either way... And... Are you... you lost something?"
  110. [20:14] * Scrap stopping and remembering to ask, "Where can I find a bed around here?"
  111. [20:16] * Thunder_Strike has completely forgotten that Blackberry Jam is there. She looks over the edges of the car looking to the ground. The gun is actually at the other end of the car teetering on the edge.
  112. [20:17] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Slag grins. "Well, Priss runs the Inn, it's the last cars on the right. Or you could come to my room and..." She is interrupted by a sharp jab in the ribs. "Hey, what's the big idea!" The pair look about to get into a scuffle.
  113. [20:20] * Blackberry_Jam trots right up to the mare and looks her over. Brain damage? Brain damage. She squints a little in the light of day and spots the rifle. "You sure you're feeling okay, kid?"
  114. [20:21] * Thunder_Strike "huh?" Looks back at Blackberry jam. " oh yeah. I'm fine." She still has a panicked tone as she goes back to looking. "I've lost my weapon on the crash."
  115. [20:27] ->> Connection closed from celestia.canternet.org
  116. [20:28] ->> You re-joined channel #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  117. [20:28] ->> Topic is: Welcome to the Fruity Rumpus Asshole Factory. Join #FruityRumpusOOCDice for a Dicebot and Chatter. Check out the Group Nine/Destiny Group, and now Group Platypus! Forum thread: http://forum.fallout-equestria.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=350.
  118. [20:28] ->> Topic set by SpencerDespenser|GM on 1/16/2013 12:25:59 AM
  119. [20:30] * Thunder_Strike looks to where the mare was pointing and spots her weapon. She sighs in relief. "Thanks." She says and trots over to retrieve it. She is currently under the effects of adrenaline and doesn't actually feel the sharp pain that is in her wing, if she opens it Blackberry Jam would easily see that it is definitely injured.
  120. [20:32] * Blackberry_Jam takes a puff from the cigarette hanging loosely from her lips. "Right. Let's get you into the clinic, kid." And let's get some caps in her pockets~
  121. [20:33] * Nyota "Oh.. So, its more of a.. Feeling?" She smiles, shaking her head a little. Then blinks as if she was reminded of something. "Ah, so you knew I was comming?" Her ears perks up.
  122. [20:34] * Canary nods; "Yes, right before I went into the shop, I pulled a card that symbolized meetings. The one that landed between us corresponds to the beginning of new ventures. I don't think they're unrelated."
  123. [20:35] <Mister_Clacky|GM> A swift wind picks up as Canary is explaining the cards. Two ot them flutter away and land face up between them and the town gate.
  124. [20:37] * Canary blinks; "Hold that thoughe. I would prefer to keep the whole deck; they're not really in the best shape as it is." He runs off after the two cards, then curiously checks what they are when he pickes them up.
  125. [20:37] <Canary> *thought
  126. [20:37] * Thunder_Strike she picks up the rifle and places it in the holster that came with the rifle. She turns and walks back towards Blackberry_Jam. "If you insist." She says and goes to fly down from the top. She opens her wings and the way her right wing looks as if it was jammed and bruised.
  127. [20:37] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Canary finds the Page of Cups
  128. [20:37] <Mister_Clacky|GM> and the Tower.
  129. [20:38] * Canary frowns when he sees The Tower; "Crap." He then looks at the Page; "Huh... do I have family? Or is it someone elses family?"
  130. [20:38] * Nyota nods slightly. "I see.. Oh! Your cards!" She follows Canary, keeping herself in the background. Glancing over at the gates then leaning in to look at the cards. "What does those mean?"
  131. [20:39] * Blackberry_Jam nods, exhaling and blowing a whispy ring of smoke into the morning air. "I do insist. Let's get that wing looked at."
  132. [20:40] * Canary points to the Tower; "This one, unfortunately, implies desaster. Or it could be a flash of inspiration shearing away deciet... but since I can't seem to remember anything new, it's probably disaster. The Page of Cups regards important family matters. That one is odd though, sicne I don't know if I even have a family."
  133. [20:40] * TicTac (TicTac@Pony-st7j64.cpe.imoncommunications.net) has joined #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  134. [20:41] * Nyota bits her lower lip and looks around worridly. "Si nzuri.." She swallows. "So what does this card have to do with family?"
  135. [20:42] * Canary blinks; "Oh... it may also have to do with young people... I don't have kids do I? That would suck if couldn't remember them."
  136. [20:42] * TicTac (TicTac@Pony-st7j64.cpe.imoncommunications.net) has left #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  137. [20:44] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Slash and Slag don't seem to hear Scrap as they start scuffling across thier store.
  138. [20:45] <Nyota> "I.. Do you have kids? I mean.. What? I mean.. Oh I dont understand..." She sits down. Ears twitching like crazy.
  139. [20:46] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Canary continues puzzling over the cards> Nyota, Scrap, and Blackberry hear a faint scream coming from the North.
  140. [20:47] * Thunder_Strike "what? What you mean my wing?" She speaks before she jumps down. She looks back and gasps. "Yeah, good idea. Thanks for mentioning that."
  141. [20:47] * Canary blinks; "I don't think I would have kids. I don't even like mares. Unless I did before, but that sounds like it would be a strange thing to forget."
  142. [20:47] * Blackberry_Jam 's ears twitch slightly. Arriving at the ladder, she looks up at the source of the scream. "Doc... take... uh... this kid here to the clinic. I think she sprained a wing. I'm... gonna go that way." SHe says, descending and heading vaguely in the direction of the scream.
  143. [20:47] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The two deputies at the gate turn their gaze north as well.
  144. [20:48] * Nyota stands up with a jerk. "What was that?" She looks towards the north, stretching herself up. "Did you hear that, Canary?"
  145. [20:48] * Canary blinks; "Hear what?" He somehow felt like he had failed something.
  146. [20:48] * Scrap steps outside and looks north to see what's going on.
  147. [20:49] * Thunder_Strike climbs down the ladder slowly she drops down once at the bottom and lands on her flanks with an ooph.
  148. [20:50] * Nyota starts to move towards the scream. "I think I heard a scream." Her breath has picked up slightly and she looks tense. Ready to fight, or flee. "It came from over here."
  149. [20:50] * Canary nods; "Okay." He slips the cards away and gallops behind Nyota.
  150. [20:51] * Blackberry_Jam mutters something about clutzy featherbrains as she leaves Thunder_Strike with Doctor Splotch. She begins to pick up the pace, weaving through the center of town towards the north.
  151. [20:52] * Nyota makes sure to pull her hoodie up before darting towards the scream. Why did she have a bad feeling about this..
  152. [20:53] * Scrap flies a few feet above train and follows it toward the north.
  153. [20:53] <Mister_Clacky|GM> From their vantage point in town, those looking can only vaguely see shapes along the north road. Another shrill sceam pierces the air.
  154. [20:54] * Blackberry_Jam breaks into a full gallop, looking for the sheriff as she heads towards the north gate. The second scream only quickens her pace.
  155. [20:55] * Nyota halts herself as she sees other ponies also going north. She glances back at Canary to see what the wierd fezz wearing stallion was going to do.
  156. [20:55] * Canary is remarkably fast when it comes to the dangerous situation. The Tower was not a pleasant card to see and he wanted to get it over and done with as quickly as he could.
  157. [20:56] * Nyota shakes herself and follows after Canary.
  158. [21:03] * Karma (~3286ab66@Pony-66buhr.co.comcast.net) has joined #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  159. [21:03] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Nyota, who ran along side Canary toward the gate, can make out several ponies being attacked in the distance, about 500 feet away. The details are fuzzy at this distance.
  160. [21:05] * Nyota stops for a moment, looking over the scene she sighs. Taking a deep breath. Raiders? Slavers? Or worse..? She shakes her head, looking at Canary again. "What do we do?"
  161. [21:07] * Canary looks to Nyota; "Help the people in trouble, right? I'm pretty sure that's what we should be doing."
  162. [21:09] * Nyota grits her teeth. "Kotumba! Okay, lets see what we can do." She sets off towards the group of ponies fighting. Trying to find some sort of cover she can use when she eventually gets there.
  163. [21:09] * Canary whips a pistol out of a holster at his shoulder.
  164. [21:10] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Dr. Splotches looks over to Thunder_Strike as Blackberry darts away, "Where's she think she's going?"
  165. [21:11] * Thunder_Strike shrugs unsure, though she does notice a few other ponys running in the same direction. "My guess is, she's going where ever they are headed."
  166. [21:12] * Blackberry_Jam calls from over her shoulder. "Getting us some more business!"
  167. [21:20] * Thunder_Strike turns to the doctor. "How much would it be to have my wing looked at and fixed?" She asks showing him her jammed wing which won't close now.
  168. [21:22] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Dr Splotches looks back to her. "Oh, sorry about that, right this way. I'll diagnose it for free, just don't tell her." He makes a motion toward the departing Blackberry and starts heading toward the clinic
  169. [21:23] * Thunder_Strike nods and follows him. "My lips are sealed. And thank you." She adds.
  170. [21:26] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Nyota, from her closer vantage point, can see three ponies in blue outfits set upon by a group of ghouls. The largest of the blue-clad ponies has drawn a knife and engaged the unliving beasts. He carves up the first with precision but slips in the monsters gore as he lunges after a second. He goes down momentarily, but surges back to his hooves.
  171. [21:30] <Mister_Clacky|GM> A larger ghoul bursts from the shadows, swinging a large hammer toward him, the stallion notices and turns to face him.
  172. [21:30] * Canary looks to Nyota; "What do you see? I get the feeling your eyesight is better than mine."
  173. [21:31] <Nyota> "Ghouls! They're attacking those ponies!"
  174. [21:33] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Unfortunately for the stallion, swinging his head in the large ghoul'd direction brought his head in line with the heavy sledge. It cracks against his skull with a meaty clang. The stubborn stallion somehow maintains his hooves.
  175. [21:33] * Canary nods; "Then it's pretty clear what we need to do." He pulls back the hammer on his revolver, trying to look cool. However, in speaking aorund his weapon, Nyota can probably only hear mumbling.
  176. [21:37] * Scrap continues flying toward the north trying to hear or see anything else.
  177. [21:38] <Mister_Clacky|GM> From his position, Scrap can see the melee unfolding north of town. They are about 550 feet away from him as the pegasus flies.
  178. [21:40] * Canary suddenly wishes he had a longer range rifle
  179. [21:40] * Zenith is now known as Dervish
  180. [21:41] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Scrap starts flying toward the attack. As he flies (careful of his altitude) toward them, he passes over the town wall and along the road. A sprawling pre-war cemetery stretches out to the east. At least a dozen ghouls surround the three ponies in blue.
  181. [21:45] * Karma (~3286ab66@Pony-66buhr.co.comcast.net) has left #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory ("")
  182. [21:46] <Mister_Clacky|GM> And by "in Blue" he sees the ponies in clothes with all their flesh. Being colorblind and all.
  183. [21:48] * Canary sprints towards the fray, but comes up a bit short on reaching them this turn.
  184. [21:52] * Blackberry_Jam is out of the town by now, galloping at full speed towards wherever these screams are coming from. Her cigarette still hangs from her mouth as she checks the shotgun on her back.
  185. [21:54] <Mister_Clacky|GM> As Blackberry_Jam passes through the gates she can make differentiate the living ponies from the undead. Although she can't get a clear count
  186. [21:56] * Snack_Cake is freaking out right about now. She shrieks when the one with the hammer comes out of nowhere! "What are these things!? They..." She gives her friend a horrified look. "They look dead, Butter... H...how... We have to run, Butter! We have to get out of here..." She takes a few steps back, looking for a way to run.
  187. [22:04] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Butter Rum looks back to Snack_Cake a moment, locking eyes for a split second before the horde of ghouls surround her. The pack surrounds and rips into her. She continues to scream, flailing back.
  188. [22:05] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Her flailing is pointless.
  189. [22:06] * Nyota stops her charge and starts to sneak around the ghouls, hopefully not getting spotted as they where busy with other ponies. She reaches down to her pistol that she had at a holster on her rearleg. Mumbling "Samahani" before fireing twice upon one undead creatures.
  190. [22:10] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Nyota sneaks around, some notice but continue to focus on their still writhing meal. Her first shot goes high, while the second catches in the slide.
  191. [22:12] * Nyota looks wideeyed at the ghouls. Then down at her weapon. "Kotumba..."
  192. [22:13] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Dr. Splotches chivalrously opens the door to the clinic for Thunder_Strike.
  193. [22:14] * Nyota (Pantzar@Pony-kclccu.cust.bahnhof.se) Quit ( Ping timeout: 121 seconds )
  194. [22:14] * Thunder_Strike "thanks. Very polite of you." She says smiling and entering, her wing bumps the doorframe and she gasps from the pain that shoot through it. "Ouch!"
  195. [22:15] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The Stallion clears his head. "Dammit, RUMMY! He turns his back on the hammer-weilding ghoul and dives into the smaller ferals.
  196. [22:16] * Nyota (Pantzar@Pony-kclccu.cust.bahnhof.se) has joined #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  197. [22:17] <Mister_Clacky|GM> He batters his way among them and manages to down two of the beasts with quick, practiced strokes of his blade. The unfortunate mare is still pressed under the mass of ghoul.
  198. [22:18] * Pantzar_ (Pantzar@Pony-kclccu.cust.bahnhof.se) has joined #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  199. [22:18] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The large ghoul cackles around the handle of his weapon as his prey turns away from him. He brings the hammer up, and down.
  200. [22:19] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Up and down.
  201. [22:19] <Mister_Clacky|GM> But both strikes miss
  202. [22:21] * Nyota (Pantzar@Pony-kclccu.cust.bahnhof.se) Quit ( Ping timeout: 121 seconds )
  203. [22:22] * Nyota (Pantzar@Pony-kclccu.cust.bahnhof.se) has joined #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  204. [22:25] ->> Connection closed from celestia.canternet.org
  205. [22:25] ->> You re-joined channel #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  206. [22:25] ->> Topic is: Welcome to the Fruity Rumpus Asshole Factory. Join #FruityRumpusOOCDice for a Dicebot and Chatter. Check out the Group Nine/Destiny Group, and now Group Platypus! Forum thread: http://forum.fallout-equestria.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=350.
  207. [22:25] ->> Topic set by SpencerDespenser|GM on 1/16/2013 12:25:59 AM
  208. [22:25] * Scrap continues flying trying to get a better look.
  209. [22:26] <Mister_Clacky|GM> As Scrap flies toward the bedlam, he can clearly see the massive ghoul, as well as six 'living' ghouls surrounding the shrieking young mare.
  210. [22:28] * Snack_Cake is completely dumbstruck. Completely horrified. "Butter? BUTTER!" She shakes her head frantically back and forth, squeezing her eyes shut. "No... no no no... BUTTER!"
  211. [22:29] * Scrap takes a shot at the big one.
  212. [22:29] <Mister_Clacky|GM> He can also see the Stallion with the knife and another small mare shaking with fear. He also passes several ponies from town coming to their aid.
  213. [22:31] * Nyota calls out a silenced pistol muffled. "Don't just stand there you mambo ponies! Run!"
  214. [22:33] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Scrap's shot peirces the large Ghoul's right leg, a puff of viscous ichor bursting from the limb
  215. [22:36] * Canary continues his sprint and skids to a stop, unloading three shots into the neatest ghoul.
  216. [22:40] * Thunder_Strike (ShadeAcidic@Pony-u9rlt2.ga.charter.com) Quit ( Quit: It's a Cactopus! )
  217. [22:41] <Mister_Clacky|GM> A pair of Canary's shots ring true. While one hits low in the dirt, the other two rise with the gun's muzzle to take one of the ghouls in the foreleg and chest, dropping it to the bloodsplattered dirt.
  218. [22:41] * Thunder_Strike (Death_Bell@Pony-u9rlt2.ga.charter.com) has joined #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  219. [22:47] * Blackberry_Jam arrives on scene, all though she probably could have been there last turn. Getting a quick view of everything unfolding before here, she stops fairly close to a ghoul. Bringing her shotgun to bear, she fires once.
  220. [22:50] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Blackberry;s shotgun belches a hail of buckshot, but the spread passes ineffectually by the Ghoul's head.
  221. [22:51] * Blackberry_Jam curses under her breath. She needed more practice with this thing...
  222. [22:54] * Snack_Cake is shaking pretty bad. She hears someone calling 'run'. It takes a moment for her to work up the courage to open her eyes, but she sees that some ponies have come to their rescue! She makes a run for it, toward hopeful safety.
  223. [23:00] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Inside the mass of ghouls one is crazed by bloodlust and viciously mauls another beside it. The rest continue their morbid feasting as the mare beneath them continues to scream pitiously.
  224. [23:01] <Mister_Clacky|GM> As if called by the mayhem, four more ghouls stagger out of the cemetery, joining the frenzy.
  225. [23:02] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The mare's screaming cuts off in a wet gurgle.
  226. [23:05] * Nyota stares wideeyed at the frenzied group of ghouls, then down at her jammed gun. With a whine she slinks to the side before sitting down, fumbling with the weapon in her hooves she unjams it after a few well chosen zebra curses. With a fixed gun she takes aim at one of the ghouls that recently joined the fight. She squeezes of one shot before aiming properly and fiering another.
  227. [23:06] * Nyota obviously stood up before shooting.
  228. [23:08] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Nyota's shots strike true, leaving gorey furrows through the ghoul's chest. It staggers, but continues striving to feed.
  229. [23:09] * Nyota whines around her gun. It wasnt made for these kind of engagements!
  230. [23:11] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Dr. Splotches looks over Thunder_Strike. "Hmmm... it's jammed pretty good..." He takes it in his hooves and gives it a precise jerk. It isn't exactly pleasant, but motion is restored. "I won't even charge ya, unless you want to buy a potion... but that seems a bit overkill. Just don't tell Blackberry I did if for free."
  231. [23:15] * Thunder_Strike she yelps from the sudden sharp pain that presists a minute then slowly starts to go away. THen moves it around wincing couple times dure to soreness. "Thanks, it feels much better. and thanks again for not charging me. such generosity is hard to come by in this time." she says smiling then adds, "Would you be so kind as to direct me to the weapons dealer sdo i can
  232. [23:15] * Thunder_Strike have my weapon checked and remounted?"
  233. [23:17] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Dr. Splotches gives her directions to Slash and Slag's. It's just a few doors down.
  234. [23:19] * Thunder_Strike nods to the doctor. then turns and follows his directions.
  235. [23:22] ->> Connection closed from celestia.canternet.org
  236. [23:22] ->> You re-joined channel #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  237. [23:22] ->> Topic is: Welcome to the Fruity Rumpus Asshole Factory. Join #FruityRumpusOOCDice for a Dicebot and Chatter. Check out the Group Nine/Destiny Group, and now Group Platypus! Forum thread: http://forum.fallout-equestria.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=350.
  238. [23:22] ->> Topic set by SpencerDespenser|GM on 1/16/2013 12:25:59 AM
  239. [23:25] ->> Connection closed from celestia.canternet.org
  240. [23:25] ->> You re-joined channel #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  241. [23:25] ->> Topic is: Welcome to the Fruity Rumpus Asshole Factory. Join #FruityRumpusOOCDice for a Dicebot and Chatter. Check out the Group Nine/Destiny Group, and now Group Platypus! Forum thread: http://forum.fallout-equestria.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=350.
  242. [23:25] ->> Topic set by SpencerDespenser|GM on 1/16/2013 12:25:59 AM
  243. [23:26] * TyrannisUmbra (Umbra@Pony-csr79n.east.verizon.net) Quit ( Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Snack_Cake!Umbra@Pony-o2c02j.east.verizon.net)) )
  244. [23:27] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Hearing Butter Rum's wet deathrattle sends the stallion into a frenzy! He hacks and slashes his way into the crowd ghouls. Slaying three but catching his own hoof in recklessness.
  245. [23:29] <Nyota> "What are you doing, run pony, run!"
  246. [23:32] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The large ghoul moves forward, the head of his sledgehammer dragging the ground, with a precise surge lifts the heavy weapon and brings it down on the Stallion's head. The hammerhead staves clean through, sending an arc of gore and greymatter scything through the air. The decapitated stallion slumps to the ground.
  247. [23:33] * Blackberry_Jam blinks hard. That pony was a killing machine... but... "Oh... fuck..."
  248. [23:33] * Blackberry_Jam 's cigarette falls out of her gaping jaw.
  249. [23:34] * Nyota gasps, taking a small step back.
  250. [23:36] * Canary frowns around his gun. Lousy Tower
  251. [23:36] * Scrap switches to his hollow point clip and takes 4 shots at the nearest unarmored ghoul.
  252. [23:39] <Mister_Clacky|GM> One of Scrap's shots strikes the ghoul-gnawed ghoul, the bullet blossoming on impact and tumbling through it's rotten core, the beast slumps over, dead-un-dead.
  253. [23:41] * Canary growls around his revolver; "I hate it when the tower shows up. I think we've had quite enough disaster for one day now." He empties his revolver into the Ghoul, reloads, and is able to pull off one extra shot without chambering the next round.
  254. [23:45] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Most of Canary's shots miss their mark, but the last burrows through the previously damaged hindleg. The beast's howl of victory changed timber to one of outrage as he struggles to keep the mutilated limb under him.
  255. [23:48] * Blackberry_Jam grunts a little. Somepony was going to have to clean that up... With a snarl, she turns her attention to the ghoul she missed and fires once, reloads, and fires again.
  256. [23:57] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Blackberry's first shot splatters a ghoul across the landscape, seeing as her first shot didn't leave enough to shoot at a second time, after reloading she trains her weapon on another nearby unarmored ghoul, turning him into a black and pink mist.
  257. [00:01] * Snack_Cake just keeps running. She's horribly distraught, afraid for her life. The only thing in her head is: Oh Celestia please, don't let them get me...
  258. [00:01] * Dervish is now known as Serenity
  259. [00:03] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Snack_Cakes mad dash the direction the gun-weilding ponies came from leads her to Railyard's entrance. As she comes near it, she can see more ponies with guns behind a protective barricage
  260. [00:04] <Mister_Clacky|GM> With a sickening wrench, on of the ghouls tears a limb from the dead mare. With it's prize held in its jaws, it flees back into the cemetery.
  261. [00:05] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The other surviving ghoul charges the shotgun-wielding pony.
  262. [00:06] <Mister_Clacky|GM> It lunges at her face, it's jaws coming close enough to leave behind a rotten stink, but, ignoring the damage to her olfactory senses, she remains unscathed.
  263. [00:07] * Blackberry_Jam has smelt... well... no she hadn't. Recoiling a little, she throws up a little in her mouth.
  264. [00:08] * Snack_Cake is crying and sobbing loudly as she makes it to Railyard's entrance. Once she makes it there, almost as if sensing she's finally made it someplace safe, she drops to the ground, a crying, emotional wreck.
  265. [00:10] * Nyota circles around to get a better line of fire onto the big ghoul. She steadies herself, aims and pulls the trigger twice.
  266. [00:10] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The Sheriff stows his gun while his deputies keep theirs pointed north. He crosses over and kneels down. "Hey..."
  267. [00:12] * Snack_Cake is shaking, wailing. Anything she tries to say is completely impossible to understand in the middle of her hysterics.
  268. [00:14] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Nyota's incredibly well-aimed shots burrow into the large ghoul's body. One shot buries itself in it's shoulder, sliding along the bone. The other digs into it's chest, coming to rest in a lung. Black ichor foams out of its mouth as it staggers back.
  269. [00:16] * Nyota narrows her eyes at the ghoul. Whispering "Kufa.."
  270. [00:16] <Mister_Clacky|GM> On their way to Slash and Slag's, Thunder_Strike sees the young mare sprint into town and collapse at the gate.
  271. [00:17] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The ghoul gets its crippled hindleg back under itself and glares at the striped breather in front of it. he tightens his bite on his hammer.
  272. [00:18] * Nyota gets a very worried look on her face. She takes a step back. "W-why dont you just die! Please!"
  273. [00:19] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The big ghoul grins. "Tried that, didn't stick." He charges her.
  274. [00:20] * Thunder_Strike she stops spoting the mare, she looks at the shop sign Reading "Slash and Slag's" then turn around and heads toward the mare to check on her. That was more important right now.
  275. [00:20] * Nyota goes wideeyed clenching, down on her weapon.
  276. [00:22] <Mister_Clacky|GM> His charge is more of a stagger, but he makes it close enough to take a mighty swing at the Zebra's head.
  277. [00:22] * Canary thinks that with a crippled leg, his charge is more of a... did the GM just steal my thought process?
  278. [00:23] * Canary wonders what a Gm is for a moment, then goes back to focusing on the fight
  279. [00:23] * Snack_Cake is still crying, though at this point it's more sobbing than all-out wailing. "B...Butter... Th...they... Oh... Oh Butter..."
  280. [00:23] * Blackberry_Jam 's jaw drops again, this time without a cigarette in it. "Did... that one just... talk?"
  281. [00:24] <Mister_Clacky|GM> He swings mightily, but overbalances himself on his ruined legs. His weapon flies from his mouth, cartwheeling down the street.
  282. [00:26] * Nyota cries out as she is charged, taking a panicky step back. Just staring at the ghoul infront of her as he misses his mighty swing.
  283. [00:27] * Thunder_Strike walks over to Snack_Cake, "Excuse me miss, are you alright?" she asks softly, completely unaware of what happened outside the gate.
  284. [00:29] * Snack_Cake is a little lost in her grief. She mutters, "Why... Celestia... why... Why did... Why did you have to take her!?"
  285. [00:29] * Scrap seeing the large ghoul charge somepony, flies as fast as he can and slams his rear hooves into the ghoul.
  286. [00:30] * Thunder_Strike thinks for a moment confused. she shakes her head to clear it, then raises a hoof and gently nudge the mare. "Miss?"
  287. [00:36] * Snack_Cake jerks away from the hoof, looking up in surprise. Tears are still streaming down her face.
  288. [00:39] * Thunder_Strike takes her hoof away noticing it startled her. "easy, easy. I'm mean no harm." she says offering the mare her hoof this time, instead of touching her.
  289. [00:40] * Nyota jumps back and yelps in surprise as a pegasus suddenly comes charging down from the sky and crashes into the ghoul infront of her.
  290. [00:42] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The huge ghoul leans into the attack, failing to even budge as the pegasus' hooves dig into his shoulder. Scrap bounces off and recovers. The ghoul remains standing, dead on his feat. He slowly slumps to the ground.
  291. [00:45] * Snack_Cake squeezes her eyes shut again, trying to hold back more tears. It doesn't really work so well. "They... Butter... She..." She's still having trouble speaking in coherent sentences.
  292. [00:45] * Scrap seeing the big one die, turns and fires 3 shots at the last ghoul.
  293. [00:48] * Thunder_Strike "hey, lets get you inside instead of out her in the open." she speaks softly to her.
  294. [00:48] <Scrap> *one
  295. [00:49] * Nyota blinks once the ghoul falls to the ground. Letting out a deep breath. Relaxing her jaws.
  296. [00:49] <Mister_Clacky|GM> As much as Scrap really wants to keep pulling that trigger, he only manages to stroke the trigger once. The shot goes wide.
  297. [00:50] * Snack_Cake keeps shaking. Inside. Inside. Inside is safe. Safer than outside. Outside has monsters. Monsters that... eat... you... alive... She lets out a whimper and gets shakily to her hooves.
  298. [00:52] * Thunder_Strike offers to assit her along if need, by opening her left wing. "lean on me and i'll help you to the clinic."
  299. [00:54] * Snack_Cake hesitates a moment before she nods. She steps closer, eventually leaning against the friendly pegasus as they walk.
  300. [00:55] * Thunder_Strike Walks back towards the Clinic at the pase of Snack_Cake.
  301. [00:57] * Snack_Cake is moving at a pretty slow pace. She's also kinda heavy.
  302. [00:58] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Canary connects with a flurry of blows, pummeling the remaining ghoul into a rotten mush.
  303. [00:58] * Thunder_Strike Was able to support her for a couple feet but is slowly losing her strength.
  304. [01:00] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Dr. Splotches comes out of the clinic, an unlit cigarette in his mouth. He sees Thunder approaching with the tearstained mare. "Are you alright?"
  305. [01:00] * Nyota finaly allows herself to relax fully. She sits down and lets her gun drop to the ground infront of her. "..."
  306. [01:00] * Blackberry_Jam , seeing that the combat was evidently over, trots quickly over to check on the less cowardly of the Stable Ponies. She doesn't even need to touch them. "They're... they're dead..."
  307. [01:02] * Scrap aproaches the zebra, "Are you hurt?"
  308. [01:02] * Canary turns his gun on the last ghoul, then decides to save himself on the bullets and just use his hooves. He steps in and begins to pummel it. (I totally forgot to actually type this)
  309. [01:04] * Nyota mumbles something in zebra. "basi nafsi zao wengine katika amani.." She looks up at the aproaching pegasus, pulling her hoodie down an shakes her head. "No, I'm.. Im okay. Thank you for that." She scoops up her pistol and holsters it at her rearleg.
  310. [01:04] * Snack_Cake whimpers again. She feels pretty horrible. "I... I don't..." She's not crying as much, but there's still a lot of tears.
  311. [01:04] * Blackberry_Jam nods, satisfied with her diagnosis, trots over to the rest of the ponies that made a stand against the ghouls. "Hey, any of you injured?" She asks, lighting a cigarette and slinging her shotgun back over he shoulder.
  312. [01:04] <Mister_Clacky|GM> There isn't much left of the mare, the ghouls feasted on her a while before they were slain. The stallion is more whole, only missing his head.
  313. [01:05] * Canary slips his pistol away; "I hate when I miss. Waste of time, bullets and, worst of all, things don't die quickly enough to prevent this kind of crap."
  314. [01:05] * Scrap looks around to find anypony that's injured.
  315. [01:05] * Canary is actually totally unharmed. Fancy that.
  316. [01:06] * Thunder_Strike looks at DR. Splorches. "i saw this mare run in the gate and collapse. she going on about lossing someone named Butter i believe." she speaks barely making it over to him. her knees are obviously trembling from supporting the mare.
  317. [01:06] * Nyota stands up. Looking over the group of gathered ponies. Biting her lower lip.. "They should have ran.."
  318. [01:06] * Blackberry_Jam looks a little surprised. "Nopony... well, that's... great. Good work." She decides to go over and loot the corpses. Needed to get those caps somehow.
  319. [01:07] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The kindly doctor helps the mare into the clinic and sets her down on the gurney. He can tell with a simple glance that she is uninjured, physically. He offers her a bottle of pure water in hopes of calming her
  320. [01:08] * Canary frowns; "This sucks. Stupid tower."
  321. [01:08] * Nyota looks over to Canary.. "This is what your cards warned about?" She sounds a little surprised.
  322. [01:08] * Canary sighs; "The page probably means that as her family too. This just keeps getting worse." He groans.
  323. [01:08] <Canary> *was
  324. [01:09] * Thunder_Strike sighs relieved now that the weight has been lift of her, she flops her flanks onto the ground taking a few breaths and deciding to rest.
  325. [01:09] * Snack_Cake eyes the water bottle, fidgeting a bit. After a moment she takes it, and takes a drink. "Th... thank you..."
  326. [01:10] * Scrap seeing no one else injured, joins in the looting.
  327. [01:10] * Blackberry_Jam turns her head slightly at the ponies talking about towers and cards, and begins picking through the belongings of these poor ponies.
  328. [01:10] <Mister_Clacky|GM> "It's ok, little lady. Drink up, you can talk when you're ready, if you want."
  329. [01:10] * Nyota glances over to Blackberry. She wasnt against looting, still, it felt wrong doing it. She moves up to the big dead ghoul and hooves around to see if he has anything of value. She glances over at Scrap again. "I'm grateful for what you did, thank you."
  330. [01:11] <Scrap> "Your welcome."
  331. [01:12] * Thunder_Strike She stands back up after a moment then head back towards "Slash n' Slag's" shop.
  332. [01:13] * Blackberry_Jam turns to Scrap and chuckles a little. "Could have got yourself killed, kid. That takes serious guts."
  333. [01:13] * Canary trots over to and picks up the sledgehammer; "This is a bit too heaavy for my liking. Anyone got a problem if I sell this so I can get some more bullets?"
  334. [01:13] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Blackberry finds: Leather armor (30%), Sledgehammer (70%), Combat Knife (70%), P03 Security Barding (90%), P03 Stable Barding (60%), 6X Pure Water, 6X Prewar Food
  335. [01:13] <Scrap> "It's not a hard decision when someones life is on the line."
  336. [01:15] * Blackberry_Jam pockets the knife and shakes her head. "Unless Kamikaze here wants it." She says, motioning to Scrap as she takes the water and regular barding. "P03... that mean anything to any of you?"
  337. [01:15] * Snack_Cake nods a little. She's glad for the water. After a few minutes, she puts down an empty bottle, and mutters, "I... think I'm ready..."
  338. [01:15] <Mister_Clacky|GM> There are also 69 caps among the dead ghouls.
  339. [01:15] * Canary blurts out; "Prism... something," then tils his head, wondering why he said that.
  340. [01:16] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Slash and Slag are cleaing up bits of busted furniture as Thunder enters. Slag looks up first. "Can I help you with something?"
  341. [01:17] * Blackberry_Jam smiles. Caps. Finally. She takes 15 of them and turns to face everypony else. "Well... I've got to be going now. Patients to see and what-not. Take it easy."
  342. [01:17] * Scrap to Blackberry_Jam, "I can't say I'm familiar with it."
  343. [01:18] * Thunder_Strike "yeah, I need My recharging Magic Rifle inspected, it might be busted." she speaks walking over, the gun in the holister on her back. "if its not, i need it remounted on to my baddlesaddle here." she motions to the right side.
  344. [01:18] * Nyota shakes her head. She keeps glancing at the cemetery. "We should leave.. More of these creatures could show up."
  345. [01:19] * Nyota also takes 15 caps.
  346. [01:19] * Canary nods and takes a few of the caps, plus the sledgehammer, then begins trotting over to Slash and Slag's place. "did you need more ammunition too?"
  347. [01:20] * Scrap takes the prewar food and 19 caps.
  348. [01:22] * Canary looks the Sledge over a bit, wondering if he could try and fix it up a bit to sell better
  349. [01:22] * Mister_Clacky (Mister_Clac@Pony-9b90k4.il.frontiernet.net) has joined #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  350. [01:23] * Blackberry_Jam trots back to the clinic with a tune on her lips and a cigarette hanging from her lips. "Hey Splotch," She says pushing open the door, "You won't believe what happened out there. We ready for those drinks- Oh... who's... You're that mare from the cemetary, right?" She asks Snack_Cake.
  351. [01:23] * Nyota trot up next to Canary and Blackberry. She pulls her hoodie back up again. Trotting back the 500ft to the gates she keeps an eye out for any nearby hearbs or plants. Now that she wasnt chasing down ghouls she could get a proper look on the northen part Railyard.
  352. [01:23] * Mister_Clacky is now known as Mister_Clacky||GM
  353. [01:25] * Mister_Clacky|GM (Mister_Clac@Pony-9b90k4.il.frontiernet.net) Quit ( Ping timeout: 121 seconds )
  354. [01:25] <Mister_Clacky||GM> Slag crosses over to Thunder and inspects the saddle and rifle. "Hell, kid, that's an easy fix." She very quickly slots the rifle back into the saddle. "Don't move."
  355. [01:26] * Thunder_Strike "alright." she speaks and doesn't move.
  356. [01:27] * Scrap feeling lucky, takes the remaining caps and stable barding.
  357. [01:28] * Snack_Cake waits quietly for any questions she might be asked.
  358. [01:29] * Mister_Clacky (Mister_Clac@Pony-rkhiq5.il.frontiernet.net) has joined #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  359. [01:29] * Mister_Clacky||GM (Mister_Clac@Pony-9b90k4.il.frontiernet.net) Quit ( Ping timeout: 121 seconds )
  360. [01:29] * Mister_Clacky is now known as Mister_Clacky|GM
  361. [01:30] * Blackberry_Jam nods and takes another puff of her cigarette. "Yeah, yeah you are. I'm guessing that you're not wounded... physically anyway." She trots closer to Snack_Cake and looks at her more closely. "So who were those ponies to you? Friends? Family?"
  362. [01:32] * Scrap walks back to town, following the others.
  363. [01:34] * Serenity (Molestia@Pony-dg312a.mo.charter.com) Quit ( Ping timeout: 121 seconds )
  364. [01:34] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Slag comes back to Thunder_Strike after digging in a box for a minute. She replaces a couple cotter pins. "Stupid easy, 4 caps?"
  365. [01:35] * Wraith (Molestia@Pony-dg312a.mo.charter.com) has joined #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  366. [01:36] * Thunder_Strike "that sound reasonable." she says and digs through her saddlebag pulling out 4 bottle caps. then passes them over to Slag.
  367. [01:38] * Nyota eventually finds a green herb behind a rock, happy with her find she hurries back to town. Heading inside the main car she waltzes around untill she finds Canary in the ammunition store. There is aparantly also another pegasus there.
  368. [01:39] * Canary looks back at Nyota; "Oh, hey again. Did you need more bullets too? Maybe you should talk to them, I can't seem to get a decent price for this."
  369. [01:39] * Scrap (EDtiGron@Pony-a7a.sfo.181.166.IP) Quit ( Quit: until next time *(\ )
  370. [01:41] * Nyota glances back at her gun before noding at Canary. She sways into the store, ears twisting and turning. "Of course.. Ah, I can atleast try." She says with a smile and glance towards Slash, or was It Slag.. She didnt know.
  371. [01:44] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Slash and Slag are both in the store, Slag has jsut finished the simple repair for Thunder. Slash heads over to the pair. "Oy, what can I do for ya."
  372. [01:44] * Canary offers her the Sledgehammer; "I was gonna offer what was leftover after ammunition restock to the mare who lost her friends, or family if that was the case, but I can split that with you if you can get a better price."
  373. [01:45] * Thunder_Strike nods to slag before putting her battlesaddle back on, and turning to walk out of the store, she gives canary a polite wave of her left wing not wanting to use her right to mch to prevent overstraining it.
  374. [01:46] * Canary waves a spikeshod hoof back at her, smiling and nodding, the tassel of his fex falling in his face
  375. [01:46] * Nyota takes the sledgehammer and nods. She flicks her tail and pulls down her hoodie turning to Slash "Uhm, we have a few things we'd like to sell.. Or atleast trade for bullets." She shows the sledgehammer to Slash, barely able to lift it herself she places it on the floor infront of her.
  376. [01:48] * Thunder_Strike smiles at him as she walks to him. "hey there."
  377. [01:48] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Slash takes the sledge and swings it experimentally. "Oy, you could really have a party with this, roight?" He pulls it up to his face and looks at it. "Is that brainmatte?"
  378. [01:48] <Mister_Clacky|GM> *brainmatter
  379. [01:49] * Canary nods; "An unfortunate stallion who was defending himself. I was planning on giving what was left of the proceeds to the victim's family."
  380. [01:49] * Snack_Cake glances at Blackberry_Jam. She's a little more calm now, but she's still sore about the loss of her friends. "W...we... we're from the same stable... B...Butter... She was one of m...my best friends..."
  381. [01:50] * Nyota blinks. Smiling sheepishly then biting her lower lip as Canary explains.
  382. [01:50] <Mister_Clacky|GM> "Sure, yeah, righteous. Sure, I'll buy this. 280?"
  383. [01:50] * Canary smiles at Thunderstike; "Hey there." He looks for Nyota's approval on the offer
  384. [01:50] * Blackberry_Jam nods slowly, taking yet another puff of her cigarette. "I'm sorry to hear that... What were you doing all the way out here?"
  385. [01:52] * Nyota nods. "That would seem like a fair price, yes. Ah, I do believe we would like to use a fraction of those caps to buy ourselves some ammunition.. " She glances over at Canary.. "Yes?"
  386. [01:52] * Snack_Cake glances down at her hooves. "The... the Overmare wanted to go outside... but there was just... nothing... The three of us went to see if we could find anypony nearby..."
  387. [01:53] * Thunder_Strike she smiles to him. 'Your one of those ponies i saw running to the gate earlier right?" she asks thinking back.
  388. [01:54] * Snack_Cake glanced up at Blackberry_Jam. "Did... Did Mr. Slapstick... Is he okay...? I didn't... I just ran..."
  389. [01:54] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Slash nods. Still a bit distracted by his new toy. "Yeah, ammo. We got that. You got the caps, we got the kaboom!"
  390. [01:55] * Blackberry_Jam tosses the cigarette aside and puts a hoof on Snack_Cake's shoulder. "They...They..." Fuck. This is the worst part about being a doctor. "They didn't make it. You have... my deepest condolences."
  391. [01:55] * Canary nods; "Yes. I would like .357's if you have them and she will have... whatever it was you were using. I was kinda paying more attention to the ghoulies than your firearm choices."
  392. [01:56] * Snack_Cake closes her eyes again. Here come more tears. "Oh... Oh Celestia..."
  393. [01:56] * Nyota "Ah, I just need a few .22's." She says, pointing a hoof at her silenced pistol.
  394. [01:56] * Blackberry_Jam pats her gently on the back. "Kid... I'm sorry... I really am..."
  395. [01:57] <Mister_Clacky|GM> "If we got it. This is Slash and Slag's Boyo!" He whips a cover off a nearby bench. "We got all the boom-booms. All the BOOM-BOOMS! Yeah!"
  396. [01:58] * Canary counts in his head; "I'll need... let's go with twenty-five .357 magnum rounds."
  397. [01:58] * Thunder_Strike "i see your busy right now." she says nodding to Canary. "nice to meet you, Names Thunder_Strike."
  398. [01:58] * Canary smiles back; "Pegasi are kinda rare around here. Did you fall off a cloud by any chance?"
  399. [01:59] * Nyota takes a polite step back from the overenergetic shopkeep. "That is.. Nice. I only need 6 rounds, please."
  400. [02:01] * Thunder_Strike shakes her head. "Nah, I was born here on the ground. both me and my brother, but..." she says her words trailing off.
  401. [02:01] <Mister_Clacky|GM> "You only need 6 .22 rounds? Oh, come on Lady! They're so small. You're fo' seriousl going to buy 2 caps of bullets?" He points emphatically at Canary, "Your Honey over here is at least buying a decent amount at least."
  402. [02:03] * Snack_Cake just kinda sits there and sobs for a bit. Eventually she manages to choke out, "It... it was horrible! What... were those? They... They... Oh Butter... Why did they..."
  403. [02:04] * Nyota rolls her eyes. "Yes.. Only six rounds, unless.. Of course you could have something else that's just as quiet but with more power.." She glances at Canary. "And he is'nt... Whatever it was you said."
  404. [02:05] * Canary blinks; "I'm Canary, not honey."
  405. [02:05] <Nyota> "Exactly."
  406. [02:07] <Mister_Clacky|GM> "Oh, so he isn't your cutie-paroorie lovie-dovie honey-bunny?" He seems generally confused. "But, boyo, your buying her ammo! That's a big deal!"
  407. [02:07] * Blackberry_Jam pats her again. "Kid... I take it that this is probably one of the first times you've lost somepony close to you. And... I know what you're going through... and I know how bad you must feel. No words of mine can bereave the pain you're feeling. So, if you need anything, I can help."
  408. [02:07] * Canary blinks in confusion, and looks to Nyota; "You were speaking another language earlier. Did that make any sense to you?"
  409. [02:08] * Nyota blushes slighly and her ears goes flat. "W-what. No, no he isnt." She whispers.. "He.. He thinks you're a bunny."
  410. [02:08] * Snack_Cake has no idea how anypony could help. She feels... completely lost. Like the whole world has come crashing down.
  411. [02:09] <Mister_Clacky|GM> "Oy, fine. I get it. 27 caps for 25 .357 and... /sigh/ ...6 .22."
  412. [02:09] * Canary blinks; "Canaries and Bunnies aren't even the same."
  413. [02:09] * Thunder_Strike giggles, "I beleive he thinks you to are marefriend and buckfriend."
  414. [02:10] * Canary raises an eyebrow; "But I don't even like mares. Where did he get that idea?"
  415. [02:10] * Blackberry_Jam stands up and sets her shotgun aside. "Well, I could get you a place to stay, and some food. But... I'm no psychologist."
  416. [02:12] * Thunder_Strike Shrugs, "i'm not sure. i guess cause you two came in together." she says with a slight gigg at what he mention about not liking mares.
  417. [02:12] * Nyota turns to Thunder_Strike, blushing even more. "What?!" She blinks. Looking at Canary. "Oh... " Shaking her head. "Wanaume..." She mutters and takes her pistol rounds.
  418. [02:12] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Dr. Splotches brings over a fresh pot of coffee. A rare treat. Along with several mugs. "Well, Miss Cake. You can stay here if you like. I am more than happy to talk about anything. I do have some knowledge of that field."
  419. [02:13] * Canary nods; "Well, not in that sense anyways. A mare friend is fine, but a marefriend is out of the question."
  420. [02:14] * Blackberry_Jam takes a cup. Sweet, sweet nectar. Mon sucre~
  421. [02:14] <Mister_Clacky|GM> "Oh. I'm sorry, boyo. Shouldna assumed. It's cool ya like the cock man, different strokings for different..." /CRACK/
  422. [02:14] * Nyota nods slowly.. "Same thing.. But with kiume."
  423. [02:14] * Canary blinks; "Key you may? Huh?"
  424. [02:15] * Snack_Cake mutters another quiet "Thank you..." and adds, "You... you're both very nice ponies..."
  425. [02:15] * Nyota blinks. "Ah.. bucks?"
  426. [02:15] <Mister_Clacky|GM> "Dammit Slash, shut you damn mouth!" Slag pushes him out of the way. "Sorry bout him. Can I help you with anything else?"
  427. [02:15] * Canary nods; "Ah, so you don't like stallions. Gotcha. I think."
  428. [02:17] * Blackberry_Jam tries not to burst out laughing, but successfully contains herself. She bows her head, showing Snack_Cake the Ministry of Peace flash on her beret. "We're doctors. It's important not to confuse the two."
  429. [02:18] * Nyota shakes her head "No.. I mean.. Ah, forget it." She focuses her attention to Slag intead. "No. I think that is it.."
  430. [02:18] * Canary blinks; "I'm confused. Then again, that's nothing new. Think I'll cut my lossed, take my bullets and go. Did you see where the mare who survived went?"
  431. [02:19] * Thunder_Strike "oh her? i took her to the clinic." she says to canary.
  432. [02:19] * Canary looks to Thunder_Strike; "You said something about your brother. Did he fall off a cloud then?"
  433. [02:20] * Canary ponders; "That would be a long way to fall.'
  434. [02:20] * Snack_Cake frowns and takes a cup of coffee. She kinda stares at it for a while. Her stomach feels like it's twisting in knots.
  435. [02:21] * Nyota mutters something under her breath and takes her bullets, moving off to the side she refills her magazine.
  436. [02:21] * Thunder_Strike " oh.... no, he didn't we were both ground born. he, he went missing when he went out scaveging." she says with a sad tone returning to her voice.
  437. [02:23] * Blackberry_Jam shakes her head. That joke never works... "What's your name, Kid?"
  438. [02:24] * Canary nods; "I see. He's probably dead." He says that with no real malus, more like a statement of fact as he understood it. "Still, you're alive, so that's somethign to be thankful for."
  439. [02:25] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Dr. Splotches sits nearby. She'll talk when she will. For now he will be a presence.
  440. [02:25] * Thunder_Strike Shakes her head, "no, hes still out there. I can feel it." She says not listening to the part about him being dead.
  441. [02:25] * Snack_Cake looks up at Blackberry_Jam. "It's Snack Cake..." She takes a hesitant sip of the coffee.
  442. [02:25] * Nyota stands up after reloading her weapon with a satisfying click. Reholstering it. Sighing she leaves the two in teh gunshop. "I'll be in the inn.. " She mumbles before leaving. With her tail swishing back and forth she warlks through Railyard.
  443. [02:27] * Blackberry_Jam nods and pats Snack_Cake one last time. "Okay Snack_Cake, you stay here with Dr. Splotches, and Blackberry Jam is going to go inform the sheriff that we have a new guest staying here, okay?" ...And sell your dead friend's stuff.
  444. [02:28] * Canary blinks; "How can you feel... hmm... family huh. Maybe that's what the page was trying to tell me."
  445. [02:29] * Thunder_Strike "huh? oh, yeah. I know he's still alive." she says then adds, "What Page?"
  446. [02:29] * Nyota enters the Inn, walking off to the corner she fishes out a bottle of water and a Mutfruit, drinking and eating them both slowly.
  447. [02:30] * Snack_Cake nods. "Thank you... I... I could really use the place to stay..."
  448. [02:31] * Blackberry_Jam smiles and head for the door. "I'll set you up." She says, pushing open the door and heading to the business of that Creeeeeeeepy shopkeep. She needed to pawn this jumpsuit.
  449. [02:31] * Canary pulls the Page of Cups ouf of the deck in his pack and shows it to Thunder_Strike; "This. The Page of Cups. It represents the bonds of family. I thought at first it might mean me, but so far as I know, I don't have family."
  450. [02:33] * Thunder_Strike looks at the card. "oh, interesting." she speaks then looks up at him, "you don't know? how can you not know?"
  451. [02:34] * Canary tilts his head; "I don't remember too much of... well, anything before a couple weeks back."
  452. [02:34] * Blackberry_Jam lights a new cigarette and tries to look as unattractive and unmare-like as she can before trotting into the general store. "Kaching, got some shit I need to sell."
  453. [02:35] * Snack_Cake drinks her coffee with the other doctor. These really were nice ponies.
  454. [02:35] * Thunder_Strike "what, did you get hit on the head or somethin?" she asks taking a seat.
  455. [02:36] <Mister_Clacky|GM> "Oh, Hello Nurse." He only holds out the 'o' a little bit. "What can I do you for."
  456. [02:37] * Canary nods; "It was either the rocks falling on my head, oxygen starvation or methane poisoning that caused the brain damage. And the brain damage."
  457. [02:38] * Blackberry_Jam grits her teeth and shakes the creepy images out of her head. "I'm looking for books, and I have this... Stable Jumpsuit and knife I need to get rid of."
  458. [02:38] * Thunder_Strike nods, "oh i see. some sort of cave in then?"
  459. [02:39] * Thunder_Strike (Death_Bell@Pony-u9rlt2.ga.charter.com) Quit ( Quit: )
  460. [02:39] * Blackberry_Jam mumbles, "And I'm -not- a nurse."
  461. [02:39] * Wraith (Molestia@Pony-dg312a.mo.charter.com) Quit ( Ping timeout: 121 seconds )
  462. [02:40] <Mister_Clacky|GM> "Hmmm... I don't have much in the way of books, got some nice magizines though." The way he says the word 'nice' makes you doubt the wholesomeness of those magazines
  463. [02:41] * Nyota sighs and slumps. The day wasnt even over and she'd already manage to drag to much attention to herself...
  464. [02:41] * Canary nods; "In a mine I think. still can't quite remember how I got out in the first place. I do remember the doctor saying I was pretty messed up. Broken legs, crushed ribs, and thebrain damage."
  465. [02:41] * Wraith (Molestia@Pony-dg312a.mo.charter.com) has joined #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  466. [02:41] * Blackberry_Jam narrows her eyes. "As much as I'd like some more of your "Equine Anatomy" magazines, I'll just sell these instead."
  467. [02:41] * Camo (ShadeAcidic@Pony-u9rlt2.ga.charter.com) has joined #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  468. [02:42] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Kaching looks them over. "I'll give ya 130 for them."
  469. [02:42] * Camo is now known as Thunder_Strike
  470. [02:42] * Canary nods; "In a mine I think. still can't quite remember how I got out in the first place. I do remember the doctor saying I was pretty messed up. Broken legs, crushed ribs, and thebrain damage." (repeat for Thunder_Strike
  471. [02:43] * Blackberry_Jam looks at him blankly. No remarks about her ass? No creepy passes at her? Something was up... "Deal."
  472. [02:43] * Thunder_Strike "I'm amazed you survived." She says her jaw having dropped a bit.
  473. [02:44] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Kaching makes the exchange. "Thank you for your business." The words lacked the fake veneer normally associated with him.
  474. [02:45] * Canary nods; "So am I. Anyways, where did you say you took that mare? I think the universe owes her a bit of recumpence, and I was planning on delivering it." He gestures to the leftover caps
  475. [02:46] * Thunder_Strike nods in agreement, then replies, "the clinic."
  476. [02:46] * Canary nods; "Care to come with me?"
  477. [02:47] * Blackberry_Jam waves a hoof and walks out of the store, over to her friendly neighborhood combustophiles, Slag and Slash, to pick up some shotgun shells.
  478. [02:49] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Blackberry walks in to Slash and Slags to see Slag standing on a counter, a hind hoof on Slash's head and a sledgehammer held high above her. Slash is flailing after it shouting something about his "Scepter of Power." It isn't clear, her hoof is partly in his mouth.
  479. [02:50] * Thunder_Strike "sure." She smiles, "I'd love to go." She adds
  480. [02:51] * Blackberry_Jam facehoofs. "Sweet Luna you two... I... don't know why I'm surprised... Just, get me some shells, please. And try to do it without saying 'boom'."
  481. [02:51] * Nyota closes her eyes and begins to meditate. She had to gather her thoughts and focus on what was important. Not worry about that which didnt matter.
  482. [02:52] * Canary nods and gets up, stepping out of the store and heads over to the clinic. He knocks on the door politely.
  483. [02:52] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Slag drops the sledgehammer, which lands heavily on Slash's head. "Sure thing, Doctor #2." She hops down and head over to the ammo table. "Buck, slug, coin, bag..."
  484. [02:54] * Blackberry_Jam cringes, but relaxes shortly afterward. She's sure that Slash will not seek treatment for that... "Buck, and... do you have any... flechette?"
  485. [02:54] * Thunder_Strike walks along with Canary, headed towards the clinic.
  486. [02:55] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Slash, from his prone position, raises a hoof. "Do we have flechettes! Of course we have flechettes, this is Slash and Sla..."
  487. [02:56] <Mister_Clacky|GM> A quick kick from Slag silences him again. "Yes, we do."
  488. [02:57] * Blackberry_Jam nods, lighting up again. She'd need more cigarettes... "I'll take ten buck, and ten flechette."
  489. [02:58] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Slag pulls out the ammo. "50 caps all together. Doc."
  490. [02:59] * Blackberry_Jam fishes out 55 caps and flashes her a slight smile. "Cheers."
  491. [03:00] <Mister_Clacky|GM> "Hey, a tip. I knew I liked you. But you can't say cheers without a drink!"
  492. [03:01] * Blackberry_Jam looks her over and smiles again. "I think that could be arranged. "
  493. [03:01] * Wraith (Molestia@Pony-dg312a.mo.charter.com) Quit ( Ping timeout: 121 seconds )
  494. [03:01] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Slag pulls out a canister of booze (it used to be an artillery shell) and a pair of shot glasses (40mm grenade casings). She pours to shots. "To fun and queit stallions!" She raises a glass.
  495. [03:02] * Wraith (Molestia@Pony-dg312a.mo.charter.com) has joined #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  496. [03:02] * Blackberry_Jam blinks. "O-Or... that." She raises the other "glass" and gulps down her shot.
  497. [03:02] <Mister_Clacky|GM> ***** Session Ends *****
  498. [03:03] <Mister_Clacky|GM> 1250 experience. +1 Karma for risking life and limb to save the poor stable ponies, or at least helping Snack to the doctor.
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