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a guest
Feb 25th, 2017
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  1. Well, it must be handed in by Tuesday.
  2. Actually, it was made for me by my aunt.
  3. No, it has been already made by the time I got there.
  4. No, they are going to be picked up by Roger. I've already arranged it.
  5. I know. Something should be done about this problem.
  6. When will rubbish be collected?
  7. Who has the light invented by?????????????????????
  8. Yes. It has been announced on the radio this morning.
  9. Yes. It has been visited by over 1000 people every day.
  10. No, I haven't been invited.
  11. Did you hear that the jeweller's was broken into yestrday?
  12. Yes, I heard. But the thief was catched soon afterwards.
  13. I know. Chariot races has been held
  14. Sorry, Madam, but all flights have been delayed.
  15. Yes, these faxes should be send right away.
  16. Yes. Luckily, she was found at the train station.
  17. Yes. It should be repaired
  18. I'm going to an art exhibition which will be held at the museum.
  19. You don't have to. The service is included in the bil
  20. No. I haven't been invited
  21. Unfortunately; no arrests have been made.
  22. I have a beatiful jumper which has been knitted by my grandmother.
  23. Breakfast is served every day from 7 am to 10 am.
  24. Tom didn't go to the meeting yestrday. It was cancelled.
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