
The First Journal Entry

Aug 21st, 2013
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  1. [19:08] == Hearth [] has joined #bobfire
  2. [19:45] == GreenLight [] has joined #bobfire
  3. [19:46] * Hearth walks into her home that she's left unattended for the past few days, slightly dreading being here as she makes her way to the bedroom.
  4. [19:49] == Hearth has changed nick to Hearth|Dinnah
  5. [19:51] <Quicksilver> [/me jumps out of the closet closet and rapes Hearth]
  6. [19:59] <Hearth|Dinnah> [QUICK PLS!]
  7. [20:01] <Quicksilver> [/me grows a dick and jams it into Hearth's ass]
  8. [20:02] == Hearth|Dinnah has changed nick to Hearth
  9. [20:03] * Hearth walks to the end of the bed, eyeing the large chest she helped Bob move in here. She opens it and looks around inside.
  10. [20:04] * Hearth reaches in and pulls out two journals and a writing utensil and tosses them onto the bed, but she turns back to look at the rest of the chest's items.
  11. [20:05] * Hearth reaches in and pulls out Bob's viola and grimaces slightly as she examines it.
  12. [20:05] <GreenLight> [A Viola, a Viola Bow... That's all that's in there]
  13. [20:06] <Hearth> [I also put a thing or two in it.]
  14. [20:07] <GreenLight> [O-oh...]
  15. [20:07] * Hearth tries to remember how Bob used to hold it and replicate his posture. She fumbles it a little and tenses up, but she quickly catches it before it falls and she sighs.
  16. [20:09] == GreenLight [] has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
  17. [20:09] * Hearth places it on the bed as well before going back for the bow, then climbs onto the bed.
  18. [20:11] * Hearth sits down and gently rubs the bow against the strings. The noise that comes out is and unpleasant one and causes her to jolts backwards. She then sighs and murmurs to herself " I wish I got to hear more of it..."
  19. [20:11] * Hearth places the bow down next to the viola and clambers off of the bed, moving back to the still open chest.
  20. [20:12] * Hearth reaches inside pulling out one last item, the silver bracelet with a single ruby which Bob used to propose to her.
  21. [20:14] * Hearth starts to reminice about the night that Bob proposed, but the pleasant memories with Bob are cut short as she realizes such times are in the past and no more lie in her future. She starts to tear up a little.
  22. [20:15] * Hearth carefully places it around the same hoof Bob had placed it on and where it had stayed until after she removed it somee amount of days ago and placed it in this chest.
  23. [20:16] * Hearth closes her eyes and sighs, letting a tear fall as she closes the trunk and makes her way onto the bed.
  24. [20:18] * Hearth stares at the two journals lying in front of her, one Bob's and the other her's.
  25. [20:19] * Hearth picks up the journal given to her and flips through the pages as she confirms what she already knew, it's empty.
  26. [20:20] <Hearth> given to her when she first arrived*
  27. [20:25] * Hearth puts it down, leaving it open to the first page, then turns to Bob's journal and picks it up. She stares at the cover of it for a while, deciding whether or not to open it.
  28. [20:33] * Hearth finally brings herself to open the journal. She can feel herself starting to stiffen as she flips through the pages once more, glancing over the pages, but not really reading any of the words...not until she reaches the page topped with her name.
  29. [20:35] * Hearth takes a deep breath before she starts to read what Bob left.
  30. [20:38] * Hearth 's eyes start to water as she reads it, tears starting to fall onto the bed sheets. Only once she's down she chokes out a sob, giving a short pause before she clutches onto the journal and leans back onto the bed. She cries out loud, remembering just how much she missed Bob and how much she wants him back.
  31. [20:46] * Hearth sobs for sometime with her face in the bedsheets before she starts to calm down. She tosses the journal onto the bed in front of her and she takes deep shaky breaths as she tries to calm herself down.
  32. [20:51] * Hearth finally calms down enough to sit upright once more, Tears litter her face as she sniffles and rubs her nose with a hoof.
  33. [21:03] * Hearth sighs and crawls over to where she tossed the journal, staring at it with her nose only a few inches away from it as she lies on the bed.
  34. [21:05] * Hearth closes her eyes and lies there for a good few minutes as she calms back down, just taking deep breaths through her nose.
  35. [21:12] * Hearth opens her eyes and stares back at the journal. She reaches out with her front hooves and flips it open before sitting back up. She flip through the pages once more, going past the page she read to the last entry, the one with Bob as the title.
  36. [21:16] * Hearth grimaces as she starts to read the entry.
  37. [21:24] * Hearth is conflicted as she reads the passage. Sorrowful and pained because she misses Bob dearly, but wanting to heed Bob's directions and not mourn his death.
  38. [21:29] * Hearth places Bob's journal down onto the bed next to her, still open to the page she just read. She then pick up her own empty journal and the writing utensil. She sighs "Well...gotta start somewhere."
  39. [21:30] * Hearth sits in thought for a minute before starting to write in her journal. Making her first entry.
  41. Well, this is first time I've done this and I don't know where to start, so I guess the beginning is the best place to start.
  43. The first thing I ever had to do with Bob was also the first time I ventured out with other ponies beyond the borders of Four Cannon. We were given directions by Cherenkov to travel south into the swamps and gather some flowers that cured some pony's baldness. After we finally reached our destination, I was the one to actually collect the flowers as everyone else went to explore some strange cave. It was not aware, but I was actually picking flowers for my future husband.
  45. About a week later was when I actually met Bob in person for the first time. I was sitting in the Inn, chatting with a few people, the rest of the town preparing to go out and recapture a few ponies that had been kidnapped from seaponies (Bob, High Tide, and GreenSleeves). While I was sitting there, Bob burst in through the door, panting and stammering out words that didn't quite fit together. He ended up collapsing right there, and we promptly rushed him to the clinic where I could do little but worry until he fully recovered. Now that I think about it, Liven was also yelling about how nobody in this town was his friend that took some convincing before we could get him to save Bob, but we did and he did and I was relieved to see him okay. I barely knew him, but I knew that he was a fellow cannonite, and that was enough for me.
  47. A day or so later was when our relationship really started to form. It was fairly quiet night in the inn, and it may have been after an adventure, but I'm failing to remember. All I remember was being asked to dance by Bob and gladly taking his offer. And oh boy did we! We danced the night away, it was stunning how well he moved. I was entranced, and I hadn't let loose like that in a while. After some time, he also played some music on his viola, and it's a real shame I never really heard too much of his playing. I would've loved to hear more of it. Sadly he had to rush off to tend to someone in the clinic, leaving his viola behind. Rain gave me the idea to take the viola so I could give it to him later and meet him again. I remember staring at that viola, happy to know I had a reason to meet that stallion once again. Little did I know it would be sooner rather than later as Bob came back looking for his viola which I gladly handed over to him. After that we took a walk out under the stars and talked, and it was then that I knew what kind of man Bob was. He was one who genuienly cared for others, was kind and selfless, and he was one I would gladly spend many more days with. I'd actually spend the rest of his days with him. It was also that night I learned he was sleeping at the clinic and couldn't let him continue doing so. I mean, I couldn't let him sleep in those beds when I had a perfectly good one, right?
  49. [23:09] * Hearth sighs and closes her journal, relieved to actually have written something down, but knows that there still is much more to be written.
  50. [23:12] * Hearth moves off of the bed and starts to grab the various items on the bed and load them back into the trunk. Her journal, his journal, the writing utensil, the viola, the viola bow. She pauses, the bed now empty and everything back in place except for the silver bracelet around her left leg.
  51. [23:13] * Hearth lifts her left leg and places it on the edge of the open trunk, fighting with herself whether to leave it on or take it off.
  52. [23:19] * Hearth grimaces as she reluctantly removes the bracelet, slowly moving it off of her leg and holding it in her other hoof as she stares at it. The happiness of when she recieved this bracelet overwhelmed by the pain of knowing that he's long gone. She places it down in the trunk, then slams it shut, closing her eyes and stifling a few crys as tears start to stream down her face once more. "DAMN IT!" *her back legs fall out from under her and her ass falls to the floor with a loud thud*
  53. [23:20] * Hearth hides her face on the top of the trunk and slams a hoof on it "GODDAMMIT!" *cries loudly as the tears continue to flow even faster than before*
  54. [23:31] * Hearth shoves herself off of the trunk and back onto her hooves as she bites her lip, mostly stopping her audible cries, but not stopping the tears from continuing to flow.
  55. [23:35] * Hearth stomps out of her house, slamming the door on the way out.
  56. [23:33] == Hearth [] has joined #fourcannon-townsquare
  57. [23:38] * Hearth leaves her house and marches through townsquare, making a beeline to the clinic.
  58. ----
  59. [23:42] * Hearth slams the door of the clinic open, tears streaming down her face but anger and frustration in her eyes. Her voice strains as she tries to yell, her voice squeaking slightly "Is Liven or Kaia here!?"
  60. [23:43] <Kaiasha> "Hearth?!"
  61. [23:43] <Dark_Quill> "Well i already got a sword" He points to the sword on his back "But i would like to see if this armor fits me"
  62. [23:43] * Detective_Hardboil turns his head to Hearth
  63. [23:43] * Aoyin 's eyes go wide as he turns to Hearth bursting into the clinic.
  64. [23:43] * Kaiasha does a 180 "What's wrong?"
  65. [23:43] * Liven_Up wastes no time and rushes over to Hearth. "What's wrong, what do you need?"
  66. [23:43] * Dark_Quill looks at hearth "Yes both of them!"
  67. [23:44] * Hearth quickly turns to Kai and Liven "I need to see him!"
  68. [23:45] * Detective_Hardboil stares at Hearth "..... Hearth, are you sure that's a good idea..?"
  69. [23:45] <Liven_Up> "See him?"
  70. [23:45] <Detective_Hardboil> "She means Bob."
  71. [23:45] <Kaiasha> "Oh, right...."
  72. [23:45] <Kaiasha> "Understood Hearth."
  73. [23:45] <Dark_Quill> "So a gryphon?"
  74. [23:45] * Liven_Up nods. "Alright. Kai, I'll take her."
  75. [23:45] <Kaiasha> "The both of us could use this actually Liven."
  76. [23:45] <Flora___> "Maybe"
  77. [23:46] <Liven_Up> "Alright then." he look to Hearth and puts a hoof on her shoulder. "Are you ready?"
  78. [23:46] * Aoyin clears his throat. "Quill. I'm going to head out. You should come with me." He takes a look at Hearth, and after a moment starts to leave, deciding to let her be.
  79. [23:46] <Liven_Up> (BRB low bloodsugar)
  80. [23:47] * Hearth is shaking as her tears continue to spill onto the floor and is practically raging. Wanting only one thing and ignoring everything else. "I'M FINE! I just..." *breathes in a deep breath and snorts out the air* "...I need to see him..."
  81. [23:47] * Dark_Quill sighs "Give it to strong maybe he can make use of it" He turns to Aoyin " Im coming" And follows him out
  82. [23:47] * Detective_Hardboil nods to Hearth, somberly
  83. [23:47] <Flora___> "Come find me at the inn if your still interested in the armor"
  84. [23:48] * Aoyin walks out to the town square.
  85. [23:48] <Kaiasha> "Understood hearth, take your time"
  86. [23:48] * Dark_Quill looks back at flora "Ok" and heads off
  87. [23:50] * Hearth snaps at Kaia "Will you just show me where he is already!?"
  88. [23:50] <Liven_Up> "Hearth... you're obviously not fine... but maybe this is what you need." He leads her to the basement morgue where his body is preserved by unknown means because I'm sure none of us want to deal with decomp. Magic bitches.
  89. [23:50] <Kaiasha> "Gah! she hurries off after liven after being stunned by hearth"
  90. [23:50] <Detective_Hardboil> [fukin zebra magic]
  91. [23:51] * Flora___ "It's getting pretty heavy in here for me in here im going to go find me later Liven I need to talk to you about some things. Find me in the inn."
  92. [23:51] * Detective_Hardboil stays where he is, already having seen the body of his friend.
  93. [23:51] <Aoyin> Patches: He hops off of Kai's back and follows Aoyin out of the clinic.
  94. [23:53] * Hearth practically stops as she follows the two, breathing heavily the entire way. She walks up to the body and eyes it over as her anger starts to quickly fade as she only becomes increasingly upset. She slumps down to the ground with a loud thud, slamming a hoof down as she shrieks out "GODDAMMIT!" *starts to sob deeply, her chest heaving as it strains to fill her lungs with enough air to keep up with her sobbing*
  95. [23:54] == Kaiasha [] has quit [Ping timeout: 192 seconds]
  96. [23:55] == Able_Tome has changed nick to Able_Tome|Nap
  97. [23:55] <Hearth> stomps as she follows*
  98. [23:56] * Liven_Up is seriously hypoglycemic IRL, so I'mma need a bit.
  99. [23:56] <Hearth> [Take your time, I'll just be here...crying T_T]
  100. [23:57] <Detective_Hardboil> [does that mean you literally have to eat sugar?]
  101. [23:57] <Hearth> [But seriously, it's all good. You take care of yourself]
  102. [23:57] * Detective_Hardboil shakes his head
  103. [23:59] <Liven_Up> [No, but I need to have stuff with sugar to raise it]
  104. [23:59] <Detective_Hardboil> [i see]
  105. [00:01] <Flora___> [just like grandma]
  106. [00:01] == Kaiasha [] has joined #FourCannonClinic
  107. [00:01] <Kaiasha> [Holy fucking Hard crash batman]
  108. [00:01] <Kaiasha> [Somebody give me what I missed]
  109. [00:02] <Flora___> [liven
  110. [00:02] <Flora___> [is eating]
  111. [00:02] <Liven_Up> [nothing at all except me saying I need to rasie my blood sugar]
  112. [00:02] <Hearth> Did you miss what I said?
  113. [00:02] <Kaiasha> [I might have]
  114. [00:02] <Kaiasha> [Last line was me following you guys]
  115. [00:03] * Hearth practically stomps as she follows the two, breathing heavily the entire way. She walks up to the body and eyes it over as her anger starts to quickly fade as she only becomes increasingly upset. She slumps down to the ground with a loud thud, slamming a hoof down as she shrieks out "GODDAMMIT!" *starts to sob deeply, her chest heaving as it strains to fill her lungs with enough air to keep up with her sobbing*
  116. [00:03] <Hearth> [that's what you missed]
  117. [00:04] <Hearth> [But yeah, waiting on liven to take care of his blood sugar]
  118. [00:05] * Kaiasha puts a hoof on hearths shoulder in solemnity "I'.... I am so, so sorry."
  119. [00:07] * Hearth violently shoves Kaia's hoof of her as she grunts a little before she resumes her sobbing.
  120. [00:07] <Kaiasha> [Its time for #arc words]
  121. [00:07] <Kaiasha> "Please Hearth, let me help. I want to help you]
  122. [00:09] * Liven_Up watches her silently. He wantsn to help her, to comfort her, the widdow of his brother so badly... but knows he can't, knows that no matter what he wants, this is hers to overcome. In the five stages, she's at anger and would have to come to acceptance on her own.
  123. [00:11] * Hearth slams a hoof on the ground again as she shrieks as loudly as she can "GODFUCKINGDAMMIT!!!" *collapses and sprawls out on the ground from her sitting position, still continuing to sob deeply through gritted teeth. Her tears squeeze through closed eyes and wet the ground that her face is against*
  124. [00:12] <Kaiasha> [Things kaia would not say: "But wait, he's alive and well in this town! Sure he's memoryless and has no idea who you are, but its the thought that counts right?" ]
  125. [00:12] == Flora___ [] has left #FourCannonClinic []
  126. [00:14] * Detective_Hardboil sighs, knowing there isn't much good he can do right now. He resolves to exit the clinic.
  127. [00:14] <Kaiasha> [And before you say, No even kaia isn't that stupid to say that]
  128. [00:14] * Kaiasha can only look down on the pony on the ground "yet another pony I cannot help"
  129. [00:17] * Hearth lies shaking on the ground as she sobs, occaisionally she shrieks out in frustration and lashes out slightly.
  130. [00:18] * Kaiasha stands there, any hits that goes her way she takes stoically
  131. [00:19] * Liven_Up walks over to Kai and puts a hoof on her shoulder. "First thing you need to accept... is that you can't save everyone..."
  132. [00:20] <Kaiasha> [Kaia track record with succesfulling helping ponies she said she would: 0:3]
  133. [00:20] <Hearth> [;____; I'M SORRY!]
  134. [00:20] == Ikea_ [] has joined #FourCannonClinic
  135. [00:21] <Kaiasha> [No worries hearth, this is a character issue]
  136. [00:21] == Ikea_ has changed nick to Ikea
  137. [00:21] <Hearth> [IK...]
  138. [00:21] <Kaiasha> "Then I will save who I can"
  139. [00:22] == Ruby_McCoal [webchat@] has joined #FourCannonClinic
  140. [00:23] * Ruby_McCoal enters the clinic, waving to anyone who could be in there
  141. [00:23] <Liven_Up> "That's all we can do. But now... we need to let her express her grief however it manifests."
  142. [00:23] <Kaiasha> [The clinic is closed, please come back later]
  143. [00:23] <Ruby_McCoal> "Hey there ponies, have you seen lucy?"
  144. [00:23] * Ruby_McCoal instead smash against the door, muffling her words
  145. [00:23] * Hearth shifts from sobbing to stammered breathing. She opens her eyes staring at the ground as she murmurs under her breath, half crying "...dammit..." *cries as she stares at the ground*
  146. [00:26] * Ruby_McCoal knocks at the door, shouting "Hello? Is there anypony in here?"
  147. [00:27] * Kaiasha sighs and heads upstairs opening the door "Ruby this is bit of a moment you are interrupting, is there dire need?"
  148. [00:28] * Ruby_McCoal rubs her forehead, paining her "Oh hi Kai, sorry for disturbing. I just wanted to know if you have seen Lucy around. Rain and I are looking for her."
  149. [00:29] <Kaiasha> "You mean the other one? Fuck if I know, I haven't even seen her yet."
  150. [00:29] <Kaiasha> "She's not here."
  151. [00:29] * Ruby_McCoal nods "Alright, I'm not holding you further. Thanks and see you!"
  152. [00:30] * Ruby_McCoal trots away immediatly
  153. [00:30] == Ruby_McCoal [webchat@] has left #FourCannonClinic []
  154. [00:30] * Hearth wears herself out after some time. Leaving her with her face against the ground, intently breathing as her chest heaves, shaking her whole body.
  155. [00:30] * Kaiasha closes and locks the door and heads back downstairs to where the unicorn lies
  156. [00:32] * Liven_Up doesn't leave Hearth during this, waiting for her to finish or ask for his help.
  157. [00:33] * Kaiasha hums 'it is well' to herself
  158. [00:37] * Hearth stares at the ground as breathing gradually slows back down as she takes deeper and deeper breaths, but she moves no more than he breathing makes her.
  159. [00:38] * Liven_Up walks over to the side storage area and removes a blanket. He walks it over to Hearth and puts it around her, the only thing he can think of to do at this time.
  160. [00:39] * Kaiasha closes her eyes as a few tears escape from her own ducts and quietly says the last line "it is well with my soul"
  161. [00:41] * Hearth grabs at the edges of the blanket on top of until she can properly grip it and wraps herself tightly in it. She closes her eyes and exhales, her face still flat against the ground.
  162. [00:43] <Hearth> on top of her*
  163. [00:43] <Liven_Up> "Would you like a pillow as well? Maybe a cup of tea?"
  164. [00:43] <Hearth> "..."
  165. [00:44] * Kaiasha puts a hoof to her chest and concentrates, feeling her own heart beat, letting her own thoughts relax.
  166. [00:46] <Liven_Up> "I don't think he'd mind if you drink it without him having any."
  167. [00:48] * Hearth grunts quietly as she shuffles a little under the blanket, wrapping it more tightly around herself.
  168. [00:48] * Liven_Up sighs. "Sorry..."
  169. [00:49] * Kaiasha takes one deep breath and takes a good look at the body. the body of her boss, her superior doctor, and her friend
  170. [00:52] * Hearth looses up a little and her head tilts so that the side of her face is now against the ground as she lies there.
  171. [00:53] * Kaiasha she can only stare at the body for a few moments before she has to turn away in tears,
  172. [00:54] * Liven_Up plops down next to her and once again, sighs. "He seems so peaceful... and it's odd not hearing his lame jokes."
  173. [00:54] <Dark_Quill> (Stop i cant handle these feels ;A; )
  174. [00:55] <Kaiasha> "S-so close.... yet so, so far away"
  175. [00:55] <Hearth> ['Her' being...?]
  176. [00:56] <Liven_Up> [Hearth, my bad]
  177. [00:56] * Hearth lets out a frustrated snort and cusses under her breath
  178. [00:56] <Liven_Up> "Hey, come on. You know his jokes sucked."
  179. [00:58] * Hearth speaks quietly with anger apparent in her voice "...they made /me/ laugh..."
  180. [00:59] * Liven_Up chuckles a bit and adjusts his glasses. "They made me laugh too. Not because they were good, but because I was like, 'wow that was lame.' I think he knew too..." He softly smiles at his friend.
  181. [01:01] * Hearth shuffles a little, facing herself away from Liven as she forces the air from her lungs, growling slightly
  182. [01:02] * Kaiasha shakes her head "And yet, I can still feel him."
  183. [01:02] <Liven_Up> "He loved life, loved living. And I think we owe it to him to never forget that...."
  184. [01:04] <Hearth> "...and they took him away from me..." *starts to cry once more as she chokes out the next words* "...gahawddammit..."
  185. [01:05] * Kaiasha puts a hoof to her heart "He is not here."
  186. [01:06] * Hearth curls up slightly as she quietly cries, hiding her face under one of her front legs
  187. [01:06] <GreenHoof> [I wish I were there IC ;_; ]
  188. [01:07] <Liven_Up> "He was takesn, yes. And we all miss him, but..." he keeps smiling. "Bob wouldn't want us to focus on his death. He'd want us to remember his life, remember the smiles he put on our faces... and that's what I'm going to do."
  189. [01:07] * Kaiasha shakes her head "No, a false hope is horrible," she climbs up the stairs and comes back down with a basket of strawberries.
  190. [01:08] <Hearth> [It's okay, Hoof, there's nothing you could do about it...I mean you could've not fucked Lucy and you might still be awake...]
  191. [01:08] <GreenHoof> [ ;_; ]
  192. [01:09] * Kaiasha the room fills with the scent of strawberries, she sits by the basket waiting for hearth to calm
  193. [01:11] <Hearth> "I-I know, but..." *chokes out a single sob* "...just goddammit why..." *continues to quietly cry* "...why him..."
  194. [01:13] <Liven_Up> "I've asked myself that everyday since he left... and I still don't have an asnwer. But to focus on it will only hold you back; Bob wouldn't want to be a weight on our backs and hooves, but someone to be inspired by... that's why I can't help but smile when I see him, even now."
  195. [01:15] <Dark_Quill> (Bob did it to save you hearth, and these feels im seeing make me feel this pain even more ;_;)
  196. [01:15] == Alerderna [] has quit []
  197. [01:16] * Kaiasha looks out at the moon "That is a good question"
  198. [01:16] == Alerderna [] has joined #FourCannonClinic
  199. [01:16] <Nova_Flux> [lucy]
  200. [01:16] <Nova_Flux> fuck
  201. [01:16] <Liven_Up> [Kai pls we're in a basement no window]
  202. [01:17] <Kaiasha> [Well derp]
  203. [01:17] <Hearth> "I...I was fine yesterday, but...I-I don't know...I, I was going through his things...and when I left ring, I just couldn't keep it on...GODDAMMIT! I JUST WANT HIM BACK!" *starts bawling*
  204. [01:18] <Hearth> [Quill, I know, but IC will do as IC does. SORRY!]
  205. [01:20] == Dark_Quill [webchat@] has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
  206. [01:21] == Dark_Quill [webchat@] has joined #FourCannonClinic
  207. [01:26] * Kaiasha can only sit and wince at Hearth
  208. [01:28] == Kaiasha [] has quit [Quit: Has had enough of this bullshit OOC]
  209. [01:29] <Liven_Up> "We all do Hearth... we all do."
  210. [01:30] * Hearth screams through the tears "All the moments we shared, all that time together, and now I'll never get it ever again!" *shrieks out in agany and frustration, unable to find the words to express herself*
  211. [02:07] * Hearth eventually wears herself out and stops crying and yelling. Her mouth hangs open as she lies on the cold floor of the morgue, a small darkened cirlce on the ground where her tears pooled. She breathes rather heavily as the tears still dampen her face, but the breathing slowly lightens up as she drifts off to sleep.
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