
Homeopathy stuff

Jan 9th, 2014
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  1. Let's say you take a brand new bottle to make Nuxvomica 10M. That means there is one part of Nuxvomica per 10 thousand units of water, right?
  2. Now you pour the remedy out of the bottle but some residue will remain in microcracks etc.
  4. You reuse the bottle next time pouring the new stuff in there but you also have the leftover 10M residue. How can it mix with the added stuff when it can't physically contain even a single complete molecule? By what mechanism would the residue that can't even be a single full molecule mix with the new, added stuff? What stops that partial molecule from going from 10M to 20M independently from the added higher concentrated stuff when you prepare the next set of remedy? Basically, wouldn't there be 10M from new stuff in addition to 20M from the residue?
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